Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 8

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A8 - The canadian Champion, Friday, Match 3,-200è k1 Did God Create E vil? There is a sîory about a professor at a college witha reputation for being iough on Christians. At the firsi class every se mester, he asked if anyone was a Christian and proceeded te challenge iheot on their clains of faith. One semesier. he asked the question and a young man raised his hand to affirrn ihat he was a Christian. The protessor prornptly asked hirn, "Did God make everything, young maan?" He replied, "Yes. sir! He did!" The professor responded. "if God made evervthing. then He made cvii' The student didutl have an immediate respouse and St. George's An lican Churchi Our htiilii is ssci sers up, Iliii îîînînîanîis for - .1 50 xi ars Jolin us tblo vear in a cetenratia,, of. 95e prrahing Of Gud'i word la ihl chart un threKscrpmeni siace 1856 (aime aad mme us, we wlI be ne, pleard ta, meet vui REC7110IL Rev Canon Charles Mastes March 5il. 20e6. Seriçes 8:30 am Morniug Peayer 10i30 amn Holy Comunionu Traditoual Servc 10i30 arn Macing Prayec lu ihe FarniIy Rom Nursee andjunior tiunday Schoul 7051 Guelph Unse ai Derry Raad (Tel) 9)05-878-1363 Vlstt our web site u"'npawtsueaae x SUNDY, M 5 10:00 a.m. loin Us ln Célébration of Commmi and Message www.thwanctuary.calmilton 905.257.3987 Milton Senior Centre 500 a"I6Drive inear the Mai1 the professîîr mas happy iii have onuce again proved the Christian faîîh iii be a iiyth. Then anoiher otani raised bis hand and asked. "May 1 ask you sornething, sir?" "Yes. you niay," respouded the prîîfessor, The yîîung man stood up aud said "Sir, is there such thîug as cold?" "Of course, ihere us! What kind of quesîton is thal" Haven't ytîu ever becu cold?" The yîîuug man reptied. "Acîuatly, sir, cîîld doesn't esîst. What me cons ider to be cotd. is really an absence tif heat. Absolute zero is when there us absîîlutety uti heat. but cotd does not really csîst. Wc To Advertise in the Church Directory please cail Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 ,. ha ve creaied ihai terra ii descrîbe hum ive feel when heati s nîli there." The yîîung man cuiutinued. "Sir. is there such a tbîng as darkbi" Once again, the prîîtessîr respmnded "01 course there Aîîd oince again. the student replied 'Actualty, sir. darkness does not exist. Darkness is reatly only the absence ut light. Darkuess is umnly a terin that we devetîîped tii descrîbe what happens when there is ne, lîght present. Finally. the yiîung ni asked, "Sîr, is there suc h thing as cvii?" The pruîlessîî rresponded. "0f colurse! Rapes, murders, rviolent crimes. burgiaries and iuther abuses occur everywhere thrtiughiînt the wîîrld -those things a re evil. CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On 1_9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday Sohool Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Ministur Steve Corbett I/Miton Bible Cbiurc() WP' LoviFt Gob. Lovitu ,f peope. 200 Main Street Sundays at MBC, 9:30 arn & 11:00 arn, Worship Service Children 's Ministnies Runnîng Concurrently 10:30 arn Coffee & Conversations (We serve Tim Hortons Coffee) Senior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh -Youth Pastor - Mark Strîckland GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main StE WELCOMESYOU MILTON GOSPEL HALL Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hili 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 MeDermott 905-878-2411 lotern Moderator - Rev. Harry Kiassen 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper Rev. Carole Langlotz Dîrector of Music Mînistries -Sonja van de Hoef 11:45 arn. - Sunday School Father Mark Curtis Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Sunday Services Youth SmaiI Group Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 8:00Oam - Said Euchanust (Grades 7-12) 9:15 amn Prayer and Bible Study 10:00 amrn Sang Euchanist including' Children's Worship For God sent not his Son "Kids' Spirit" Progran (Age 3 - Grade 6) 10:30 arn into the world Io condemn the world; followed by coffre hour Nurser ý 10:00 arn - Said Euchannst "Growingr togeîher in the rc of Christ" but that the world through him ~~~~~~~MWheelchair cenlruhPrigLt Welhr access and washrooms prnvided so that might be saved. wtlhirm trug akigCl ail may corne and worship. Access off Mar street.Jhn31 ohn31 ÇRACEWAY 9BAPTIST CHURCH e IL <nLthisder jVNT-A 905-878-1629 Pa2 L akNîao ClHU-RCH Pastor Walter H.Isaak Pato Jac N inaber. Invites you 10 OUI weekly Sabbaih services ai riiiWti itnID. UMUMU Bibe Study90 amn Hugh Fostr Hall 43 Blrown St Milton 1 0:00 a.m. - Sunday School Connections Café (in the foyer) 10:00 amn Sai 9 30 a. m -Sabbaili Sîhool 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sat 1 Oasn-I[)ivine Service 6:00 p.rn. - Evening Service Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. MEE BILE CHO Iiisi,,tt aiii.i.555 ili ansttcî i. >iii s'siîîrislssîîsgîcsîoi,s Thrdy"The Art of Cultivai ing" an ixci, u î hapirs hic 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer in the series "Organic Church" ici l tiri 1H lN, ic )il 1.91 5111' Captain's Crew for Children 4-12 nii"1Jv iiogslcti, 'You'II always find a friend at Graceway" 905878-5664 '55 Iii i AI1 DaCoil 519 51 www.aracewaybaptist.ora Located on DerryRd., between the Sport Centre and the ospial icmo iccaî, ic Oclu!lacîsîcsi The siudeîîl replied. "Actnally. sir. evit doets not esist. Eît is sîmply the absence of' Gîd. Evîl is a terrn man developed iii describe the absence oii God. God dîd nîli create evil. It isnt tike trath, or love which exîst as virnues liSe heat or lighl. Evit is simply the state where Gîîd is not preseni, tîke cold ithout heat oir darkuess without tîght.' The professer had nothing lui say.. Answers to questions of laîih eau be found ai one ot Milton's local churches. Visît one ibis wcck. Service urnes and locations are publishcd in the Rcligîous Direciory below to, help! Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Mitton 's New Life Church. 'rmn SflttnKrgt 9 a.m. - Early Worship Service 9:.30 a.m. - Sunday Schooltfor AlAges 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service *Service Caplioned for Duaf/Hard of Hearing" INDESRIBABLE New Series Begins: How Big is God? 6:30 p.m. 0w Evening Praise iwoa- DANNY àwsge BROOKS Join us for great games, trips team building tips, music, messages & more., ' TF-AM a CANADA KiiaMarch Break School OaIly 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. -Cal (905) 878-3358 to register. For mare Infa: or cail 19051 878-3358 aun. marcn iz, iu:ju a.m. LENT Il SERVICE Worship iD Graham Hall supported by music from our Youth Band Ouest Speaker: Edward Bellsmith Worship in the Sanctuary supporled by music from, the St Pauls Choir Supervised Nursery Care from 10:15 ar. No Church School or Gospel Unit titis week Coffes & Conversation after the services Sun. March 19, Mission Sunday "Friends of the Orphans Canada" Weekly Bible Studies, Youth Groups Meditative Prayer, Chairs & Musical Groups for ail ages Corne Worship With Us! 1 J

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