Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2006, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, Marci 3, 2006 - A21 SORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION SKILLFUL SHOWCASE: Ten-year-old gymnast Heather Sadier pertorms a handstand atop the hiqhbar (above) as part of her uneven bars routine and then sticks her landing (top right) during the Milton Springers' annual Gymstrada showcase Sunday At right, fellow Springer Keira Brodie studies tome of the older gymnasts. IceHawks suifer game-three Ibat defîning moment came early in tbe Fistlosf r iltn i wnb rnt season second, but it was provided by Oakville cap- By Herb Garbutt home, but we're sîtîl in tbe drivers seat. its tadv ane.Moiwosoe htemn CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF not tbe end of the world.- h Blanaes'BednTyo.hnrsoe Stili, for a îeam wbo wenî 27 siraigbt Tbe iBeoa lrena midayre bro ied A s tbe lceHawks' fan fîled oui of games ai borne wiibout a loss, a sound 7-2 tetrcga edmda hog h Memorial Arena Wednesday nigbt îbrasbing was a siunning way for its onheat- periiic, cbasing Milton starter Zacb Kleiman Al.- baving jusi wîînessed ibeir en sireak to come t0 an end. as tIse air of învîncibîlity slowly seeped out team come oui on tbe losing end ai bome for The lceHawks didn't do tbemnselvcs any ofl Memrnoal lîke a deflating balloon. the first tîme aIl season - tbere was an eenie favours, digging tbeinselves toto a 3-0 bole Wbilc tbe lccHlasks ceriainly dîdn'î pack silence. in tbe firsi period. But as tbey bave done so iti - tlîcy Iircd 17 of tliei[ 46 sliots ai But wbile the fans were reacîîng as many limes ibis year, tbey iesponded (iakville netincîci David Scamoarra in tbe tboogb îbey had lot attended a lunetal. tbe Jss 37 seconds aîlter Dansiel B3oi-ges'sbiori- ibird period - lorier Milton forward players were far from rolling over and play- banded goal gave ()akvsille a tircc-goal cusb- Bîcîsdn DeFazio dlilvered tbe knockout ing dead. ion, Cbase Langeraap scored on tbe saine punchb 5 34 into tic final ramne. AVe weren'î expectîng to roll îbrougb tbe powerplay. Witbi tbe lceHawks stîll enjoying I a lis al iir lxicks agaînsi tbe wall playoffs undefeaîed,' saîd Aaron Lewîckî, a five-on-tbree advantage, Mati Price coi tbe and tbey plaved r-cally clesperate hockey" wbose team still bolds a 2-I lead over the lead to one and it looked as iboti tbe TSN t ewicki said. Eb Fey bad tbe bot band iii net. Oakville Blades in tbe besi-of seven Western îurning point was unfolding hefore tbe Tlheir goalie stood on bis head. But we'rc still Conference semnibnal. "its îougb to lose at Milton fans. confident bere. We îust wenî nearly 30 humbl"ing gamneswiîhout a loss here and they stili have to, beat us two more urnes bere." The lceHawks will have to be aware of more tban Matt Beca. While Milton pun- ished the conference MVP at every opportu- niîy - tbey îook îwo penalties on one play for a pair of siashes on him - they have to be aware tbat Oakvýille bas other plavers capable of scoring. Wbile tbey beld Beca wo a single assist, tbe Blades bad seven differeni goal scoreis. Tbey'll also bave wo improve on tbe poxs erplay. Apars from the pair of five-on-tbi c goals, the lceHawks xsere O for-I 1 witb tbe single extra attacker. Carne îbrc goes tonigbî in Oakville ai 7.30 p.m., wbile tbe îeams return wo Memorial Sunday at 3 p.m. l'or game byve Il necessary, game six will be played in Oakville Monday ai 7:30 p.m.

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