A10 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 21, 2006 HIGH SCHOOL REPOR Next courses: YOUNG DRIVERS®of canada MARCH BREAK 4 WEEKS Yu iec osrie March 13, 14, 15 & 16 April 5: Wed & Mon EveningsiQ Yulce etosrv. 9:30 am-4:15 pmn 6:00 pmn -9:15 pm ISO 9001:2000 www.youngdrivers.com Registered 90-7-40www.youngdrivers.com MTO AfflOUED BEINNER DIVER UCAOION COURSE PROVIDER "MUSTAG MESE 4GE, Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara kilmury MILTON DISTRICT HIGI SCEGOL Lait iveek ficm pasti n a blur as each day broughî the "Swcetheart" lhenied Semi-Forniai dînner and dance chiner aîîd closer, util lînally. Frîday nighî came. MD's annual Senmi-Fiirmai wai a huge succesi with a great Imrnut from the grade elevens and tîvelmes. The Semi-Fmrnroal Cmammitter almîng wîth Sindeni Cmuncil did a spectacular joîb decoraîîng the gym. The nîghî nmînidîmi have bren beiter. The girls mîcre ail dîtiiem up. and the gays lîîcked great lu their ihiris and lies. The foomd, calered by EC. wan exîrenmeiy gond wilh a selectmîn ofi saiods. ganta. and breads lii chîtîme frmnm. wibe ihe nmusic muas cme ciilicter mi 1h virtualix tit mine ahle lto resînt the orge iii gel on the dance futur and donce the nîghî avay i A speciai licol isas 16e hcarî.shaped arbîtur dermiraîrd mvîlh rose petls ihat cîîuld hc eenc rîght as yiti cîmîrrei flie schmîmî ichere gîmîlessimînal iiicking phtoms cîtuis (ne t,îkem Es ci ymie had a (niant. cm erymmne lîmmkemi omazing. and the itmîch ,iiaiied Senîti Foitiai deliuîtely enceeded enpcîaîmîns Asîden huom dînîug and danmcing. ilmst îseek mias ainit a crucial mccl foi ma of mlmin spots teains limai dcîded mheîlîer they ssoîld imoe il lii the piayof' omli mît. On Wediesday the Girls Hockey tram faced Loyoîla but despîte a bard effotît mini 5_0. Fortunatcly ihey are sîill un the pIaymills vît gmîîd mck gis Aller a long seasou. bmîîh the junioîr and seniolr Girls Vimlceyhail icaîtms are out of the playmmifs. As loi the rent ofi the spomrts trains sic lu ilooîmk forîmard lii veeîng buis lley dît thtis mmccl and îmush fibent iuuck imîr their games' Thongh a euîmpirîr semesier oii the sehomit year us l.ft studenîs aI MD stili hase lii think abomut mîhai cimaises they imant lto pick foîr neni yrar. Don't Imîrget lto vii hitp:Pieb.dsb.aQptimnShct.mI lii select your coturses because ytu mîniy bave until Febraary 23rd! Alomng muth cîourse selectmmn il us omît imphortant ii (ne thînkung about your 401 bonis ofi coniiuuuity unvîisemeuî requîred lfii graduation. Il ymîu hane nul emîmpirîrd ibis. ihere mn an upciiming evel that nul ouiy helps you mccl that cmînimmumenî but omit miii bnlp raîse monry loi schoiarships lto graduaîuug studenîs aI MD' The Canadian Federation of University Women us havng uts 33rd Annual Book Sale ai the Milton Mail on March 2416 and 25th6 Club members nerd bnlp ith surîing bomoks over the nent fcm meeki. srtlîng up the rvenîng of the 23rd and parking up unsold books on the 25t6. If you arc inîcresîrd. gin ii Studrut Services ASAP and pick up an unfut sheri mîîh a contact phone number. Weil mustangs. another mccl moi school is up ahead and Ihongh course selection has neyer bren easy. îry 10 gel ut dome as sotît as poissible!1 66DATELI1NE DRURT"9 Nalhon micheli, Molff Loanstra Dubois Lolonde E.C. DRURT 1110H SCIEGOL Weom m o thi ei ioo Daieline U .or February israpidly hecoming a ver busy month, and we've got ail the updates. Read on for ail the details about the happenings at 1)rnty. QtLt acm pcion! Lookting for excîtenient? The Senior School Reach Tein neyer falîs short. On l'ebruary lOth, bhey îraveled Io Oaki île Trafalgar High School to compete in their second tournarneni-minus one player. Due lii unforescen circuinstances. the Teant Caplain was hospitalized and nnable to attend. Dotit wvîru>. dear readers. He's dîtîug jnst fine. and will bc hack in school shortly. As foi the tîturnament. Drnry managed tii vm tuo ol their tuve gantes. aiîd arc ira ining lharder thon cicr. Stay I nncd foi itmore itunaînt ncws iii the coîing wecks. I'finite Imîr :elebi itii' lThe l)îîiî iicmI vii ('îîîîîîec bias hen tirgaîti/ing ait cicîti calîrd 'ultic lest'. iîliich i %stire fi) is uid %ali ixt mtîmlueîîts (teN mitîitse "i tutu. dance. îînusîu. clitles", and itinocli moîtmre.h Il l e plasce tbe iýeek il Fehinary 27tii. îîîd tntilîts \\ hoi aie ititer"esicl ti lielpine ot are asked iii conitact Ms. Slicppaîil ii M. tîruce Itir imomre deî.îil, Ibis s, a tinte (if aiîareness aîd itnitt. iio gei stir fiieimîs iîgi'tbei aîd melebrate ('.îîîîihi' Ready, etWraUm'r, A'.teniti aIl spîtos tatîs T he lirtîr mîrestIers aie ai tl agaîn. Thcy i c heen îtakiîîe a ianteîr ii ri iciselies mmitIi ciiuitlcss ttîrttaiiet aîîd mri>n %%inu. and are teady Ioi talc Oi'SAA hi stîtîtt iist. thexI gît Io (IHA'. tile Golden limrseshîte Allîletîr ('itere nce Titis is iii dcîcrmîîîc bîîî ntanv mrestlersm wil adiance iii OF'SAA iii reclatin tlie gîîld tiedal tîtex iataged ii hîîîd ott tir lise straîgbt years. Httpelully . these tîîuîîîaîîîcîîs mi l prus dc tîte wrestlers mîtb a majtîr trîntpit. j ust as tlie Atrica tripi aiid the Puerto> Rico adienînre dîd. Arc >oii rcîunîng ti Di)rî tei esar? Tbîîsc studeuts iho itmli bce nîakîng a cîimchack looîk tîtîte on l'chruary Iith lIo select tbheir conrses tir the 2ilXî6-20017 schiiil year. il >oiu (tave nît donct vît already. get yur optionîî shects lillcd tint as sititi as pomssi bic. iFor îhttsc wlii wîll (ne graduaîîng titis year. gel itn a coîmputer and check the "Wtll Nît Be Rcturnitig" hox. Oîte satist5 îng click iii the nîîtsc. and stînre ail set' Yîîur hard mîîrk bas alitmîs paîd oîfi, and iii titnie t start plaînning 5itnr pîîst-secoitdary endeavîtri G(ic cracking! Helpng others Arc yîtî lîtîkîng toi cîtmpleîc thîîsc 4(0 bîturs ofi cîmmntt invîtmeinum There are plenty itf îîppîîrtunîtîs wmth the Canadian Federamîtn (ifi University Wîîmeîî Detajis arc avaîlahle mn studeni lcre is stîme reaill cnciiing nrms ... get rcady .. îtnly thrcc wnceks tiI March Break' Sec yîtn ail] nemi mcek. "TE ROYAL REPORT"p Erin Hoiharinginn nsay Johation Camaron Smith tuia Riddoii Dreanna Ciancy DISNGP REDINO 910H SCIGOL One bhepas fewweeks the Bshop Rdng cmmunnîyhas bren arptingm wh bchol spirt. W hauvebeen raisng money for Demciopmenî and Peace ihroagh the sale ai Leafs tickets, and îhrough oui many Vaientines Day actînîmies. lu other news, the rail of the sebîtol play (Pirates of Penzanceî bas bren flying under the radar. proctîsîng bard for the big show in May. As weli. the rasi of the Sears Draina Festival performed foîr Bîshop Reding ihe gemmions week. and mm wli keep you prîsird on bow ibey do mn ibrîr big competition. Wr aisît banc sorie encitmng commnnîy service tipportnnities apcomîng. Gct mnîtînrd su ibat me can share oui euib usiasut wîtb tbe revi of Miltomn'i i.eais tickets, couricsy mif Mr. Paporeiti, as wcll as a Jason Aliîson auimîgrapbed stick and park mn re ra (led off to sindents wbo had purcbased rafle tickeris min ibeir lunch permîds last mccl. Congrauaionis to tbe wnstners' We îhank everone fmor ibeir suppot, as ail prmceeds irnit ibese raffles goît i Denelognieni and Peace. Tbis îîîmmuy mimli belp itîpiois iii imrori Dartur. lu additioîn. the cinnies dax beld min \'aeîîmnes i)ay ais wenm mmii th le saine couse, and mcc can Rie sure iît ur coîniutiomn mmIl[ tîmake a linge dîltercuce. I eas TV Day. mnicb iman ii lic T(iaisday iebîuary i fut. and tbe scitiol dauce to bc field ilia taimgb mmiii lîkely bc resrheduled. Wr wil keep ymmu posied! lii mther nemms. the 20016 Bmsbmîg Redmimg play mmiii be Pirates of Penhiiiicc. Thts sescimîîg play iminles i haud mil pirates fighmng înîtb tie potlmce. ,m g rmmu mot hemuîtl niaidetîs. aîîd soniie gmird miii British muitiour Ail mî te ich cliirgrapliy n dîme hi, Ms. Marsalck. the douce Ic itcact. and the smngs amre aught hy Ms. Crosheil. tue nîmeois eadier. Wîîb staff lîke ibis. as mccIl aistiioty ntire, and sncb a range miE talîiîted sîndetîts. ibis play is ssîre ii be a image saccens. We bmipe ail of mut reidetý n miIi keep i ridai May 5tli and Saiudmy May 6h mn hibrr îîîndsn.mîd tuai rite mnfimle titisn mmmli cnte omut iii suppot our acimîrs, nitigers and doncers. We ai ii requent ibai oui students sslîîî sortie support for the Canadian i'ederaiîmn mît Ulniversity Wonîeu. Il ymu banc not rompleird the 40 comifitnmy innolmeenteurons requrd t'or graduaiot. mîr you hame and smply isoni ii dît snmîmtbîng gmimd ftih ieomnunit>. me have the perleci actîsmîn. Tii romse îîîmney tomr schrsiibps iii graduoîmng studenîs. tue Citiadioti tedertimin mît Unisersty Wmen mn honving is 33rd Annuol Boomk Soie ai the Milton Malt mii Marc b 24 aînd 25. Club nieuîthers need help mn niiiiing booîks miner the tient fcm weeks. nciiîug ag tite svent min the evneîmîg mî the 23id. and parking up uîîsoid boks min (lie 25th. Il yîmn are mtere sted. goî ii Sindent Services ASAP and pick up anit mîshceî miîtb a omntact plome imnîer. Ymîur beip is mach appieriatedi. As studen is. mme appreciate the entra acimîties thot are cons taniiy gomîîg oin titi us. Wîîh ait the fundroîsîîîg and tue pieho.m of Vaenmnemi Day rciaied evenîs that isent min ibis p.int imeek. the encîtement is sii eli îbrmugh the halls. Wr îlîonk eseryomne whîî beipcd mnîtb iheme actinitien, especiaily siadeni gmînemîîîenî. the SAA and SOL. Wr would lîke iii cmmmnd and thaul iheiti. anime il as the tmany other groapi and people mn the scbool wbii dedîcaîr theunelmen 10 îîmokîng oui lime here tmore titemotohie. Wîiiîmîtaî oiities lîke ibesc. hmgb sebool mould delmniteit bc lomri hmîrmng iii liandir. Fromnt ymîur lnsîdr Smources, keep the fan conmng'