Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2006, p. 36

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B*- The C-anadian Champion, Tuesday, April Il , 2006 MORTIGAGE 251 Main St. E. Suite 201, Miltoîn Head Officet 5280 Sîîlar Dr., #11, Mijss., ON L405 Nu M A GMAC Company JohnCavin n AMP 905.878.7213 Muorugenulant Sprmng-cleanung youir debt could saile you thousaids! Wsuldu i sprfingcleauii 96110 much more graîufying if - sumeoliere un your dusly 1 garaie psyu founul au umuelupe vv116 $5,099? if courte il ouid! hWel pou say est ucouer a firancial wundffall chou poi're clganung the bouse, but n' f sie andl attenon oo spriog-cteaning your financial bouse eau lie uery rnoarding. Are gos erdleîslp carp ng a large suniblp balance or your credil card? Are pou sai îg regular_ use of pour ooerdraft protecion ai the bantik? This particulîr kird of f flancial clutte sigoiog, ursgcsrgd consumer debi - os csofusîrg and cooily. Its limue lit spring citai your dobti Beginu lbt a liaI sflans, cred i cards or unsecurel dei, malitrg noie of the uieresl rates diage gons balances. iontI furgel t0 unctude tbe fax mas un your spnng-ceanuogg prs Ici! Neo, faie a sloo ai sorgage raies, ard mali an appoimmeni euil a molgage profesi suai. iy rolig pour Chber debtiti a morigage - fiee or eoîiîtng - pou cao reduce the nimber of papseols pou're mai eacb sailli, se big on ieresi chiarges, aid impricie casb flow. 90w ssci difference utill il reallp sali Well il cao 6e as good as ftuding ibai $5.999 eruelope in pour garage. Wbp? As an eoaspie, if pou haoe a $160.0ii sorgage ut 6% bigli inieret credil carde and cirer toure oflsag $33,000: pour lofa moihlp papsent csatd 6ll $2.914, Nsw if pou isoli 16sf $193.999 and auldeu or an approoîmate $3.911 penalty 10 refînance pour sorgage, pou mag be uble 10 poieniallg roi, ibis $1 96,000 ito a 4.95i% sorgage (OAC, raies oubieci 10 chiange) rOsi could reduce pour overail mortblp papmeoî 10$$1,134 -arroilphysaings of $890. Your sonbly papmeot bas been redluceul, goure saotrg on unferest charges, and aIl of pour high irferesi credt card debto are gsnfe. If pou have equiIy te pour home - preferablp more thar 25% p ou map cool 1 t ali adoantage of low sorigage raies andl rtd pourseif of pour fitanctal cltet Tolli 10 a sorgage profeusuorual clir car anapi pour situation ard outltre pour oprung-cloanurg Se au pou poliol i cîdoce. shalie carpelo urd clear the garage, dorot forgel tho muer recardtng 100k of ail: sprnr-cleurtrg pour debt. Pour fitrrcial house otîl erîog the freoh begînrtrg test John Cacao Ps a Consultant with Morigage Intlligence, www.slresstroomoel- n gages. ta. aIfPARTNERS IN PLANNING FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. *Finunrial Plarring *Retiremert Plarring i1 Muanuai Furds *R.R.I.Fs *Lite Insurunce Tel: (905) 876-0120 Faxt (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, n MA, ulîli EP Milton, Ontario L9T lP9 A FRUCU P Q: Should 1 E-File my tax returo? A: We huve in a usurld of instant - faut food, self serve gas, ATM machines. Why nul E-file? Like evelyt6iing else benefitu ure offert uccompanied by pulential issues. Sume peuple's Iax refusas are sleutghl furward. There are few untachments and small refunds. Others are very complen with tuition transfter humn older childeen, child cure enpenses fium younger unes, medical and charitable receipls, RRSP or RRIF withdrawals, pension adjutrmints, business related expense, disability lau credits etc. Thse recelpts must eother bc subntitted with yonr anInciant or retaineul for future presentulin lu CEA. Straight forward lau relumu cao hentefit huom E-Filing - luxes are sahmitted quîekly and pou may gel your refnnd tsoer White e-filed complicuîied renarns may benefiî huom lest clenical errurs when 6eing prneessed by the Canadian Revenue Agency [FRA), there can be peuh- lems with the detaîls. With E-Filiug, the uttacltents are nul submiîted. Itîis yeur responsibility lu hold un lu them for future reference - for?7 years. CEA dules audits or qnality control resiewu. You eau receiue a lenter requesîing copies of your danghter's tuition receipt ne your urn tan information. These requests reqaire that you go itt your files, and provide the requested origi- nul document before your deduction will be allowed and your refond received. When pour lau return hou several attachments, ask yuur tas preparer about 16e pros and cons of E-Filing. The blentti of speedy subrnussion teaut bc out weîghîed by the need te, retain your receipîs for? 7pears. Understanding pour tan situation and develupmng appropriate strategies is vital lu, yoar fmnancial future. Contact Partuers in Planning regarding pour lau stralegles. 905-876-0120 AFFILIArEo WITH PARTNERS IN PLANNING INSuRANÇE SERVICES INC 0r - 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton Yvonne 905-875-3345 Oliveira Q: Is the Ringing in, Mv Earn Normal? A: Not ait ail fmnniîus is the namne foîr ihese head noises. and they ire sery comun. Nearly 36 million Canadians suifer from ihis discomfort. Tinnitus may conte and go. iir yon may bc auvare of al continuoussourd. l cao vary in pitch lrom a lom riiar 10 a high squeal or whine, and you may hear il lu one or both cars. When the ringing is constant, o eau lie annoyiug and disîract- ing, More than seven million people are afflicted so severely bhal lhey caoi- flot lead normal lives. Whaî Causes Tinnitus? Most tinnitus cirmes from dantlage to the muicro- scopie endîngs of the hearing nerse in the fluer ear. The health ot these nerve eodîngs is important foîr acute hearing. and injury 10 tirem brîngs on hearing loss and offeen tînnîtus. If you are older. advancîng age is generally accom- panied by a certain anlount oîf hearing nerse impairment and firnts. If yu are younger exposure to loud noise is prohably the leadîng cause of tinnitus, anud oflen damages hearîng as oeIll There are man> causes for soubjective iinniîns,' the noise mlxv yenu can hear. Some causes are not serions 12 smrait plug oif was in the ear canal might canse tempîîrary tînnîtus). Tinnitus can also be a symptiim of stiffening iii 1e mid- dle ear hottes Miosclerosis i More frequenîly tinnitus cao offeen bc the resuli of hearing Irîssis bîch can bevottliroed thrîîugh haviiig sitar heariug iested regularly. Tiniiitis niiý ai-i bcecaused h> allergx. hîgh r luis blond pressure Mliood circulationi priihleîusî. a îumîrr. diabetcs. thvroiil prohlenis. iiior> lit the hcad oîr neck. anîd a sariei5 ot tither causes îîîeludîîîg tîîedicaiiîs sav h as ati inflaninaîiiries, aniîihitiss. sedatives. aiiidelîressaiiîs atd aspiriîi If >oiu raie aspîrîn anjui :ir cars ring, tl. to sitar docîjir ahbout doîsage ii relatioin iii sitar si/e. tIis ire a hearîieg test Suite i, tter the lîrsi fer, nt idetîtit ling, the possible cause of, tînntts and anux 1reaîttits that viii d tulliii. h' ýii \iidiuL)Iîist lii atîdress qoesýtiotis regardine tiiiîitis. StaN toiteu ncsî inonthitliir lIreatiîieiis fr liniii, 'SOPPERS] Open to midnight, 7 da s a week Carriage Square, 265 m~iain Sjt. E. DI)At 905-878-4492 ROSS Question. H i e c111 uaBeeo W1s)sigjjj i.i Jlere anyh 1h c! ni to aod t/eni Answer. tt is estîmaîed that one persoin 100I s severely allergic 10, sningîng inseci venom. Each pear deaîhs resuait frot stîng reacîlons. Most people slnng will euperience a local reacton wînh redness, pain. swelling aid sonne itchîng onry uit 16e sîîng site. This asually 6egins 2 lu 60 mnutnaes afler 1he stig. Noemally dois reaclion will go away in a few houes. sonne people may have a larger local reacîlon that lauls for days. The more severe allergie reacnions wilI involve generulized inching, hives, shortnets otf hreath, wheezing, nausea and abdominal eeamps. These require immediate trealmean and a. visit te0 the ermergenep rootu. The mosi severe reaclion leauls t0 difficîlîy breaîhing and, or swallowîag, a drop in blood pressure and nnconsciousness. This eau aIl happen wilhin 15 10 30 minules and lis calleul anaphylacîje shock. Tbis requires emergency medical Ireatment as deaîh can occur within 30 minutes. If pou are stung you should check 10 see if the bee left a stinger behiîd. Oîly 16e Honey Bee bas a harbed sninger, whîch will be lefi in the skin. If a sninger is lefI in should be immediaiely scraped off as lil lakes 2 10, 3 miaules for the venotu sac 10, injeet aIl] il's venorn. The area should 6e washed carefally wilh soap and waîer. A cold or ice pack eau be applieul and afier a poule of baking soda aid maner can be nsed or a hydrocortisone crearn. Dabhing ammonia may also help the pain and îtching. Oral anlîhistamines can be laken 10 reduce the reaclion, and ucetaminophen can help the pain. Highly sensitive persons shoatd always have an Epi-Pen with Ihetu. To prevent being sinng, snay away fromt hives and the lests of sninging insecîs, as ihey can be aggressive if provoke If yon fînd a nesi. warn others about il and contact a professional entermiinaror. Shonld a hee or wasp Dpy near pou, slowly raise youe anis te, proteet pour face aid stand still or slowly move away. Neyer move rapidly and neyer strnke or swing an a wasp or bee. Avoid fragrances, don't wear brîghîlp coloared eloîhîng and be careful if eanîng ouldoors 10 keep food and beverages covered. Questions? Just ask your Healthwatch Pharmacist! w O:Wbats in those "YelIoW" RuIk Bags? A: eThmT Blc GadSoili h m sr and htcnded tc perfection in our yard with: black loam, peut toam, welI-composred munure and a rouch, of minera soit, lIts greur for use in your ftowerheds, vegecabte guedens, artd for over-seedirtg your Iuwrt. Naturally, one basic srep for succesuful gardenitg is takng cure of your so t CGreertThumbN Black Garden Soît in But Bas th fios covenert wy 0geafiebc yad f c bac sl clvre rgh c yurhoeB n p~~~~~~~~~ hoecl dhrksot.Lsn a reen hurry ro e t p You dont ev n d l eoxtn Thl B is nio t on he en t rvde y orgt a tl edeliarn ee e n Travef Choîce 16 Martin Street Dina Aibazi MfoON Betty McGee Travel Advîuor L9T 2P9 Travel Advîuor 905-878-2886 Milton Discover WaIt Disney World Now is the perfect lime to discover the Watt Disney World Resort in Fiorida. Join the Siggest Celebration in Disney history, celebrating 50 Years of Disney Theme Park magic. Experience spectacular Disney attractions from aroand the wortd ail in one magical place. And now if's more affordable than ever! A world of magic awaits! With this much enchantment, the vacation of your dreams is gloser than yoar imagination. There's something for everyone, so find out ail yoe need to know to enjoy the perfect Walt Disney Wortd Vacation. Please join aur Disney Information Night at aur Office. Christine Chilton from The Holiday Network wilt be joining us to discuss vacationing ai the Walt Disney World Resort. Date: April 25th, 2006. Time: 7-9pm Please RSVP 905-878-2886 Space is Limited O ~u. - on iM M à id

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