Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 2006, p. 12

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A12 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, March 17, 2006 "WèCmFor theouear Reajon grants 10W fiioi teo o or3 fl 1for hom eless projects 4j 1 - Main Street -j 1 *In-store Giveaways!! SChanceTo WitnAPair Of Raptor Ticketsn! Beverages &Light Snacks Compliments of Saimtiu Det MC M8 2006 ONIY ALL LEATHER & SUEDE ON SPECLAI MNIL MARCH 31,y 2006 7ComedaSt Miltn ON ueyR 905.593.1556_ Regional council bas approved almost $100,000 in emnergency funding for local projects that serve the botneless. The money - wbicb will go toward four Supporting Communities Partnersbip Initiative (SCPI) projects geared to homeless youtb, families and individuals w&itb senious mental illnesses - was given the go- ahead ai a recent council meet- ing. The regional dollars will be used for up to three months, until Halton receives ils lourth- year SCPI funding from the [cd- eral governoment. "The fonds provided by Halton Region will maintain, critical services for homeless youth, families and individuals with mental ilînesses," said Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline. "Our prionty is t0 ensure our residents are taken care of, and streamlining the gap will secure these initiatives t0 support their health and wellness." Recognizing that the transi- tion of the new federal govem- ment may delay the allocation process, the Region wanted t0 secure emergency funds to avoid any discontinuation of pro- grams. The federal government approved the money prior t0 the November election caîl. Staff on Parhiamenî Hill bas assured Halton as recently as last month that fonds will be provided co SCPI programs regardless of the change in government. The programs that benefit from' these fonds include Transitions for Youtb, Halton Hilîs Community Support and Information and the Halton Muhticultural Council. Another meeting to be held May 25 - from RESIDENTS on page A2 lic notcj. He .ulso said that hy 2031, ils anticipated that 1 50,000 emrployees wvill he added to Haltons workforce. Those who missed out on last week's public meeting will bc able to attend anoîber one regard- ing the economic devclopment study May 25. Location detaîls wîll be released soon. A third roundtahle/breakfast workshop on the topic will also be held May 4. Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline empbasized ibat the study "will huild on what makes Haltons economy strong, tbrougb the creation of policies and sîrategies tbat will sustain a prosperous and halanced economy." For more information on the study vusin Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhe-n TH lton]Seaml o wMrsMe yoint? Someday, you'I be offered a cigarette or be tempted to smoke. etore you start, think about it: every drag you take ocrews up your body. Smoking con cause permanent damage to your body. Once a peroon ctars, it becomes extremely tough to quit. And did me mention ail that cash you'I be bloming in the proceus? Soif yuu're tempted to start, atk yourtet, "What's the point?" This message brought to you by: Canabian Champion Your United Way In Action 'RIe United 4/ay of Mi(ton "gel ée C41e Along wiîh growth comes challenge. Challenge can be a good thing if seen as an opportunity to do good works in a more comprehensive way. Take, for instance, the tremendous rate of residenîjal growth in Milton and the number of Agencies and Organizations that will need to find a way to respond to that growîh. The United Way of Milton takes that challenge very seriously and is already planning on how beut 10 deliver the services and pro- grams that somte new residenîs may need. There is a real opportunity to reach oui 10 the residenîs in our new commu- nities to educate themn about what is their chosen community that will make a difference in their lives. How do we do tbis? By knowing what the demo- graphicu of our new communiîy are, is a gond start. How diverse is our new community? lu il mosîly young families; are there needu of the elderly, the disabled, the youth? Do we have cultural and religiaus diversity within that mix ltat may need 10, access services differenîly? These are some of the ques- tions that the United Way is presently pondering. As United Way Board Presidient, Marilyn Samuels, soya, "It is our job ro reach out it a friendly and supportive weay. A newe communiey means new energy and it is our goal ro rap int t/lai energy so the Town of Milton will continue to have t/he "community, soul " it has becomne famous for." So, if you are relaîively new 10 Milton, we need your voice. We need your ideas, your input. Should we have a cultural diversiîy counicil advising our Board? We need yuur input and we need volunteers to help us carry out our mission. Please pick up the phone and give us a caîl. That way we can continue fuI- filling our tagline... "Neighbours Helping Neighbours". The United Way of Milton - Neighbours Helping Neighbours Haw can you help? If you work outside ot Milton and donate by payroi deduction - please designate your donation " The United Woy of Milton. Make a direct donation e Attend a United Woy of Mitton Speclt Eveot Ibil: (905) 875-2550 Fax: <905) 875-2402 URL: ww itnueew ca E-mail: office@ ý BALDE

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