Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Mar 2006, p. 26

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A26 - Tise Canadian Champion, Tuentiay, Marcis 14, 2006 can answer, please write to: k "Ask The Professionals" * c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 A Melissa L. Coulson Chartered Accountant Offerung services o> accounting, audîting, bookkeeping & taxation 35 Hugh Street, Milton InSsua L cautasis, cA (905) 876-4633 Qaeutioa: lin tax Urne - teks! dol need ta know tube eeadyfor2006? Its Use time 0f year when accouutants are busy sharpeuine tiseir peucîls md Ilexire tiseir fingers to fit rcady for tax seasos DeiliBamkframmea The fiesi xtep to gettise ready s to know what deadlines yos are facmg. The majoriîy of indîvîdoals nord o have dxcii retors filed witb the Canada Revenue Agency on or Isefore Apnl 30. Sînce Apnl 30 faIts on a Sunday dxix yeae. you wîtt have ontit mîdoheht May t iv fite tf you or your spouse are self-empîvycd, you h ave outil June tS, 2005 us file youo resira isowever if you have a balance vwiog, ils due by April 30 la avoîd penalties For corporations, the retors has ix he flîrd mdxix six mondxs of tise yrar end. For instance, a corporation widx a December SI year md ueeds iv have ils rentra fdrd 050î before Jonc 30 however my ainvusix owîng serd to be retmtted wîdxîu smo or dxrre monîho of tise corporatioss yrar md Misucd deadlines cas be coxîly. Faitsre lv file yvur tax returs. corporate or personal cm resuit tu fines slartiso ut 5% of dxe balance outstandisg wi~at ta arb~ 16 VOire Profesuionai Record retentoon ix kev iv makisg sure that you are ready iv prepare yvur taxes You wi0 recrîve a sîîp froos yosr employer deiailisg raraines md deductions for dxe yeae (T4 slip> You may also receise slips if you have collecird mîrresi on bmk accounîs or msvesîmesîs dunog ihe year. if you have receivrd my dividesds, made m RRSP contribution or donated lv a chartty 5f you are a self-employed indîsidual. essore you have aIl yvor receipis grnerated frons your hsxinexx for dxe year. 1f yvu daim a portion of your hoose or vetucie as a deductios. essore aIl relevmî tufoîssatios ix available, ausinesses should keep correspondesce mîîh Cmada Revenue Apency on hmd for your professivual mcludîng insualîmesi payosenis md payroll remîlîmees made donne lise year. A few simple siepo cm help 500 fr1 iîrganizrd md take Ihe worry md stress oui 0f tas lime for vox md your husines.s. And yvur accoasîmi mîlI dxank you Melîssa Couinas ix a Clsarîrrrd Aîs voulusi lus aies! n dîîunîîîu's Mîlîvo She proî'iden aocouselng, tîco. audîiîng ans! hîîvikerpiîî~ sersîses III bvîh îndiîîdualn uns! s vrpvraîîvss Techu que. 5~4o HARMONIA studnoharrnonîa Darcel De Sylva 416-254-8454 or WHAT US NIA? hi Dorer! Dr Sylva Theres a FUN, sew, barefoot. cardiovascular dmce movemens forai afvot tisaI uses whole-body movements md to called Nia. Nia ix expressive, fus, soulful, martial, fluid, jvyfsil. md its hurd to desceibe In fact, cors tisose miss> know Nia often say, "Its lîke choco- laIe. yvu have to tusîr tilo appreciate il." Mucis like Use early swetl of Yvga or Pilates n Nvrth America, Nia o vsly sow gaisisg a broader recognitivu. Nia ix practiced by people frvm ai walks 0f lite. ait ages. att stages of agilîsy. asd alI tevels 0f fit- Nia ix a fssivs 0f classîc movemeufs front ibm Martial Arts. dxe Healîsg Arts md Dance. Nia provides a total mmd, body, spirit work Out' s a gesîle. holisîîc way. lu provides dxe pomer md mîndfulsess from tise Martial arts ITai Cisi, Tae Kmos Do, Aikîdo). Playfulness, expression asd emoîlos ore denoed froos tise Dmce Arts of Jazz, Modem md 5)uncm Dasce Asd fiually use Healîup Arts encourage tîsocis. sessoey awareness asd ulîgsment AIl ibis qsîeily oves lin 5 tise backgrossd wisile tise student s led dxrvugis a dance-like routine lv great World Music. Stodents gain pisysîcally, wîtis improved ftexibility, strengdx, agility, mvbiliîy, balance md cardio. Bot ils Use mss obvîvus benefits dxat keep mmy comîng bock yeur afler year Tisrvsgis Use ose vO visualizativu, curotional expression, asd smnsiîry amaresess, sîsme stsdenîs suy dxey are calmer. ressoîrd. energized. md hase a more positive vutlook afier o Nia Nias logo oficu includes tise phrase, Thevugis Moocorent Wr Find I-trais. Seekîng pleusure md smssativs wisile movis~ dxriiugis spuce, making small adjosimmuis iv caris move lv fisd Use bodys oms muy, md ultimasely.. .acisîcsing Tise loy iii Movement. tisais whul Nia s. We are now taking renistrasions for tise 12 Week Spring Session conumencing Mareis 2lst - "SPECIAL OFFER" Buy 12 week seasion muid Corne ta Unlirnuted Classes -~SHOPPERS - ~ rn Opentomidnighllda sîweels Carnage Square, 265 ~Aain St. E. 905.878-4492 THOR.5ITON Question: I :hink I have allergies, cas you tel! me a bit about them? Aonwer: Respiratory allergies arc a very conounu probleux. About 20% of Canadians suffer froux allergies. Wiseîiser a person mîli develop au allergy depends parsly vs gmnesîc factors aud tise envirosmest. Allergies tesd toms ix families. Wisile you muy misent a lesdeucy to develop allergies, dxc dxings your body reacto 50 may be different froin tise ihisgs tisaI trigger an allergir readlios in otiser family members. Envirosmeni plays a rote because yvo only become allergic iv someuisisg after you are exposed 50 il. An allergic reactios occurs wisen your body comes ix costact wîth somethîng it sesses as dangerous aud goes isto 'aîtack mode" asd makes antibodies to figist off Use anacker. Thîs works melI mises Use invader ix a virus or bacteria dxat cm make you sîck. Unfortunately. ix some people, tise system breaks doms and tise isody idestifies a sormally isarmless substance as a dangerous invader. lu an attempi to proteci isseif. tise body releases histamines. Ait tisese histamines ftoodisg dxrougis dxc body cause tise allergie sympîvrus. sntffed up or mssy nose. itcisy mateiy eycs, cvsgisisg iseadacise md sore tiseout. There arc twv forurs 0f rcspiralory allergies. seasosal md perennial. Seasosal allergies attacis ai tise saine lime cacis year. They are usnally due 50 monts! spores md pollens frons urees. grass asd weeds. Each alleegen bas os owu seasos. lai Ontario allergies b trees are seen frons MarcS tisra June, grass froux May dxru Joly, and ragweed frore August tises September. Pereunial allergies are triggered by îisings like isouse dust mites or asîmal dander tisai are aroond aIl year md cause as aoack wisencver Use person comes n contact widx Usens. Tisere are a ouriety vO medîcîses available lv ircat allergies. Aslîisislamîses are ose vO tise mosi common medicativus used and work by blocking tise effort of histamine. Nasal sprays are ofles used. Cromolys ix available os tise siself asd dxc Cortîcosteroid nasal >peays require a prescription froan tise doctor Atlergy sisoîs may provide a solution for people miso dont gel relief from allcrgy medicatios. Queutions? Jus! ask your Heallhwalch Pltarntacùî! 75 Main St., Ste 10 STRIDE iowne 905-878-0800 I'ITh'J1 - y S T RIDE Mîlton Medîcal Buildings 5-691-3060 W .MIlian Buard Wsrdy CouS Cathimea Mclavisi Itymu Waavsr «îaa> B 3< pm RIT RMT BS. MT Who Benefits from a Porsonal Tramer? B Sc o D S towne vm 50M SPM e e e A Pai'UWld WRai~ OLN(IOfl2IJS b'OIU1~ ous Oxide (Laughing Gas) eUs~r m~ oeridanoe ixidar rak rraid~ oemaUsan The Muscle Spasm vnpoetar~ oeus~swa~n oeoe~ thebe are ~ a ~ I was at a course thîs pant month that încluded a refresher on taday1a charta The phystologîcal respouse of muscle b trauma of asy type loveruse nîtroas oxîde. Although I ve been admînistering nîtrous oxide overload, hyperseuxion, impact> is sigisseuing. This tigisîenutg is facilitated hy ~ ~ ~ w' ~ eî ~ oei î~~uft for over 20 years, ifs always a good idea to have a review tram a peraanal taunar £ ana ixote w' anctiair Do ~xs art~r the uervous syslcm md resuits ina spaum at the exact spot where the trauma ~* every Once in a while. occutred. A spanm is a group of muscle fihers held ix continuosto (tetamuc) * Hase ymu aseu' hati a Ibisas pra~aixs' Nitroas oxide s extremely beneficial >0 dentistry because t contraction, unable so semer its own release - a ngid kuot. Because spasuts are an extension of tite normal contraction process, notising wil show up on Do ~ui hase mia n~ e~ risteant go. ~eaa sIte mmdlx ~ou malt? works really well aI helping a person relax. Il is a gas which x-rays or diagnostic imaging. h is, itowever, a malfunction. md my p~n * Dci isitit iaaittri tnoe ma~t w' ha<* ~ma ~ s mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a nosepiece. of a muscle tisas ix nos workiug for you is working againot yon - ACTIVELY' * DO ~aa ~t ta dmuly bailli re~ w' ~ ,,~ When Ihese gases are mixeti a> Ihe appropriate concentra- A spuam ix a muscle cm severely impact its ahility 10 contract ami relan * 1)0 5ai0 niati W marnas ~a.a' bina ~ .-d ~ ~ ,*~ lions if gives you a nice relaxed feeling. Il donsol make you (releane). The portion of tise muscle involved ix tise spasm ts unable to work, ~ ~ laagh or pal you 10 sleep, bal if does make yoa ens anxioas. forcing tise remainder to work rxcessively. Acompromised muscle ix a weak * Do isait tta> (~8Ooe ~8O8 aid ausabea 5U.M aiUW ~ Il s very safe. n facl I will oflen adminisier il 10 young chu- one, wisicis fatigues quickly. Witis contanurd use lise spasm hecomes * Do ~siu mati tai ~ ymsa blaciti go~amura aid l'9~i3 ba8i't dren because il makes restorative procedures mach easier for aggravated and enlarges, cansing pain md discomfort. Worse yet. lite i'~~ them (and me>). shorteuedfihrrsixîisespasmrestricstiseabilityoftisemnscletohestresclted * O o ~ ta ~ ~ ~ n to fou lengtit. If you are fearful 0f Ihe needîe, il cao he useti >0 help you gel A muscle tisat cannot acconanodate tise movemeni placrd on is will pull or g<~ ~ n- ~ ati~ du fi,~damue~ ~ ~ pasi Ihal poin> of the procedure or yoa cao ase il throaghoal even sear. Tisun, a movement normally witisix tise safe content becomes ~ *~ ai~ti ~ ~i du ~ ~ Ihe entîre appoinîmenl. unsafe wisen sisorsening md spaum are present. Tise stage ix now set for nue aafe taie (i ai du aquqineet, 'ifaur pnatai tltnaau canus.dtartt mil final oveestrelcis overload wisich wtt> produce tise massivr spaxm of a cltarley tiaaign anti ax~sîamart a ~ mat. ~ e~ ~ ~ The wonderful thing aboal nitrous oxide s Ihal il works very horse or straioixg of tise tinsse. parmonat gamin anti healsIt conuadaratuonu Yoar * cu.on rapîdly anti s also ouf 0f your syslem very ~aickly ai tht end Massage Tiserapy ix effective treasment for moscle spasms md contractures. fltnama levai anti maducal henotabona or contraanducatmonn ara 0f your appoinîment. This means that you cao drive home Tise tiserapint will use techniques to reduce pain md increase tise local caetadareti tut etlulJra Site uafatt o> du pragrara Finally YO<~' from voar appoinîment. circulation to help reduce tise spants. More importansly. tise tiserapîsi will help ~ Sao<te ai~ surgaveail acoer*og tai yau Wrla avadabiit~ prevens recurrence of tise spanru hy constdrring tise causes or contrihuting ST~E Paiaan~d Trmwmg ait Canm.~og hic a a ~ .~ If anxîely s keeping you fron visitint> tht dentist, ask about factors md reductng tiseir effect. ~ uu'mg eoepag~ ea.utg mat tuna ~ ~ ~ ~ nîtroas oxîde. Il may be exactly what you neeti. lai W m Wou rooney mati emas (id Sas (I'a~ Raaika caataec ua cc huE MIL-Fil. S-S * hL 10-2 * CINSU Siuy wpma~aau*aiaan sut a iaaiîioeweawusgaaaaoe n I

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