Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 2006, p. 24

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24 - The Canadien Champion, Friday March 17, 2006 A * ~i INDEX: @Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169' Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 es Community 240-2~ Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: eMerchandise 300-385 te Auto 400-470 e Help Wanted 500-57k- Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! AI! classified ads also appear on For CIRCULATION cal: 95-878-5947 Adsobmission by mail ar ia persan. The Canadian Champion, 875 Main St. E. Milaon, D -LT3Z3 Deadllnes: Mon> 10 a.m. for Tues. publication, mars, 10 a.m. for Fni publication S pecial Feature & Holiday deadbines may vaty. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, lnterac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Ail adle placed are non-relundable and no credit wll be lnsued. Business accaunts cas ho opened wîth an approoed credît application asaîlable tram your Sales Consultant. FCHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RI.NS ta ensure the information is correct. Contact Hour Closa tied Consultant wîthîn 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fr. publication must he reported no later thon Mon. 100 am * D4aritenhs & *Apartmenis & *A ariments & 9 Cmin g ens Cmin g ens FiatsFor Reni Fiais Fer Reni Fiais For Reni m a- *NO MONEY DOWN* IL. > «> è<Free campa erized lst MILTON. 1-hedroomIIIII F0ZTR07 W iiLTZ sf prsperies, with picts es. apartment. lmmedîateiy Axailable with ns dawnpayment or Aprl t ut. JIVE & TANGO BIRTHDAY Free ecorded message ai 5870/monts. Cali Jas D4IVCIN4G 1-877-617-1275 10# 3025 416-723-4801. SPR N SESSI J I MILTON spacrous sun- ACTON t and 2-bed- S R N E S O -J , ny 2 bedroom + den on raom avaîlable. 200 MMiLIQ Ni Ncely deco- Milton mainolovel of bungalow, Churchill Ruad. South. rafed ready ta maya in St. Paul's Church II PY W ETCentral location on No pets. Cali 5t9-853- large 3-bdrm, LUR, 0/R, on Main St. 16 et stree ot h i ri- doeh wahr rvt Starting Thurs. March. 23, 2006 aludes afîlîties, basic parking, asaîlable îm- Beginning et 8:00 PM ClUVVY cabie. parking, new ACTON 1-bedroom medîately (905),876- 10 weeks $130.OO/ner couple entrance. Ns-smoking, immedîately. PIeas.e would lîke ta introduce bis tag team partner Cai Bill (905)318-9381 references, first/iasî re: ca53ahr3017m 1- j~ 8 boro at Credît Valley Hospital on January 291h, Marianne (905)878-«602 quîred. 905-878-0970. 833tFrRe 20060 weîghîng 9 Ibs 10 ozs ---- Lhem Daniel ____________ Clark. Proud parents Stoxen & Jacqueline CAMPBELLVILLE. AVAILABLE immedi 1860 square feet, new Clark and grandiparents Patrick & Ann McMul- 401/Guelph Lino. ately. 2-bedroom upart- 4 bedrooms semi Der- Ian and Barry & Audrey Clark al of Miltas. EMHMMeSae SELLERS Find Out Whal The Home Oown The Street Sold For. Vili www. haltonhonmienfo.comn 29 Ese.eelel ripe Thal Get Homes Sold Faet (And Fer Top Dollar) Calilla arder your FREE Special Report fronn AmM Darryi Royal LePage Meadowtowne 1800>399-3230 Ext# 1014 OPEN HOUSE 46 Mounlainview Saufth Sunday 1:00 10 4:00 PM Beaulifully relinîshed tawnhome in George- town. Many upgradles. Refinished kitchen. bafhraam, basement. Walk ta mail. $191.900. Cali 905-691-5783. mm ppornities A job af home. $493.97 weekly. Mail work or comn- puter work. Go to: code t1e or write for free details at 3-t1 Belirase Dr, Suite #122-16 St. Albert, AB T8BN 5C9 CANADIAN man teaches bas ta earn executive lev- el pay in US$ tram home 1-800-537-t193t LEADER5. Wirnt ta r-onyx your i fa for- axa2? Earr rancui. tie irarne frorm hama! HarF Reuter 905- 270 7b04. mm p po5uities PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS f0, axer 4 million aduit roader in SuIs Contrai Ontario. Boak you advertise- ment ix over 75 Mofro- land cxmmunîty news- papers wîtb one phono Cai. Cali for informa- tiun on weekly work ad packages (internet list- ings includod> 416-493- t300 000 276, 288, 237 Mortgage, $SMONEYS$ Consolîdato debîts. Mortgages lx $100% No income, bad credît 0K! Ontarîowîde Fi- nanicial Corp 1-888-307- 7799 A 5-yr @4.85%. Also eqaity manigage pragrams regardiexu ut ixcome or credit. Cali Normai et 5- 84-1245 or vroit us et MORTGAGES 95% soit ompiuyed, 95% new immigrants, 95% NO CREDIT, 95% discharged hankrupts. 416-777-0878, NEED A MORTGAGE 100% Bankaupt or Poor Credit 95% Self-ompioyed, no proof of bauome Deferred cixsîng vosta program Cali Naw t 877-57-funds 905-864-4561 galdongate Apply on lino. 1-BEDROOM hase- mont. Largo. brîgbt. cloan. Separale on- trance. $825/mantb ail utilifies incfaded. May lot. Cali 905-877-3131. Deoi.Aprl lstý bouse. Laundry raam,' No smokinig/pets. CIA. trîdgelstaae. StOSOImnth Cai Slt7Slmontb utilîties in- Jenny 905-854-t005 claded. 905-878-7724ý OOWNTOWN MILTON COUJNTRY, large 1 - Mîlîsîde Towe-s hedrsom apartment. 82 Mîllolde Drive. Separafe entrance, Attractive quiet baud- saîtable for mature, re- iog. Spacîous brîght sponsîble persan. dlean 1&2 bedroomn $800lmonth inclusiee. unîts witb laundry No smaknglpets. facility and Fîrstîlastîreferenices. social room an site. Avaîlable îmmedîately. Regular resîdent events Cali 905-702-7716. Open 7 days & eengs GEORGETOWN 1 Cali 905-876-1249 hedroom hasemeot apartment. SaOOlmantb - inclusive, Separate en- PICTON Apartments trance. near GO Sta- 1 & 2-hedroums tion. Includes vaabe Frîdge & fnîdgelstove. Nu smok- sfoe laundry facîlîtres. ig/pets. Fîrst/last/refer- No dags 519-853-4374. onces. Aeaîlable Aprîl Open 7 days/week. tst. Coli Brenda Mac- lame day approval. Donald 905-877-5165. - GEORGETOW 1 t- GLEN EDEN hedruom/2-hedrooms COURT apartments. $775/ mnl APATET and $875/ mooitb. 122 roMnle Aeailabie immediatey. 12 SBoui s. t includes beat/ bydro/ Milton cahie. Parking extra. Cai We are n0w 905-873-6284. accepting applications for: GEORGETOWN 2- f bedroam apartment in t -1 bdrmn omail building. i Availahie May it. No t For more information pets. Cai 905-877- t and/or 10 make an 2651. c appoinîment, 5__________ Pleese Cali: 905-878-5375 LARGER upper level Building Managers hachelor suite in quaint Leonard il Penny country home on horse r 1farm. Sbared entrance. a Kitchenette anily. Very a -BDRM apt.. available prîvate. Parking, central a une 1,- ail utîlitres in- vac., satellite dîsb. n aded $950/mtb. large Availablo Aprîl 1 i. ring roam, large mas- 5575/montS. No r bedroam, smaller pets/smoking. Single econd bedroom lideal person only. Cai 519- ficel. Apartment dan 833-2591 L s xîewed ai c TTF.llbome.cage- MITN Nwaut2 i.cul-,yesterday, or MITN-feidu -l Ili 900-691-0284. hdrm, ail inclusive 4 _____________ 56001mtb. 905-878- $ BnRM 7015. 0 apt.. seporato ontrance, 3 car parking, ns pots laandry + 2 appi.. sbarod backyard, $800lmîk + 40% utilities, axailabie April 2- lot. 905-875-7004. MILTON 1 -hodroom basomont apartmont. Separato ontrance, ai inclasive, share laun- dry, 1 parking space. 905-878-3356. Dock, blinds etc. 416 238-5122 2-BDRM main floar ai bouse. central aid Mil- ton StOSOlmtb inclu- sîve. No pots/na smok- ing, 905-875-0678. 3-BEDROOM, 2-bath. fînîsbed roc. raom witb walkout. House bais heen tofally renovatod. Brand new kîtchen.- batbroom. no appli- ancos. $1,200lmontb plus utîlîtres. No smok- ingîpets. Cai Kathleen ut 905-877-5211. SHORT term reniai May t- Oct 31 neg., Milton country bouse, furnîsbed 5 min. lai 401, $1500/+ utîlîtros. 905-875-4712. MILTON 2 townhouses 3-bedruom 51 300/mth, lot & aest, plas atilîties. Aoallabie immedately & Marcs lut. Cai Dae 905-878-5444. GEORGETOWN Town- house for rent. $1,275/mantb plus iiîties. Available May ith. Cali Elizabeth Doell, Johnson Asso- rates Reaitor 905-877- 1l65. 3AKVILLE~ 3&4 bod- oam fownbauses avait- hie Aprl isI. 4 appli- inces, Hapedale Mail rea. Lakoshore Mariage- lent 905-876-3336 ARGE raam, se- luded country home, rofossiona maie yreý urred, Guelph Lin & 01. S425lmth. 1 20lweok. 905-854- 359. IATURE fomnalo. room iront in Milton, park- g avaîlablo. Internet ,cess. Must lîko pets. 550/month. Coul 905- 99-2171. M in 2f Aprîlac 1s.aslon 16- Oakîle Huae a-e Ir..iaaaiedHl1os cal caOakvilie Hu-alga IMonachoMlo and maoge acetty- 1ohs 5 of Mota. 51551.s ay ovn ~,~ F71 Ea7yslE 7 DEFOREST, PETE Wihgetsadness fhe family regrets 10 annaunce the sadden passing 0f Morriuon Ernet Adams "Pete" Dearent in bis 43rd year, on Marcb t1, 2006 in bis home in North Vancouver, BC. Pete leaves bhind bis wîfe Betb. bis loeîng parents George and Sandra of Acton, brother George 0f Dunoxille. sister Amanda Neiligan and ber busband Jim 0f Salamanca New York, sîster Sandra of Water- loo, and helaaed grandparents Morrison "Pete" and Dolares Adams of Milton. Pete was the lavîng unole of ite Zae daugbter of Amanda and Jîm. Pete will also he misoed hy many friondo wbo mourn bis pasoîng. Pete was a kind bearted and decent persan, a great lover ot lite and an aaîd ofl-raad 4 a 4 enthusiast. Fete wll lîve torener in the beartu of a great many people. Details of memnrial service forth- camîng. In laiig meoryof Shril Ward His waary-hîiurrand day ofypain His iroiîbled aiglîîî ire as Iniiuxr cii hrarirrr kniw He birfiiua setri a ls Yor loving wife Rita Wrd w5 S à I- à u w ,, 2- Ji CI lis te H

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