Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 27

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~~ii m i i ~ ~ ~ ~ jj aealHlP ~~lolYThe Canadian Champion, Fndcay Match 03, 2006 - 27 M1116 Crtrs Cntrs lkile Crmorm 1 Caees iHelp 1 GirHelp '3IlHe WSIB Specialist You wi lake responsibtîty for proniding support and guidance te ait associates îneiced witfi work reiated onjaries and finesses. the anatysis et Accident Goal Slalements and NEER Statements, and tee preparatien of montly and qeartery statistics. Accounitabie for the administration of dîsabiîty dtaim precesses, docamentaion sabmissions, and the handtiog of inqaîries aed conclasions, pou wîii ceordinale sehedluies fer mcdifiîed asseciales, pronîde prompt castomer sereice le ait inqîîîries, acd maînlain strict adherence le ait retated tegisiatien, irriernai controt procedares, and petîcies Your dogree dîpiorîra or equivaienl noperience en occepatiena heailh & safety or dims managerni and aI toast fine years' direct insoisement in ciaims management cemptements yeer advanced computer skilte ire MS Excel aned Word, AS400, anrd îdeatfy Parkiane Yo aise h ave slrongaraltyica. organizalienai, and proetc managemnent skîils. demonslrated leadership abîtlies, and theroagir aoderstandîng et WHMtS, fie Ontario Hamac i hts Code, and the Occapationa Hleatth & Safely Act Human Resources Generalist -one-year contract Yoar în-depth kcowiedge ot emptoyment legîsiation is essential aa yoa prosîde end-to-end HIf soltions tram straiegie 10, tacticat and baud partnerships with management- Acting as coach and consaltant, yoa wîii ensare organîzaiona effectîeeness, compensation administration, job eeaiaion. and performance management. Addîtîonaiy, pou wîii coordinate oar grieearico resotatian processes and Sunshîne Fand Program.Yoar degree ar dîpioma in HR, laboar rotations, psychoiogy or social worh is sapporired by at toast three years' associate retations oxporience for ai toast 500 empiopees, three pears' management eoperience inciading coaching, mentoring, and provîdîng a cosaltative service, thoroagh knowiedgo ot the Ontario Haman Rights Code, Empioyment Standardsa Act, WSIB. and Empioyment Insarance Acf, and îdeaiip uie yoars' gaming. hospitaiiy or toarîsm indasiry oaperionee. Flease appty oc-fiee to www.CaslaoNlagara.cea and click 'caneers oc-tino' or cati us af: 1-888-404-1330 est. 24473 We rink ai ppicar fr rinr itersccoaaaion acir lec d foni0lrira,,,îmi/lar cnactu GENERAL LABOURERS Needed Loading & unIoading of scaffold, maintenance of equipment which includes sanding, grinding & painting. Must be hard worker Fax Resumne Att: Manager 905-825-2801 or drap resumne off at 1281 Speers Rd. OakviIIe Steeplelack Services We need to add to 0cr work force. Whether you are tooising for fuilt ime empioyment, part time hours, or a îewardinig career, please appty in person ai 40 Chisholm Dr, (no phone cllts pleasef. Company pays 50% of group insa- rance aller probation period. Sterling base wage is $8.00/tir. Your abiity te prodace en a fast paceri team enoirsement wiiI resait in ao average wage of $10-00 to $16 Ortihr. Corne in and see if vie can croate a work schedutle Ofoaf works for you. Looking for 8-4 Fuiltlime & 4-12 Fuit and Part lime. ADUIT CARRIERS We are seekîng indicîduais, preferaby wîth eopeni- ence in dot-to-door deioery, who woutd lie bo jon eurtfeam of independent conînacioro deioerîng an important Oaiîie publication Wednesdays, Fni days and Satardays eacti week. These positions reqaire adulls who are netiabte and conscientious and are besi suited ta 1600e wtia en- joy the ouidoors and an incarne based an, the amoant of wotie they periormi. To explore, please contact Bob at 416-720-1666 or 9054W7-8795. Eden Hoase Requîtes PSW/Heatf Cane Atd for permanent part-Smon positon. Pioase matil, fax or ornait application te: W W . A S O I G R . C Eden Hoase Caro Faoility R.R. 112, Guelph, Ontario NIH 6H8 Fas: 519-856-1274 lisrieera Hop O I Gnem HIIII Emait: admin@edenhoxisehcarehome.c * - s- DRIVERS STORE MANAGER Driver for local ASSISTANT MANAGER delivenies. Boom -W ýII11 STYLE CONSULTANTS SA CARRIERS Reiae individals nooded fat Truck exp. an Detîxot oea tracts door ix door catalogue delivery axxet. Excellent thrsaghsut the U.S.&1 f a o s compensation rttm with nea ftnruk i n Milton/Acton/Georgetow ra and wior< trm u.s. olns ta Cati: 905-8730103 envionmet. 1111111111111 lavemessage wtt camre, phono andt address entelirosment.ght Emat: ocho-mu Caif 905.338.1433 M ote pnvieonty A sopbrsficated, upscate men's ciuthtng store Noeai aml mea catening ta tihe surf tifestyte. or eail amîi medcat We are iookînig for passionate tadîrtîduats aha soliver3@cogecoca Frequent flyen miles thteve an eoceeding castomen enpectsans and DUE to groath in region, Martin Building Must hrave AZ ticense have a keen oye fon West Coast style. Maintenacce, an ISO-regîstoee cieanîng aîOTR T/T eop We os8er competuie oalany and benefit packages company seeku fuit and part-lime, Heavp and ose* x* oincluding pensona commissions. Lîgiri dutp cieunens for the Milton Region. Opening acion in the Mapteview Mal. Exponience an esset. Ait înienested candidates shouid aeind a - - - - Ganterai Help Generai Help cover tenonr and rosumne ta laefxr5m o 51-5053 Atr- Cal * NAL AN SAE equlpmient -Manrits Scaffoldlng & Swingstage - Requires an expelenced and aggresslve sales person toi establish and service construction and industrial accunts. West Region East Region For canfldontial interview forward your restume tai Steeplejack Services 1281 Speers Road oakvIIIe, ontarlo, L8L 2X5 Fax: 905-825-2801 Attfl: Branch Manager Requined ton tire packiag of saoeatn, chemîcais and solutions. Mature, nespansibie individua la aenk natating shift s la fast-paced envirnment. Sonme tieavy lifting inveoed. Eocellent benefits package and campetitîve compensation, Repty la wrifing to Stiennii Inota, Catedan Labonatany Chemicais, 40 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetoan, Ontario L7G 4R9 on emal 10: irtiepttlcaledon- or Fao: 905-877-6666. WHousehoîd Goods Atlas. Dispatcher Tire corporate iread office ot Atlas Van Lînes (Cao- ada) Ltd., one of Canada's teading national rnaving companies is seeking a nesourcefal and incisive ta. dividual ta camplement aur band-aankîng opera- tiens depattmeat. lntenacting ait aur drivers snd agency family, thte ideal candidate aauid empioy iris/ir prevous knowiedge ot tire industny, atang with tacttui decision making, ta onahie tihe timely and efficient mavement of Atlas sirippers' pensanal offoctn ocrons Canada. A successul applicont mnust Se tlexible aîth aonk sciredules & wauld Se campensated cammensu- note aitir thein qualifications. Submît fosumes tai: Atlas Van Unes (Canada) Ltd. P0 Box 970, Oakvllle, ON L6JSM7 AfIn: Operations Manager Fax: 9058441108 Emaîl: Responaibe for monaging and ooetxeeing xii Son- ieo Pragiamo, For a jeS description îniciadîng neoponsîbîiliieo, qualificaiens and slis nequite- monts, vioit: wwm.autontietpingtiag$.ca, Fer addîtîenal pn grami information otoît: wwocisço Quuitîed applîconla are neqaested f0 e-mail thir reoume teoivctoria@ Application Deadline: Ma* 3d, 2006 Looking for work? Cati - Stevens Resource Group 905-878-7789 A CareerAFTER - - SUPER VISOR oinng Rotherglen School prfe nol g la Oshoille seeka an The College of Affen Schooi Cane- Apptied Linguises glv o o nIiS lu offeng A 5 day students agea 3-8. centificxte course @ The positon is daily McMaten nioeoity and pays $1 5./ht. Mat, 2-Apd2 200 Expenience prefenneci. To negisten fanonn Please fao femume 10 Open House Marn 14 905-849-1354 on cstl ton more tata ernal 15 planigan@ M88240512 roîhergien.core www.NTLolleeof Afle: Patrick Lanigan. rigu simcom Noe phone cala Please. SPART TIME CASHIER Reqaîred te work 2 eeenîngs per week 5-Opm & rotatîng aoekend shiffs. Wiii Train Fax res me f0: 905-878-4049 Milton Home Hardware Building Centre 385 Steefes Ave. Milton StpaHeti inSMatch. Re ayre Spas anado o Prm Fayx ocunt fem e kn feroe S alon & eef ifon pochagep Sacuf Inenaiora Ha Sylsis Cnaa fupi tra n paio e profe oîas ireciete Certif ied Estheficians I er mare yearsexeeence, flexibiele te, oi att «l fil .. . à .0 -potnt -las *epn t.' 9053977 For Susy gteeing autemotite repait shop Duties oad inciado: Oay tei day runnîng et ahop, ergarizng techniciens, book- îng appeîntmonts and qauotng jos te custornors etc. A saccstut applicart oi pseass tho fatioaing Great peope akîis. Th abitity 10i eîganîze and defegate Iel Acceunting exporionce an assai. Computer expenionco. Wrilngnosn t to arri oew procodanes i opoîating metros. Tearn piapor. Prootous enporîerce an eseai. Rotoroncos roqaitet. Satartod position froc 45 -65k, dopondng on ecponîence ptus bonus lnogoiiabil. Appiy Sp fax 905- f877-8740 oroemai: tsenoce@sr.abe. * lii l'OSII N IN BUSY ANIMAL SHELTER Independon worke, good communication & computer skitls. Nef saitabie for oledenis. E-mail: job06 40 s /mede endclume ta: 905-875-92978 LAORER Musat foe r ulitim -Comptrc poc n Mit Saia r &sene tf Faxa0: 9054825-9293 Rqieor ati e position-for7 comrial0*jc inMo. a Private Property Pleasant a a 1101 oqctsCandafin fi a .1:11 INaurrotindinga m f'fro wmming pool accennory equip- CALL cria0i ope05fnpouc 0584 73 ton assemblers, (tenm 5-6 mantirs) Opportunity tar permanent positions. Wages tiomr $9.06/ please appîy In pension or contact: 75 4#e Allen 905-82 9-2880 extl 241 2880 Ptymouth Drive, Oakalte Walken /Mainway Ail Positions MAINTEANCE ERSONF/T -P/r FuI-TIm Retirees Welcome Stoney Creek Company tar popetiesin Georgoe- T rn Point lacentiueo, toan ta aggon. Broad knoatedge of buildiagi Flexible S6hofs Bene- 1maintenace ndepenentmatueteamplape fits, Unitorm Training wa king knoa edge of eloctrical meciranical, Drop off resume HVAC, plomS ng. Valid Drivers Licence and Oaa or fao 905-319-3055 ttanportatin required. Fax ta: 905-578-0293 EQIOMENTWANTEO IMust e lcarised. Must have owo tos Must Se team paeand posses geatpeople skls.Desel xperrcel 1anr a jet bu j o rieceonary. Diagostick ss Piincaa and presentaS e. Jast an ai aroued geed mecharic. Hourly pay ratex be axea $20 and $30 eo start dopent- irg on noperionce. lie eencos required, apple by fax 905- 877-8740 or ornai tsemce@om a ncrn EXPERIENCED HOME REPAIR/ RENOVATOR required Milton area Send resumne ta: hoawthorehandyman ______ DUCATION SERVICE Nortir Amenica a Leadîng Sciroo Bas Company iras an immediale oponîng ton FULL.-TIME, DAY SHIFTr MECHANIC Class A Licence/ S&T Designation and Drivers' License Required Apprentice may be considered Fax Rosume to 905-335-5540 Our Communîty Needs More School Bus Drivers Cali 1-877-914-KIDS S

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