Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Fndcay Matchr 03, 2006 - 2È Birbi Daatshs Deaths \S ihs ____ s Darryl and his aile Alice, grandchiidran Cheryl Noah Hamilton. Mach loved daughter of Penny Kir- loved father ai Lorrie (Greg) Ryan-Lewis, Patricia (Fred> Kentner, June (Fau) I(Randy) Haugh, and Derrick, great graniddaugh- ton ai Actor and John Kirk of Milton. Dean sister of Coîbourna, Kate (Rob) Hat. Pnedeceased by his deughter Maggie Hall andi tar Jillian andi many nieces, nephews, iriends Tim Kirk ut Kitchener, Leigb Ana Nieuwpaort and han son in iaw Kevîn Hall. Laning grandfathan ai 9 and great-grandiathar oi 18. 1. and neighbours. Pnedeceasad by her husband so oth ofi 0,,li,,,ton, Li rud ,,kt, -f - - -* GRAY/CAMERON: Jamey andl Fions ai Ocen Sousd, ON are thrîtled t0 ennoance the birth ot thaîr second chîlal, a soa, Liam Jonathan Daniel, on Wedoesday, Fehnaary 15t5, 2006 et Grey Bruce Regiana Heath Cenler, Ocen Sound, ON ceighiag 8ibs., 5.5ozs. et ne;55 Saurs. Big sioter Grace Shona Catherine is very esciteri about haoîng a sec baby brother. Welcomad by grandparnas Daniel & Sheena Cameron ai Miltron, ON aad Bruce & Catherne Gray of Espanota, ON. Alsa cetcomned by Aunts & Unctes Shana & Craîg, Jonathan & Lînda andi cousins Lennon & Cameron, Great Aunt Moira and Great Uncte Staee Great Greodma & Grampa Betty & John Garceaa of Serpent River, ON MIKE andl Leurs Gilbert and big brother Con- nonr are pieasad te annauce the arrivai of Elizabeth (Lyza> ScarietI Elaine, ceîghîng 8tbs ntaz, on Fehruery 24, 2006. Spacieltlhanks te Dr. King and the nursing staff et Miltron Dis- tric Hospitl ton thaîr eocellent corS and cane. Heil & Heseher Maxwell are lhritied ta ennoance the arrisai oftIhaîr deughler. Jadyn Emiiy, oa Febmuaty 10, 2006, ceîghîng 9 ibs. 7oz. Big brother Jack calcomes Jedys cilS lots of hugo andi kîsses. Proed graadparenrs are: Ken & Meniiya Fenck of Thunder Bey and Alan & Viaienna Maxcell ai Scerhoroags. Maay thenks la Dr. Fonseka, Dr. Ratesînah and nurses Leann, Susen, Oeil. Manyann, Jeckîa, Jessea anal Jenniier of the Miltron District Hospi- tli THOMAS CROWE Il Crame - Rob Crowe anal Jennie Kîdle oi Miltron ana pteased 10 annoance the barth oftIhaîn son Thomas Ernest Davidl Crowe ceîghîng 8ibs l2ozs et Milton District Hospitl on Fehnay 22nd, 2008. Wefhomed by big sîsten Amatie Rose, proual gnandparenrs Fraie Croce and Benb Croce, Davial anal Elizabeth Kîdle, ait of Milton. Aise ceicomari hy Aunt Amie anal Oncle Jon, anal Oncle Faut. Thank yoa 10, Dr. Raîesingham anal the OBS nurses et MDHS. und yoo wiII rKeîoe a vouchet for Daycare Avilable ECE Momt wclh 1 0-years axperienca. Nul baios mels, inM- enexr soa envirosmrent. Fal special! Add a anal part-time avatlabia icuetoyu Opper Maidl a 8t Line pCUe10y ares. Raeeencas an1rnouascemeot in eeaale Cetl 905-844- r 09698M8N Umm laelnn8aî~àne hî-anrnmnn.aeS Haywood, Raiph Il is cîth sednass tSar chule on vacation in Scolanal RalpS passad acay. Cremetion Sas alnaady leken place. A Service of Remambrance ciii take place aI e lter date. A proual eo-4615 Royal Marine Commando, ha eaîayed the pniaitege of heîng e memban of The Royal Canadien Legian 136 Miltron. Sadty mimsea by his hetovesi Kaîteen anal eolanded iemity & friands. HOEV, S. Wilson- Peacefutty anal sur- roandeal by fris tamily eith1e Grey Bruce Heath Services ta Owen Soundl on Tues- day morning Febnuary 28, 2006. ta fris 79fr ya, Samuel Wilson Hoay, the ton- ing fruobnal anal hast friand of mrena Fan- tey-Hoey (nea McKibboa) anal fris toseal tale cite Doneeni Rose Hoey (nea McKay). Loaing faiSan of Louise anal han hushenal Gary Loaden, Diane Cunning- hem, Karen anal han hushenal Ratph Stayen, Brent Hoey, Rick Fariey anal fris lte cita Brande, anal Lyna anal hem bus- banal Mike Ange), Loaing granalfaffrer osf Daryt, Pu), Jettary, Amande, Lake, Ad- am, Linda, Stepfranie, Chenyt, Lane, Chriatophen, Taise, Cfrnistopr, Britlnea, Jonathran. Great granalfathfr of Catium, Kyta, Zse anal Ethan. Dean broffrn of Mary (irs. Harotld Milford), Betty anal frr frashanal Chantas Hughes, John Hoey anal fris cite Canot, Camoule anal han huanal Kenneth Pettenssa, Beverley anal han hoobanal Jaes Hottscey. Fondty ne- membeneal by fris antenaleal "McKey Fem- (ly" anal fris "Fart ay Famity", fris atecas anal nepheca anal by fris gosal friands. Wilson cas e former amptoyee ton the Tocn osf Oakvitte. Friands may ce)) uith1e Breckanrialga-Asfrcroft Fanerai Home ta Ocen Sounal (519-376-2326) on TSars- day, MarcS 2, 2006 tram t0am 10 heam. A fuserai service ciii ha hatld eith1e faner- a) home on Tfrursalay et llem, Thanca 10 the Kopnivu Taylor Community Fanerai Home, 64 Lakeshoma Road West, OaS- vitie (905-844-2600) on Sunday, March 5, 2006 fnom 2 t0 4pm anal 7 f0i 9pm. A fa- neaa service citi ha condactedal t St. John's Uniteal Church, 262 Rendait Street, Qekaitie (905-845-0551> on Mon- day, Marcs 6, 2006 ai lem. alaermant mn Oeaiita Trafalgar Laca Cametery, OaS- vilte. As an expression of sympafry, me- moriai donations toi aithen the Grey Broca Regionai Heaith Centre Foundalion or toi the Canadien Cancan Society could ha eppreciaeal by the femiiy. MAXWELL, James Edmnd, Be L. Th. Hsnary Cann of Christ ChancS Ctaira, Hamiltn Peeceatiy at the Peel Menon, Brampt on, on Tuas- day Fabnuay 28th, 2008 Canon J.E. Maxwell former Radaor of Si. Staphen's Anglican Chamch, Honhy, Sf. John's Anglican Cbamch, Slewamttown anal St. Pau Anglican CbuncS, Nonvat, in fris 92nd yaar. Beioeed huobanal of Mary ana lotving fathen of Lanie Brooks 0f Omittia anal Mary Jaa Adams (George) 0f Nonvet. Dean granalfaihar of Kyte, Kayotat, Joshua Brooks, Shane anal Sheen Adamo anal greef granalfather of Dasimea Adams. Friands cil) ha naceied at the J.S. Jones & Son Fanera) Home, t1f582 Trafalgar Road, nonSh of Mapte Avenae, Georgetown, 905-877-3631 on Thansday fronm 2-4 anal 7-9 pmi. Fanera) uervice wit) b h tld at Si. Staphen's Anglican Chunch, 1492 Steates Avenue, Hornhy on Fiday, Match 3md eit t1t:00 am. Spming Intermeni ai Hittcresl Ce- metemy, Narval. (n memomy contrihofions 10 a chamity of ysun choice coatld ha appraciateal. To saod enpressions of sympalby oisif ccc.(ssna- anal high schaoi sceatheat Mervin, brathers Russell, Anchie, Morley andi sîster Donothy. Elva toveal han iamîly, han caeei in nursing et Dr. Stephensoa's Clînîc, Miltron District Hospitl anal helpîng han mothen (Margaret Rashernyl et han nursing home. Sha tavel han chunch anl il's music, Mission Banl, Ladies Gnaups as President, Secneary, Treasurar han votualteen conk in Redl Cross, Cancer Saciety anal the Manor anal Miltron Hospitl. She aise entayeri taca bocinag, curling, piaying Bridge cilS I.OD.E. ladies anal the hîghlighl of han fle, oser 40 summens cotnagîng et Victoria Hanhoar on Geogien Bay. Fusera Service Ses taken place aI McKersîe-Kochar Fanera Home. As expres- sions of symaathv, memoriet donations t0 the Miltron District Hospitl Foundetion an Si. Peul's Unitel ChuncS cotld ha appreciael by the temiy. Lasters ai condoience may ha teSt tan the iamiiy et w mckensîe-kochen.ce Son or the aie David ana May 111000 af Georgetocn. Sargent Thomas B. Given served ovenseas fana5 years danîng WWII, serving wîth the Lamne Scots in England and sac action in France cilS the Highland Light lnfantny. He conkeri at the Domtar papermil ton 45 years and ran a dairy and beet farm in Balinaiad ton 38 yearo. Tom and Lille retired ta Antaon chere they cere active in the Senior Citizens organization. Tom cao a lite member ot the Georgetown Fine Depaniment and a fle member ot anar 80 yeans with the Georgetown Legion. Tom cas a davoted fnasband, taiher, grandfather and cas a great friand ta many. Tam ltthi file liashe iivad il, cilS honourqaiet courage and dignity. Ha wiii be foreven missed. Friands cii ha receivadi ai the J.S. Jones & Son Fanera Home, 11582 Trafalgar Rd. (north of Mapia Ave.), Georgetown, 905 877-3631 on Sonday March 5, iromn 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Fonara Service cii ha haid in the chapel on Monday MarcS 8, 2006 et 1:00 p. Interment Greenwood Cematry In mamory contributions ta the Lang Association or Limebouse Presbytenian Chorch. To send expressionsoaf sympathy visit Pet andl Fred Kinton ut Fergus and Jean and the laie Phîl Kirk ai Dakaitle. Good irienal ut Miche Hamilton (ftier ut Noah) hio 0101er, andl hin parents, Gloria anal John Hamilton, ut Hamilton. Cheriahad riece of Denis anal Lori Kirton, Sherry Kîrion Gray, Marie and Jay MacFartand and Daoid and Janie Kirk. Deepy mîooed my mnany cousina, extended iamî(ly and itends. Friands cil) ha recaîvea u the Blue Springs Funeral Home, Action, Frîday 2 ta 4 and 7 to S PS. and Saturday 11:00 arn. ta Nuon. Funena) service ci) ha in tha tunena home chape) Satsrday March 4th, 2008 ai Noon. Cramation to tottue. (ri lieu ai ilucers remembrances may ha made lu the Noah Hamilton Trust Fond ai Pnaspenîty One (Credît Un- ion) Actan. Carda aoaitab)e or the faneraI home. Blue Springs Funera Hume, 12 Chunch Street, East, Ac- ton 5t9-853-2399. MCPHAIL, Delta - Faaceuty on Sunday Febru- ary 26, 2008 aI Dakoitte Trafalgar Hospital an han 78th year, Fredeceased hy han hushand Robent Douglas McPhail. Mother ai Laurie and han busbend Brian LeBrow, Van and bis cite Loaîsa and Murray and Sosan McPhait. Aisa survioedt hy grandchitdren Jessica, Robent, Krîs- lina, Keyvaa, Deryk, Kaillyn and Mathew, A me- moal service cii ha hetd et Knox Preshyrian CSarch (170 Main St E.), Milton, on Satarday March 4 et 11:00 a.m. As expressions of sym- pathy, donations ta the Miltron Disrict Hospital Foundation wauid he apprecîated. Arrange- ments entrosted ta the J. SCOTT FARLY Fit- NERAL HOME, 21 James St., Miltron <eus> 878- 2888. Doline condoteoces avaitable ai RICHTER: lise Hildegard Suddenty eith1e Milton District Hospitl on Mon- day, Februany 27. 20068 Betoved cite of the laie Herbant Richier. Looîng maîhar ai Konrad (Anna) Richter, Christine (Peter) Vaghan, Mer- garer Honton and Barbare (Richard) Lucieni. ise lOaci and cas very pnaad ut hanr 10 grand- chitdren. Forever remembened hy hn hast triend Lanae. Arrangements enlnusled Io the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James SI., Miltron, 905 878-2888. In lieu or tiocers, donations lue achenity ai chaîce coutd ha appre- cîaîed hy the temîty. Specia thanks and grati- rude la Martîndate Gerdens, Dr. Peers and the Miltron District Haspital tan thaîr bînd cane to- cards our mother. j. COTTf41 Y RYAN, Ciare finm Morellalo) - assed ecay Februany 27, 2006 in Miltron, Ontrio. Ciare cas bom and raîsed in Pont Arthur and in 1800 mer- rîad Michael Ryan ai Pont Arthar. Darn the course of bis ceneer lhay made Ihaîr home in Brandon, Font William, Winnipeg, Monirea and Toronto, ralîrn nl Miltron. She is survîoed hy han husband Michael, a daughter Debby Foger- ty, son-mn-tac Danny and batosad granddaugh- tans Kayteîgh and Ashteîgh. Aiso survisîng are sîsiars Dotores Ors, Joyce Scambetui, Adeline Moreilato, Cînay Gattant and a brother David Morettalo. She cas predeceased by han pan- anis, Victor and Frances Morettalo and ico broihers Fraie and Dennîs. Banial in St. An- drecs Cemetery, Thunder Bey. Fanera ar- rangements enîrasted ta 15e J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2888. Online condotencas avaîtebte et "I wfl go unfoa th altar of Goal To Goal, the loy of my youth'» (psalma) J. sc($'f y STECH, Ana Paased acay peacafaity, aarroueded by bar tovisg famiiy oe Monday, Fehruany 27ih 2006 et the Cakita Traflgar Mamosiat Hospital le han 81s1 yaar, aler havisa tineal euh sciarodarma for 201 yas. Anse Stech, taxis9 moihar of Amy aed han hasband Rob Smith. Loneal by han granddaaghfars Cathy and Kim. Dean aistar of Annaka vas Viief, John and his cite Hellen Cap- port, and Jaka anal bis cite Gardi Cappon. Sadty missed ha han many nieras and naphews and their families, as cati as ber maso friands. Famiiy and friands are isailad t0 aisit ai the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 1 14 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 tromn 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Fridlay. Tira fusera service cii ha haid ai Kox Preobyanian Church 170 Main St. Milton on Saîarday, March 4th 2008 et 3:00 pm. alaermant fe raka place aI a ltfr date et Miton Enargnean Cemarery. In lieu of flocers, mamn-n ai donations t0 the W.M.S. Robertson Auxitiary c/a Knoa Preobyfanian Charch or the Scieroder- mu Society ai Ontario couid heauppreciatad, Letters of condotanca may ha aeh ton the iamity et WOODWORTH, JOHN March 201,1940 - March 6, 2005 ln loving meanri of a aery specia brother, brother-n-aw, ucte anal grisat uncie, WSai a bteseîng chas yoa cama mie our tises. Yoa fitteal sur hearts cilS yoar humour, taaghten anal cîsdom, Voar singing fitteal sur hearts Yeu cane sachea genla seu Anal se specia in many ceys We miss yos "Johnny« Vau wili he In our hearts fareser Helen, Dave anal familles BRET CONAGHAN March 22, 1967 To March 4, 19 te ioaing meri ofa a tei Son anal Brother who passeti away March 4,1999 Ha taSt as gîely Hîs lSoaghls unkaacn Bale t a memsry 00e ara proul t0 acn Sa Ireasura hlm Lord In ysun gardea ai resl For chas on ath Ha cas ose of the hast. There cii nanan ha a closure 10 yoar deaS OnltIhe penses responsibe Shaf breethe han test breelh Saeiiy missei by Mom, Oaci, Kyle, Audlrey GLADYS WILSON Decemnben 22, 1906 -Math 1, 2005 A Mohen's Love is van Fînsi Love Aindwe carr-y ifoenvr, %anma&famiiar Wnsmvnh seinS mime & cane Whai a giS nu hune liad yvar lanc Is vue mvrld Tu Have Yîa foîr Oui Mter A Mother hvtds hon children's hand far (ast a (iite chite, bat holds ihein Derren, Ruth, Betty,ý & Famiies FITZP'ATRICK, STEWART jante 28, 1928 - Manch 3, 2805 In (oving mcmi> of a der Hubad, FanSer and Grasdfadser. Aimans tuard anmd nrver fvrgvmnen. Lais, C/er-y Rick, Jeodan and Demes Denise Dawn Persaud (Thomas) Febntamy 27, 1960 ta Martch 2, 2004 You are I.nvnd dlways t gine y-au this ose thought tx keep- t amn with you sniii- 1 do nom sirep. i am a nhousand winds thai Slow, 1 amn the diarnosd glins on sos, t ama the senlightn os niprned geais, t am the grolle aumurmn rta. WXhen you amakrn sn the morsing's hush, t arn the swifn, splifeing rush of quiet birds sn cîrclrd flight. 1 arn the sai sonrs that shise an niglin. Do son thisk of me as gone- 1 am wi >00 snitt - sn each sese dams, Mum, Dad, Linda alndJdrki- Uturacy Moflh Ramon Non- Proiamu. ty based orgenîzetion. tu Vohutan Heip an Aduit improve thair basic literecy akîlis FLCOME AGON - New in town? " Getting married in 3 months or more? " Ha ving a baby? " Establishing a new business? Please cali us Communlty Weicome Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-t1248 Baby Wolcome Miche) 905-332-8634 Bridai Wolcome Laurie 905-878-012E Bus/Prof Wolcoms Laurie 905-878-0126 I3n MeoramMj l Memoariam s.

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