Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 2006, p. 7

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Chudleigh says he's pushing hard f'or hospital expansion By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF As the town's population grows by leaps and bounds, Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh is urgmng the Province to, get on with the planned expansion of Milton District Hospital. That's what the local politi- cian told those in attendance at a breakfast hosted by the Milton Chamber of Commerce Friday morning ai Granite Ridge Golf Club. Chudleîgh indicated that with the development boom Multon's experiencing, tbe bos- pital is going to be in a "critical situation" in tbree to four years. "l'm doing wbat 1 can to put as mucb pressure as I can on the governiment about tbe Milton expansion," be said. "Its an important project." On tbe bealtb care front, Chudleigh also discussed the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) the Province is implementing. LHINs hill be communitv- based organizations with a man- date to plan, co-ordinate, ie- grate, manage and fund hiealth care at the local level. Tbe MPP said wbile the net- work system bas somte weak- nesses, it's sometbing be con "basically support." 1I tbink LHINs will flot be a bad tbing for us, provided it's delivered witbout a lot of beau- rocracy" be said. Chudleigb toucbed on other local issues in bis talk, sucb as infrastructure. He said wbile be tbinks local infrastructure is progressîng along extremely well, consider- ing tbe growtb tbe town is see- ing, the provincial infrastructure in tbe area is "flot keeping' Pace." Milton Mayor Gord Kraniz asked Chudleigh if hie secs any relief on the horizon for Halton wben it comes to GIA pooling - a system, which Halton con- tnibutes to, tbat helps Toronto pay for social services. He told the mayor hes hope- fuI that pooling will be phascd out, but noted the Provinces budget that wos released Tbursday mokes no mention of that happening. "Personally, I think the pro- gram is unsustainable," he said. "l tbink its probably seen its if e."' Chudleigh, wbo's the provin- cial Conservatives' critic for eco- nomic development and trade, also gave bis commentary on the budget at the breakfast. He critîcized thingo like the cut mode to the agriculture por- tion of the budget and discussed tbe continued struggle farmers bave financially He said in 2004, the income of ail Ontario farmers was leso thon $580 million. "That is an alI-time record low," he said. "To cut that (agri- culture) budget by 21 per cent is really something." He also complimented some parts of thc budget, such as the increase in funding for scbools. "1 think thats a very positive thîng," he said. "Our future is our cbîldren." Melourie Henncsse y can be reached ai mhcîinessc-y@rnilio,i- Police auction to be held this weekend Need a bike? This Saturday, the Halton of the police service headquarîcrs at Halton Regional Police Service wîlI hold its sprîng auc- Regionail Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd., in Oakville. tion with more thon 130 bîkes and numerous Vicwing will start ai 8:30 a.m., wîth the auction other items up for bid. heginning at 9:30 a.m. Items mas' bc purchased by The onction will take place at the indoor garage cash or cheque with proper identification. Many groups hard hit by cancellation from 400 on page AI The report notes several groups are particularly bord bit by the cancellation of the agreement, sncb as low-tncome parents and famtlies witb chîldren wbo have special needs. At last Tuesdays commîttee meeting, Regional Chairman J oyce Savolîne decnied the Conservatives' plan to abandon the Best Start plan and tnstead gîte famîlies $1,200 per year for eacb chîld under six. "$1,200 wtll probably look after an infant for a month, Savoltne said. "Wat $1,200 doesn't do is fîx wbats wrong Hire a student! witb the system - a shortage of gond cbîldcare spaces. She noted that to just take the Best Start fundîng away ts The Summer Career 1 1regressîve. mlyr iesu i "We ve just gone bock 20 years, she said. and not-for-profit emj Urbanski pointed ont that wbile helping parents witb the subsidy is a good tbing, developing the cbildcare system is Fr critical as well. "Botb need to, be donc. The system needs to be built, and Ti ntaiepoie parents need to, be supported," she said. td.Apiaon w The topic will go before regional counicil tomorrow, alongstd.Apiaonw witb a lcngtby liot of related recommendations, wbicb the regional and local pri( committee supported. welI as budget availal The recommendatiens include: To apply or to find ou * Approving the expenditures for the use of the $6. 1-mil- lion grant AL 18095 5 e Hiring staff -a program assistant and someone to sup- CLICK servicecanad port children witb special necds - on thrce-year contracto for the Beot Start program VISIT Your Service - Wniting to the federal govcrnmcnt 10 rcquest that it scck alternate sources of fundîng tcî support coi ly lcaming and child developmcnt or quîckly address the fiscal imbalance wvith the Province to allow the Bcst Start program to contin- ne. Melonie Hcnnesse -y con be îcwhcd at mltcnncsse-y@milion- canadianchamtpioncom. 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