A4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 3, 2006 Let's Spend nefljoeth Join Us For The 2nd Annual Milton Canadian Cancer Socloty Relay For Lite Friday, June 16, 7:00 p.m. - Saturday, June 17, 7:00 a.m. at the MILTON FAIRGRDUNDS REGISTER YOUR TEAM NOW!1 Make the difference in 2006. Interested in volunteering? Contact us! CanaianSocété www.cancer.ca mi e l Cnce canadienne f~l~ Sol du cancer 905-332-O060 GRAHAM PAINE ICANADIAN CHAMPION RESTORATION WORK HONOURED: Among those honoured at the Heritage Milton/Milton Historical Society awards presenlation Sunday afternoon were six Millonians who've restored local properties. Displaying their Herilage Milton awards are (from Ieft) Kathryn and Brian Tyers, recognized for their restoration of a designated building -66 Charles St; Mandy Sedgwick and Mirella Marshall, honoured for restoring a non-designated build- ing - 239 Queen St; and Anne Fleminq-Read and Sydne Read, who restored a non-designated building - 2121 No. 10 Sideroad. HleIp needed for retirement: Turner * from RURAL on page A3 people pour their rnoney int paying down their morîgage, su that in the end tbey have a big bouse but no rnoney set aside. "Tbe governrent is going to bave to bielp people plan l'or tbeir retirement 10 years from now. Now. 70-year-olds arc looking to the goverrument tu bielp tbern out." île's also lookîng into pro- pusing a lifetimie savings plan îbat socks away abter lax dollars for relirement years wbile let- ting Canadians earn capital gains tax free. Su, wben îbey need lu draw on that tbey rnoney, tbey won't be bit wiîb anoîber again. Over tbe next week Turner is polling opinion on wbeîber or nul residents: - Support income splituing between working spouses witb cbîldren tu care for, or between retired couples living on a single income - Want to deduct their prop- erty taxes front îbeir incorne, and îben repay tbe deductions wben îbey selI tbeir borne 6 Morîgage interest deductibility or the reinstate- ment of capital tax on real estale * RRSPs for stay at borne caregivers " Furîber culs to the GST " Reductions in personal incorne lax Tbe end result of tbese solicited opinions on tax reforrn could pusb Tax Freedom Day in Canada (reported yearly by public policy tbink tank, tbe Frasier Institute) abead on tbe W.e Rave PliIsh.d Our Senevatlens!- Cerne Se. leur IS.w store# lofask us how Inquire about our frquent buyer programs. Purchase any 4 cans of Fronm Gay and gtth5th can Bu i bgo tur efflplusa trà Dry Qog Food and couonre n m reteve a free box of Aow-sar Dg Fod1ý utroTarar Contrai ~~ Biscuits ONl 2 free cans 'Ilr fNutro Ufta Dog Food. Merrick Cat Food ar, reçoive a second c. 400 Main Streete Milton *,1905-878-9808 ý l