Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 5

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Milton only municipality 1 u 1lt fi,iCi Ldël~ from MILTONIANS on page AI iliose in the ncss lousing developinenîs arc providedls wifi fluondalýted ssaiei ftoin the 'Big Pipe'. Milton is the only niuinicipalts in Halton that still piovidles non-fluoridîi- cd usaier. Dr. Nosal's rcport to thic comiiiee ouîlined the 2003-2005 dental survey results from 2,463 students - agcd five, seveni, nine and 13 - ai random- lv,-selected eletnentary schools thîroughout the Region ti Milton, ail of the schools survescOd were located in the non-fluondcated area. The prevalence of dental deeay found tn the students îs as follows: * Five-yecar-olds - Milton, 49 per cent, Burlington, 31.8 per cent, Halton Hilîs, 31.3 per cent andl Oakville, 40.4 per cent - Seven-year olds - Milion, b5.4 per cent, Burltngton, 52.4 per cent, Halton Hilîs, 54.1 per cent and Oaks ille, ô2.2 per cent - Nine-vecar-olcîs - Milton, 72.2 per cent, Bctrlingîon, 05.1 per cent. Halion Hilîs, 58.4 per cent and Ciakville, 03.3 per cent - 13 vear-olds - Miltoîn, 44.4 pet- cent, Btrlingt,t 38.2 per cni, H ii n Low-income residents less able to buy healthy food Low-income residenîs in ihe region are more lîkely to use the money they have for rient and hbis than on healthy fond for themselves and their familles. That's one of the fîndîngs in the Halton health departments annual Nutntious Fond Basket report, whîch measures the cost of an adequate diet agamnst the fînancial resources of thoise at the low-încomc level. For example, the report ilîcistrates the case of a single moîher living in Halton with a seven-year nId daughîer who receives assistance îhrough Ontano Works. Her income would he S 1,212.92 per month, with retît accouiiting [or $849 of that amount and foodl, about $236. That would only leave arouncl $125 for thîngs lîke heat, hyciro. transporta- tion, non-prescniption drugs and unex- pected expenses. "Familtes who fînd themnselves ini this kind of situation are more likely to pay the rent and necessary hills and have lîttle or no mney left for food," the Fond Basket report states. A Nutritions Food Basket survey was conducted with six grocery stores in Halton last year to determine the price of a healthy diet. This showed the average cost for a family of four to eat healthy is $ 120.96 per week. The information gathered is shared with a variety of community groups, which wilI use it toi demonstrate the dif- ficulty people on low incomes have in affording a nutritious diet and to advo- cate for increases to minimum wage and social assistance henefits. 1 [lEll, 40.8 pet- cent andî (akville, 44.c) per cent Milton siucidnts were also found bo have tlie hîghest nctniher of îecîh affect- cd hx denital ccaN' Local seseni aîndl I 3-ear olcîs hiac more occutrrences of gingivitis than their couierparts in Hialton Hilîs, Bctrlington andl t..akvlle, whîle lîve- year olcîs \s ere pretiy inuch on par wîîh others. lialton Hîlis topped the [it ti the nine-vecar old category On a more positive note, the survey showecl that the prervalence of dental flcorosis. or paichy white flecks on thre tooth's surface caused hy excessive fct- onide intake, was loocer in Milton than the other inunicîpalîties. Melaii Herineýsse-y cari be icacheri ci andincaitit. The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, February 14, 2006 - A5 Public can comment on waste strategy Regioiius- pîoposed 200b-10 Sohid Waste Management Strategy at an open house next Tuesday. The session will be held at Hugh Foster Hall, located beside Town Hall Victoria SE~ loin the mn peopte womagree noiito drink aicohohe beseraM es and to dosme everyooe in tir groop home saiely How Choosing a Real Estate Agent Can Cost or S.ave You Thousands FULTON - Not ail real estate agents are the same. If you decide to seekthe help of an agent when selling or buy- ing your borne, you need some good information before you make any moves. Choosing a real estate agent is one of those critical issues that can cost or save you thousands of dollars. In this FREE special report, we give you the specific questions you sbould be ask- ing to ensure that you get the best representation for your needs. Before you hire any real estate agent, cal1 and get a copy of a FREE Report entitled "10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire an Agent". To hear a brief pre-recorded mes- sage about how to order your free copy of this report, cail 1-877-617- 1275 ID#3006. You can cali any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or email us at Find out the questions the others would prefer you neyer ask! This reort is o .oaeesy of omeoi. Mao.hisi, Pruooiieoat Town Centre Realry. No(,isieded to scs poopeotiesotrroitly toîied for sale. CopyrightÜ2ti06. During tie open house, Region staff will be on hand to answer questions and gather feedback from residents regarding the draft strategy. The plan identifies the pro- posed waste diversion initia- sscIl as choiccs lor înanagîog Hlahon waste beyond 2010. Its intended to help extend the life, of Haltons landfill. For more information on the plan, visit or caîl (905) 825-6000. IMIIPARTNERS IN PLANNING il FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD._ COMMON PITFALLS TO WEALTH CREATION * How much ($$$) will you need [o relire? * Will your invesîmient plan gel you there? * What are the 8 biggest mistakes [bat investors make? Mr iii Lii Muitigani Mi, MF, RHC, C, iPC Mrc GCFP Participants can take Advantage of a complimentary portfolio analysis i fc;i#i4jn: Partners In Planning 420 Main Street East, Suite 204, MilIton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 l ime: 7:30-8:30 These are educational serninars only. There is no selling. Seating is limited. F0 RESERVE YOUIR SEAT PLEASE CALL PARTNERS IN PLANNING AT 8176-01I20. Please siti our wbsite ssss oItnsNaoals.son Ftrb 9 I hirsdIa% 1- i 1t) I"itirsîhi' tc 2-3 1h ursd;i s Canadian Tire invites eseryone to The Great Skaîe-a da ' of lamily fun in support of Canadian Tire JumpStart, a community-kased charitable program thai helps k ids in Financial need take parti n organized sports and recreation. Aill vos hase o (Io is regisier vour tamil.' and friends on oor osebsite, ihen hî.t îhe ice on Febroarv t9th ai vour local rn1. skating pond-anivuhere theres ice! You cao also help make a dillerence wiih a donation ta Canadian Tire JtonpStar. and Canadian Tire wilI match ail donations, up to $500,000. Togeiher, well make The Great Skate Canada's higgesî skating pariy. and help thousands of kîds get active. jobP STAIT. 7Ibregiuter, donate, or fmdua kacty noe you, nusit canadiaallre.csfttgrsaisaie Sl 1-877-6164M0, or check inore. PîIilv 7aport Il b ea s, t-

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