Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 2006, p. 7

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Fluoridation is expensive and risky This citter îs in repiy to jennifer Smith's Icîter saymng we should trust in our profession- aIs. On the surface, I would have to agree. They provide a valu- able service to the community for our healtb and well-being. On the other band, they're still buman and have been known to make mistakes. In the 1950s the side of a bottle of DDT said to sprinkle liberally over pets and in crevices around the home (t0 conîrul pests). About a year ago, some proies- sionals said that Vioxx was safe. Thai didn't turn oui to be truc. In the past 10 years other pro- fessionals have said thai a cer- tain number of pesticides and herbicides were sale whicb have now proved to be carcinogenic and were pulled from use. 1 have a bard time believing ail professionals ail the lime blindly As for chlonnation, yes it does make our water safe to dnink. Did you know thai tbe levels of chlorine are mucb bigher ai the insertion point than îbcy are ai tbe farîbesi rcacbcs of the pipelinc? Thiaîs because il brcaks dovin trs the watcr the furtber îî gocs along. 1 don't want my son drinking chiorine. As for the bigh cavity raies among Milton kids, the num- bers weren'î asîronomîcally bigber than the other munici- palities in the region. We did, bowever, have the lowest rate of fluorosis among ail areas. AIl the rates of cavities would be a lot lower if we cul out sweets, pop and sugars. Fast foods and prepared foods have a loi 10 do wsîb ibis, too. Fresb vcgeîables and fruit along witb prcpared meals - not oui of a box or microwave - would bave an impact also. Proper dental hygiene and brushing and flossing would also bring tbese levels down. Puttîng fluoride in tbe waîer is expensîve, and the amount needed to be effective is a very small window. Too litile and il doesn't work, too mucb and you bave cven bigger probleins. Because noîbîng is in a pure tormi anymore, and witb ail the chemîcals addcd ici everyibing, 1 wouldn't bîtinlx trust aisy'otc w'itb thc bcalih of ni\ cbiildl Dois i ac cepi cvcrs tbing jusi bcc,îusc a professional said %vas si) what fluoride is and wby it says on the toothpaste tube 'Do not swallow'. Then if you stîll [cel fluoride is necessary, you can give your child fluoride supple- inents, along witb fluoridated îooîbpaste and fluonide treat- ments from the dentist. Jusi don't force ihîs on ail the people wbo voîed againsi il. My son is a normal seven- year-old wbo drinks pop, loves ice cream and knows about the candy aisle ai Bulk Barn. He also knows wbat foods are bealîhier and enjoys a balanced diet. We live 1n the older pari of îown, wiîbouî fluoridation. tic dîdn'î use fluoride tootbpaste until age fîve and only gels a fluonide treaiment aitihe dentisi once a year. He hasn'î bad a cavîîy. By the way, Walkerîon already bad chlonine before ils waîcr cnisîs. Il was ibe proies- sionals wbo werc neglîgcnî in their duties bo regulate ibose levels that causcd tbe contami- nation. Hîgb levels of fluoride arc toxme, and addîîsg il to our waicr would nican mnorc regula- lions and responsibilities o0r ulur public \vorks departoscot. SUZANNE TURNER RIVERPIACE CRESCENT Views on demolished old home unrealistic DEAR EDITOR: This is in response 10 Elizaibeth Harrison's Ici- ter 10 the edîtor concernîng tbc demnolitton of thc old stone bouse on Tremaînc Road. It would secm apparent tIsai Harrson bad neyer been ibrough the doorway of the subleci 160-year-old stone bouse, If she bad, ber approach t0 the demolition mîgbî be dîfferent. The building in question was essentially four rooms not including an add-on frame kitchen. Tbe foundation bad deîcniorated t0 tIse extent tbat you could sec tbrough tIse walls t0 tbe carth out- side - permitling creatures of any description access 10 tbe intenior. This would bave been a complete and very expensîve restoration. I share Hanrison's vscws concerning the relen- lion of our histonec buildings whcn warranîed. But in my opinion ibis building was a square box wiîb no character. TIse cost of restoration would have been off tIse scale. It would be nice if we were in tIse position 10 cover the restoration cosls and tur t i mb a musc- um, but wbo pays 10 perform, ibis work, ot 10 mention tIse landI costs? lad anvone heen ititcresicd iii purcbasiisg itis horne witb a vicsw ii livinîg iii il. tbe expecnse of dottsg so s'would have becn Isorretîdous. And voit woîtîd sîtîl bc lif with a I t0-y car old building bo i-nodernize and brîng up to current biulding code standards. Ilii becomes a public building, 10 ibis wc add annual maintenance costs and losî muie- ipal tax revenue. Perbaps Harrison would bc able 10 suggest wbo woulcl pay for ibis, If she is suggesting tIse builder bc responsîble, the cosi would bave 10 bc recov- ercd from future boyers in tbe proposed subdivi- sion. Is îî fair and equitable tIsai wc sbould saddle tIse ncw bomcowners wiîb tbis addîîîonal expense? Money can fix anyîbîng, but wbere docs iî corne from? Il Harrson bas tIse means or abiliîy 10 implement bier vision for tIse restoration of ibis and future buildings slaîcd for demolîîion, iben tIse problem is solvcd. As a fellow taxpayer I would ask that wc 001 bc burdencd wîîb non-essenîtal expense. F.A. (FRED) LOUKS MAIN STREET 'The Canadiani Chàmoon, Fn!day, Matchi 10, 2ffl-A7 Copy of Halton's first-e ver newspaper Ieft at Champion Time capsules, art geins of infor- mation extractedl from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a wiaîdow int Milton% past. Explanatory contient ta sometintes prcîvided to place the situa- tion in-contait. May 1907 P D. Scott, ex-Warden of Haltou, has left at the Champion office a copy No. 5 of the Halton Fariner, Trafalgar, Eaquesing and Erin Advertiser, perhapa the firat newspa- per published lu Halton. It is ediîed ai Oakville, C.W Saturday, Feb. 22ud, 1851. Thse sheet measures il by 16 incIses and is printed only on one aide. lis price was a penny. There are no locala lu the number but a correapondent tells of an examina- tion of pupils of tIse achool of Section No. 12 Trafalgar, a mile and a half froin Oakvilie of wbich jas. Deninan was teacher. TIse corre- spondent saya "they (the pupils) were exercised flot only lu the usual branches of tIse Engliah education but also in those Isigher aubjects which one generally imagines are exclusively taughî in seminaries witb Isigh-sounding naines. Geography was elucidated by mapa and globes, anatomy by ortenies, tel- lurians &c, geomeîry by real tangi- ble cubes, cones, prismns and pyra- mida." TIse abstract of tIse accounts for 1850 of tIse Treasurer of Trafalgar is publisheil showing total receipts of £708-3-0 and the expenditures £115-3-10 lesa £151-16-4 on roada andI bridges, £191-2-10 for general purposes and £250 for achool fund. James Reid and James Arnotî were thse auditors. TIse members of tIse book coin- mittee of Milton Public Library are busy now selecting $50 worth of new books, which will bie catalogueil and put into circulation. The library is about to be closed two weeka for sîock-taking and every inember is requested to at once return .any books which hie iay have borrowed. The Milton basebaîl club was reorganized with the foilowing offi- cers: President A. Higginbotham; Vice Fresident F Fan; Manager Milton Capsules . Jno. D>. McGibbon; Sec.-treas. R_ Fleming; Captain R.W Sprmnggay; officiai scorer, Wi. Fanton. Few of the Old Country inml- grants who have been pouripsg into Canada for somte rnme want work on faims, which need thein, and they are staying in the cities where they are flot needed. They will bie in need theinselves next-winter, though they may get aloug during the summner, and the citles will have to, face the problein of providmng for them. Canada wants no more unskilled laborers except for Lam work and none but those willing toi go to fatrina should be encouraged to, corne here. The Halton Creain and Butter Co. will, by next Tuesday, have thse plant replaced which was destroyed in Iast week's fire, and wilI resumne butter making on tIsat day. The baud played iu the open air on Saturday evenlng for the flrsî turne this season and did so on the bill by the gnisî miii, as tIse stand next tIse town hall was in need of repairs. TIse turnout (of tIse hand) was rather sinall. Some of tIse mem- bers seemn toi have forgotten tbat the town gives an annual grant of $100 in conaideration of the open-air con- cents. They should remember this lu future and that there ia a moral obli- gation on every member to turn out regularly and puncually Mr. Paxton, late manager at Weston has been lu charge at the Milton agency of the Farinera Bank for some days and M. Vankoughnet has succeeded him at Weaton. Mr. and Mss. Paxton have taken roixna at the Hotel McGibbon. Thtis material is assembled on behaïf of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dills, who can be reached ai A ci*L L ES Address 357 Queen St., ACTON Local 519-853-0200 Toit Free 1-866-620-3248 Parts Hottine 519-853-5613 E-mail info@'achillesmazda. ca Seorv: L LýaL L ucnL_1L L,,z \_Et \. I 73,ýý - I V

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