Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 2006, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday March 28, 2006 - A23 CaiSan465548 ADMINISTRATOR Fx 905-84-The VILLAGE BY THE ARBORETUM nbusr eayhoc h Reid's Herifage Group of Companies la one of the largent homebuiiding and reai estafe deseiopmnent operations in South Western Ontario, with projects acfiveiy underway at a number of sites in Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Kincar- dine, Port Elgin, Owen Sound, the Bruce Peninsuta, Coitingwood, Signing bonus avaitabie. Chair rentai avaitabe. and Huntsville. Pieuse~ cai 0570-01 We are presentiy tooking for a top qualify, fulltfime permanent ad- Pla...l:95- miniatratise professînalto1 join Gar excifing ieam as Adminiatrafor Or appiy in persan ta: of the Village by fhe Arborefum, our award winning adluif lifeafyte HAIRLOF7 NDPA commanify in Guelph. Whdle the Village by the Arborefum la cur- 324 Guelph Stneet, Geargetawn renfly home fo over 800 reaidents, me are now ander conatruction and occupying 143 iasVry, condominium apartments wifh plana to Sile ilie~ add approaimasety 200 independenf and aaaiafed living unifa mài~t e ~ M~cal Hetlop (market dependent) oser the nexf 3-5 years. The quaiified candidate muai be a aeif-mofîsated indîvîdluat wit h ALIý>sapenior communication and inferpersona akitia, atong with <I wortd-claaa customer service values. The saccesafut candidate S herda nwiit be reaponaibte for a flamber of areaa inctuding: adminiatraion Sheridanof the on-site office, oseraeeing maintenance and apkeep of the SHERIDAN COLLEGE INSTITIJIE 0F communify rocreaf ion centre, cuatomer service, promnotingcm TECHNOLOGY & ADVANCED LEARNING, munity resale homea program, communication with reaideinta and Brampton Campus, is iooking for a residents' asaociation and other general tanka. BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER The aucceanfut candidate wîlf demonstrate profeasionat întegrity, The successua candidate muai panseus a secan- positive diaposition, outsfanding team apirit and a pasaion for ex- dary uchuot dîpiama, a Statianany Engîneer Faurth cellence. A post-aecondary edacation in Business Administration, Ciaso Certificats (or oquivaient), and a G" icense. a background in reai estate or a reattor ticense and a dîpioma in As eil, une ta three yoars ai practîcai worh relut- Office Administration is a definite asset with a minimum of 5 yeara ed soperience in the repaît and maintenance af esperience in an off ice or properfy management aeOting. Presi- baildings and retated systoma as requîred. os esperience in an aduit tifeatyte community as desirab e. Ad- Please send a resome and caner tettler by sanced akitis in Word, Excel and PowerPoint are cnitîcai to suc- March 30/2M0 Emal: ceas in thia position. or Fas: 9054815-4054 Please fax a covering letter and resumne by Apri I 1, 2006, For more if ormation, please vfsit aur weite to 519-658-4039 ABtenition: Shari Walpole et www.alî Select Vîsitors, Select Or respond by ornait ta Hummen Resaurcea, Select Wotfing at Sheridan Pissas, no phone cais. Oniy firose appiicants selecfed for an interview wîi be coniacied. AWNIN INSTLLERFor more Information on our Group af Companies vieil Full-Orne positonî avaitable fora reaponaibte, wwrlseiaeru.o setf-direcfed individoat eirh problem, oving skitis and seat ffearance. B fasic construction knactedgei espodience, s.. carpentr, traming, eic, a muai. -Experienice euth power & banda taxis a muai, etectdica and /Ion weiding knsciedge as a plus. -Ladder csrh ai heighia op ta thîrd niany. Occasionai heasy lifting -English tanguago skîis nocessary ion blooprînt reading, tiaiso ifth cosiomora, etc. -A cisan drîoîng record is a must, -Knowiedge ai the Goidenharse area, major atreets and intersectisons of the local iocno/cities caotd ho heipto. and trop readîng okillo Send reorne ta: fax 905-67-1059 or Emait: LICENSÉEbTECHNICIAN Saianp commenserate cit esperionce. Must base o bools. Pieuse contact Jerry Hassar ai 905- 877-2550 en tas resumne to 905-M-4762 omet oeorgetownimeiers@bemail.cer CARPET ONE Canada as currentiy aeotsîng an Administrative Coordinator sn sur Badingfon office. Thîs as an excellent opportonritfion indîvîdual crth the tal- ont and drive ix provîde the Wodld Ciasa Firsi Impression ta our venidons, mers- bers and staff, This position cii be nesponoibte for prooîding adminîstrative sup- port înctodîng: the maintenance oi the prodoci database, anacorîng the main phono. iypîng, pnocesaing & cnoaiing vanaus documents, opreadaheets, reporta and proueniationu, coondinating maltipie praiectu, & perianming basic adminîs- trative functiono uuch as filiho, copying, mailing, achedulîng meetings & travot. Candidates must hase a hîgh achoot dogroe cîth the preferonce ion one ta ueo peurs ai addiiionat achooting (secretanial/admînîstrotîve schoolîng preferned),' one ta thnee yeors ooperîence in a rotated field; excellent computer akitîs (Micro- uoht Office, inclusive ai Word, Excel, PocerPoint, Accoas, Outtoos as coul as cnoatîng Macros). Muai be officient ai praofing aproadaheets ta ensure no on- nons eoîat, pteasant phono mannen and abiliti ta dea crth memboro and vos- dons. Candidates muai ho soif-starters, have the ahiliti ta cadi cneativelp and effeciivelp ax a toam momben, have excettent speling and grammar skilla. At Carpet One, soccoso beginu erth son emptoyeeo. Wo matie sure our empiap- 000 hase the taxis and training thof need ta imprase theîr siltt eveiy daf. Ai Corpef One, ce record sur empiof OOs cdh the kîndsofu benehits and apporta- nihies foo'd expeci tram an indosiiy leader. We recogniae sur ompiopees for their hord corh and ce proside for ihoîr hoahih and the cet-being of thoir famiy members, opening avenues ut grocih and career desetopmort, and easng the balance befceen csrk and persona Ile. To arpy for io posibion pieuse ornai pour rexomne wîih oataiy reqoiremeno 10 or seod ix foiiowiong adidreso.CAPT N ABtn Baxter Freake LàCA P T NEJ 3170 Harveester Road Suite #101 Burllngton, ON U7N 3W8 ACCOUNTING SUPER VISOR ($40K-$5K) A rapidy oapandio9 Oukvîtto baoed accooniting parioorohip ha as immediate openixg for 8he position of Accounting Superviaor for the practico. The posidion reqoîres ihai f00 are an independent conkor and a tours player that con usanst eit lte grocth ni the partnership. Voor itandu xn ability cil ai- toc pou tox 611 the noie as an accoontant tirst, lton as a manager ta asseos ne- soits, implement and mointain basic procedors ix a changing ensîrnment. You understand the business of lime bitiings ton proiessionai services nendered. The aucceasul candidate cfIll paameaa: Skiiis and Qualifications: «3rd - 4th peur of a recognixed accoonbtng progrurn wfth 5 peurs of sccoonbing and gencrot office administratinn oxpen ence Slrong okulia in Excet, Word & Cther Microsoft Office applications *OuidkIooks accounhngn sotware knoctedge 'Eocellent interpersana and communicahion skitis ltaI fif ino a omall office environmeni Reapenaibiliflea Include: -Wxrk-in-Prnceax administration « Accoonting and Financia Reporting -Paprnit administration -'Administration ai esisting IT sysiemu tnteneoted candidates map send /fas /emîil theîn reoumnes is confidence ta. Henderson Pantnera LLP Attention: Hurnant Resaurces 2660 Sherwood I-eighte, Suite 103 Oakvitîe, ON L6J 7Y8 Fax.- 9054829-1454 Enmail HR ADMINISTRATIVE NAC is a heavy construction asenai contractor Wie reqoirs a Part Time Homan Resooncos Admis Assistant ai the NAC heaif office ix Morriston tHwy 6 & 401). The ideat candidare cii ho a col onganized indivîdua euth excellent lime management skuis. Skiffs requfred -Assîsting HR Manager euth daîiy admin dorien, photocopping, faxes, filie, etc. -Rosponding Ix ait ompixyment phono inqainios ta empixymexi hot tins -Pre-screening oi nesomes D ata entry ta HO darabase -Asoisi euth appnentîceohîp papsnwonk This position is 3 days t week, dapu cao ho flexible. Wages are $12-$S5 t hoor depesdng on osperience. Prevîxus HO exponienas on Odacatîx,, woold ho an auner. Pleaco send your resume fo: RECRUITER Fax: 51"-21-1111 Pfease mnclude job flOt. In ornas aubjecf fine, wewnacsword.comn ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR POSITION Bonrlingt n Lins-OtmsI Mnon Hckey Associa- Lio ix lookîng ion an snergstic, ouigoing indîvidual tar a F/T Permanent position nsporting directlp ta the Office Supervison. Houru: 35 hooral ceek Wsok 1: Mon-Thunu l2pm-Spm, Fnîg9ars pm Week 2. Taon- Fni. Odm-pm, Sa Oam-4pm (ns cookondo May 15-Aog 15) Sary: $22,000 - $24,500, includos beeitu. Muai possas excellent interporsosa, organîoa- tionai and communication SIS.a Forward nosumo by Manch 21 to: BLOMHA, 3455 Falreiew Street Burtingtat, ON L7N 2R4 Attn:Offlce Supervisor or email: No Tetophose catis piesx. Wo thasti thos cho appiy bur oaty those ootectod for an interview cii hob cosiaced. Reqoînod fan Construction Company Georgetown Anea. One office pasition, oeny prafessiana onga- aized persani EXPERIENCEO REQUtRED: " Simpty Accouniing " Paynutt, Doductian, Gaoennmen Remistances " Payablos/Receivablea * Pnagneso Cerificatea * MS Office Fax neoumea ta: 416-410-0226 Emait: gonrdonnerprises@bellnet.c Due la maternîiy Ilase, a national steel tube and bon diafnibulun is toaking ton candidates fa handie mraffia dues. Prime duties inctudoe schedotîng ut shîpmenis and togistîca fan impontation of steel pnuducfs. The candidates must passes sinang computer skitis and be cumfanfabte cîfh onîfs of mesune in metnic and impenial. Piease tas nesume ta: 905-87848M or Emai ta: eayg teinubco The Bodingun Liosn-Opîmis Minar Hodsey Asso- ocianistaoosing foran oiging indisidoa tar a Pull-lime Administrative Coordinator Must posseas excellent iniorpersona, sîganiza- tiana and communication tutuls. 35 houtahok. Week t: Man.-Thors. 12pm-Bpm, Friday Oam-5pm Week 2: Tues-Fni. ffam-Spm, Safunday 9am-4pm Ns ceesendu from May 151h - Augos 151h. Satary $22,000-$24,500. findoudes benefits. Plumse loraen resume by March 31 t0 No lelephone calla pleame, only thome seecteet wdît be cantacfed. Engielake Limtdetb she d fao 16 yeua and cel recsgnized and pubi ahed in design, praduci, and sersicea far the coostom home and rensoafons marhet- egauinota Home DesignStore Representative an a partîtme n oi lime basas Duhoes are clencal oecepi an, and retai supponi Candidates must bo cellaoganizod, able ta cots c 1h minimul supervi sion, and tamlar cith MSOffice. Please send resumes ta info@iengtelake cam. I altonSea Ir I .c Oukoîtîs haued nutiî compuof hua a position avai- able for a col anganizod indisîdosl ith utrnng ac- caunting & analytica okitîs. Dulios inctude A/P pro- coasîng, account anatysia and month end reconcili atians and reouting. Idea candidate ii hase min. 5 yeana espenionce, goad inter-pensana akîis and be able ta moiti task in foot paced enoirsomont Wanking knactedge uf AccPuc fon Windows 5.2 and Microsofh Offices is esuential. Pianeer Family Pools: Fax 905-847-4475 btackwoad@planeerpaaî Qakei le Company Reqoines 2 Fuit-T/imo Positions RECEPTIONIST Well apoisen, eocellent pople ukilla, positive sOli- iode, team playen, gnad computer knaetedge. cull apetate 12 phare lins an Menidiasi syatem. JR. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Organîoed, detal anîenied, as abitîty ta moiti-tauti, Teamptayer, respanaibo fan pnaceaaîng A/P, de- pasto, filing. Excellent computen akîial, Pi case tax resumes with melary espectation, affention Jacol Becker, 905-337-2521. Office ( Manager!ù Bookkeeper Contraci pastiain noquînod by Bunlîngian campany in constnoction îndustry. Must hase Exp Fax resume to 1 l 5-335-576, SalesHel *Ses HeIp SALES REPRESENTATIVE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION Montas Scîeniic is a teadîng suppiof utscience and engineering tnaining malenîas ton the Cana- dian odoucatian manket. We are tookîng fon a aeif-matioaiod îndividuel i h a proen tnock reord in saetof manage sun Westonn Canadian tennitary. Tho socceastol candi- date cii poaseos a strang iechnica aptitude and a oid backgnound sn computen applicaions. Ho/she muai be cou anrganized, entrepreneurial and confi dont in pnesening ta pnoioauuna and senion adminiainatana. This position is baaed in Geangetown, Ontario and insotoos tnaoet appnaoîmatoty une thind ai the lime. We offor aignîfîcont support fnam sun inaîdo sales and manketing ioam and an uppuntuniîy fortihe righf pensun ta neap the nocanda ai a gnacing man- kot. Romunenatian inctodes base oatany, commissios and benofita. merlan 905a-877-onoaM a -or~-.--- un l ____________-ç New HMome SalesWUIn* takvioflte arescliy Nvew 0 Hoeide eires a nbet enerketisn dyai S a eRepree nta t ie Then atp4licalt sfol hSIaveCS 5t yesmi- mum ser pene n newnomes e ihOVCcnominum opprf ri sales Ifa intretd , la e faxrunty em e Ca l 905-87-01 oae Lprgesi Roge Canppiat hudidae mu5 hea a ii prvtu nerixc Sies nd paones/ a nto minTe m asalte. Piinersse, as fa x sums ta 90eei5ilon8ree7,cm0Fx61664-12 ._ DOMI1NO ACCOUNTANT 1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Domino Printing Solutions Inc., a citolly ocned subsidiaty of Domino Printing Sciences pic (UK), a leader in indastnial inkjet and laser pdintng and coding solutions iocaled on te OakviiielMississauga border, ix seeking an Accountant / Accoant s Payable person. Tite quaiified individus) ciii bave a good andersfanding of accounbtng, excellent communication skif s, possess a positive attitude, sfrong wor ettria and bave a good knowledge of MS Word & Excel, Preterence ii be gisen f0 espedienced candidates cho are in lte second levet of lte CGA programn. Domino is ant equal opporfunify employer offening a compefifive salary, benefif and pension plan. Visitaus af: Pieuse submif yoar resumne sn MS Word f0 Fla a : mn rni a x:e(905) 2- 1842lqs

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