Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 2006, p. 29

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MILTON 2 locohouses 3-bedîvom, 4 appl imrndîately & Mai h lt Call Dave 905-878- 5444. GEORGETOWN Town- bouse for lent. $1 .275/month plus utîlîties. Availablu May 5th. Cali Elizabeth Douli, Johnson Asso- clates Ruaitor 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN Town- bouse for rosi. $1,275/month plus utîli- lieu. Avaîlabie May Sth. Cail Elizabeth Douli, Johnson Asso-siatus Reaftor 905-877-5185. NEW Esesutivu Tocs- home availabie for leasu Jase 1/08. Beautiful sua 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, cîth masy apgrades. South Oalxoiiie/Barliigîos loca- tion, close to laku, easy assess to 08W in Lake- shore Woods sommusity. $1 700/mo+ atilities, Refuresses requîred. 905- 847-318 OAKVILLE.- 3&4 bed- room fowshouses avaîl- able April tthIrough Jase 1sf. 4 applianses, Hopedale Mail ares. Lakeshore Management 905-878-3338 FURNISHED room sear Milton Mail, park- ing, isusdry etc. $ltO/week. Please sal 905-878-0992 SHAREO esesutîvu semi, for as orgasized professiosai, female prelerred, Derryl Thompsos, clean & peaseful, Prîvate Sud- roomi bath. $550/ month. 905-569-3233/416-390- 1928 Hassia MILITON - shsred ac- commodations, availabie immedîatey. ResI $550/mosth. Good sîze bedroom 11txl2 Must lîke pots (dlog/satl. Janet 905- 299-2171. 0 Lot Found FOUNO; M/lton Pond, shîld's tashet on Suni- day aftersoon. 905- 693-9415. MILTON famîiy looking for un experiensed houe- is caregîver, Carîng for tco children, culS househoid c horus. Must Se flexible 10 lit parents shiftwork. Sesd pour resume and referensu to0 Peacmre fr Friday Ap--- 4t The Canadian Champion, Frîdsy ApI 07, 2006 - 29 DetsDeaths Cado * ns Cr oY~ fThaks Dsycar Articles m iiiiii M M,,,,,,, Wanfée For Sale SAUVE, Jerry (Frenchie) SEE KING 1a ister, able BED, A'ra ,ziv baigaîn. ,.Lb il Vhi Jii istiý5 home Must be flexie tic, arravl/ $250 905- 9Hospital Jerry Sauve at the ag0 0f 78.b wilh Saurs. 05864- 567-4042 cull deliver. Loy 09 husband of Beftp Sauve. Beloved 4548 father of John (Milite) Sauve, Barbara ERO Chry (John) Hacketf, Teresa (Warren) Whaten BEOROOM wod eChery- and Robert (MaryJane) Sauve. Jerry cas syclarle cod ed he, ourvived by bis 10 grandchîidren and 5 viai dresser, 2 sighlslavds. grest grandchîidren. Forever rumem- FUN ENCOURAGED Doxtail Construction. bered by bis 3 sîsters. Preducuased by Sale esoîrosment, Neyer opened Coul Jeansie-Marie Sauve, son James Lindsay healhy lunch & snacks $800 905-587-404 Sauve and gruat granddaughter Faîth oflered, Sshedued as- $,0.955744 Elizabuth Pioiti- , Pic -î ;c-,,A tvte ul t SUTTON- Craig and Debbie (nee Mckee) and big brother Maffhew are fhrifled fo announce the speedy birfh of their son/brother, Brendan Jay, weighing 9 ibs at Milfon District Hospital on Sun- day, March 26, 2006. Weicomed by grandparents Max and Dianne Suffon, Beverley and John McKee and the fate Jim Crifes. Excited aunts and uncles are Trish & Rich, Dan, Kim & Marco, Cathryn & Scott and Cheryf & Scott. Speciai fhanks toi Dr. G. Hanter, Dr. J. McDonafd and the excellent nurses at MDH. BRANDT - Trevor and Nia (nee LIewef. f yn) of Milton are pieased fo announce the birth of their son Kian Lleweîlyn Terrence, weighing 8ibs 3ozs af Milton District Hospital on March 28, 2006. Weicomed by proud grandparents Barrie and Pam Lleweilyn and Terry and Paf Brandt, excifed aunts Tracey and Tara and Uncle Gareth, thriffed cousins Courtney and Nadine and four great- grandmofhers. A very special fhank you fa Nurses Tins and Mary Anne, Dr. Rajas- îngham and ail the staff af MDH. DAY - Jeff and Laurle <Burgel) are thrîited f0, announce the birfh of their son Mitchell Douglas, born on March 21, 2006, weighing 9 lb., 4 oz. Proud Grand- parents are Rick & Gloria Day and Lilas Burgel. on Thursday April 6. The Liturgy of Chris- tlan Buriai wijl be celebrated at the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Sf., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Fri- day at il1:00 arn. followed by cremation. In lieu of flowers, as expressions of sym- pathy, donations may be made to, the Mii- ton District Hospital Foundation. J. SCOT",YI)1 WILSON, Robert Keith (Wiggins and Bobaloo> - Born May 31, 1946. Died April 3, 2006. Husband and soulmafe of Sharon D. Wilson (Nee Smith). Loving fafher of Tammy and husband Brian, Roy and wite Jodi, Joelene and husband Carlos, Jeremy and Josh stili at home. Grandfafher of Taryn, Riley, Tanner, Raegan, Jack, Megan and Dîfan. Aiways remembered by hin sister and brothers and their familles. Many thanks to Dr. Hanter and care givers. Private Cremation. In memory of Bob, donafions fo the Humane Society would be appreciafed by his family. l'is ffght was tooi short' J STT EWYI ~~Iamam lnemeram tn loving nirm cy ol KERRY KITCHEN AJxsr son, brothcr & uni.lewh passif away April( 6, 2ft Ir onur es a IndIe spac. to sayhow uuh wermiss yo Btluitiiscstake ihe ts( f(li lic o forger theday lst vou. Sadly missed by Mont Dad4PauZ Ken&famd:es In Memortams in the form 7 . ....0l f donations f0 The 9 " Canadian Cancer Society areee 1nfs rf jjjtjj jDejt 'cs 9 CroThanks IP;'adoThnks ROUSE, Doreen Ruth (Walpofle) Peacefuily ait St. Peter's Rusidence ait Chedoke on Wednesdsy Apnîl S, 2006, in ber 84f h yeur. Prudeceased by ber beiovud husband Fred. Loved mofhur of Eva Stoddsrt and Patricia and Bruno Camuzzoia. Loved grandmother of Psm. Tsmmy, Lîsa (Roy), Wayne and Glus. Great Grsodma of David, Kenny and Kim- berley. Aiso ioved by ber ofup-gnandchii- dren, Dus and Linda, Ris, Kayia, Trevor, Matlhec and Gîllian. Prudecessed by grandchîidren, Kimberley, Chnistopher and Kesen. Survived by ber sisters Marjorie and Gracu. Friunds ciii bu receivud aI the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Friday Apnil 7 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A Fuserai Service ciii bu heid on Saturday at 11:00 s.m. in Sf. George's Anglican Church (Guelph Lise north 0f Oenry Road(. Interment toi foiioc. In lieu of fiocers, donations toi the chsrity of your choice couid bu sppneciafed.> Online condoiences may bu tubt ait J.SCO T EAR, P A P * s e *lsie Ph, 87-31 Fa 876-2364 clasife @ * gtncadia hapi* e The family of JASON WAY woufd like f0 thank aIl of the many friends and relatives thaf were at the hospita and paid their respects at the funera home and funeral. To everyone that gave so generously f0 Jayson and Dakota's trust fund, the flow- ers and cards, f0 Andrew Kocher of McKersie-Kocher Funerai Home for ail bis assistance and f0 Paul and Steve of Dermgraphîcs for compieting Jason's tattoos. Our son fouched many people's lives and if showed at the benefit thaf was bel d for bis children. We woufd like f0 thank Sue Pinsent, Chris Patterson, Cindy Swan, Brook Patterson, Brenden & Hoffy Wood- bouse, Tamra Hofofa, Karen Coigan, Gary Casserin, Christine Perry, Adam Robinson, Jen McDowei, Mr. McDowei, Joe & Gwen Patterson, Biity Sullivan and ait the other people thaf helped make the night a success. To the Legion for donaf- ing the hall, the bands that played for the cause and the Champion for the adverix- îng. To ait the business's and people who donated aI f the gifts and everyone who came toi support the benefif. There are nof enough words f0 express our gratitude f0 a community thaf comes fogether at a fîme like thîs. Dur Son's memory wili live on in bis chîfdren and ail the stories everyone bas of him. he wili neyer bu forgoBten. From the bottom of our huarts, we wouid fîke fo say a big THANK - YOU. "ALWAYS LOVEO NEVER FORGOTTEN" Leslie, Randy, .layson, Dakota, .Jody, Kirk, Storm, Jordyn K*2 ublcaf tias é ubi NoNa tces NOTICE -Caret ree Mini Storage 591 McGeachie Drive, Milton 625 TOM NORRIS 623 MARISSIA SMITH 506 JULIE WILKINS 531 MILTON LOOGE 840 BRIAN ST. LOUIS 679 UNKNOWN 664 UNKNOWN 317/451 JOHN KURAN 608 SUSAN DICICCIO 665/666/667 DANIELLE DUGUAY 316 SEAN DUNBAR 251 RAYMOND MILLS 808 RICK CHOPPICK 328 ED WINDFELD 401 COAL TRUCK REPAIR 804 DAVID SPENSJ 706 JAMES REID 415 ROBERT GLEGG You are heruby gîven notice that pursuunf to the turms of your Lease Agreement with Carelrue Mini Storage, au a rusuit of your defasit in paying rent, the contents of the abovu noted Unîts ii bu sold on May 6, 2006 at lOam unieus payment in foul of ail rentai arrears, damages, costs and inturesf owîng is psid by the parties hure- in namnes for the unîts neot f0 their namres on or before that date. The amount owing for each unit may bu obtaîned by contact- ing Carefrue Mini Storugu af 591 McGes- chie Drive, Milton and paymenf may bu made there us cel. This ii bu the final notice of suie and no further notice wii bu givun fo you. The contents of the Unit(s) ii bu soid in buik as a unît. nr the uvent that insufficient fonds are receîved toi psy the balance(s) owing, Carefrue Mini Stor- uge ruserves the right f0 recover tire same. Boy? or Girl? f v our athy8fred wnh Birth Announcernent asailabie, Hawthorne Village, Lite Aduenltur- ers Osysare Service Jennfer 905-884-tilt. STAY-AT-NOME o bas Fuîltlime spases avalabie. Police sheck, CPR sertîfixd. Haw- thorne Village Area. Melîssa 905-878-8185 Ms~icDsDnce GUITAR tessons, gises in tocs, $20/hr. Cati Scott @ 905-878-2276. HoeCars LIVE i! New hesith &l weiiness magazine 250,000 copies. Coul- effective dîrestory adu, word adu. Cal today lui Souk for the June issue 416-493-1300 ext 276 uduguay@melro- COLORADO biste & greeni opruse trees, oarîous sîzes. Cail 905-854-9969 or 905- 299-9677. FINE & Cedar logs asy lengîS, asy size $2.00 & up, pisk ap osiy. Cai Ron 905-876-19008 SPALDING profession- al Hockey table for sale, salue $800,00, cake as ofer. Cai 905-901-3086. 8EAUMARK hesoy dslp washer & dryes sery good condition. $700.00 090 (pair). 905-878-7056. FISH 4 TROUT In Campbeliiie lu soc open. Pishîog lisesux sol required, 416-587- 9739. A dînînig rot, sherry- coud, double pedeutl table, 8 chairs, buffet. hulsh, doselal con- struction. Nec sSili in boxes. Cool $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9458 A King Piloclop Mal- treus Sel. Nec ni plas- lic. Coul $1600 o el for $450ý 905-567-9459. AIL Steel Buildings, maoy colouru, 200x30' $5500. 25'x40' $8700. 30'x40' $10.500. 32'x50' $14.000. $40'x60' $20.000. mavy Qhers 1- 800-504-7749 ccc vpioneerbî cARPET i have sevuaI issu0 yards of nus Olairi Master & 100% nylon car- pet. Wii do liing o om & hall for $39. Inciades car- pet, padt & installaion (30 yards) Sieve, s05-633- 8192 HOT Tub (Spa) Covems best prise, Best quaity. Al shapes &l soloars. Cal 1 - MOUNTAIN bîke, spa- sîaiîzed 98 Ml compos- ite tramte, Deore LX somponents, gsod con- dition $400. Power Rider enercîse machine 68.41 6-806-2539. PtNE drysink - baffet hutch 'table, 4 chairs, good condition, $700. Cal 905-878-361. POND Supplies, sera- tors, foustuins, bise dye, etc. STOCKING SPECIAL 8" RAIN- aow TROUT .99 (min. 1001. MORE SPE- CIALS & PRICES (519)833-2559 cwaîh1 vercreek ponds som POND Supplies, aurators, fosnitaîns, bise dye etc. Stosking specia 8" Ramn- bow trout .99cents (min. 1001. More spesîis & prises 519-833-2558 WHITE crib, gsod con- dition with maffress $99.00, sali a05-e90- 7597. Waied LI00K 1BEST CaShS Paid- Art, Astiques, Cnlestiblus, China, Crystai, Sîlver, Figurines, Royal Douiton, Scarossk, Glass, Poffery. Etc, Estate Spesialîsts, Top Cashý Cal John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 BEST CaSh. We buy il al. Antique larnîshingu, Royal Doalton, Hummel. Mour- fru, dinnercare, crystal, s/lver, cl0565, miiitary items Partial/ full ustates. Ed. 905-834-8300 Rets Sigma Phi fNOOOR CHARITY GARAGE SALE Sut. Aprîl 8 9am - t 3Opm 591 Chîldos Dr (Tocnhouse Res. Centre) Bargaxn's Galore, somefhing for everyonef Afso teaturng: bake table, Pampered Chef, Par>rLite Canaies, Mary Kay Cosmetica, Oiscoeery TOY Ragot GARAGE SALE Sait. Api 8th 9am - noon 805 Hudson Court (off Cabot Trait) Furniture, computer equlpment, CO's, videos books, toys, baby itenIs, cf othes, air conditioner, much moret th lisi ofîl th,6 laie Runalif IPork) Grvais wîîb il) sxpress thsîi iisarifsi thanks forîtbe wiiidsrfuisend-offfoi 'T'iîi ls aii ont lsîîî v.rlaiss finsîîJ & co-wssii, e ps, iti vb thîTwn (if Iviltsil, Nisnibos il tOraisit If/i (Jo Liss firs lis Lsgîîî Srvics on X'sifsedai's'eing adifiithe Mntsirs of tbe ilin tirs t)epî fos ie Hoîsar Guari ai thesesrvices thuiiday afisiiiiiii 'rpsaiat cbaîîbî iii ailt bias abs icam ossiiîî lspipai I ihiîse froînt soitsof ciiis'n/ isihîre oieiis of Purk. lis thoss abs îads clona- ins ii the MiltnDisIricti HîSapîrai, Tbe Heari & 'iîrite t'iîndaiin andf lis ( aadiasi C ancsr Soiewisî. andf aiss fo the fbs tisrs, sards & food.i Spsi.ialthians iii Kim. Reirsîca and )aoîîi îîîî tbe Scott Fariy Fanerai Honse, Resý sho Ses- bem for tbe lace service and us our lîong ime frienif Mayos Cissi Kranîî fioe She candsrfi eutvgy. Speciat thanka iii Braoi.h If6/i psî cembeni for xbe iavela' luncheon fsttsusing the service, Wc ould asiiietîvhank the E.M.S foi tbeur quict response, tbe staff in emergency at M.D.H., estieciat> Dr. Waîada, Dr. Hunier & Dr. Huiîasd tbegrca nusesinîstC.U. Gra-x Darn/,, Diae, De/bbxe ant heirfamili-s

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