Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 2006, p. 11

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 28, 2006 -Al Cý,haitit n1 "~ Safe living starts with an ounce L of prevention, rural residents learn "4-H HONOUR: Hornby resîdent Bert Stewart, representing the Halton 4-H Association, receives the Syngenta 4-H Ontario Arbor Award at the recent 4-H Ontario volunteer conference and annual meeting. The award recognizes Stewarts outstanding work with the provincial 4-H program. The locai citizen was instrumental in founding two prestigious 4-H dairy events - the Scotiabank Classic and the Ontario Inter-County Provincial Dairy Judgîng Competition. Each recipient of the arbor award receives a persona] plaque, has hîs name put on a specially desîgned quilt that's displayed at the 4-H Ontario office and bas a tree planted n bis community to honour bîm. Currently, Stewart serves as president of the Canadian 4-H Councl. Correction An errer appeared in a February 21 story regarding a Wiarten Willîe loge and book. The Wiarton Wjllic charaî,ter was actually drawn bv Lynn Bryer. The Champion regrets the errer and any inconvenience it may have caused. +Canadiani Red Cross AN youGCiVFE OMEONE ALIF-d RedCxossdrivas hdp ftmsen need go taomeiccd qonre-ms, odiut dayýprogaoms and other cMWies. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED COU US T10 LAM NOW YOU CMN HEP. (905)875-1459 -- - - - - - - - - - By Robin Downton-Poirier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Prevention was the theme of the Sale Living Seties event by the Nassagaweya Community Consultation Committee (NCCC) last Tuesday The meeting, held at the Nassagaweya Community Centre in Brookville, was attended by close to 70 people who were taught how to prevent ATV accidents, [ires and heari attacks. Milton Fîre Chie[ Larry Brassard encouraged the audience net te be passive participants" when it corntes te pretectîng their lamîlies [rom [ire. "The lire department and resîdenîs need te be parîners te preteci evervene frem [ire,- he said. -Fixe protection îs our responsibility as the [ire departiment ln our coinmui ty but 'se cinnoi do the joh ,lonc. We need veur heilp 'îou rieed te be an activ e participant whcn il tomes liS pri- îecîîng sour familv [rom a [ire.« Rural [ires are unique in thc was tIses re handled. added Brassard. Dite te s olunteer [ire stations and longer distances te iras ci in nîral areas, response limes tend te he longer than in tîrban. areas. As well, tîre[îghîers need te hrîngvssaîer vith îhemn as ihere are ne [ire hs drants le rels' on. Ail these thîngs make ire preveniion and safciv cs en msore imnportat for rural residenis, hc saîd. Brassard alsss stressed thai lire route numbers neced te be clearlv posied ai the end oi'resideits dniveways se emergency service pet-- sonnel cati [nd themt eastly* John Broderick of the Ontario Fedieration of AIl Terrain VeIcles RNiWNE SPECIAL GOODYEARý INTEGRITY PI 85/65R1 4 INSTALLED BALANCED described the importance of wearing sa[ety attire such as proper helmets and [eetwear wbile riding ATVs in order te prevent injuries. He emphasîzed that, although they can be great [un, ATVs can be danger- eous i[ net used responsibly "AIl ATV drivers need te wear a DOT or SNELL-approved helmet and proper riding attire," stated Broderick. 'Statistics have shewn that in 75 per cent o[ [atal ATV accidents, the people were net wearing a DOT or SNELL- approved helmet." Blake Hurst o[ Halton Emergency Medîcal Services (EMS) gave a lively presentatien on hew te prevent heart attacks and the importance o5f the portable defîbrillatien unis throughout public buildings such as arenas, maIls, ancl casinos us save lises. le sttted that casinos have excellent success rates 1er heart aîîack s îctîms dite te the short response limes. "A hesrt aiîack victims chance of' servsal declînes 10 per cent esen minute tîtat îhey are isot de[îbnillated; I Horst saîd. -The castinos hase excellent response urnes (usualîs' snder two mintînes) hecause the de[ibrîllation units are s'ery, accessible and are easy te use. Hurst sîressed that heart aîtacks are preventable i[ people eat right, exercise regularly, don't smoke, reduce stress, contrel blood pressure and limit their alcehel consumption. Jan Mowbray, the NCCCs Sa[e Living Series chair, thought the presen- ters did a wonderful job. "The quality and calibre o[ the presenters was amaz- ing. The common theme was, and is, preventien. And minutes ceunit, espe- cially [or those o[ us in the rural area." Crime Stoppers o[ Halton, Halton Regional Police, Milton Fire Departiment, Halton EMS, Weodbine Entertainment Croup, The Canadiait Champion and several other local organîzations set up display tables areund the peuimeter o[ the room and answered questions about tbetr prod- ucîs and services fer residents. The event was deemed an overaîl seccess by the NCCC. Althoîîgh atten- dance was hoped te be hîgher, the pre- sentations were enjos'ed, said NCCC chair Ste jchnston. -1 was a litîle dîsap- poîntecl wtth the everaîl attendance but it ssas obvious lrem. the attention paid te beth our dîsplay organîzatiens and the reaction te each of our speakers thai evervene enjeyed the evenîng. We certaînly plan on continuing the Sale Living Senies and îhank all o[ those whe support this program." GAI NE FORDLINC LN Drez

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