Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 22

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A22 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, March 3, 2006 l~ca\l [c. Negru satelflar at jiunior provincials Contact us todlay to discoon, how 0cr fanriiy of honeycomb shadles has the energy-efficient solution thats right for you. BUnd& Ame Us- Nou'sen'ing 905-693-9318 6 Monitîs NO INTEREST, NO PAYMI'NTS o.A.C. ,lsk la 'dore For Deitla SRNA LeamHlOW-TO be a Hoe are Hfandywoman Attend Yt r -«Nighità Wed nesday, March 8 & March 22* 7:00-a 9:OOpm 3115 Argentia Road Mississauga Pre-registration is required. Cali: 905-824-1865 x480 Through hands-on demonstrations and seminars we wiII teach you how-to renovate and decorate your home. With some help from Rona, You Can Be a Handywoman! Wednesday, March 8 - Lawn & Garden Care Pre-register by March 6, 2006 Wednesday, March 22 *Indoor electrical Indoor painting *Flooring Pre-register by March 20, 2006 Subpar weekend for Porenta at university swim nationals But U of T competitor not discouraged by perormnce By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Most athietes wouid be ecsîaîic to finisb oui a national championsbip witb îbree medais. But for Jen Porenta, two silvers and a bronze from last weekends CIS swim meet in Lavai, Quebec wasn't anyîbing to get ton excited about. Afier ail, tbe 20-year-oid University of Toronto student bad struck gold in ail îbree of ber individ- ual freestyle events last year. Tbis trne around, sbe didn'î even reacb tbe podium in two of ibose races and needed second- place linisbes in relay compenition to come awav from tbe weekend as a multi-medalist. Wbile certainîs' disappoinning, Porenias sub- pai national sbowîng wasn'i exacily a sbocker- ,Busns ih adets*gi ieý Jen Porenta given ibat sbe'd missed substantial training lime ibis wnrter witb a variety of ilinesses and was well off tbe mark two weeks carlier ai provincials. ',Going in i knew i wasn'î gomng to swmm my best and ibat iî'd be tougb,- explained tbe local compentor. "Yeab ibat kind of wetgbed on mN mentally, but I îusi tried to siay positive. i dido i biave any expectations oîber iban to leave ot ail in tbc pool and gcî as many points as 1 could for our team." Rebooniding lrom an especially rocky start winchb saw licr finisbi a distant eigbtb in thec 200ni Ircest\ le iii 102.34 - Porenta salvaged ies c end wiba bronze in the 5Oro lrcc (2ci.38s) and fiîtb i tbc 10dmn Irec (56.78s). Solid spliîs in tbe 4xIOOiin frcc (55.50) anI 4x200m- free (2.00.50) bielped U of Ts relay four- some ici hack-io-back sils crs - wiîb the University of Britisb Columbhia winning eacb race. Porenia wîll now bave a bit of a break befoie gearing up for tbe Pan-Pacific Trials i .luly in Monireal. Despite a raîber disappoinîing finisb to ber junior university season, tbe bîgbly driven sommer feels bei cbances of inaking t to Victoria in Augusi are good. "Tbey're iaking ibe top four in boîb womenl'- 100 antI 200m.,frce so I'd say l'vc got a preity good shot," sbe suggested. 1Ivejust got to put i îî ogeib- er on tbe rigbt dav" 3115 Argentia Road, Mississauga 905-824-1865 x480 R014 T- *o-T Pepe -e -»PODYAAI But 14-15 boys' viral infection hurts Marlins' overali showing in London tl was a good news, bad news weekend for the Milton Marlins. On the plus side, 10-year-old loana-Maria Negru enjoyed a breaktbrougb performance at the junior provincial cbam- pionships in London - capiuring five medals. Four were of tbe golden variety, witb the young swimmer prevailing in botb the 200 and 400-meire freestyle as well as tbe 100 and 200m individual medley Negru also struck sil- ver in the 100m freestyle and rounded oui ber efforts wiîh fourtb-place finisbes mn the 50 and 1 00m butterfly Tbe freestyle victories earned ber 'Iron Woman' status ai tbe meet, wbicb for tbe local club also featured a major dose of misfortune. ht came in tbe form of an ill-timed viral infec- tion ibai put tbe entire 14 and 15-year-old boys contingent oui of action for mosi of competition. Tbe only medal ibai age group would secure was David Dimitrov's silver in tbe 400m individual medley He was also fourîb in tbe 200m freestyle. Oîber top eigbî finisbes for tbe Marlins were as follows: Brent Burke, 13 - 5îb in 200m breasistroke, 7tb in 100m freestyle, 100m breasistroke and 200m lm Nadiya Salonoýva, 10 - îb in 400m freestyle, 8îb in 50m backsîroke Coim Wbîîford, 12 - 5tb in 800m freestyle Will Wnigbt, 15 - 6tb in 100m buîîerfly, 7îb in 50m freestyle GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION HEFIY HAUL Ten-year-old loana-Maria Negru displays the four gold medals and one silver she amnassed at the junior provincial championships. C, ý r 1 l v in a i i d A V E T 0 D ý\ Y Buy N.ý And Saýe! 1 Ub A, 30;ü1m,

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