22 - The Canladian Champion, Tuesday February 21, 2006 C: nls: EM ýe jOîeî ep M [GneaîHep GeerlHelp W GRýaîHep Gîeeî ep MlHGnraelp GeilaHel" GREENLAWN LTI. BURLINGTON DRI VER/ vivet A/ servie eefr el Mîsisa Died Hardworking, reliable indisîduals as: SHOP HAND De esonibl fr elieresthrugou th GA.Route Managers -Aerators FUILUTIME Ths rctrtrilrisladdan predisieWarehouse Persan Isdusrial renta horsereeuîhg.TsositinsafldinimmfortpoyesaN OS mlyen evc Telephone Sales Reps house seeking hous er ee wih oodwaes ndbenfis. pioffrsa N CS E plymet ervceEsperience an asset, but not essenral mechanically inclined Please apply in persan fa: ta help you find the right job. Mut as on diing record.pro rhgn 5990 We offer: Gond Working Environment - Above drisnecsrd IL-NAian LiNe OR Mississaes O ne-on-O e:E retSsin Average Compensation - Benefîts - Psid Training Presse fax resume& 599 Idia Lne Misisaga Oe-o-Oe mplymntSesios ontact:pcontente@greenlawncare.com driver's abstract ts. for Sales/belernarketing 905-827-5445 tarbu Information on various Commun ity Resou rces Mgro/Aerataro/warehouoe, Colt: 905-634-5154 tâm bon Onctoina support tn heuin ni n,, , The Mltoun Cavadran Champion Circulatin itepailmenr Requires PARI-TIME STAFF Appeicants muat: B e abie to wont Tuesdaey & FrSay everrings B e avaîtasie iov work ta -00 hovus Peu weer *8e abie iv dv detivenies *Have vus vehicte ana vatid driver ticense -Work weti arth minimal sspeuvtnivn * Bu a quice tearner - Be very retiabie ana respvrrsisie -Have a Prvfessrvna phoneniannet BeO comiortable unSh computers & ofice eqvîpmenr Please send yaur resume and avaîlabiliry achedule ta: Cheryl Babineau e-mail: cOabineau OmittonCanadhanchampion.com Fax; (905) 878-4057 NO PHONE CAILS PLEASE YeuI love ick'snunue hee s a eod a geat atmosphree andelaeai epee e tes. Wth 24Oues inOnaro, e reque > MANAGERS SGRILL PERSONS% > CASHIERS F ULL-TOURE PAFRTTrnE Appivaunts fot these staff Positions euh appty ie perron ru eilSer 548 Trafalgar Road or 2420 Lakothore Raad Weat in Oakville ou mav aisy contact u5 a Human Resources Depart-am.oo LICKIE NOMEBUESEUS ^ND Faa: (4161 091-1772 a-mail: ePcxaliiancolickhcmbrg.,s.ceom or api onine ai The Navcomm division ofCMC Electronîco hav a positiorn avaîlable for a Branch Assist- aol fnvenlory Admînîstrator, Runponsîoilittev include sh ppîng. receîvîog & data entry, AIl apDltcants masi have excellent communîca- lion ana organizafional okîliso The candidate musi lie prolîcient wîlh Microoft office and have the abîlrly t0 quickly adapt la Great Plains ssffware, Must bu able tistf up f0 6Oîbs. This fuil-fîme oppsrtunrfy offers a comn- pruhensîve benefîf packsge and a corpeti. trou salory Please emnaîl ysur resumne by Friday, February 24th, 2006 lx: paula.harper@cmcotoctronics.ca No agerncies please Warehouse/Merchandising Reps Foul and Part Tîme We conreniiy have openingo rn sur location in But- lîngion for full anS pant ime WarebsuseiMerchar- dîsîng reps. We offer a generous Compensation Prngram, Ben- ahit Plan for fuît time, Trairing, Opportunities for Adoancement and a chance to wons in Noah Amanica's fautesi growîng quality furnîture stores - Lazboy Farnilure Gailenres. hou must hase reliabie transportation, excellent commurication ukillu, a wilingnuus 10 iearn and a flexible uchedule Ibal permits you so wore week- ends and evenîngu. We are n09 iaking applications rit persan only aI the store.,: There are now 7 new locations to serve you better: Burlington -Caledon -Georgetown Milton -Oakville -Orangeville ee Call us today ta book an appointment: Tis povîct r s fivridead hv - 8 - 36 9 5 188-36950 Ofm h e O nînt or Cant I ad FooaSron Cld)IFA evc is aniuu Aen ano l oe d iaitîcone Need a Job? Fo dS rvc wtl' fsouu iha18vuthsuyW n a r ,11 Are you Ourstand earie tn a wcl anet vu restaurants ,errrrs e 0e ne 16-24 years oid? FaU. M velM oue e beSE tsE ltcomue golatedac f(r We can help If en, hean, e sea tuPo e u,rre rn finOIr illcino ate u rirsodsC l -ru rhr,n Plîus Perrnce thae ientîeeesur, eoindor C i7b Sntter d troeu:npeerhrrraianeoe5 itrtuts JOB CONNEC PRT rIME WounOSEes usReF SELCTcION (IDEMot FOR STlaoENnS!i at Sheridan nu hv reia tasovni tir: nrrearnln: : :r 905-878-4956 - iPOnrest (or earre alnerîo shtO Mvoue tePrivrgi hesat aise aaai Thi per s tonrt han tht :prn ni,t t ful h ot on vrtesilirM lts A OZ sORIEns IN THE MILTONi ASEA vill arle ixxkeq fs: nule reiamn atruets vvite a vairy AZ o, OZ rient a iieae airotrahu a EXCITING NEW Porniu attiude, and excelltent errstxreier serIe toi unicrnaton nilii One Cea, vteavuv Grgaorc Grocery otrrnettrence 0r ae elquruaient hnmbrnuurnn ofielicaton trainingr and exverrenyn SxeGbiie ui VIRE nv O :in for experrenced * Omtvepetu Pt top betetu riicuaing vvvP& Pov::tisru:q sta>j full or pao -irme. -OvrvOrtrIten tot grveth and Oeaelopnenu Ma utr ineitre revuravtxfoi utuyatnd ivrrramytor ail positions *C atCterscr rîr ftieen e ong Part vfua POooessrut ana stxOrn5 rOuvant txnvard Cour renurnt te IProducCors DORUON F00D SERICE Clix- Oumax Rcauxeo qnmbn fi ad 901 ein it ie -DolîlMoa Cfine 299 James Secs Parlmay, Milice liN 150 5G4 Dl/etCrs Fax: (9t5i 693-3o1u Emait- ecaaaurtèhoî ccxince: eectlcccem -Kichen - . - ,.,,reteî --ui hu e,., rganicgarago.ca -e-a -.-,-Fao 905-849-6593 -)r randstad Alia Heavy Labourers $10 $11 ih Day-, afr- -e ,ght Ma,dy h,r,-ry -050 hO h PIease drop byour-office: Ooe, Wi, r,, île. h 30 ,,I i i 30,, O'evv y,,,--, 2 r::-:-.( ID es See a tros www.radstad.ca SMUCKER FODS 0F CANADA CO. tscated in Burtîngton han timmedîste npenîng for. PRODUCTION SUPER VISOR Must hase ocpersissry esperience. priot produc- tin expertence in a fond processing or related en- vîrooment. Requtred to meer astablîshvd csmpanh standards for production rates. produci quatty, gond manufactuing, practîces & operatîng safety. Must be wîllrng to wnre shifts. We offer wages anS benehtv thai are toduotty competîlve. Ploaso ornait your resume fo: rnuriot.rocha@jslraruckor.com SIUCKr>Ob or fox: H.R. Manager MO& (905) 681-6906 Uniiods LiS. Nus an opentng for a foul lime season- ai pernoni and a 4 month summer position suitabie for a University stodent. Ybu must bu a detaîl- srîented, service mrnded, msltitaskîng rodîsîdual to fuIl ibis position in Customer Service. You wîll bu responsîbie for takîng orders ait sur vair in counter or by phone and fax. Gaiculaiing thaîr requrre- ments, foilowîng up on orders and quaiffting their oueds are st somne of the iaoks. Preorous experi- unce in Gustomer Service ru an auset. lnterested candidates cansuubmît ibeir resume and wage aspectain to.: inside salgsunilocircsm Or Fao: 905-874-3034 Or Drop To: 287 Armstrong Avenue, Georgeton 8:0 am -12:30 pm Muthave expenrence wnrking vîtb horses ITorvut and cleann saîîn L For smal retremen home in Erin orl Saturd833 rrr03 ng Fraser Direct has immedtate openîngo for exp ware- house staff. Forift drivers, shîppers & tecervers. Msnday-Friday, 8:00-4:30 or 330-r1r:30. tMinimum 3-yrs eop in earehousingxistribution required. 3PL exp an as- sai, RF and scanner exp an usset. Fit aod able so tift 35-50lbs. Wages deternnined by position 000 exp> Apply soi 100 Armstrong Ave. Fax: 905-877-4410 Email. humainresources@fraserdiredoec No students please. No phoe cais pieuse, GREAT NORTHERN INSULATION han an immediate oee tor a Faam Sprayer Approntice. Prefer applicants with a vaiS DZ licence but wrii oins accept G licence. Prior constraction experrence wouid be an asset. The psition woutd be based sut of Our Milton shop ana woulsl cover the GTA. Resumnes can be faxod ta: 519-539-7946 Attention: Gloria Morgan, H.R. Adminlatrator or enmaitod ta: gmokrganWgnLGI We thank ail apptlcanta, however, anly tras, belng Cansidored wili reelvex a respanse. No phone cais pleasse CROSSWý NDS t.rt &) Lso Ni lOY C 1L 'cunday, February 261h, 2006 10 a.r.- îpm. 6621 Guelph Line, Burtington ON 905-319-5991 www.crosswindsgolf.com ve neex rs ansrxour wurK fsorce. Wbetbvr pou are ioxkîng tor futirme empixymeor, part imu hoars, or a nvwardrng carevo, pleane appy in pernon ut 40 Crhisiom Dr. 100 phone cain pivasel. Company pays 50% xl grsup insu- rance aller probatron pensad Otartrn base uage is $8 O0/bt, Yxun abriity tv, prou ce un a tant puceS teamn eovîrsnment wniti renuit in an average uaov of $1tO00so oSie OOlr Como on and sas if ne cao create a wora Schedule that sortis for pou. Lcoklog for 8-4 Futi titre & 4-12 Fuît and Part titre. ADULI CARRIERS We are sevkîng rodrorduals, preferabh with exputi esce in duor-t0 dont delivery, who wsuld like t0 jornosur teamn of rodependeni coniractoru delîoerrng an impostant Dakiesite publicain Wednesdayn, For- Says and Salurdahu each week. These positions require aduits who are reiiable and cnnscientouu and are beuf suiteS t0 thoue who an- joy the nuidoors anS an income baseS on the amnunt of otore ley perfnrm. To explore, please contact Bob at 416-720-1666 or 905-637-8795. (WHEELI Cutrenty acceptîsg applications for: -Fuît rime Short oder Covok. mpmon 7am)O - Ait Sommer Posririons Musi have epenrence un xttvr competruve uages, anS a tnîenSly ustie enrnmeor. Please fax resumes tai: 905-878-9376 Afin: ES Lovelack, or drap them aff in persan tar Fifth Wheel Restaurant Cash 40 Chishalm Or Miltan, Ont., LYT 3G9. Perimanent HeIp 5Mromigand Weekends (partim) CCall 95-873-898000am43pm l [sas Or'0 7873-5014:30 pm - 0:00 pm FREE TRAINING. Laic0aw is ookin for and HOMEMAKERS To join sur GREAT TEAM of Schuxl Bus Driours 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 Looking for work? Cali - Stevens Resource Group 905-878-7789 Ifr delioerof the I Sunday Sun Newsopapor an Sundays inteGergutow tnfssMilfon areas For mure information pluase cal: 905-85-62 or 905-878007 or 905-877-5950 FACs.R HELI FULL & PART-TtME SALES MELP WANTED Apply in person wîth resumne f0. 2410 Lakeshare Rd. West, OakvilIe REPS NEEDED for whotesale nursery mtra tmass mecat uthase 10il &a l t iff Realpateep. an flt u ot Emlyetfrnm MrhliJuy ScobrON Fa:905-859-4172 ci~ 1 - Then check eut C(iulun Classifieds and find yeur dreaun job in aur Empleymnent Sectien! Check uv oit vs the Web! uwaeonaearch.cem HaM you herd lis nets? darIffimlo aittefaad MW hm M 895 Bla"t T 901, 6 311.311fý