Region needs to truly encourage residents to cut back on their waste * fron GARBAGE on page A6 cbanged our cooking and cating laiahts - boîli to conserve ener- g>' and to generate less waste. We brought our lunchies 10 work in reusable containers artd if going tu Tins florions, we used ibeir china inugs and plates versus their tbrow-away paper cups and bags. \Ve also started to read news- papers on-line versus gettng the paper copies, amd wc've becin trying lu gel inarketers and tbe Post office to stop sending us îunk mail as welcl. '\X'e even tried 10 gel Bell Canada to stop drop- ping off those litge, and %will neyer be used, bulkv teleplione books. vVe compost nearl>' every- tling tliat leaves tlie kitclien and anyîling Iliats not composted is always reeycled. We now put oui mucb less iban a haîf bag of garbage per week and a baîf full bloc box of recyciables ever>' second week. As we compost aIl kitelien scraps, we bave no organic maîcrials that could go 10 a green cari program sucli as the Region 15 now irying. I believe tbat lîke many othb ers in Halion, we too arc doing more than our bit t0 bel p reduice wbaî's going to tbe landfill. Howex er. our cosîs - via our taxes - bave skvrocketed bevond beief, and from wbaî I gather wiib the Regtons planncd grecen cart program îbat inany don't want or need, wîll bce going Up once agaîn. We've paid bard-earned dol- lars 10 lie extremely wasîe mani- agement conscîous and garbage- reduction proactîve, yet we kecep getîing liti witb tax increases tbat tbe Region says is to cover tbe garbage pick-up consponent and ollier trasb disposai serv'ic- Cs. As we lîve in a bîglier tax- assessed home, our garhage-î.ix compontent is mnucb biglier tban tbosc wbo live in lower tax- assessed homnes and yeî miglit produce more îrasb iban us. 11 mvý opinion, tbe Regions îbînkîng on bow t0 redoce wbaî's goîng to landfill îs some- wbat arebaic, and is clearly nol grounded on îodlay's avaîlable îecbnology nor the proper use of citizen cbange-tbînking incenlives. fi appears 10 lie more dniven by a big brother/sîster way of îhinking, wbile ai tbe samne lime taking even more tax dollars wbile we try 10 generate less garbage. If citizens use less water, elecînicît' or fuel, îbey pay, less. Wh-not tbe saine type of incen- tive îbînkîing for garbage dispos- aI? \Vb at-e costs for garbage disposai services îreated dîffer- entîx'? li sbould lie the other way around. ibose producing inucl lcss garbage f'or disposai sbould pay mucb less garbage disposai cosis. Wooldn't you îbink ibis is the more fair meîbod? The Region needs to actively pronsole wasîe reduction liy makîng îî hotons fine attractive 10 ibe citizens' walleî. The less y00 generate, the less you pa>, fI should lie ibat simple. But its not1 Btîyîng producis wîîb less packaging, însîalling anid usîng kîîcben-sink garbage disposai onîts, lncreasing backyard coin- posiing and geîîîng the Region, înarketers and Bell Canada to stop sendîng us wbaî we don't wanî will ail belp bo reduce ibe ainount of materiais going to the lanilfill. Witb îodlay's tecbnology, the Region coold even safely incin eraie îrasb and produce badlv, needed electrîciîv ai tbe saine lime, saving even more landfîll space and generaîîng revenue ibat would furtber belp to reduce taxes. Olliers are doîng il, wby not Halton? To reduce wbats going to ibe iandfîll, wbat Halton cîlîzens need are garbage reduction incentives linked bo lax redue- lions, îlot more wasie maniage- ment slrategv, spin and more tax increases. BOB BEYETTE CAMPBELLVILLE Halton MP should have run as an independent (Tite foillîîwiîg letîcti mmas ciddressed lu Haltoit M\P Gai tt Tiînicî, uand ai copv %vas filed îî'îîh Thte Chamîpionî.) DEAR EDITOR: i was one of many Canadians wbo donated lime and money 10 sec the Conservatives win tbe fasi federal electon. l'm a constituent of Halton nidîng, but 10 lie toiaiiy bonesî i only voîed for Garii Tomner because lie was tbe Conservative candidate in ns> niding. Like many Canadians, i was dîsappoinîed b>' Prime Minister Sieplien Harper ailowing - or encouraging - David Emerson 10 cross the floor afier tbe election, jusi as I was ouîraged by the Belinda Sîronacli defection. I îseed Turner Io explain bo me bow bis bebavs iour is ans' dîfferent froin Emerson's or Sîronaclis. lis constiluenis elecîed a C onservaîlve candi- date and îî seemns 10 mie tisai les rapidîs becorning an independent. Hîs ideals do seens lofi>., but tbey would lie so mucli more credîbie if lie bad adopîed ibens before ibe election b>, runnîng as tbe independent candidate be wanîs t0 lie. Tomner bas staîed repeaîedly ibai be înîends to represent bis consituenis' wisbes in Ottawa. Let me lie very clear, ibis constituent wants a sîrong and unîîed Conservative govemmenî under Harper's leadership in Ottawa. DAVID FUERTH SUNNYVALE CRESCENT The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprl 7, 2006-A7 \Man charged with possession of seeds containing weeds 'ime Capsules' are geints of infor- mation extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order Ici provide a wfndow int Mil ton' past. Explancgory comment is sometimes providcd ta place the situa- tion fn context. July 1907 D.A. Brooks, of Georgetown, appeared before R.D. Warren J.P cisargeil witli "liaving in bis posses- sinn seeds containing weeds." Lasî Mardh tbe Dominion Inspector of Seeds caîleil ait tlie defendant's place of business, found tisat lie liad seeds wbich did not look pure, took a sam- pIe and sent it to tise analysi ai Ottawa, wlio reported that be found weed seeds. Tise defendant was con- victed and tlie magistrate imposed a nominal fine, 25t and costs, as a warning to, seed dealers generally to lie careful wbat tbey selI. If others offenil tliey will nut get off so easily Archie McGibbon, the newly appointed governor of Halion's jail, got bomne from, Saskatchewan on Friday evening and came to Milton on Monday On account of tise estab- lisliment of a new post office in bis neigbborliood in Saskatchewan, tise telegramn and letters informing bim of bis appoiment were tliree weeks in reacliing lins. He ,Nill hegin bis dues as soon as tbe necessary papers bave been "signed, sealed and delivereil. Tise excursion and pienie last Tbursday l8tb to Toronto Island in connection witb tise Sunday Scisools of Grace Cliut'c and AIl Saints, Terra Cotta, was a great success and large- ly attended. Tise proceeds frons the sale of tickets wenî a little over $200. Terra Coîta tumnei oui weIl, con- îriliuting more tban baîf of tise amount guaranteed tc, tbe railway Thie C.R gave a splendid train serv- ice and tise trainmen could not have been more pole tban tise> were. At tise Bay Street crossing tise passen- gers were let off and taken on tise train on the track next 10, tise waîer, so as 10 avoid aIl danger of accident. Dr. and Mrs. Stuart bave removed 10 Guelphs. Tbe doctor lefî on Milton ~ Time î Capsules Monday evenmng and Mrs. Stuart fol- lowed bim on Tuesdy morning. Both have long been among the most prominent and popular residents of the town. Dr. Stuart lias practised here for about a quarter of a century and bas a very high professional standing particularly as a surgeon. He is vice president of tise Ontario Medical Council. He is well known at Guelphi wbere lie lias performeil many important operations at the bospitals and lie lias gone to tbat city on account of the larger field for practice wbicb it affords bim. On Tuesday l5th Benjamin Howden of Esquesing went to Toronto ici hire a farm band. He engaged one Wm. Brown, aged 48, wbo isad just arnived, baving core straiglit througis fromr England. Brown looked bealtby and strong, Mr. Howden says. He worked with a boe on Wednesday and on Thursday morning, but at dmnner lie saîd lie did not feel well, got up from the table and went out. As lie did not return a se 1arcli was made and in about two liours after dinner lie was found dead in a wbeat field. As so littie was known about him, noliody saw liim die or knew tise cause of the deatli. Dr. McCoil, coroner, opened an inquest in tlie evening and an adjournment was made until the post mortem examination. Tlie members of Acton biand bad a narrow escape from. a serious acci- dent wliie en route to Eden Milis gardien part>' on Wednesday evening i 7tb. The sudden appearance of an automobile was thie cause of ail tbe trouble. The resuit was their rig was upset and most of tbe members were eitber shaken up or liad tiseir uni- forma and instruments damaged. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton I-istoricai Society by Jim Di ils, who can be reached ai LIAHLE ~IEL EM Address 357 Queen St., ACTON Local 519-853-0200 Tol Free 1-866-620-3248 Parts Hotline 519-853-5613 E-mail info@achillesmazda. ca L t --, L-ý L- L ýC, =- -ï-z'4,L LI ýw