Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 2006, p. 18

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A18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 10, 2006 SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail 'Hawks grounded in game 7 heartbreaker Would-be equalizer cornes just a moment too laie By Herb Garbutt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Jt was the kind of goal tisai would have hecomec leg- endary. The kinci of goal tbat players imnsmediately think ol andi re- live wben îlsey look back on their hockey careers. A goal that is forever reinember by fans wbo sav 'l was there the nigbî wlsen. But ot carne a split second too laie. fTbe Milton lceHawkb lsad their dreams of a national chatnpionship shockingly derailed by the Oakvtlle Blades \Wednesday, nîght when their lasî-dîtch effort came up short by the narrowesî of margiîss tn a 4-3 loss in gaine seven of tise Prov incial jr. A Hockey League Western otsference senifi- nial. The IceHawks expenienced the bîghest higb, îhinking îbey bad scored a lasi second tytng goal, ts the lowest low when, afier conferning wiîb hîs linesmen, referc Sean McQutgge skaied toward the benches, put bis bands to bts chest and iben streîcbed out bis armns, watving off the goal and the lceHawks' dreamt season. Wbîie Oakville poured off ils bencb to celebrate. the IceHawks were left lîttered across the tee, most on one knee, leaning on their stick wîîb their heads slumped forward.> -lis a bard way to end vour juntor career,- satd veleran defencemanJeff Catster, who made the initiai point shot ibai was baîted in by an undisclosed leammate jusi after the sea- son-endtng buzzer. "Thaîs Ljse way tbe series went for us. its probabiy fitîing.- Tbe goal would bave onlv lorced overtîme, but wit Milton fîring nearly double tie number of shots, 39-22, ai the Oakville net, ot %ouldn't be a sîretcb 10 beliex e thev, could bave won tbe ganse - mucb lîke thev dtd wlsct they beat tIse Blades in tbe regular season afier ting tbe gaine tn tbe finai few seconds. And front ibere, who knows? Ibais ibe ques- tion forever lefi unanswered. Tbe IceHawks cerîatnly bad ibe sktli to reacb iheir ulît- mate goal of a Canadian Jr. A tille. Last years Central Canadian champion Georgetown Raiders losi seven limes in the regular season. Milton only losi four limes in 49 gaines. That's wbaî makes Oakville's vtctory so mind-boggling. The Blades bad to beat Milton four limes in five gaines afier falling behind 2-0 in the series. And the Blades bad to win tbree straîgbî afier tbe lceHawks seemingly put thein on tbe ropes witb a 6-2 victory lasi Friday Tbree of the four Oakville victories, including esee ICEHAWKS on page A20 RON KUZYK /CANADIAN CHAMPION UPENDED: Miltons AIes Ealon gels tripped up by Jesse Adair of Oakville during a big scoring opportunity in game seven at Memorial Arena Wednesday nighl ,Washkurak axed followinçj elimination By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF i'be IccHawvks aie donc. and so îs thcir coatcb. Lcss than 24 bours alter Milton was ousted b>' Oakvîlle in the conference seinifinals, bencb boss Joe Washkurak was banded bis walkîng papers. fi was announced yesterday alier- noon that be was fired from the lceHawks and ils affîliate Henley Sports Management, witb wbicb be was a full- lime employee. Besîdes coacbîng tbe lceHawks, be was involved in a nom- ber of assigninenîs for club owner Mario Forgiones bockey corporation, wbicb includes tbe ECHL Pensacola Ice Pilots and OHL Mississauga lceDogs. 1-orgione saîd that in lîgbî of Milton's disappoînîing plavloff perforîn- ance, il svasn't in the teams besi interesi ils have \Vasbkurak back nexi season. 'e thougbi il was besi to make a clean break," saîd the icelawks' owner. Remarked Wasbkurak, 'lis isot a good feeling (geîîing fired), but i guess Maio feut we underacbieved and wben that bappens ils usually the coacb that goes. In the back of my mind 1 guess 1 knew i mîgbî bave 10 take the faîl." Aiîbougb be took over the lceHawks' coacbîng reins from a sus- pended George Dupont December 1, Wasbkurak was neyer named as a per- manent replacement - and always mainîained that kepi bîm from makîng sîgnifîcant chafiges to the lîneup. '1 was neyer îold ibis was my teain. Had I not beenjusi an înîerîm coach, 1 mîght bave donc soîse things different- ly;' be noted. "I'd said aIl along that we needed somre more îeam guys. Not that these players aren't good guys, but wben you've gol a group of superstars il's bard 10 gel ihein ail to buy mbt the idea that il doesn't malter wbo scores ai crucial limes.", However, Wasbkurak admits Milton simply didn'î live up ils cbampionsbip potentiai. "Boîomt uine is we didn'î gel tbe job done. We were up 2-0 and 3- 1, but jusi couldn'î put Oakviile away. We bad one bad week, and il was a really bad week for that to bappen." MIurO bodiAE I haveAG a aua lcrca nryta l ows How Does Reflexology Work? ii throughout our nervous systemn. When tihe body is stressed Uh.1 through illness or injury or outside stress influences, there is a U~'I possibility that this energy can be blocked or slowed down. 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