Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 3, 2006 - A9 Company tries to, ç p quaý nniiirry nprva rnrpçç By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Hanson Bricks atiempi t0 speed up the approval process at the Region for its pro- posed new Burlington shale quarry proveci unsuccessful ai a public meeting last week. The session, beld ai the I-lton Regional Centre by the planning and public works committee, gave resîdents another chance to comment on the quarry that could be locat- cd on a 95-acre piece of land on the south side of No. 1 Sideroad, west of Tremtaine Road, bordering Milton and Oakville. But Ronald Webb, a lawyer representing Hanson Brick, also used the meeting as an opportunity t0 suggest what the commiîîee should recommend to regional council regarding the proposcd quarry He asked that staff be directed to present its recommendation report to the commiîtee April 12 and that the report include an Officiai Plan amendiment in the form. to be adopted by council. Thats someîbing staff bas alrcady îndicated it intends to do. He also requested that Hanson Brick be perniittecl to develop a private communal waîcr systcm to service the lois and proper- tics surrotilng the proposed quarry. hf is cxtremely important and urgent ihai you grant our requesi,- bc said, noîîng Ilianson Brick is expcîcd to run oui of the type of shale required to manufacture 'bufl' dlay brick ibis summer or fail. "if that sbouid bappen, it would bc very detrîmentai to tbe operation of 1lanson iii the Burlingion area." The solicitors suggestion didn't go over well witb Burlîngton Councillorjobn Taylor, wbo noted be was concerned about the pub- lic process bcing corrupîcd. Public meetings are designed to colleci information from tbe public and aren't used by commitîces or counicils to make dcci- sions, be said. "1 don't wanî ibis commitîce or council to give any direction to staff ibat would corrupi ibeir abiiîy (to evaluate tbe proposai)," be said. "We need to bave a dlean public process. Regional Cbairman Joyce Savoline sliared similar sentiments, dubbing the lawyers request a "cute tachec." "We bave to kecp ihe integnîty of the pub- lic process,- sbe saîd. -1 don't even tbink wc should bc talkiiig about ibis." The commitîce beard from a few resi- dents on the quarry proposai, including Roger Goulet, wbo represenîed Protecting Fscarpment Rural Lancd (PERL). He spoke about Hanson Bricks oniginal proposaI to construci a water fine to service anyonc affcîed by the ncw operation - a concept it wili abandon aitogetber if tbe Region gives a communal waîcr sysîem tbe go-abead. "Tbe water fine would set a dan- gerous precedent." He added PERL wouid lîke tbe commiîtee 10 rejeci tbe waîer fine proposai and require alternative solutions ici be investigated. Regionai staff bas previousiy cîîed con- cerna about tbe impacts a waîer fine could bave on mainîaining urban boundaries. A staff report from Commissioner of Planning and Public Works Peter Crueketi notes that staff are expioring ail options for addressing weii impacts and bas requested ibat Hanson Bnick evaluate tbe feasibilîîy of constructing a private communal water sup- pîy sysîem ibat could service affectcd resi- dents. Tbe committce also beard [rom Iawyer Peter Pîckfîeid, wbo represenîed the eigbt [amuies that comprise the Tremtaine Neigbbourbood Association c esidenîs wbo lîve around tbe proposcd quarry site. He said tbat tbe group bas reacbed an agreement in princîpie ici not proceed witb its objections teu the quarry on tbe condition that a permanent waîer suppiy is provided as soon as possible. Tbe City of Burlingion bas aiready adopi- cd an Officiai Plan amendment necessary 10 permit the quarry and lorwarded iî 10 tbe Region for approvai. The Province will aiso bave ici decide if il wants 10 approve removing tbe lands [rom tbe Parkway Belt West Plan and tbe applica- tion for a licence to extract sbale in order for tbe quarry to go abead. Tbe proposed site wouid replace one of îbree operations in Burlingion and provide 55 years of shale reserves. Melanie Hennessey can be reached ai mhen- THE NAME 0F THE GAME US FUN.I Let ihe goaci limes rail ai Siots ai Mohawk Raceirack! Wiih more ihan 200 new games and aver 850 siat machines in total, the fun is always right ai yaur tingertips. Plus, enjay great live entertainmeni every Friday and Saiurday night. As always Siots ai Mohawk Raceirack features free parking, shuttle service and a camplimeniary coat check - we've gai everything cavered. Put same excitemeni in your lite ai Slais ai Mahawk Racetrack! 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