Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 2006, p. 6

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-1~ AS - The Canadian Champion Fnday March 17, 2006 Protecting Halton youth Region righui (o bu(it in \Vc strongly support tht tfforts of the Halton Region Health Department to provide a deterrent to retailers who illegally provide cigarettes and other tobacco products to minors. As reported in The Champion Tuesday, the health department recently began posting information on- une about retailers who have been caught antI con- victed of selling cigarettes Lu young people - in direct contravention of the lobacco Control Ad. Convictions from the last six months can be found on the Regions Web site grams/tubacco/offence reporLTCA .htm. 'The pusting of this information on Haltons Wcb site is part of a comprehensîve sîraîegy' intended to deter retailers [rom sellîng tobacco Lu kids," said Halton Medical Officer ol Health Dr. Bob Nosal. Slowly but steadily society bas taken a strong stance against smoking in public places. We should be equally diligent to put an end to y'oung people obtainîng tise very product that could kilI them. More good news related to cigarette sales to our young peuple is on tise horizon. Under tise new Smoke-Free Ontano Act, wbich will come into effect May 31, cigarette retailers can expect to face up to four compliance checks cacis year - twîce as many as in 2005. The new legisiation also effectively bans smoking in ail enclosed public places and workplaces, and tougisens tise rules prohibiting tise selling of tobacco to minors. Hopefully these new laws will help ail Ontarlo res- idents breathe a littie easier. Readers Write Send us your letters n rmltonW@hajtonsearch oem or drop thern off at 875 Main St E 'Suent majority' flot being heard DEAR EDITOR: This letier is in response to the Siory în the March 7 Champion eniitled Council changes ils mmd on condo developmenf. I would like to comment on Councillor John Challinors commenis in this article, especîally the part ahout ihe suent majoriîy' supporting the condo development. I suppose he missed the first meeting where approx- imaiely 400 residenis signed a pelition againsi ihe developmenî. I was ai the first two meetings and have sînce given up belîeving Mîlton council lisiens 10 its taxpayers. I would lîke to hear from anyone supporting more congestion, consîruction and ugly huîldings in this small' îown. I helieve the suent majority' is sim- ply suent for the same reason we cant fighî this old-hoys club'. SHARON DROUILLARD KNIGHT TRAIL Theviewfromhere A three or four-year council? The jury's stili out Well, l've been listenmg to bots sides of tise argument when it cornes to whether tise Province should change municipal council ternis froni m>sree years to four, and I have to sayl'm stili undecîded. My initial tisoiaghî was that upping coun- cil's terni in office would niake sense. For starters, a would cut down on tise siseer cosî of elections 10 municipalities and tise candidates who run in tiseni. It would also allow tisose wiso are new to council to establisis tiseniselves and learn tise ropes, 50 to spesk. And, it would bring munîcipalities un line witis tiseir provincial counterparis, since tise Ontario government only changes eveiy four years. But on tise other band, what isappens if you end up with a homble council? Then the~~re locked in for four y~ats. Hmmm... Tisis poses a probleni. Tise Association of Municipalities of That's why I can also see tise beneflia in Ontario recently surveyed councils acrosa tise tise sisorter terni, since ut would be province to see isow tisey [eh one less year a municipality would about tise issue and came back have to live witis its council if it witis tise conclusion tisat a four- wasn't happy witis ils members or year terni is tise most ideal way decîsions, 10 go. In addition, I think it's impor- Wisile Premier Dalton tant to mention tise loud and clear McGuinty is takixig tise associa- message local residents have been tion's position into considera- putting forward for some quite .~ tion, I hope he also listens to time - ffiey want 10 see sonie new constituents regarding whaî faces attise Milton council table, - - - - îhey would like to see for a and are anxious to get on with council terni. another election. Afî~r ail îhev'rp tht' ttat ,.,,it h,~,.. For thia reason alone, I can see how a tisree-year council terni is a good ides. Lt brings tise 'fresis blood' into council chani- bers at a faster rate, which I believe la what Miltomans want. live with council's decisions for a long tinie 10 come. Check ouf Tuesday~ Champion f0 see what Mîlton coutcil nlembers think of tise four-year tensipvoposaL The Canadian Champion is a proud media sponsor for: ~AON S ingeie Fund , UNiTED W M OÇ MILTON -- TV AUCTION N ta ATHCNA moi M ,, 4AeaM ~ VYM~A ShoweaseMiiion M s e ~M'~ Qanabîan QjMampîon M tJflSCffM . tyN~- spaperS~nce Mit 875 Mam St E, Milton Ont L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905 878-4943 Advertismg Fax: 905 876-2364 Classi±ied:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905 878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Heu Oliver Advertising Dîrector Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smuth Production Manager Tus Colos Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teru Casas The Canadian Champion, publiîhed every Tuesday and Friday at 875 Main St t., Mitton, Ont, LIT 3Z3 (Bon 2481, n one of ifs Metroland Printing, Pubtlshing & Dîstnbuiing Ltd. communiiy nesipapes. 5dteasag~saccepssanuhecond:non5aw5,eenuofa typog~apScaIeeo, tialposoaoftieadtessagspaceocsp:edby t5eenoneoanee toge5eanMa~easonabIeaIloeancefo~s~gna ail ns b, chacqed s bcd Se balance il dc, aivessenenrall bepacdlo'atdceapphcablecare T5epcbInlacrenesendcec~g5s categose adaectnenenîs s Marine CCAB Audsted Recognized for excellence hy ~ Oniarco Commursis L~~lAL4Newspapes Assocabon Canada, Commundy '.é Sewspapens Assosaicon ~ Soburban Neespapens I_ ni

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