Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 30

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A30 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 3, 2006 yourlibrary RENOVATION PROJECT " 407 Pine Street renovation to allow for relocation of Administration and Support Services staff "Design approvedi for new Childeen's Department (to be relocated in the lower level of the library)M "New Teen Area ro be established adjacent ro newly designed browsing / readixsg area " Design approved for expanded collection space for fiction and noîn-fiction Phase I of the project tinder direction of Cenivar, and by PM Contr,îcring early 2006 wben Phaxse Il begins Some of Milton Public Library's Business Resources Staeîing a business. Start voue owts business in Casnad. Reivx LevonskY Starting a smaUl business in Ontario. MinistrY oxf Industry, Trade and fecbnology Canadian Business franchise bandbonk. CGB Publisbing Beat the taxmas! e asy wavs to save tas in voiar smnall businîess Your Guides to business & start-up flnancing series Your guide to aeranging band & debt financîog for yoxe own business in Canada Youe gutde to Canadian espore financing Your guide to government financial assistance for business in Ontario Seif-Council Press Business Seeies Buying and selling a orna business Marketing youe peoduct Tbe adveetising bandbook for ornai) business: make a big impact witb a ornai) budget. Standard lega) foems and agreements for Canadian Business For Dummies Series Canadian ornai) business kit for dummies QuickBooks 2004 for dummies Accounting for dummies Reference Scott's Directories: Greater Toronto business dieectoey Scotros Ontario manufacturees Financial Post mrnakets: Canadian dernogeapbics Statistics Canada Market Researcb Handbook at Milton Public Lbr~ 45 Bruce Street 905-875-26 M Ps fo Ma Li Mrh1 M is for Mney - March 15 M is for Magic - March 16 Ail programrs 2 - 3:30 - $2 each ages 6 & older Please pre-register Great new on-uine resources! The Milton Public Library is pleased to intro- duce rwo new services for readers: one for sounger readers, and the tither for teens. Tumb)ebook Library is an online collection nf aimaîrd and talking picture books, reading comnprebension quizzes. educatianal gamnes, and teacber resources for ynurxger readers. Log on1 to the'Especialis' For.. Kid's section of the Library websîte to bear Robert Munscb read bis twis works or select titîrs fronithie L.anguage Learning rab for books tbat cbildren cals read along witb. 1TuntblelalkingBoitks is an otîlîne collection of fuill lengtb audio botoks for teens (or anynne ss'o waots tri lîsten tii rides sncb as 1984 or 1" Enjoled Books" 1150A Mill St. Milton, ON Ltamin. Keecin Oweet/Mmager 905-878-6024 The Flight of the Phxoenix), wbicb cao be lis- teord ta frnni any computer witb an Internet cannection. Just click on tbe icon on tbe Teen Page, select a book from one of the categories and sit back tus eîxjoy the recording. You don't need any special sosftware or listening devices. There's nîîîbiîg tri dowîîload and you cao lis- ten to as many batiks as matîy rimes as you like. Tbere are o waîîing lists, cbeck out hores, or returis dates. 'Flic books are alwas's avaîlable tri yuîu - 24/7. You can set a bookînark and coie back to tbe recording ai any tinse by clicking on Go ta Bnokmark. It will take you eîgbî back to wbere you rift off and you can set xp in fosur bookmarks for eacb book. Chief Librarian 's Remarks: February 2006 Febeuary bas beeo a busy montb at tbe Libraey as we prepared for tbe conclusion of nue reno- vatian prn)ect. 1 know it bas bren noisier and- certainly dustier than yau are ail accustomed to and l'm sorry for the inconvenience. Don't forget that tbe Libeaey wili be ciosed for ail publie uses (you cao stili use ail of nue online resources at from Matcb 6 - 13. We teil) re-apen on Tnesday, Match 14, and 1 tbink you'il be as excited by tbe cbanges as we bave been in seeing tbe transformation take place. Wben we te-open, tbe Childeen's iibrary will bc on tbe loteer level in an entiey new lnca- tinn. Tbe nid area for Cbiideen wiul bave been teasssformed into a Browsing Area bousing magazines, papeebacks, DVDs, CDs and videos (altbongb tbe ebildeen's av material wili bc an tbe inseer level witb tbe test of tbe chul- deen's materiai), a Newspaper Reading Noak (witb ornai) cnffee bar), and a speciai area just for Teens. We a-re alto sbifting tbe direction of tbe sbelves an the mezzanine in nrder to pro- vide sonme mnorn for tbe collection to grow, so that area wiul aiso look quite different. We seul bave a parrv (date ta be determined) to, celebeate tbe newiy renovated space, but don't wait for tbe party to corne in and see ynue nese- publie lilsraey space! Foiiowing lasi month's coinmn, I bad an inter- esting email conversation witb a Milton resi- dent sebo was curions about the breakdawn nf expenditures vis-a-vis collections and staff. Many of you may be sueprised tn learn we employ mnore tban 40 fnl) and part tîme staff acnoss four departnsents (Circulation, Information Services [wbicb includes adult and ebildeen's services, reference desk respan- sibilities, ansd collection deveiopment], Tecbnicai Services and Systerno, and Administration). Library wnek is labour intensive: everytbing feorn developing and executing age appropriate ebildeen's peograms. caeefuily seiecting (and de-selecting) eacb item tbat enters tbe collec- tion, cbecking ont and in (and retnrning to tbe sbelves) more tban 400,000 items boerowed eacb yeae, and responding tn the 35,000 refer- ence questions put to staff in person and online requies we bire tbe rigbt number of staff to prrfnrm ail those tasks. Befote 1 eonlude, 1 sbonld mention tbat in additinn ta, renovatinn planning, tbis montb staff bave also been wnrking bard ta pepare Matcb Madnrss ebildeen's peograrno for Matcb Break. Cbeck tbe information rise- wbrre on tbis page for more details. Ibis rnonth. the reovation bas certainiy bren the story. Tbe renovation and expansion could not bave bren possible seitlsout tbe support of Towen Council and Staff - support wbicb the Board and Staff vrry mucb appreciates. Leslie Fitcb Chief Lbraixn Milton Public Library Award for S8quicentennial Quali Milton Public Library was honoured to Report - which you can see anfIme on Our receive the 2006 Heritage Award (Visual Arts) website, or in hard copy at the library) on the at the Mihton Heritage Award Ceremiony on mezzanixe. The quilx was designed by Donna Februaey 26, 2006 for oxr 'Sesqui' Quiht. The Funneli, whjle Dagmar Scheeer (of the evenr is sponsored by Heritage Milton and Quihter's Basket) took the lead mIe in rnaking the Milton Historical Sociery As you know, the quiix. along with Susan Cortreli. Wr are we celebrated our I 50th Anniversary in 2005, deligbted by the recognition of our legacy and a Sesquicentennial Qult was one of the project (and our year of celebration) by iegacy projects for the year. le hangs in the Heritage Milton and the Milton Historical libraey (and is featured on nue 2005 Annual Society Water 6(_Depot" Watpr Quai)y 525 Ontario Street Souths MAilo, ON Canada L9T 2N2 www.waterdepoinc.comn Tel: (905) 693-8820 Toit Freea 1-866-855-5431 Pager: (905) 572-8855 Fax: (905) 693-8166 waterdepotm.ftton@beiknet ca Ken Zimmerman, B.Sc., MLA Landls Supervisor -Dufforin Aggregatos - 6410 Dublin LUne, RP. Box 68 - Milton, Ontario LOT 2Y3 Phone (905) 878-6051 exl. 041 - Fax (416) 798-4774 Cellular (416) 453-2171 PRIMRIA J Effie Martin Bux:519-766-7757 Regional V. P. or 519-837-9994 pg.jgua Msg:877-254-7771 Fima 1a axl] Effie xx Discuss Se'v .s yxxe fiail ne A meiser Of cigroupt A r.presentulve of Prumerea financial Serviens Lie insxoxne xffeeds thxxxgh Pinmxeic Lif une cxeupxssof Caaa. Mxîxxl Fxsds offered ttexgh PFSL lstsîeîs Canada Ltd.,Mîsal Fd eaer Bnxkssai, Cxi nd FxIld. *Final Phase of Construction v5) be r1Iosed March 7 - l3th * Reopening * Tuesday March 14h Check us out! ~Publich ilMo Ose Web site seill bse available for se dsring thse Library clasare. Cardecansbcessed at I otiser Haltnn Libraries Check out tlseir website or phone for thse branch clxsest 10 yxs. 905.639.3611 O&*vW@ Ubry' wwse.xpf osca 905-815-2042 1 H&4«. 1H Lbe.7 I www.Iibrary.tthpl.on.ea 905-873-2681 Wr are sxrry for thse isnavesîrer I. We'rr sure yxx ssiI) esjny nue sese -dst impenved library.

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