Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 2006, p. 10

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Al 0 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 28, 2006 16SHOLPR oRVI CHNFONS 18eOL MEMBERSHIP OFFICE Open: Mon. - Fr1. 9 arn - 4 pni Milton/Oakvjlle 905-878-2303 C~-~9~-Z~- Mississauga Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara Kilmury MILTON DISTRICT 3I68 SCEGOL Though the first week back from March Break was spent oobing and ahhing over tans and pictures taken from ail over the world, the students of Milton District are definitely getting back into the swing of things, and once again, falling into the familiar day to day routine of school. Part of this routine includes the start of spring sports like badminton and girls soccer! The tryouts and practices are without a doubt keeping people busy. The girls are already set for a toumnament on Tuesday at the Oakville Dome for the officiaI team. xvhile the badminton teamis continue to practice and fine-lune their SkIS. Although baketball season came to a close quite a while ago, the annual Hoops for Heart was beld on March 9th to raise money for cancer ]ust before the break. It svas definitely a huge succcss voî a great number of participants svbo in total raiscd over $850 1o support the cause. It seems the pace of school bas been picked up a noîch over tbe pasl week, as everyone gets back to sports, clubs, and studying, wbich especially applies to the Grade tens who are preparing for tbe EQAO Grade 10 Literacy Test. The test is taking place on March. 29th, that of course being the test that every high school student must successfully complete in order to get their OSSD. AIl the same, no pressure guys, it really isn't tbat bad! On a lighter note if you're interested in hearing the Iatest in what the jazz band has been practicing, on Tbursday at 7:30 pm a jazz concert is being held at MD witb bands from both Milton District and E.C Drury. The nigbt is sure to be a great one, so buy your ticket for $ 10 and come to Milton's greatest jazz performance! WelI another week of school lis up ahead, and with the next long break being the Easter long weekend, it's once again time to get back into the daily routine of school life, so bit tIhe books Mustangs! 66DATELINE DRURY"I Nathon Michelle Maif Loanstro Dubois Lolonde E.C. DRURY RICO SCRGOL Dear D.ahlna O)nny Dada... NnrodaunI. dcm ? haveuremoîWsy beaîn'>mingd,.mit i yacas a O.aap i s red girl Sa.y! Sincerciy, Bared Tai i)aî [Joan 5,,nd To DcatS. 0>1 courwaiv cahsn isp o . at* Sai vvïe Sa for mWe undanand ,uclnt %itl (i bradom. md and o %v ,îý got lsa Shemo The Girls* Saithail Tamn and the Girl. Rugby Tama kickmg dlt the new saasn. and bey nend ail She playons She) ai )ou blîkatoaN .î.activeand wani lo cure bSar Saredam !Soo.n.spoats are nigSr up yoan daly Sirice la1 liaailina Drmy i)o, [)aa ilalina io D ada, 1n .OO iiil,,nîeha hpcio ' ioaooîSo (lieaaplo lin III. ans.ite i5îaelTo, 'a ncanla iNnon La, 5,nîao, iioînaoilaa Roîinti,, Co,r.aatl.a,.,a -\,ing het oaî îlîi, îa fir a.(ci -îa, IhaS.n Tard1x ,harc do ivo ,0i0 \t.,î lirq(fn' li% aiou0, Sa 'oaa lir0 Ti , falc P. Drm-N piL ii lamIn o t \L îî M .', fi, ' n. hlaig- il i" ai 'î1aîaîî C a farîfla el,îhiî lim I, sîa and tdh,, haa ril, ofie onii Il iai id Chîiî, I ,îo aa,îî l., îIhn.iia Saaîc'î, î , kahan,,i et If \miar l nI.aoîa ;ln,] hiiiî,,laaë o I i il li DOaina Data iod, Sana oral,. sonfia.,d K id Sha,' aidiuaî' TSanaas plnut onîa ai lin The Ilo,îa Day .îaaie a aaîotng morea andnamoannlagaaa. andaunIaI.l in Matchsddnd. the ciýh osîa, L.anptdiaîadîn.în'ionnldîng ,aonteaa Anmad onI inanon .ooked'spaghetti and ma,noiiin, aciaSîai raad Io Sald thSahst tiowe Ou lnonîn Maiiialonde caa SooýcIr iadînaaoa nd nthe ndS.the oangeS,,a..a Snnaght honteaaýlldaannd % n. s oaaslsSnior S.SaolRaSTan.aSa.Sno llabn,îaicn glu IHamilton on Mati1s t fioilsna fîinaaounirant.Th iSaoioniscomngito anidand ivensî,hibeur laakt As yo aaa,îa..aa.îSanaî..,,naîsngiî,noa vene henaSanai D)ran. and Shain, whai naka, as. ana agnnat %cSîni Sîncnnaly. Daînlina Drary iSade, Domr Datalina Dniny Dada, Wanooongoing on in the iranylast andman..saynnmmngs 1 wnnin dict and ail tha grade Ian stiadem nar enthuasianîîay mîînking away. Sînoanaly. Carmas Onînakon Dcan Caniono linimoken. Thaîaiaacky gnadeais..anandîng., sriafina rparan ortan LitîaaaTest on MatchS29iî Wc ih hem naii g odJlaai but iveknow nSy w dîdo weiî.a', ayar wail pnapanad. Sîncanai>. Doaelie anur Onn>ISde "6TEE ROYAL6 REPORT"9 ton Hothertnglun dsayJa/ooln came un5;J nlh JuliaRiddell Breanna clancy DISIOP REDINO Bien SCIGOLI Thi week, your Inside Soarces have decided to provide you wots a review of their exciting Match Break expeniences! Being back at school has brought us ail back to realiîy but our vacations created memories that wilI stay with us forever... 51 senior students and staff members enjoyed a wonderful trip to Italy & Greece for 10 blissful days. It was a wonderful leamning experience for ail as il operied everyone's eyes tu European culture aI its finent. The world travelers explored the Vatican museumn, were spellbound by the walls and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and enthralled by the enormniîy of St. Peter's Basilica. Students visited the asîonishing Colosseum, a îlte so beautiful and rich with hislory. Other highloghts in Rome included Trevi Fountain and the Spanish sieps. Students Ihen îraveled to Sorrento where they gained a deep appreciation lor small town life in llaly aud an even deeper appreciaion for gelato! Thse onvemighî ferry ride 10 Patras prnnvîded an interestong alternative method of travel and a beautiful lnackdrop lor piclures ont the sunrise. In Delphi. everyone enjoyed the dissi, aoîd were lascinaied Sy the gaided tour of the Oracle. 'Me finîal destination, Atlieois. prnnvided a laste of Greek culture as the studenîs ailended ihe Greek Nîglît. durîng which lhey sampled tradiliiiîal Greek cuisine andenjonyed Greek dancinîg and enleri.îinmreni. The goîîded tour to the Acropolo, provided a iesnieri,'ing conclusion lo a soonderlul trip. Nesv iriendshîps svere 11onrmed, escîîîîîg experiences creaicol lasîiîîg memories, auîd aIl sînîdenis developed a deeper appreciaion fnr Europeaî culture and an edgemess 10 reluru. During lthe Mardi Break, one ol yînur very own Insîde Sources explored thse beauty of Canada îhronugh her experience winter camping. This was done lhrnîugh a nion-prolil organizalion known as the tuner Edge, which works moth tronabled teens in Isopes of helping tlîem resolve issues. As a staff member. she had the opportunity to work wîth soome of Ihese amnaming teenagers, as well as experoencong somre immense persona] growth. Tliese trips also lake place in Temegami durîng lIse sunsimer, and are open 10 anyone who would like the chance to explore Northerm Canada and connect wiîh other teenagers. This program caters 10 people experiencing diffocuil situations ut home or on other areas of their lives, and the group provides a very supportive environment. 'Me STARS program heips teenagers Isuild leadership skills, and gives them bo opporîunity to go from a camper 10 a junior staff. If anyone is interested in fonding ont more infonnation piease contact the leader of tIse program, Scott Mittar, ut Thtis March break is sure nor nn to be forgotten. So, whether sou spent Yooar time off nchool abroad, camping, or perhaps righf loereaut hom,ne- voue Inside Sources hope that fuis March break m'as a good one. So melcome bock BR and put s'aur wail resred noindn tfi use, because mid-ferma sure are coming upfa.

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