Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 2006, p. 25

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li Bhs 11z3 4 ia Bils Ille CHURCH - Jason and Diana are ihniied ta an- nounce the birih oi their tirst born daughter Jessica Ann Church, bom an Fniday January 27, 2006 ai 9:SOpm, weighing 7ibs tioz. et Milion District Hospital. Weicomed by prsad tiret time Grandiparents Carat and Les, Cannie and Beent bath oi Oshawa, Ontario and Aant Tammy and Uncie Darryl of Brampton, Ontario. Thanks ns Dr. Wilkinson and tihe many wonder- lut narses ai MDH. Gaitoway Darryt and Karen las. Wilson) are prssd ts anounce the sale arrisai of Abbigait Anne Issabeile bon in Millton Febmu- anti 24, 2006 ai 3:32pm, weîghîng 8ubs, 11ozs. Thniiied grandparents Anne & Jîm Gaiioway and Steve & Aida Wison, Abby says Heiio to ber Aunis, Uncles and cousins! Speciai thanks ta ose Iiends and Daddy for beînig sacn a oreat coacn! We love yoa sasci" Grandma & Grandpa Vaux <Barin à Doug) are thrîiied ta announce the birtn of their neaiesi anget, a granddaaghter, Lauren Etien Vundt. Bom March 4, 2006 in Guelphn and weighing 8 Ibu 13 oza, Laaren is the dasghier of Randy and Aiiison Vendu (Vaux) anci baby sister ta Zachary William. BROCHU - Paul Sandra (nee Sytsma) of Mitton are pieased to announce the birth of their dauginter Sierra Lynn, weighing 6ubs, 3ozs ai Million District Hospital on February 28th, 2006. Weicamad by big brother Christopher. Prsud grandparents Henry & Bey Sytsma, Irene Hoimes, Roy Leblanc, Richard & Christine Bro- cha, great grandiparents Henry & Coreen Syt- sina, Clive & Margeae Beard & Les & Neitie Brocnu, aunts & ancies Micinelle, Atison, Dan & Tanya, Jenna, Jason, Otis, Adtam & Gien. Speciai thanks to narses ai MDH and Dr. Wdl- kinsorn. BERGIN, Jo. and Oliue, visited their neai grandson, Brendan Michael Bergin, in Ottawa where ho was hors Febraary 20, 2006, weighing 8ubs, 12 tl2szs. Proud parents Stephen & Pasia, sisters Amande & Fisva are dehighted ithi their beaatifai boy. ond yoo tili îeceîve o votcher for 110J13 Moriam M I Moiam ISABEL HILSON May 1, 1921-March 11, 2004 Il teers could baud a steirway, And memaries a lave, We'd walk rigint ap ts Heeven And bning ysu iname again. I Loued and Misaed Foreusu Ali tins famiiy n Memnoriams in the torm Je of donations ta The W g Canadian Cancer Society are deeply apprecîated. C~IaofTaks 110=1o T o ha ks ISA.BELL Dale wvuld lîke tv nbavk ail of ber friends tbai helped mabe ber 9Oîb birthday a success & faor visiting ber ai Milton Hospital. Special nbasks tv Claire Aucklanid, Dir. Boxait tbe nurses and staff, also speciai nhanbs tcv tbe volunterrrs and kitchen staff. Tbe Siereuîr aud Leslie families would also like tv thank everyor. tsabell bus vvw bers moved iv Peel Masar in Bramptoun, friends and famities are welcvme. ar Posta & Trasportation v al nide shane ECE Maim witn n to Ktchener 1 0-yeare espe ience. Arrîving Natrittous meais, in- ters and doortouidoor activîtios, etween 4:30 &i sale envîronnmont. Fuit rive, you drive and paxt-tîme availablo. 905-676-3261 Upper Middile / 6th Lîve or 519-571- area. Roeeres 203 daytime. avaiteblu Cai 905-844- 1 0969. WANTED trom Miltc weekdays Kitchener ieaving b 5pm. I dl or sinare. evenînga 6043 ext Witt - Christine and Andy are pleased ta unnounce tino bin af tineir daugnter, Meghan Eue, weîgining 7ibs, 3ozs ut Milton District Hospital on Febray 23rd, 2006. A baby sister tor Keitn and Ian. Fîrsl granddaagnter for Gîsele Doherty, Donna Wiii, Dsag Wîii and great gravddeugnter for Erina Tambali. Spailîng rigits go ta Megan's many aunts andi ancies. As always, laie Grand- lutiner Chattes Dsherty is in aur tinoagits and con- tinues to be aur lamily's guardian ange. VANELLIS: Stacey and George (nve Meadal ai Milton are pieaeed ta ennaunce the humt ot their son Evan James aeighing 6.tibsaie Milton District Hospital an Febraary 23, 2006. Wel- comeri hy Mors and Ded, grandparents Don and Eleunor MeadsTassos andi Maria Vaneilis, Uncies Cinris, Simon and Jeff and tais sets of great granriparents. a speciai thanks a 0tine Miftxv District Hospital Obstetnics Narsing staff. MILL - Jasan & ina (neie Nykoruk) are happy ta unvaunce tine arrivai of their son TYLER DYLAN, weighîng 4ibs 12 ti2oz et Qakoilie Traflgar Memoriai Hospital on Jenuary 22vd ut 9:37pm. Weicomeoi by ait lemîly uvnd Iriends. A speciai tink yoa ta Dr. Cvetic and Dr. Sharma and ail af thne nurses et MDH and OTMH. The Canadian Champion, Fniday Mardi 10, 2006 - 29 f~or Sale Cjartos fo Sal 8 UIu>uji Carei Canada's High Risk Security Specialists la Currently Hiring SPCA SINE N whvviiiairs, hosy tl bvds, Buyi Soit Cai Sîivvr Cross 905-e47-5504 TRîSHA Romance Framed Prînt "Yeilow Ribbons" Retail $650 asking $500. Cul tas- 8le-04l 0 PIANO tuvivg specia $70.00, used rehaut Grand $5,000.00, used uprignt $500.00, cail Haydn @ 905-873- 1737 A dining mrosi, cherry- asori, double pedesial table, t chairs, buffet, inaic, davetail con- struction. New euhl iv boues. Cost $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pillowtop Met- treas Set. New in pies- h. Cost $1600. sel fon $450. 905-567-945. BEOROOM Cherry- wiood, Bod, cinesi, dresser, 2 vîgintatanda. Dovetat Construction. Nover openei CosI $6,000. Sacrifice $1,900, 905-567-4042 CARPET i have severa 1,000 yards of n0w Stain Master & 100%s vylov car- pet. Wîii do living rosai & inuit fo, $389. Includes car- pot, paci & installation 130 yardsi Steve, 905-633- 6192 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers best prîce, Best quaity. Ail shapos & coiours. Cai t1- 866-585-0056 www.tinocoverguy.ce MOVING Sale. every- mhing must go! TV, Iridge, xffice desn, col- tee lubie, solas & mach mare, pleaso ral 905- 876-9832. MR. Billiard, blackn champion pool table $1300. Hutchittuffet $200. Bedroors suite $1000. Wîne cosor $100. 905-664-6964. FMR ADVIERTISIN1 IVOURI GARAGE SALE "25. v s.n INCL BARAQE SALE Kin PHONE: 905-78-2341 Atces Wanted WANTED- ail art, Jantiques, caliectîbies -china, crysta, silver, fig- urines, Royal Doulatoni, Sarovoki, glass, pottery, etc. estate specialiats, top cash. Cail John/ Tracy 905-321-2477 a PtSupiplis PUG i st needies, ver checheci, dewsrmed, registerud, micro- cinipped, de-fleaed. 4 COCKAPOOS, lti 1needies, vet checked, -dewormed, dolleaed 905-875-0475 WANTEO to ront sali hanse erena for dog egility classes. Need 1 0t10tf alun extra storage space and parking. 100s1006t lenced saldoor space aise needori Excellent com- pensation for apprspniate space. Lise et 905-469- 1555 &â fo Sal 1999 Dorige Dakota Sport. Blue. Mînt condi- tion! CD player. 160,OOOkms. $9,n00. Cal 416-938-5362. Be a TEACHER or ASSISTANT Teacn ESL TERL DîplomalCerificate Wark adnh Ciudren ECA DipiamaTA Cert. Progemo stertîng MaylSeptember APPLY HOWt Regîatered & uppraved as a private Career Coilege. Recsgnized by the Miniotry af Training Cauleges& Uviveraîbies. 905-896-000 Eara i 4I I#SÀ TE ORA IH M 0 Medical/Ottice Administration * Cati Centre 3 Accountinq * Computer Support Technîcian ^Prxgrum funding eigibitl Buins Euio i I 63I 10 Il uit'r2O7 - WLCOME* "WAGON SertE 1930 *New in town? *Getting rnarfied in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? Please cail us COMMUnit Wolconïe Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-124î Baby Welcome Michel 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcooe Laurie 905-878-01à8 BugProf Welco.e Laurie 905-878-0126 W&ný-zI GOLDEN GATE Mortgage Agenits/Finencial Advisorsl Insurance Agents needed. We're growing! Fax resumne to HR @ 416-777-9015 2000 CHEVROLET CAVAUER Tais doors, 4 cylinder, automatic transmission, air condition, radis/CD player, croise contrai, 4 neai winter tires, 2 ail season, roat treatment. Mileage, 168,OOOhms. Price, $5000. For lurther details pleese contact me et 416-302-0090. job Skills' Self-Employment 13enefits Program ýmý: EIyih1,ý , U,,,,,,pi.yd Pdiýîd-1, m -d Dwf4,-ý Turn your idea intc, a profitable business venture with up to one year of coaching, mentoring and workshops delivered by qualified Business Coaches. * Eligibilicy " Be unemployed, eligible for Employment Insurance or received Employment Insurance in the last 3 years or 5 years (matemity/parentai leave). Special considerations for Persons with Disabilities may apply. " Have completed a Retum ta Work Action Plan at an Employment Assessment Centre. " Be legally entitied ta work in Canada. The Self-Employment Benefits Program is delivered by job Skills __az dhp-ýc") 'ýÏ cibskij'is c'! 9os-306- 7104 vvlww.!CDýýki is ci p 1-800-520-0631 1Tit prsîecc es fonded by the Government ofl Canada f,11d lq *Startinq rate $12/nr pies overtime *Extensive psid training prsvided *Unimited interna adoancement potential *CPR & First Aid certification an asset *Mast be able 10t travel provinciaiy wuth ail es- penses paid *Must posses exocellent Englisn verbal & written okilis *Must posses a vaid drivers license *Must bet availabie immediatey for assignment in the Niagara Region Please attend one of aur dally recruiting resalons In person: Holiday Inn: 2 North Service Rd. St. Catherines, ON - Mordt or Pelham room Match 7thNarch 121h between GOOChrs & 2100 hrs Bring with you: updated resume - drivera license copy - blrth certificats copy Habitat Habitat for Humaity Hafton ix a oprotit xrgaoîzatioo with the mission of prxvding simple dorent affordeble housing to alesv on oeed. ReSTORE MANAGER Repsrbing 10 the Eeecative Director, the manager wii be respanaibe for the acquisition, markeeing, and sale of used and surplus building meeris. RespQnibilis: Manage the day ts day apereans of the ReStsre. Deveisp a procunement strategy ta soiicit patentia suppliers ai used & surplus building matenials. H-ire, train, and supervise staff and vol- unteero. Manage the firancial reports & budgets. Develsp and implement pslicies and procedurea. Competencies & ' Oa iictons: Highly develaped interpersanal and cmmunicationi sinilis. Strong leaming apttde. Abiiity ta warv independently wlun a said wark etnic. Vaiid daiver'a license and eccesa, ta a vehîcie as reqaired. Espenienoe in a volanteer envîrsament wauid be an esset. Pleare appy In wrlting by March 13. 2006 Hiring Committee-Habitat for Humanity Hafitan 1800 Appleby Une, Unit 10 Burtington, Ontario L7L 6Al Email: Fax: 905-637-1540 Ooly thoe coxsidered for ex ixterv'iew aili be cxntacted. Salaîy Io commeoxuraté with qulificahions and expetiexce. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A CAREER IN FINANCIAL SERVICES? A tail-tîme positon is eveileble in e grawing Bar- linglon silice. Responsibuilies inclade veriaus cas- tomer service & administrative daties sacti as coar- dinetiag client meetings, mainteining eccaunt fles, processing documenta and liwing ap on ac- caunt transactions. Thia psition is idea for a tiigtily organîoed individ- ual w/eaceilevt communicatian & computer akîlis. Stravg custamer setvice akîlis, fine aention ta de- laul & the ebiiity 10 worx independently & appreoute deadlînes are requirements ai tit position. Knowl- edîti af linancisi services sectar, e deinîte sasset. Please fomward resume & salary expectations by Marcb 27, 2006 to: P.O. Êoa 137, Waterdown, OH, LOR iVO 1996 Ford Probe OT, power locka, power windows, flot running, $1200.00 000 905- 690-7567 alter tipm. 2003 Honda Odyssey EX. Beige, dlean, A/C, A Mi/ FMI/ CD, 52,OOOkms, excellent condition. Asking $26.500. Cal 905-696- 8958 MOVING OVERSEAS MUST SELI 2001 Acura t.7 EL, tike 00W, 4-door, beige, leatiner, heated seats, aiumînaum rime. extra rîms/iîntor Michelin tires. Ove owner, hîgin- way drîven. $6.950 obo. 1999 Piontiac Sun- lire GT, groat condition. 2-dor, red, sport pack- age, stereo, spoiler, overeizori tiresiaumi- vum vmns. Femate driv- or, higinway drîven. $4.950 obo. PLUS MANY MORE ITEMSP Cati 519-853-6121 or colt 416e-648-5756. 0 CrrTmîii

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