Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 2006, p. 3

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Fundraiser to help support chiidren struck by tragedy By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Two bizarre and tragîc incidents - a disappearance and a deatb - coming jusi montbs apart bave left îwo local babies witbout ibeir parents and in tbe care of family members. And tbougb noîbing can be doue to cbange tbe circurnstances, a local womnan wants t0 do ber part to belp tbe cbildren and tbeir new caregivers. On Marcb 31 ai 7 p.m., a fundraîsing event will be beld at tbe Milton brancb of the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Cbarles St., to raise money for 10- montb-old Dakota and 22-montb-old Jayson. Tbey're tbe cbîldren of Jason Way ' wbo passed awas' Fcbniary 22 at Hamilton General Hospital after comn- plications surroundîng reconstructive armi surgery Tbe cbîldren's motber, Corn' Lee Way 26, went missîng Decemiber 29. causing concero over ber well-being and sparking an investigation by Halton and Toronto police. Jason Way's fatber, Randy, saîd bis son already bad legal custody of tbe cbîldren wben bie died. Fundraiser organizer Sue Pinsent said, -1 jusi want to do somnetbîng extra (for tbe family ).' She said Way's cbîldrcn %vcre bis life. "He devoted bîmsclf to ibose kîds." sbc saîd. -Tbe were ail bc ialked about. It was aIl about ibcm. He ssas a great main. Tickets to tbe eveni cosi SI 10 ai tbe cloor. Includcd in tbe c%,coing \vilI bc mu.sical cuici iaiumin rom11 IooII bauds. 's bich xxii begin pet torming around 8:30, l'inscnit said, -1 bere'Il aIlso bc a raffle, door prizex. a 50/50 draxx and a poker table. lî'l be a uie foi iamiix and lriends to gaîber and remnember \\'ay wbo bad many friends in Milton, Pînsent said. ItîIl also gîve people wbo didn't know bim a cbance to belp îwo babies and enjoy a fun nigbt, sbe saîd. 'He was a great man. He ioucbed 50 many in ibis town. Fverone bas a story about Jay," sbe saîd. Way's sister will be caring for Dakota and Jayson, Pînseni said, and bas ber bauds full since sbe bas two ebîl- dren of ber own. Money raîsed ai tbe event will be given to tbe cbildrens auint, wbo cao putitî toward wbat sbe secs fit, Pinseni said. "From two kids to four kids... that's a lot of diapers and Pablum," she said. Srnce the legion faciliîy bolds only 170 people, Pinsent is encouraging family and friends to arrive early to make sure tbey get in. As for Cory Way, Det. Sgt. Peter Hodgson of Halion Regional Poltce satd shc continues îo be maissing, although bier mother, Brenda Clemneni, told The Cbampion 'everythings fine." She wouldn'î comment furtber on the whereabouis of ber daugbter. Det. Sgt. Hodgson said Way was recently spoîted in Toronto, but tbe investigation is currenîly at a standstill. - "We're stili looktug, but we've run out of places îo look," bc said. "We'll continue to look for bier until we're absolutely convinced sbes safe." A trust fund bas been set up for tbe îwo Way cbîldren ai Prosperiîy Oue, 44 Main Si. E. Stcphanic Thicsscîi con bc teaclicd ai sithicessen@am ilton canadianc hampioni com. AUTO BODY ~i(ROYATALNTLAîNI)I M ilto e Under the direction of Sonja van de Hoef ChoriSers Accompanied by Becky Windhager *~~ FA$lNl,îIN" RHYTHM af"1E NÇE 8U QR A1F 114E MPLN Featuring Jenny Enns-Modolo Mezzo-soprano 77CkMY$ 730PM S4t/RY#MARC/I25,200 KJWO;XPRIFSB&1R/ANC/IUX1 /»t AM/N Si RED, MI70N AD/I S....................x 5~N/R.....NT....... e CHIDRtN ................. XAAL8ATTHXO Contact ut: 905-876-3203 or ww.Miltnchoriterscom The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 10, 2006 -A3 Toota s Biggest sales1 I Event of the Year. I ÀItIs ÀIt'ls Big. Red. Anil It's DacRIa 400 Steeles Avenue ï* 1-800-617-4 025 -usd Assa * IrMt e a 4 à È -feip. ý t1w à àia fi " la

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