Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 35

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The Canadiani Champion, Friday, March 3, 2006 - B3 IMII 1< INI GARDIENS RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Our seniors enîoy independence with "Assisted Living" ulwuys an option. Respite Cure services ulsa available NOW OPEN Affordlable ail inclusive rates Studio suites available (lnom $2100.00 per month) Accepting reservutions for ote and fws hedrsom suiles Caîl for your persanal tour Contact Marient Williams 905-693-8592 45 Martin St., Milton, Ont. (acrosa t ram the Mill Pond) SMARCH 2006 ACTIVITIl "The Milton Seniors' Acriviry Cenrre is a Town of Miton facility wlnose purpose iv ta offer older adults the opportuniry ro attoin the highest possible standard of life. In pursuit of this goal, the Centre pro- vides qualiry progranss which pro- erote physicar1 mental, social, and een-otional well-being. " The Centre's Annuai Generai Meeting Wednesduy, March 29 Pieuse plan ta attend. Tht meeting begios ut 12:30 p.m. mith a light lunch, follamed by the meeting and election. PIeuse sign up for tht lunch by callingi tht Centre or dropping by tht Receptian desk. Wednesday Lunches at the Centre Enîay a deliciaus hot meul or soup and rsandmich. Pieuse sîgn-up ut tht Receptian Desk or phaie in pour order ta tht Centre by 0000, tht Moduy vof thut meek. Tht cost is $6 and includes a saiad, entrée, desset and beverage. Ail lunches begîn ut il:30 u.m. Plun ta lTh le 'Vacation attend aur spécial "themed" lunch that Neer cadnesday, March 1 EndslSi. David's Day Lunch. Menu: Ieek Disoaer cmiala unque saup, Welsh oheppards pie. and bread eeeoe¶ nspee'ed rte- pudding. The Song Spinnero Chorus msdncs Imgn lvn A M, t,ý Wa, wîli be conduciing a sing-a-long priar reeearkabty pamepeced litecenie ,<f c L ta the lunch beginning ail 11:15 ar. desigeoed ine te style of ye. enedy M h1 faooite hoe or cie ehipWdnsaMri5 heu-ere ameuoues aheasaun Amou seA Ecuss Meusý Si. Pairick's Day Lunch & Pie Auciion. adacecceece, oueeed. 462o Kibmua w Menu: Irish Siew (beet and lamb), Irish feuet ei eh,,e tefestyle youea e Mu.ue.ep. ON bread trifle and green punch. The eeoys ee,he ieh, h yli 905.816.9163 Sang Spinners Chorus will be con- yeee deierve' duching a sing-a-long prior ta the lunch ~ beginning ait 11:15 arn. Fallowing the lunch, a "Pie Auciion" wiul be held. Camne by and bid on somne delicious homremrade pies! Ail proceeds support the Centre. BOOK CLUB CHANGES MEETiNG DAY Starting March 9th tht Centre's Book Club mîlI meet on tht second Thuraday of each manth: if farmerly met on tht firot Thursday. Members meet ut 11:00 a.m. in tht Library. The book ta be discusoed March 9th is floe South African classîc "Cry The Beloved Country". Video Lend/ng Library Tht Centre affers a fret Videa Lending Library. Choose tram aver 60 fairly recent and classîc favaurites. We mîsh ta thank those wha have donated videas and also thaok Rogers Videa for donatiog tht cases. Seniors' Day ait tihe Milton Le/sure Centre Begînnîng Friday Aprîl 7, tht fîrat Friday af each maoth iv Seniors' Day ait tht Milton Leisure Centre. Seniors 55+, are îovîted ta purticipatt on tither a fitotas clasa. aquatit claso or use tht meight raom fret af charge. For mare information. please contact Tracy Husselfeldt, Supervisar Fitotas ut 905-878-7946 ex. 2706. Is your organizat/on look/ng for entertainment? The Centre bas many very talented groups that enjoy performing wlthln our communlty and surroundlng com- munifhes. The Centre bas a Kitchen Band, Line Dancers, Cloggers, th1e Centre's Choir the "Song Spinners Chorus" and many more. If you would like more information, please contact Tammy Townsend, Supervisor, Recreation ai 905-878-7252, est. 2753. income Tax CI/n/cs: Wednesdays, March 1, 8 & 15, 10:00 a. m. - 4:00 p. m. Tht Centre is happy ta be basting these clinîca. You cao book your appointment ta have pour BASIC incame tas form compîeted by calliog tht Centre or stapping by aur Receptian desk. Yau miii need ta bring your 2004 returo as meil us ai your 2005 T4's and raceipta ta your uppaintmient. This service costa $10 per persan. Sandwich Mak/ng Workshop: Fr/day, March 10, 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Tuught by Centre members. tbis spe- ciai ast-day morkshap miii teach you hom ta make a vuriety af roiied sand- wiches. uaing différent filliiga and coiaured bread. You miii aisa teara hom ta make sandwiches af différent shupes and sizes. Cast is $5, includes ail supplies and you'Ii he eating mhat yau make for lunch! Tht morkahap is fret, but please sîgo up by March 8 hy culling tht Centre. Country & Western Potluck, Mov/e & Gamnes Nlght: Fr/day, Mardi 10, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Have a rootin', tootin' gaad timel Came dressed in pour cowboy suit and enjoy lots af home cookin', hortin' music, match tht ucademy award nominated film "Walk Tht Line" star- ring Joaquin Phoenix and Fleese Here are just somne of the drop-in programs offered at the Centre (Ail programs are held at the Centre unless otherwîse stuted) Iuaday, Ma 7 & 21 soi WhdWamy, RMnt 8 sfartfng at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $2.50 for tun and pIls COT C BRIDG I EUCR Evsoy-Miuiday ad Tbursday Mit lmp.m. Case fs $2 for members; $4 for non-members. I Wedeada mo l a i M ia.m. ,TIMraay alteriloanset 1-30 p.m., aid FrtdayII meraeg i 0.m. Cosf: ls $2 for members; $4 for non-members. I I EDEN eMovies at the Centre *ALL THURSDAY SHOWS DEO/N Ar 1:30 PAO H O U S* Thersduy, Murch 2 Fliglit Plan siarris Jou' Fosier CA E FA IIT NC ThOrsday March 9 Just Like Heavee sarn eese Witespoon &Mak ualo CAREFACIITY NC. Thursday, Murch 16 liarry Potier & the Goblel uf Fire starrins Daniel Radcliffe, Emmsa Watson Thursduy, March 23 The Constant Gardner starrn5 RaliS Fiennes, Rachel Weisz One storey building Ioc8t8I ofl Thursduy, Murch 30 In Hier Slines siasing Sirley MacLaine, Camrneon Diaz beauih'ul spaclous grounds ait uatied ALL FR/DAY NIOHTMO VIES DES/N AT 7:OOPP between Rockwood and Eden Mfils 0 Friday, March 3 Un Her 511005 Shrley MacLamne, Cameron Oiaz * Friduy, Murch 10 Country li Western Potluck, Movie t Games Night NURSING HOME e RETIREMENT HOME e Flriday, March 17 The Legend of Zorro sarrng Antonio Banderas, Catherine Zeta-Jones , ~ ~ e Friday, March 24 Th1e Weather Man starring Nicolas Case & Michael Carne O 519 8 6 4 2L 0 Friday, Murch 31 Thse Wedding Date starring vebera Messing, Sermot Mulroney SER VINS HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968l a Thank you to Rogers Video for its generous support of the Centre s "Seniors'Cînemas" s laLm-Im m -IIa-MIPn-ýmFgeWJ-fl La l Pla wi, bi , tsarte Potsi *m, IN ugçlifl a o mw ,k luhm" , hm*, b O wbus au, 245 COMMERCIAL ST., MILTONL9T 2J3 em 0"ýPlu U&aiiii ael&@ n u"* AJI Drug Plui Aoeepted àc*n Mte Dg ldnniidS mw i W. Car. About Your Hmft HERITAGE HOUSE f'Comiortable Retiremnent Living e Long & Short Term Accommodations Cail or stop by for tee , 24 Hour Nursing Assistance Available andea tour, ,e'd love to e Ail1 .Çoryicesannd Amendiies Prniiidod Cain ilnu nimîud' Evry Frtday tterne la tte Cati AdIm Mt 1:30 V.m. Cost is $2.50 for membens: $4.50 for non-members. LIOWNSIES KALLH lUS CLPBUB:LL FilFeey LedayMmw10 0 . 31sq ceou na Lý))rallof setrg os l s rizes 1 II bu0 13 anwharded r. Cosýi 0 fo irbr an 4 for4 non-mernd&! -. . . . .'a'~ ~ " I THE ABOVE INFORMATION US S SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATION. (51 9) 822-2006 2113 Gordon Street, Guelph FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON ---1ACTIVITIES CALL 905-875-1681 0 Witherspoan or enjoy playing card games. Cost is $2 per persan at the door. Cali the Centre for more details. Computer Club: Fr/day, March 17 The Centre welcomes representatives tram the Bank of Mantreal ta teli as about anime banking, a rather scary tank for sonne. Meet in the Games room tram 1 :00 - 3:00 p.m. Cost is $3 for members: $5 for non-members. Candy Meit Bunnies Workshop: Fr/day, Mardi 31, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Centre is happy tai he basting this markshop, just in time for Faster. Have a fan-filled affernoon making choco- late. malded bunnies, and bunnies an a stick. Coat is $12 per persan and includes ail supplies. Hearing Screenlng CIn/c: Friday, April 7 Beginning ut 10:00 a.m., there will be consultation for individuals regarding hearing Ioss and coping with lova, offered by the Canadian Heuring Society. PIeuse caîl the Centre ta scfredule a free appointment. Understandlng Veteran's Affairs: Wednesday, April 5, 12:30 - 2:20 p. m. Veterans Affaira Canada (VAC) wilI be here ut the Centre ta pravide informa- tion about VAC and the services and benefits avaitable for veterans and their familles. This session is free, but pIeuse sigo up by April 3 by calling the Centre.

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