Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2006, p. 11

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Dufferin hauls in awards Duifcîîn Aggregaîes hactled in a truckload of aaarcis at the rccnt Ontario Sionie. Sand and (aras cI Association awards brcakfast, includîing soîne for îîs Miltons cuara. The local operation reccived recog- nition in threc categories - environ- mental achievemient. progressive reha- bilitation and communiiv relations. Tise Environmrental Achievement award goes t0 producers that bave deveioped and successiuiiy impiement- cd industra-ieading polîcies. programis or projects that mnake positive contribu- lions to, the environment, raise awvare- ness of enrvironmeniai issues and moti- sate leadership within the industr\. The Progressise Rehabilitation award acknowiedges ongoîng site reha- bîlîtation. ashile the award for commu- nusv relations encourages and recog- ncz'es aggregate companies' efforts to csîabiish relaîionshîps saith the com- imunes where they operate. Weare pieased to be rccognized for olîr continuîng comilmitrents 10 env-- ronmentai management. land rehabili- lation and communîtv, relations," saîd Duilerin Aggregates general manager Bill Gailowav. In total, Duffenin receîved 13 assards for its quarries, anîd pas throughout Ontario. Scotch Block winery wins lots of awards Competîng agaînst some of the fînesi vintages around. amines from the local Scotch Block NWtnerv climed top spots at a recent competîtion. The 23rd annual Troronto \Vine and Cheese Show ai the International Centre brougbî together exhîbîtors from Canada and around the worid svî-tb botb industrs and professionai tudges. The Scotch Block \\iner\ receis cd Beit of Sbowa for its Regal Black Circat dus vine. sils er for îts Cassis Black C-urrant decssert vsse and bronze for os, Desire Lite Hara et Black Curraîst siCîsaturc 5ecncs. \\-iniisiiaker Fi-cd Bulbe5 k ansd Bctt td a *osaici- of îcress~ ente Acres. ,aid tises te lsoîsoured to bas e plaeed so s; ehl The Canadian, Champion, Tuesday, Aprîl 11, 2006 - AIl Fundraising campaign Iaunched at annual meeting ln. la not-tot profit association that tornscd in 1996 when the Provinces decision to close the park was stronglv opposed. ltwnership of the park is the final step t0 presers'ing the museum ancd agnicultural bis- torsy of COntario, said tise parks general msan- ager Reg Cressman. "This is a great opportu- nity 10 own and operate this wonderful musc- om. fi is a miarvelous tsew chapter in the flfe of (ounrx' Heritage Park and the Ontario Agriculînral Muscum. Tbis is what we've heen looktng f orward t0 since the sommer of 1998.- Cressman added that the park âil remnain under the same management bot an endosa- x0OI .11 tal)le luttcltog t> IIClp) as\ I t il it future development "One major change ta ihat we need t0 estahiish an endowr-nent fond of $2 million over the next three years as we wiII not have goverroment funding," be said. Cressman kîcked off a fundraising cam- paîgn for the endowment fond by announc- ing a donation from CanPlow '03 - a piow- ing championship event thc park hosted in 2003. He explaîned that the $98.210.71 con- tributioîn wsas made as a paymcnt t0 reîm- bctrse the park for some of the cosîs it put out t0 support the event. Cressman had acîed as chaîrman of the volunîcer committee that produced CanPlow event. He chai lenged oth- [Di\ IL Naiitrc-, c outitis I c t Experience i nc.s vice-presideni. saîd there has been considerable support from residenis and now evcryone bas a chance to bc involved. "Over the pasi eîght years, wc've receîved tremendous encouragement from individu- ais, corporations, associations and communi- ties. Now tbey have an opportunity 10 parîîc- ipate in a very tangible way 'The public is encouraged 10 attend attractions at the park, rent facîlîties for meetings and speciai evenîs or make a fînanciai contribution 10 itur endowment fond. Participatioîn ai Al levels wîill ensure the future of the park,' he saîd. - With files from Melaîsie Henîsessey aivfoIFU ML uimau MM' ~±P~fIMPt L Pronunciation: im'pa:la SFunction: noun lnflected Form(s): plural impalas or impalla Etymnology: Zulu. A large antelop (Aepyceros melampus) extremely agile. active both day and night and found in herds Ron Can HeIp You Bag Yours At Richardson Che vrolet! RICHADSGN ____401 nicniIRDSN -jSteetes Ave. Main St DHVOkT IerryRd DG 905.878m2393 HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON EHEVROLET ---------------------- ------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -

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