Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 2006, p. 6

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A6 -w The Canàdid*n Chàmnpion, Frida,February, 17, 2006 What's in store for Our troops? Prime Minister Sieplhen Harper is standing tait, for niow, about Canadas continued mnilita-y rote in Afghanistan. We wonder bom, long ibis position witl tasi. The prime minisier plays upon Carnadian pride wben be suggests tbat our nations respecîed milita-y bistory doesn'i inctude turning our backs on alties wbein casuiattics begîn to mounit. "Canadians don't cnt and i-un at the firsi sign of trouble," the prime minîster saîd fottowing a deadty weeck for Canadian sotdiers statîoned in Kandahar-. -Tbat's the nature of his cou-vm atnt wbien wc send troops into the field. t expect Caiîadtns to support ibose iroops.- its not the stupport of' troops Harpet stîortd hc \vori-ied about. As the pnime nmister accui-atety sîaîed ibis weel5. tbc proverbial buck stops ait the federat cabinet wbien oi contes to decîdîng wben Canadian îroops sbould be tecattcd f romn ibe region. Vabile Canadas mniitai-v commuiient of 2,000 iroops to Kandahar was for a one-year period endtng next Mai-cii. i would be extremety, naive to betieve ibat ou- Amiertran allies won'i corne looking for an extension to ibat promise wiitin tbe next 12 montbs. e.tassifted Canadian tbrcaî assessmnin documtents i-escal tbaî Afgbanistan terronisi acttvity is supported financîatty hi tbe couniry's S2.8-billion (2004 figure) opium trade. A proîracied (anadian mission in Afgbanistan - soine mititary experts suggesi Canada mnigbt be necded iii tfie region foi- up tua a decade - Aitl tncs'iiably resuli ni more images of caskeîs draped in tbe Canadian flag teadîng off tbe evenîng news. Down the road, tbe combination of nising Canadian casu- allies and no measurabte improvement to the situation in Afghanistan could tead public opinion to conctude the effort is futile and sboutd be abandoned b>- our government. Tbe longer Canadian soldiers are stationed in Kandabar, the thinner the polticat tigbt rope hecomes for Harper. Too many milita-y funerats on Canadian soit coutd become the downfatt of the prime minister and bis minority governiment. Given wbat we know so far, ifs a battte Harper isn't likety to survive. Readers Write Send us yourt letters wù mltonw(x@haionLsea-rchom or drop thern off at M7 Main St E Miltonians don't want fluoridation DEAR EDITOR: In regard to Joe Hienrys ltter in the t-ehruary 24 Champion, Councillor Ron Eurik does acknowledge ihe facts. And the fact is thai tbe taxpayers of old' Milton don't want fluonide in their water suppty Funik bas been around for several referendums on the issue and the outcome bas always been fond and clear. No. 1 applaud him for dis- missing the issue outrigbî because Furik knows exactly how we feel. For someone whos only been bere f or tsso years, 1 woutd recommiend that Hienry do some research regarding the ref'erendum- before speaking oui. And 1 suggest tbat lie also do somte research on fluorîde, wbicb is a bîghty toxic alu- minum by-product. ht accumulates in the body and througb time can cause senious bealtb problems and even deatb. Why in the world would anyone votuntarily want to drink ît? JILI BAILEY MILTON Aroundtown Wood burning chimne..;y safety's no Iaughing mialer When a neighbour began urgentty knoek- ing on our door one day many years ago, my lamily assumed he was just eager ton welcome us to, the neigbbourbood. Not 50. "Do you know your cbimneys on fire? " he asked my mom. Yes of course we do, we like it that way Or nof. Nope, being inside the bouse, we weren't abte to see the smnoke pouring ouf, and were more than glad - altbougb quife embar- rassied - to bc informed that our lirst fire in the new bouse wasn't going as planned. Il a persons first impression is determined in the liist few seconds of meeting someone, 1 can onty imagine wbat tis man was tbink- ing about bis new neigbbours. Fortunately, tbe cbimney lire badn't yet spread and was quickly put out. Tbe cuiprit? A birds' nest (witbout any birds, îbank good- buitd up ofcreosote in tbe cimney -a def- ness). mitle no-no. Creosote - a soot-tike sub- We learned the bard way tbe stance - can burst into flames importance of a dlean cbimney if not property cleaned out. and that a good sweep can do He likened this build up to wonders for tbe salety of tbe fami- tbe clogging and bardening of ly cbotesterot in the arteries. In Last week, a family in town ohrwrs t oehn o made the samne mistake, 1 was told otewrdi'smeigyu by tainig tehnican Brry orydon't want - sometbing that by tainng ecbicia Bary orycan be incredibty dangerous if of tbe Mitton Pire Department. not detected in time. A bouse on Tremaine Road, Il a lireptace is used regular- just soutb of Denry Road, atso bad R= mri - s0Z. ly, Kory recommends a profes- a cbimney, lire. Theirs was a lit tie =sionat cteaning once a year. more serious, witb the flames spreading So please, team from tbe carelessness of witbin tbe watt. Fortunatey, liretigbters were fbe Thiessen famiIy end make sure your lires able to put il out belote theie was any signif- serve tbeir intended purpose - retaxing icanf damage to the homne or injuries f0 tbe warmtb for fbose cbitly end-of-winter nigbts. peopte inside. Stephanie Thiessen can be reaebed ait Kory said the blaze was due to a beavy ~lZbe chrnabiani (!Eampion Miltonss Conios 5i Noaspaper Since 1860 875 Mamn St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Heil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNalb Managing Editor Kairi Smith Production Manager Mom Colos Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Toni Casas The Canadian Champion, pubtiîhied every Tuesday and Fnday ai 875 Main St f., Milton, Ont, 19T 3B3 (Box 248, is one cf lthe Metroland Pnibng. Publishing & Distibutng Ltd. communrty newspaper. 0Adverlsing niaaoopt on theonto n toohati thseoeesof a rypsqrapna error, mt portio i the adernsin qpaoooopied by th ro os ite toete iv a reasonale ailowance fo signa taew noiebe cagdfor. u he balance of te aoerseri m bepaidfor athe appiabeate, The pblisher eeaeo the ighto cate5oze adverosemets ordecIe CCAB Audited Recoagnizeil for excellence toy Ontario Coeeeeity , 1 Nespapers Association C C A Canaian Community The Canda nthamnpi n a prouin edia sponsor for: Halton Healthoara UNITE WAY 0F MILTON TY AUCTION ' VYMÇA Showcase mîto ~ ' GA I A..rd,

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