Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - A9 ""MUSTANG MESSENGER" Megan Sinclair Magan Cheema Sara kilmury MILTON DISTRICT 8165 SCHOOL Roses are red. violets are blue. Valentines Day is here and so is semester twol That's right, semester tuvo is already in full swing and students are getting back into their hardworking habits with a whole new set of classes, teachers and of course. assigniments. However, everyone knows that aIl work and no play makes for a whole lot of duli students! This week may be filled with plenty of hard work, especially for the grade 1l and 12 students but the end of this week holds a special treat for MD's more senior students: Semi-formal! This year's long asvaited semti- formai dinner and dance will be just in time 10 carry on the Valentines Day spirit, especially with the -Sweet heart" theme thaî's been chosen. With this special day just around the comer, ail you senior guys and girls better stant tbinking of getting those dresses and dress shirts out of the back of your closets to get them ready for the big night. Dances not your thing? Not to worry. there are still a whole ton of other actîvities going on over at MD. The recent exam break didn't do a thing to slowý, down our sports teams. They 're ail bard at svork on the courts. the rink and in the pool training and practiing for anm upcoming ganscss and tournamrenîs. In faci. just lasi Thursdaý . our senior girls' volîcyball teans travelled io QakN ille-Trafalgar Higb Scbool bo conipete in the iournamnscn ibat us as bosicd tbcre. Our girls play cd bard. surrounided by Nvollcs ball-lbsne spectators. Are ou .siione w ho en oy s sports more lrorn tbe sidelines as \sd1' V Weli the S.A.A bas somictibng t'or Nou 100' MDWs Student Atbletic Association put togeiber a spectacular trip to go sec ibe Toronto Raptors take on tbc Clev eland Cavaliers at the Air Canada Centre early in Marcb. This promises io be a tabulous gane aind tickets are going fast. This s: somietbing any basketball fan \,ouildli suý,ant t0 miîss so bc sure ts -,el Nour tomsi and inone\ inl 10 Ms. Khan or Mr. Hamilton before you miîss OUI' Semnester ts o is alreadx a \ eck in and Februarx already abmst balf-fînisbed . Marcb îs alread\ alîssosita 'sigbft toir many studenîs and \\iîb Marcb contes. iof colurse, Marcb Break' So start counîîng- the da>s (if you basen*t alr-cadyî and keep uuîîrking bard' We're unlocking the secrets of heart disease one door ai a timne. HEAKI AND STRKE FOUNDATION FIndlng answers For 1fr. Februlary ies Heart Month. Please give. J1~ pto Ctlr'* eIo nb6a FUILL HAI R & ESTH ETIC SERVICES SMiti Yonka 10% FACIAL OFF Pedicure w/hIew dry Fburs Ail eny $5500 Fer Wxig #* CIENTIClu/u tl "1THE ROYAL6 REPORT"9 frîn Helherîngiun Lindsay Johnntnn Cameron Smith Julia Riddull Breanna Clancy DISUGP REDINO Rion SCHGGL1 Happy Valestîse's from your Inside Sources! The second semester is in full swing in true Bishop Reding style. School spirit permeates the halls. Our enthusiastie students and staff have an excitiug lineup of events for the sehool commuuîly to enjoy. Valentine's Day brought about a host of enjoyable student activities courtesy of Student Government, whn is also hostig a love- themed dance this Thursday. Iu other news, une of our very own tuside Sources. Breanua Clancy,'has organized a very special eveul coming Up in the next few weeks. Read on to fiud out Love is in the air ai Bishop Reding. Today the student counicil did everytbing they could in ensure that. Roses that could be sent to Ihat special someone were sold on third and fourth lunches lasi week for only îwo dollars! Also. on both lunches. tbere were couples' challenges that were sot only fun but incredibly entertaînîng. Those single students wereu'i left out though! Matchmaker forms cas be picked up ibis week for a dollar. so pick it Up and see wîtb whom in our school you'd be most compatible. Who ksows. it may eves result in a date! Well. wbet.ber you spent the day with your boyfrîend. girlfrieud or just best friend your tusîde Sources hope you had a fantastic lime. To ensure thîs mood ut love doesut end on the 141h. the student governmeul bas organi7ed a dance on February l6tb. It is the first annual Red Hot Dance Party, and us frotu 5-lOpm. Il's only five dollars. and we're aIl bopîng a benter turu oul than we had lasI year ai the Sprîng Fling Dance. To aIl BR sîndents: we aIl complais abo~ut tbe lask oîf dances. but when ose comes along no one goes' Lei's usake ibis dance the bestins BR history '.0 ibere will be masy mure daîce s ii cornse. Plus. wilb the mîsad of Valentise's Day stîll liisLeriii- in tbe ,îîr. sou îîescr knoss is lai mas happes. On hbruars 24. a cbarity shîîss i. bcîng beld ai Tbhumson Arena iii Milton. O urseis osi Breaii a Clascv \%il] be ss alkîîîe sn the Weekend io Eiid Ifreasi C'ancer iii Septiîîîer 20106. ansd tii shari îy smia part iii the iiiiisr.isin fg or tie eseit Ail proseeds, trom the hos iii Il 'Loi oi.d lie Prinsess Marii iet FHospital, secars h icaii tubi are so(i ise, haisI o tîîîd a cuare ti brea>i cancer. Band, plaN îng iiicliisic Heu t Sold Separatels . Il be Rbshi îlîî satcriaîs Dance Elesiric. TIse Siiici ('aiitpaii 111 Scarleti and White P.isda.. ii Furý. Doiirs opes ai 0î:00,I and it cosis SI 0 iu gel sn. Donations aie ýcisc ii' For nmire infoirmiaion scontact Brcaiiii. ai b reasiia.c( <niiiai I s'iii. or Pear Trcc Product ion, ai pýesorepiiid itiiins(" eiiisil.cîuiii Hospe iii see su ail ihere' 'i ur lniîsde Sou rses hpc ibat es eruiione cittiu cul Ibis. tbe .însîal daNîo iloe Iisci ke tlie tîîîîc iii ppres île those îruiid s ii. siui only ii youi ue r:ona I relatiiiisbips. but ilhose is b niake cadti aîîd es cru day initesetite iii ur lises Spesial îb.î, iii iur Sîîîdesî Cuis i nîttent. ss tu put so îîucb lisse andl effîo iii uiakini-, îîur esperienses es en beiler. \Ve bîipe iii sec so iaIl -boss ine siin, spsirit ai tbe lîîrtbcîining sdance. anîd soies coipasîin dîîrîsg th, Wcekciid so Lsd Breasit Canlcer. Fromn us. tbe studentis ot Bvsbiîp Redis" base a grc.îî îseck l Nathion Michelle mont Lanstrai Duabois Lalonde E.,C. DRURY BiOr SCHuOO Michelle ' Hey, Nathan. Guesu what?" Nathan - iiWbat'? Michelle - "Il was my birthday last week." Nathan - "Happy Birtbday! I hope you bad a good lime." Michelle - "I really didi" Nathan - "Are you getîing back mbt the swing of thinga for semester tuvo?" Michelle - "iOf course. I always love sîarting new classes." Nathan - '"And now that exams are over. we can breathe a little casier." [enter Mati1 Malt - "Hey. guys. Did you gel your report cards?" Nathan - "Yeah. the wbole school is in a frenzy. Eve9'one is discussing tbeir marks." Michelle - "Everyone's also talking about the pep rally on February 8îb. The jazz band performed for the scbool and the tecb students sbowed a six minute clip about life at Drurv." Matt - "The Student Governotent leati uson best dance t'or their rousing routine. and everyone bad a egreat tinte.' Nathans - "W'ell. the stridents danced Ibeir %vav oin stagye at the Drury aus ard ccrcn1ony on Februarx 9tls." Michelle -"Yeah. A lot ot' students sucre recognized for their acadernic achicuements antd aclivities. Drury realy has a lot to celebrate." MatI - "Wel., I tbink Vin dcl ititely going to be celebrating later today as usd1I. I got sonie great marks last semester. Maybc tbe Sensior Scbool Reach Teami will also be celebrating Friday's tournament at Oaku'illc TrafaILar." Michelle - "Anyway. use cau aluuays celebrate the start ot a successful second semester." Nathan -"You het!. l'Il sec vou guys toniorroxu,."

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