Tht Cunudian Champion, Tuosduy, Murch 14, 2006 - A25 Q.! - ghumkisag .1 eepsmratiaugfron, amy spouae oui wast f0 kuow hose I eau prof0ct suy omets A: Laut montis sec tooketi ut tome ways yoa coutti protect yoai assets anti titis mostis we wtt continsse seitis more suggestions tisat migbt tsetp. t. Proteci yournetf ho. jotas louas. Au part 0f a sepuration agreensent, your former spouse may bo iequireti te pay ajoisi tous. Hoseever, ne matter sebat yoai separation agreensent says. you aie stitt tiabte ta tise tender. Tos sboutti protect yoarsetf by notifying du tender tisai tisis is tise case anti trying ta bave yoai same removeti fions tisis tieist. If you aie unabte te obtais a retease, ask tise tender ta notify you immediatety if your spouse tiefatitta. so tisas yos cars institate tisnesy tegut action agasast your spouse. 2. Freeze ail LIsea of Credtt anti Savinga fluais Accotants. Is is nos anconunson for ose spouse te max out tise couptes tise of credit anti tatre att of tise nsosey. To prevent unautisorizeti usage bave your huais freeze it se it ruas bo useti. 3. tnventory jour property. A comptete anti accurate investory ofatt properny wiit ensure tisat tire propcrsy gets divideat fairty. Taise pictsares of everysbing. 4. Secure jewellry, arivoris asti other valuable nioveuble objecta. Vatuables bave a way ef disappearing seisen a retationsbip breaks doses. tf yes bo5ieve thit may happen. yeu sboutd take steps re presecs yeur vatuais5es. 5. Essuie that enctudeti property remains exciotieti. Certain types of morsey - for inssance, life invaranre prorreds, iniseritances urd personal snjury aseards may ner bo divided spon separasion. To ensure risar tisis s use rase. iseîp sisese monies separate from otiser monres. Wisile s may hi sempsîng se sse a large inherirasce se pay dotes your morsgage, dorng se meurs ihas yen are giving ap isaîf of risc suhentanre il yen separase ~is <S00J 070-0120 Fans <0001 070-2034 420 Main Stroot Eut, Suite 203, Hilton, Onlarlo LOT iPI Lot ~ UA~.WcLU,9C Q: S salaud tht RRSP deadilse quis! Su Short u.ythlau S rus do? A: Masy people bave tise desireta contrsbute ta tiseir RRSPs caris jeai, bot get caugbt up in lut living anti seatcis du deatilines stip isy. Its osly fising dut rigbt after tise RRSPdcatilise Marris utaris off seitis "National Pnscraatiaation Weeis!" S tisinis titis mut bave becs set seitis Canadians in mmd. The isest way ta beat tise RRSP blues in witis a change in mmd sel Muay people asis tise question "Hose mach do S bave Se put inta my RRSP se tisaS I dont bave to pay asy more taxes?" Tisis question invites procrastination. At beat, iru a gucas baseti spon cstimating your taxen anti in only available once jas ges your T4 slip. (Gada' Wby isut National Procrastination Wcek in early May - aftcr tise tan ticatiuise!) A botter qurstion would be "Hose mach of my income cas S defer tise taxes on until retirement?" By sisifting jour focus ta saving for retîrement ratiser tisas minimsrisg lait jeurs taxes, jon bave your ansseer seben you reccive your Notice of Assessuent in June. You cm spread jeur "RRSP rentribstion/Tan minimization strategy" oser 7 montiss. Tise end resuit s tisat by ausomatiratly puning a unIe away caris montis, you ges your RRSPs doue seitis lest effort, seithout a lasi minute cash drain, seithout isaving te borrote and seitisout isaving le worty about your invesîmenî derîsion. Monthiy RRSP ronîributions lake tise bile oui of Naisonai Prerrastination Wrek urd bnp you arisseve your retiremeni goais ina more orderly fashion. Se note usas Natienai Prerrastinatien Week s oser, stan off on a site foot' Cail ns today le hegin yoar 21)06 RRSP invesimeni ssrasrgy. Caîl 905-876-0120. AFFILIATES WITH Pavisîso N PlANNING INOiIPANCE SEvoîcES NO. Nortisview Centre, 211 Guelpis St., Suite 5, Georgetosen (905) 873-8400 Q: My wtfe han trouble talcing pilla. How cas I help? A: Diffiruity taking pitis is a very common problens for severat different reasons. t) The piits do net go doten: Ail pitîs sisoutti hi taken witis isquitis. St takes as hast 1/2 csp of liquiti to flusis tise piits ttrreugis 10 tise stemacis. Puis sisoutti be given sittsng or standing. Puis shoulti neyer be given tying tiown. 2) Tise psits aie 500 big: TaIs teitis your pisarissacisi te tee if tise pilts rua hi rmsised. Nos ail puis rua bo crusiseti as tisey seoris ourside 0f tise ssomurh asd may have a roatiag tisat stops tisens breaking doten in tise stomaris. If tisey cao hi rrusised ask your pharmacisi if tise crusiseti pilI cao be pus into jars, pudding or ire creara se tisai jr rastes botter. If il rassi hi crissiseti ask if tisere is a steailer version or a liquid version tisas weutd hi casier se lake. If risis iv ont possihie, try taking tise piti teitis teater. HoId tise piti and tise water in yoor moutis, put your risin dosvn towurds your risest anti swaitow isard. Steailose again. 3) Tise flamber of puis tisat need te ise taken during tise day: TaiS seitis your dnctor anti/or pisarmarisi. Somesimes tise tinctor cao change tise flamber 0f puis te once a day ratiser tisas tbree turnes a day. They rouid aise bo cisangeti fions taisiets te capsutes. Your dector migist aiso bo aisie ne change bote tisey aie taken. Some puis rua bo taisen in a iiquid forte. Ask if titis iiquiti rua bu mnixeti teitis juire or mus se tisai it tasses isetter. St is difficuti te nake an unpieasans metiscine. Do sot make uay changea yourself seitisout ronsuiting your dector or pisannacist. There are reasons for caris medication. Rend tise labels on tise bottins and taNk wlth your phurmnctut. For furtiser information anti betp on swaiiowing difficulties pieuse contact tise Haiton Hiits Speech Centre anti a Speecis-Language Patisotogisi woutd be isappy to iselp you. Q. I arn nese to tht cornrnunity, and S arn Iooking for a reglatereti physlotheraplaL Wbat quailties nhoaid I lotis for la aplsyalotherapy dlnlcorregluteredphyslosheraplas? A. flaire are pies aad cona ta bavssg a neseer graduate as a physioheeapist. On ose hassd dsey are aware of stse newest researeis seitis respect ta plsysio- ttserapy, but a physiosiserapias seho tua been workissg for a wbile bas more clissicat isnowledge. Once yoss graduate fions physiotiserapy, you cas chooee to taise poas geatisate course seoris 50 increase yoar knowledge asti sisilis in a parsicutar ares. For instance, in tise aiea of ortlsopedics, wtsicb is as aies commonly treated is private clinics, tise Itterapiat cas taise a series of courses aad tisen write ttsree examns to actrieve your "Put A" deoignation, anti tisea taise anotiser sertes of courses asti write anosiser crans ta aibieve yossr "Part B" tiesignation. Tisere are masy other types of coarans dut aie relevant ta tIse fietti of pbysiottserapy, ns tise more coarsea dut aie taisea, tise nsoie abus tise tiscrapias bas ta offer you. 15 is important ta inquire sebetiser or sot tise tiserapiar yes are asking about takea osgoing course work ta tise mediral professios, tisinga change ne mach, tise tiserapisis seed ta kecp sp on sew reaearch and tectsniqses. If yeu aie isquieing about tise ctinic, you seant ta kaow tsow many ctiettts tise tiserapiat tees per bour. Some rlinics sec two rtiests per bour, otbers turne, asd otisers four or more, sebicis means lest rime witb your attesding phytiosiserapits. As secit, yeur imtial assessmeut shoutti be forty minuses te an heur with yeur Iherapias. This shows tise tberapist te gise you a fuit assessasens, anti regetiser asake a plan for your cari. Ar tire Haltea Commneity Rehabrlitatieu Centre. we are pleaseti te say tisai we have tisree "Put B" liserapisrs, ose "Put A" siserapits. anti other rherapisss iseiug mensered rhreugh tise system, se yoa are guaranseeti se receive tep quatity care as oui choie. As welI, eue sew assessureuts are aIt ene heur long, a sase which allews yea te ger se knew yoer site tiserapits. Ceme anti sce how tee cars ger riti ef ail yoer acises md paies!!! Give us a try. n I