Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 35

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The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Februery 14, 2006 - A35 If vou have any questions these jý ï,li. ...l...iic.ra..l1îý i is s jiu u / ii "Ask The Frofessionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax ta: 879-4Q4.3 towne Dr. Tony Wan 9 05 8 76 118 8 Mss B.Sc. DODS. CC<rvivtflne colis 9555N1 icas. W/tût is Bruxism? Breaîsm, cemmanly Cerean as testS grîsdîrg. is the clenchîsg CageCher of the Secaom and epper jaw accempcnied Sp Che grisdsrg oC the tester set sf CeeCCe aitS Che epper set. Breaism is a ssbcessciecs hehasier se masp peaple de set realire thtta thep are dairg t Oter it je the pansmer tehe tells tsem about the mighctime secede that Chair hrcessm predeces. Atheege tl cas acces dcssg the wakîsg Sacre, Srs- arn meet freqesly eccers white we sleep. Dcrîrg steep, Che Sstîsg terce casi Se ap te aie imes greater Chas Che pressare dcrisg watiirg Sacre. Brcaism cas Cead ta pais and casse damage Ca came ard eibher seat structures. This irclades soe facial muscles whsch car casses headaches, ard caracires: wearsng eftCeette rasctting je shoened CeetS, sersitive Ceeth, tractcred teetS acd illinge; and aattp damaga ta Che tamperemardîhctar arit (TMJ) cacs'rg pair spar apacisg. TestS gricdîcg je aCtaes sean jr chiudres. Ciljdrar geCnd Cheir Ceeth jr raspease te, the pair ard discamtant et ethalr ajtmarte ec asea crtds or ear irtectiars. Cemmanp, chiidrac cri Chair Ceeth ta ratiese the dîscamter t ofatlergies UsaalCp hrceism jr chiCdrer je a paasisg pharamara whîch Chcp crac set et cjth se adverse attacre ta Chair teeth and dase rat reqeire reatmant. tf pas suspect Chat paus eccer tram hrcaism see peer darnest. Thay car Ctil pas pfeeor sympteme arc rn tact due ta hrsaîsm. In meet casas, CCcy cas creala a customr hreaasm macth geard Car pas ta wcar whiCa pas staap. Thea meeth geard Caknes the peniehmeet Chat peer tactS accul rermaie encura dsrrng eser hraaism. Ihis citt mirimîsa the damage asaacîatad airS hrcism. Addîtaasallp. yaar dastiet map hcip pas preperip positias peer taeth ard Ceege se as tei radece year breisse. Radecîre alcehel irtatie s ais adaîsahie sîrce aCcahal sas Seeschaste te starsas hrcsîsm. Ct is w stail n tisa hat aiess and a00115 piay tirs major moia cacsîsg hraeiem. Iftyosecer tram hreaîsm Crp te mare ettactîeelp mas,- cgc the strcss ir pear lita. Bp caratclly monîtoring and certrallîrg Che stress pas cas aCtert dramatiealOy redouta hraîsm. @ MORTGAGE f INTELLIGENCE 251 Main St. E. Suice 201, Milton Head Ofie:l 5280 tilear Dr., ceai, Miss., ON L4W 5M8 A GMAC Companyp John Cocon, AMP 9 5.-878.-7213 Ms55gage Cocnslant w .te sromr ec UUng yeux omtgo ow ae ur doed tahre Se esil ait ge?' (sue e skirg as pur T4 sCip Caot se Se pets or caCh yees maisi mcent pap stehý Sue, mes> people ish th these scmears sCrtha datlas stgr ocra a Uttle hilhalr, Sas is the sanishirg aoc Chat caas pea mess. Tac feie a spaciaC soerrng yec cas see Sec mcch moe pas maie buSt >C5C crafie carl es stilC casai set and pasi dans han mach Ce sow tar a puarS ircame. Iftysere Clcrgtsrforite hoes i r eraiet, stars Sp makirg a Cisttoftpsr daes Arepsasrcredet carde tcctassng al Cheatop eftChair Climes? Sapesu matie sagetir use et pscrsserlratprotection at the Serti? De pas hase escaCatirs Cee liSises? Whar caisu as>y deatrmers store carde> Ard - qaîcti - oSas wse the imstra te o ose alanhces tait marCS> Hase pra addcl Ct cp? Mcrp Caradiars are startel te see hast mecS the> are ccteaCp papirg tei serica Chair leSt. Irdeets> Casaat chsch morisesn conscmar data, sepors irtareet rates tas departecri stase cisede carda as high as 28%. tsar csmpetitieatt crai carde ciii aCres ras 11% as mare. Cri thîss att CeUe chenr mtgcge ratan ane sti as c hieteric tac. Whp da Che Sertie cri dapartteers stases charte secS high mites? Thcse are unerese leSte meaerig Chase - Cfyo pe aeet as the daSt - Cha crifer Sassnoe ae secousse tai rcaaas the marep. ot ecrprnirngis, 55ey charge a hughes rate -smetimas c MCC hisSes rate - ta cemperseeo taChe hsgbas rii Chas ar craaccred dat repseenrta. C Secte es reseraI a sciiehia secesit>, se msstgagee oster atter Che hart raies esaîiehie criahese. Cereidar Chia, tSars Ct psc hase eut> i r em, psc cas caie alsactage o atrctive e agg ratas ts scie a Saitil as imste charges. Campare crrt messgage rates cheS Chates chastal as pacr aChes daite. Cet sre profstsîae aleîca or chaChes el msght pep lt de seme rrtîrafcrcîg cnrl tait paaChes daht, ecch as credfi cati leSt cr fi ts liîahliîtîs, irta paas martgcge, tac cas ceesoidae pecr lest snte tecsr pepens, sese same msrap or irtarret, cri imprase >aar cash tlo. tac haie a Ccc optîos: C seccrai Cire ai cml>i ceeul pseeîe e u ih uris cp ta Te% at thc salce ai per hase, miscs ary mra5e leSt as the hase. (se cas asti tascard Ce, c esctatil redectier rn the imriessrate, tri cil pas sari to pas eech math is Che sntases Ysc car iriS ch aCh as Chît cemparîser pscrseCf, as tati toa message pratassîssa. Ct C55 are ccrsing crit carl dl/t, paîtI Se shactia et hat yas canscase cl/c seccrai Cire ai cred(i. Pas cald cita csrsîies îrcreceîrg Cees eîstîrg massasge. If pasr noresgage is camîeg ep tes rereca, ibis is the perfrct ime ta seosraz cri corsalîlese >aes leSts eaiepeay exceClent rares. es if poaec cn the Cat peassas tas at pasr maPpgage, tl me> matir sese ta te-ragoticte pees meetgage sad riotl cn par aChaeS et tac t o ata. St, >ae mc> Se abCe tas heret rac thîs tiisd et daSt consoiliatio Chrasgh e second mosseage. (ses heet option - hase c pseteasiarai el/ire pacr aptiars tes srg a meltgege Ce carsetîdate pasr leSt and incleuse psss cash tisa. SDRUG MART Open la midoigiri, 7 doa a moata Carniage Square, 265 Main St. E. DAWN .905-878-4492 ROSS Q: Con yoa tel! nme about heurt attacke and atrokes? ACirirtak cr \ .a,,, hrsiri oso rirCilCCiCsand osrprrirppt)ir yors her muscle. sCJi scCCrs nilreiC rrClaieg sshblirrkagrs oliai ismoire coiisry Thre naceing siges tac a ireare attack arr: C. Pain: Srdlrel isComiiCiorpainihÉtitie nis i are uiSh e-i paisrr>he inthr ceri, sesi.jaa. Chiatdr. msi, 'r Sari, paie Su ai> irr l 1,Cr hrrairg. Cqieeaiag. hrrsinss.sighiss sr presre CsIn ssrr pinrisCirix-CCmure vage, 2 tiieessaofireair: dulCrIs> hsrris. 3. tauasea: indigerstion ncar sed /orrnifing. 4. Saeate: cool.rirsrsiykiw 5. Fetr Araies>. desiri. A srsse se braie rerrik" i, ashas Chere is ae inerrusptioneo bloind and rxenesappir Cr crain as CCf She haiCe A sIrie rcusrs hen hlrrl cies rarrir s, thr Srin, iaaaerpn uhe sapp> et Sisal rad iCyger s canss, th 5e serre rel5ui ehâ uasmr. As amCsreti cl mrr lieaid the paeris he Sodiel ont stop,5C fuiasrss Tbe eCeenmain eacnisigsfa stleiare: C. SasSea aaaCCCarC, CesrrorfaeaeCrClepjespeiaCty o oesisrrofsthesrbodyp 2. Siilesrconfusion, irouble sperksag er ualestraldiap 3. CuIder troubIe areinp ce oer SoeCeS, 4. Salles trouble aig. diier Ca, os balanc, r. crinaionrr 5. Saddea seirse herlrrhr ails ris kss ciarse. Q: Wha as a oc lkeljrto have heurt adtack or etroke? A: Heairatkrradsrrrke aas raasy aehbuteamrmoscnritionincaesadls. raerd4SfraesirC ardaoser 55CauriemrieC Yorrir inirserifyensaehih blondi pressue, hiph eChriesCerC, ,iherrler,,sIr. Sear Iseraso diabere. Smaoksng rad r irsisi hissas> rf Seara prlairia mrp aira sararrie the sis Q. How ran I heip prevent a heurt atack or atroke? A: -[e eor Slrasiprpsuare hekedreuairis Foaixar herirS> ieryie: caC r hih fibr lsw ft lies, criesase r hrrlihp arCghC. ieep phesirrlirs.uiir. rie e r mre. rýii irhrrrr CsCke. Icarrt iirrr-,ernd Cstrtar thtlariarlaus fuh ieCanada. Lrrmi heramir Shapper Carra masi HeaiîS Wr' cr PSmsrisi NSIflL~M fIpPRTNERS IN PLANNING illif FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. Ficanrci Plannicg Metcat anni g Lite rsrcce Ti: <905) 870-0120 Fane (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Solta 203, t M CP HJ LEtiga Miltan, Ontarlo LOi' iPO AOPOOCu Q: My epauce diad rcsrtly iaaviag a large amnat ai taa awiag. Deaiag with the Ions ai a iaved ana lis bad eangh, but what ientî I da ta minipsize the tarxes awiag? A: Losing a spasse je e r pereonet and ait coneamicg ime. Wr ara sony Este yocr tors. Heritag 10 worty raou Chair tax Sutl rhoatd nos Se an issae, batil ser Canada Rervenue Ageticy permits rame port martrem tee planning rtrategias. Whiie the decearad cacaos de aayîhing chose Chair Cases, sheir asecesor cees. Contribusions ta a crs or acarting spoasai RRSPe arr reti porsihle in the par ot drath and firs 601 laps eftshe toilawing pear. Bp conseshesiag toa cspacrai RRSP, the recaor cen Cake major sties se relacing taxas payeble Sp the lececsed and shift more moary inso she RRSP oftehe earreieig spase. As mieS ait other epossai RRSPs, the sririsg spse must Se saler cge 69 and the lrcrased, ragardiase et age, marC hava casaI RRSP canry tormea roine. Eren in tbis sitsation, a spouaa RRSP can stitt ha set sp toc a commun tam rposre. This coen Se erra mare riticai riara provincial inherisanre iams cas ectle a commun tam spasse troc inhrriting an certain retersions. Las s Setp yoa mesS pose RRSP, tas and relate planning ee. Preae cati 905-S76-0120 tar an appoinssens. AerîLIATrs WiTH PARTerSe te PLessNrNG INeusASE SEsVICtS tIoC. 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton 905-875-3345 011 ceira Q: Hec de!I knew if Ihtave a hea,-teg tees? Semae people rc bhem misS r hearig Cas. shte athare espanarce heariag Cess as r atuar part et the rgseg peacess. star inetinsanda pcataagal repasse te, CeaI noise cars aise casse hcrseg prahteme. Yeni may have a heariag ices if: * Va are reaf ethare itairg Set pas la set erderssaai what jr Seing rail ald/ar yaa tact people mamhtbe shan Chey epear. *o Vasert eperienre riagsag jas aChes type et neise) rn yanr aars/hcad. *o Vase ljfficelîy laeeneiniag whsch diection seenle are canaag ftram * Va hase litt'irsty hccring familier seardis, iae dia teaphana and doeshel. * Va hase a histary et repasse la CeaI sasse (ftrm rancarts, roestruction sites, cirpeets. etc.). Yasr friands and tcaasty Chiai yaa Serra hearing Cas. Heariag Lanss la Childeen Ohserving pear chstd's rercesan ta ssarI halpe ilantsty patential prahtaei. Des yaar chili respeal se peer raica? Der pear rhstd anersasd simple sarde and seande rad ny se, cila hecn? Hecring pretm ras datay tde lartpmane ofte child's speech, tccgaaga, and Ceaeng ekîCte. ra il s important ft datace hanng prahlei aarly. Heaeing Loss la Adues Far mcny, hearieg Case s a normal pars et grawing aIder. Hasarar, te peraese s cssaltp se, seheta that shase misS hearing Case ara atfern thsa Case la meatira il. PeopCe aieS heang Case cac raCee isoaeandc lanelp. Samaetimas ehey haritate lat gali arated se conversations bercese dsap areafelail et mis- aaderesadirg and raspanlang saapprapricatey, At te cerne Cima, triande and tamsty mitS narmal hearisg mry campten cbocs hering ta, canseentty rapeal dsemeres, ar about the steresas ralume Seing encan ap tes taadly. If yaa ora taced ene are experleoring aoy of thee ayaoptaena ou aheaW have year hearing teated by an Aaditegie. Dnw S -T ý1R I 1O .1 E Motivation AnCe any parason wh s je ncceteu sn wheteser he arsaha as donrg chat matisaiten hîm/her and aery iikelp the anacer ani Se ' gals". oai Settssg je eetremey important te mstivation and naccene. Se chat moatee pss? WhI-y ara pas et a gym? If pea are rn e gym Seacee ta chat peer doater mante, yac mep Chrd ut difuthato etaate youisea Sue, it:n posnihle te aecceed vvith smasse eIae prseîdirg the moeSsation fsr pets. Bst motivation that asmea trsm cittas reatp mekea the citifer-esca. CertaiIy, yec reai sme intelligernce, knoscielge bae, atel> ekîlis, cri Cime maragementr ekîial, but if yau don't hono mation, yau aret; got for. Think absut tis aeasgy. Vas hae a car mvite a Pull teck sf gan, c maill-turai engine, gerd set et teres, qcadraphscic CD eyatm, cand a aleek, psliahed eteriar. TCsrs it ste This carl1iae iscredibte pstetiel. (t-ace ysc heend Chat Setsrn?] Heeer, untl a diver aite Sehurd tha checi, peta the e> jr tise ignitien, and cransn ut up, thec car dosn't tsjnccjsn. Vsc gaesnciut; thse KEV uns MOTIVATION. Irterent je an impertant metvacter. Sa je a doisire ta achionoe eseut. Wher peu tinCe Cheae tes thscga tegedier, psc creete sacceas. Otansaccene jr as ardeceer slea te more irtercat cri a greatar desîra te cears, crsaticg as apevard apurai et metivatisn temard a gea pec hae estehtuahci. Se Se hoeet wsth pearacif. Aro gos gonuinoty interontend in o botter yau? Have pea set rcaiatac geais fer pearnetf? Hec cas pea deetep tise isternai metrseties Chat recttp ceuns? WNhec tl csmea te maSivacrer, KNOWNG s est; as important as DOING. STRIDE Perssnatizel Trauiig ccd Cosaalcg Ccc. un a leader cn "Is Home" traicing corporate training and home gym dssgn. Cf pea meud tikc te sae cime moean d meet et at Sec Oreat Resatt centact ua tor pser Free tifeatya coeasutation and a hait heer training seassior n.mm_ J

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