GRAHAM FAINE I CANADIAN CHAMPION PU1TING THEIR BEST FOOT FORWARD: Melanie Dîong (Ieft> - 11111 ram .1 a &~f:~ Ontaria Division walk co-ord nato w th the MS Sooety - and M ton comm ttee *I,,,'M,,~ W~k. member and Meg's Connect on team Ca'da. t. Five la N1 APSI AN * W~ sd/lt.Nday I.aa*ag captaîn Meg Henderson beg n gear ng CPUU~ up for their third MS Soc etys Super C tes *bbei ~ ...~ Canine to Five s curreotty Iookîng for respono, WaIk Aprîl 23. The duo along wth other *Msmbwm ut ble indiaiduats who eney exorcise aod 16e outdoors team members, were at the M ton sports ppaja.ggg m and et course spendîeg lime wîtfr dogo Most 6e able * * * * wm~ A ulula f0 work Monday to Frîday i tam - 3pm Centre Saturday for a rally to promote ~ ~ ~ ~ this years walk and thank ast years sup au Caulu Put pluma. mmmli us. porters. 3u'wlems Mutuel luls@cmnemeîutî ournrwooua,~ %~43 I * I e 2006 Ponttac Moritana SV6 *35L20 HPSF engne .4 wtree dsc b akes wth ABS *0nSar'~ yeartae&SousdPaa * A/C * CD MP2 paye Italian Bakery ~~">' Ugbt, Oark or Marbis Powe wndow ocks m o o ee s. Remo e key ess an y and Delicatessen Rys Bread *Font CI 1/ OC 000km (SM Powertrarn Wa anty wth $0 deductibie SMARTLEASE i 98 PER MONTH 2006 GMC S~erra Wrangler Crew Cab * '.krrtec 4800 285 HP VO Eeg ne * Automatc transm o wrth .4 eeABS ruduct 0f USA Producf of USA j' *17 wheau Tmuhmm I'.nImmv .00 usemo * y Oua zone a Çonditonng A8phu'ugs 3'-1ks *402040 apd tiont bencti SMAJSTLEASE2 85~ kyi c~m RER MONTH oe.~r -~ Mut e ku.wy 2yeu. DIS "Su' 99 _______ S~9~ 2 7 b ~ PONTIAC 'BUICK * CADILLAC OA OA OR 5 osou~ aoo~a *1.32/1 .SWI *1.32/1 SI 76/100, 905-878-2355 OLL~EEî4W~ISM SPECIALS 15 EFFECT PROM TIJESOAY FEDRUAMV2IST REOULAR STORE NOUAS BrunIe St Smartleuse ara based sn48 mths aod isclada 80000km w lIt $0 15 oaa anda e pool eî~ttt dowa paymant TO MONDAI' FEDREIAMY27TH 2001 WHILEOUANTITIES LAST Mon Thurs 830 Bm ~ (Torrent 29% $3635 down total dae $5852 Mootasu SV6 40 ,k $5175 dowa tota due $7617 Enaoy 327 Bronte Street S. * White Oaks Plaza Frtday B830~~I. ~~pm ~ 75%-$0 down plus frojutit & admin, based on 48 mantlrs or 80,000 kms, Siarru Wrangier 30 montS tarm - SBIUI'OBY 5% $4575 down total due $6969) liconse uad applicable tuaas down on upproaed credit. Cash pricos are O ~ -8 * 5 - ~ 0 3 Ounday 950 arn Sp plus tteigbt, tuoes und ticeose Att rebutes assîgned ta doaler Sea douter tor complota dotuits Soma conditions und rostrictians uppty. Fait detutis anuilablo trom pour douter und ut