Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 33

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The Cunadiani Champion, Tuenday, February 14, 2006 - A33 It vou have anv questions these "Ask The Prof essionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 Q: I amn an elernentary school teacher. Over the paxt year I have had increased hoarseness and soreness when talking. 1 was found tor have a vocal nodule. The doctor recornrended voice therapy. lu that done with a Speech Pathologisi and how con il help? A: Speech-Language Pathologists are the trained pri)fessiouals that otter voice therapo. Voice therapy is aimed ai identitying and elimnatinîg ahusive vocal hehavior. creatiîîg a personal voceal hygien rgan teaching easN soîce production. possihly defining strategies to manîpulate the ssork eus tronmient 10 support bettet voice use and estahlishing improsed vocal habits. For exanîple. a Speech-Language Pathologist eau vork with you to belp identtty thiugs i your ssork enstroutîtent thiu cause competition for voice production (e.g. tan loise or the arrangement of the students' desks lu the classroom creating greater distance for voîce projection. to name a feuv examplesi. The Speech-Language Pathologist can assist and insîruci you in modifyîng your ssork environment and yiiur on votce use behaviors 10 optimîce good vocal production. Strategtes eau also he îdeutifted immediaîely to assist with effective communication t0 compeusate for your bourse soîce. Tlie ultîmate goal is 10 reduce the nodule and restître foul vocal flanction. If you have any further questions. pieuse feel free to cail our Centre for more information. Geraldine Hesketh Carpel - Vînyl - Ceramîcs Hardwood -Paint - Wallcoverings Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 845 Main St. 1. MIII.. 878-4280 What, Why and When... These are the 3 questions asked wheu purchasing a uew fluer. Be prepared lu ask lots of questions and tîstux iii lots tif idviceu St.iy off the internet as il will confuse thu best of us. as clients end up know îug mure thon we do axd thaf s nul gond. 0k. su off vie go... ftask, sandwiches. kîds. dug. graudma, you'll be gene for about 2 days, su fued the eut! Surioxsly ibougb. visit the store first. Must peuple aie surprtsud ut the ebuices and xaeytxg pnie points. Il wîtl help îmmensely lu bave an idea wbex ne comte & measure wbat yeur wîshes are, Mua'suri xg wîîh nu cheice muax.s vîsîts galure and uvuiytbixg mieusured diffur- exily. It can bu quitu dauntîxg for yu & us. Weil whut about thît. oih muthbe thal or vout kuow whaî coud 1.. AHHHH! Su... se fîrstty wbat's oui thuru. Armi yoursulf witb samptus lii take hume wib prîces ix mind and lîfe fur aIl] sill bu guod. The Vîsît: OObb,. bu is hure' List of questions, flour samples ut baud and ibex ltthIe expert do bis ting. A guod saluspersîtu and installer wîi advise you wby il would bu goud lu cuxsîdur curumîts ovue vînyl, is uew plywuod reqxîrud, oid basueards sbîîuld bu repluced, yoxr flour s xuî level sît click ftuurixg may xut bu a guud choicu, Yes. vixyl woxtd ruully suit your needs and budget of curse, havixe as 1 suy, yuur choîces and ruquivemeuts belps so mxcb and thex if yeunxeed te rexîsît the store, yen butin wbat lIo chauxul ittt and that's wbex we can chexise the loiok and coleur. Installation: Genuratly. we îry lii bave as ltIlle upset as poîssible. But uuy rexuîxain can bu messy depexdîxg ex type. If rîppîng tînt is te bu done, woud îustulled. ceramies mno bing cemunt. mesbîng, vuttixg. luyîng. grîtutîng Sîî bell bu tbere foîr breakfast and luncb! Ob.. t)uve. Mîke and Trevîte tise soup. Carnet is a smîîuîber ride but stairs svîtb toits is au art xii appreetute the tinte and effotrt a qualîlîed inistaller takes îîîtb aIl the exîras and louches tîf matcbîug patterns, u.uttixig dîffîculi accus. etc. Wbeu: Plan yîîut rexov,îtîîn abead tif lime fotre îîîîsîug. iLits tof flturîxg utix conmes fron tbe U.S., xii lime tir delîvery aud allum foîr buebtîrders. alsît there are lois tif itber people toit! Su 24 bîturs isa bit mueS. Yîîu are speudîing a lot tif mrolley vît cbîttse slîîîly. vareful- ]y and oeIli muke tbe job easier. F BARROW FAMILY -rÏ CHIROPRACTIC i 180 Ontario St. S. Milton ~Li~ (905) 878-4994 oxnx Fax:(905) 875-4485 / SURVIVING THE COLD & FLU SEASON Did tou io, 1,t lIle,,thiîî.î micig tri eit, eiiîttîmtîttîiîmîîîtiî'eîttmoiîîyhe iîîîîîîReorttt axiibiini at xiNino bu appriipviaite vr infrecion. Sîîtîîîlî, 1 ,,îîît ieeîîîî,î,îîî i h(le,. o tC ii, (, iar ilL ,* 'i tti tîîî,! îîîîîî i , taua %Il curet 11-1. %ia mît eýe elrt Olenr- ad t,L 1o îtîîkî ltsl tti, \%il[ heuii ihex aiitiiîesave ised and xiii needed. hacteria niht are montiait ' presexi in the hod , lilu an ixeaxxe ru.iNtant i, thi' anxiihixic.i, î,î e i l,. ir iii,,, re-laro i , ,î,î. t III Illat trLlu ttt, tilt uou[,ua Iet o n Ile utîtuuît tu îîtltîuu.,îe aiii a1« H luler'",i M irxsii lu,, tiii tit , i i e lin: t,. , , O e,î t1io , 11) t acît t . Ill aawk oîîîîtî.ied ((o took îîî,î Il epîle îîîteî and ti, montr ri 11atloul llatuît .1 olthe ohmicer, catitîp l(tfl ' ;o lo, ', u i ti, lt .tîe,, h\ c,tltieî.llh ut tt.l tîcýconri imlrîl, ph ' sii-aistress, îeîtlin utte ciî,u, .sîu, hîitfi tîtî:îhaî relleaied itoi o iiittpet, .ti c e iui sivrxx ltii p oo nut ti t in tan lr 'ci tiom i d nÉgîî andî e tio s es d ii it0 1 e i o a 1 ilcue apoitim mental iixiiiuk. mainiaixing a heaith ' di, veguuir xxsrcisx, griting xnugii xixep axd mainiaining a heaithy spixu axd irtîlîltu , l,,it, the îieroîu, ,leinîî allîted rih î.ii. e,u, i co (ruie iret,', and ht,t. ,ulî,,î , tirutti t,î.d, Io a., tiîîiig he bt , lt,îlîaî.heîîtiîe.î hihît (i.(i)pvîi..ttîîîîm.o îlthe .pimeî, ttiid areî,,,here here iî,ttirîtsette f5% tut hitiIr B%.îî,î Ct etc,nu lthe lutheemîte ,îîd jliiiou the eu , tv tintin pe,,i>'ti, lIe riiiitolu," grl 0.(eaittl C'hiroipracie rare is the naturai choiru forvuptimizingur xxv xul ability go deai xith sinise axd tnghi infections. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. se., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST WE~L~I350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 1P6 LX~I J905) 878-6479 lAPrincess Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. L.awrence (905) 702-1611 B.Sc., D. Ch. Member of the Ontario Society af Chieapodists and The Ontario Collage of Chîropadists Q. Why do my feel ache ai work? What can be dune? A. Your ahîlîty lto use your feet safely. wiîb case and comfort. is vital il yon are to remalu a valuahle and productive worker. However, a large nuinher oîf wîîrkers are expuîsed iii injuries due to pruloxged periiids ofl standing and walking. For example. a person who pîcks orders in a warehouse may walk up to 13 umiles in an 8 hour shîif. Auîîîber wiirker lu flie same warehouse uîay he reqîîîred to stand in olue position Itor ai lease six hottes durîng a shit. You are also susceptible Ioi ttiny ot the saine types of aibletie injuries, caused by lîseruse. I îîxer bock. hip. knee. and fot pain are frequent complaints. in additioîn iii an increase iu calIons formations and ingroitn toeuails. One treatutent uoptioîn tior useruse in a factory eîîsîrîîmenî is an anti-tatîgue mat. svhîcl is desîptîrd te reduce the forces eucouuiered by the limer exîreuhîîy and spine. Althugb anti- fatigue mats do reduce the incidence ofi reported injuries, they are nul successful fot everyone. Risk Facîtors fuîr nîîu-îraîîmaîîc lower extreînîîty tr back ixjury oin the joh include. Lonug perîîîds oîf standing and xvatking, type of shoes nom, obcsity and prestous injxry. Perhaps tbe greatesi risk ix structural ahnormialîîy of the foot and losser exîreîiîiy sncb as a flai foot, excessive pronatioin of supination. lu coxsidering rîsk factors, il is important lu remember that a single rîsk factor usually doies nul lead îu injury. A cîîmhînaîion ut rîsk factors is usually invulved. Pruhlems sncb as heel. kuce or hack pain offtet require a thorougb evaluation hy the Chirtîpodîsi lu determîne the underlying factoîrs causîng the pain. These types of problems offert requtre a combination ofi treaimenîs whîch may tuclude: a change in fooîwiear, icing the affected aveu. strappixg. iirthottcs, oribupedir foineur, medicatiox. enercises. * I F 1 Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) Oebbie Hawkins Phone (905) 875-6888 a. Sc., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 Question: shouldn't? INAPPROPRIATE URINAIO Why is my cat peeing wbere bu Answer: FLUTD (feline losver urinary tract diseuse> is a condition that velerinarians spend a large amount of lime dealing with, iu practice. Il is a diseuse îhat involves inflammation of tbe uriuary bladder and urelbra. ht is neen equally in maie and female cals. It is beyoud the scope of this article 10 discuss A of the underlying causes of FLUTD. but suffice 10 say that one symptom is universal- Ibat is painful urination. When cals suffer from urinary tract pain they ofteu wilI choose to urinate in places other than Ibeir litter box. eier aIl of the lime or just some of the lime, sîrain and assume a prolonged stance or cry or vocalize nbeu uriualiug. lu the early stages eau oflen, in male cals, lead lu complele obstruction (inabilily 10 urixate) followed quickly by deaîb. I oflen- cucounlter cal oners wbo mention 10 me tbat their cal ix "peeixg aIl over the bouse'. Most osvners assume Ihal Ibis is jusl spileful bebavior. lu my practice. 8O0% ot cals Ihal are in tbis eategory aclually have a treatable diseuse. I alsvays encoturage oners 10 briug their cal ix for au evamitietu and urinalysis. Once FLUTD ix dîagnosed. appropriate treatuteut and diel change result in a very gonîd prognosis, iii the majority of cases. ne Ooney 17 Wilson Avenue Canal. Prancaz PHYSICIHERAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. 1 am waiting for knee surgery, but it is not for a few months. Is there anything 1 can do now that will help my recovery time after surgery? 1 heard (bat you have a pool rehabilitation program. Can you tell me about it? A. Pool rebabilitation ix a greal way t0 do genîle range of motion and sîrengîheuing wben you have a sore knee, hip, shoulder, or low back, and do nol lolerate enercises on land. Doing slrenglhening and light sîreîches hefore surgery can shorten your recover period afler surgery. The pool program is also beneficial afler surgery during the initial recovery stages, wben you still are sore from the surgery itself. Our pool progr&m is run al Carol Murray's Swim Academy, on Bronte Street. where the pool is 92 degrees. The classes are Wednesday and Fridays, from 12:30 tu 1:00 for the loxv back, hip, kuse and aukle class, and 1:00 10 1:30 for the neck, shoulder, elbosv and baud class. The classes are îaughl hy a registered physiotherapist, and a cerîified Kinesiologist. You eau access your physioîherapy evîexded healîh benefits for the classes. If you sveuld like nisore information, pIeuse caîl the Halton Commuxity Rehbhlîîaîîon Centre ai 905-876-1515, and me xvould be happy bo aussver any qutestions you may have, and gel you slarled inb the program. ii~~~u g-

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