Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 14, 2006 - 27 Fobnuary 8, 2006, ai the ago ai 83 mîfh Craîg ber beloveti buabanti ai 62 yeara, by ber aide. Predeceateti by ber parents Etna and Lena Day, ai Milton. Eleanor miii ho iondiy remembered by ail ber irienda, caregivera and neighboura as a maman mho retained good spirita and a tente ai humour tbrougbouf ber coura- geos airaggle mith ((tnest. Special thanka fa Angela Wilson for ail ber care and loving support. A graveaide service mas belti 10:30 am on Saturday, Febra- ary 11, 2006 at Trafalgar Lamn Cemefery, Dakoille. Arrangements mode mitb the Kopnîva Taylor Cammanify Fanerai Home, Oakvilie (905-844-2600D Email condolencea may be sent ta kopni-; please place MELLISH on the ' subjeci lino. NORMA SYLVIA CAMPBELL 1936-2006 Her Race la Ran- "Wolf Doaef! Norma Sylvia Campbell mas bom on Febraiy 9, 1836 on Denoer, Colarada, Unitedi States. She mas calleri ta giory on Jaraarp 30, 2006 in Tombier Rîige, Briish Columbia ai the age of 69 pears. Norma is turvionti by her beloonri hasband of 45 pears Ken Campbell, iooîng chiidren; Annexte (Danij Ahen, Jennie (DavidO Bew, Daviri (Kiml]Campbeii, Kathp (RacO Babel anti Shelley Campbell, granrichiltiren; Keoni, Separa, Brendon, Aidan, Aaron and Dylan and broiher Larry (AnnO Nandrea. A "Coronation" service mas heid on Febraary 3, 2006 ai the Claude Galîboîs Center, home ai the Wiidernesa Minîistnîna, Tambier Ridge, British Columbia. Officiateri by Pasiar Dog Spînney. Norma mas cremaieti and a Memoniai Service wiii be heid Saiordap, March 18, 2006 at 2:00 pm ai the Ajax Baptisi Charch rn Ajax, Ontano. A commintai service wiii iailow in the iamîip plot ai Erskîne Cemeierp in Pickering, Ontario. Coxdacied by Reonrenri James Rente. Memoriai gîffs in honoar ai Norma map be marie by wap ai donation la the Widerness Mînîstiîs (Coronatian Coilegno Boa 130, Tambler Ridige, British Columbia VOC 2W0. Fanerai arrangements wern enirusied to Bergeron Fanerai Services & Crematorium Liri Dawson Creeu, Bnitish Columbia. CURRIE, Margafrite At Banloah Long Term Care an Tharsdap February 9, 2006. Margaerite Cornie iormedy of Campbeioîiie in her 9isI pean. Belover ife ai the laie Joseph Corrne Looîng moîher ai Edmîna and her haaband Bob Sirang, Tam anti his mufe Karen ai B.C., John and his mufe Sae ai B.C., Jon anti hîs companian Louise and Art and his campanion Canai. Marguerite wiii be remembereri bp her il grandchîidren anti 5 great-grandohildren. Predeceaseri Sp her 4 titera anti 2 brothers. Famîiy anti fienris are inoîledti l vîsit aitihe McKersie-Kocher Funerai Home 114 Main St. Milton 605-678-4452 inom 2-4 andi 7-9 PM an Sanday, February 12th. 2006. Vigil Frayera miii be prayeri ai the funerai home on Sandap at 8:30 PM. The Mass ai Christian Buriai miii he celebrateti ai Hoiy Rotarp Cathoic Charch, 139 Martia SI. Milton ai 10:00 AM on Monday, February 13th, 200h. Interment ra, ioiiow ai St. Johns Anglican Church Cemetery, Campbellillie As enpressions ai sympaihy, memoriai donations to the chariiy ai axe's choîce maulti be appînoartid Lettera ai condolence may be leh for the iamîip ai MASEIL, Ernestina Antoniu (BohmDl The langesi gootibyn has finaiiy come ta an endi. Emetna as finalip ai rosi ai the age of 84. Or Taetdap Febmuary 7, 2006 mdlh her iamily by her site andi aller tighiing a long cooragnoas haffle. Bort in Germanp Aaguai 21, 1921. Daughtnr ai Conrati anti Augusta Bohm. Beloont ife of 57 pears to Heînz Masel. Cherîsheti moiher ai Audrey Dietrich, Rolandi (Mariatj Peter /Karent2 Loraîne (Rager GoadrignO Loaîng Oma ta Antirnas, Eric, Monîca, Danîi, Heidi, Krîstira, Joshua, Simone, Nichoile anti Laaren. Grnai Oma ta Nîcholas, Grace, Emiip, Kaiman anti Rhîanna. S6e miii be greaiip mîssed hp manp friends. Her kîntiness, generasiry anti sirarg iaih miii nai be forgonten. A memoriai service mas heiti on Salarday February il, 2006, 2:00 p.m. ai the Kîngdam Hall ai Jehooahs Witnesses in Milton To senti expressions ai sympaihy vîsîl mmm jsjoresandsonfuneraihome.cornu Foundafion The Milton District oppreciates oop n Memoriam donations: 30 Oerry Rd. B. Milon, Ontario L9T 2X5 Mounisberg, Ontario, age 61 years. Loved hasband ai Dawn Hewins. Father of Richard Michael of Germany. Son of Aloisia Michael and the laie Kart Michael of Mississauga. Missed by Aaei atd Reggie, and the Cats, and Jagaar. Frientis are învied ta a Fanerai Service at Kitchîng, Steepe & Ladwig Fanerai Home, 146 Miil Street North, Waterdown on Thursday, February 16, 2006 at il ar. Informent ta ioiiow in Moantsherg Methodisi Cemetery. Datations ta the Warld Wiidiife Federation, Animal Adaptiats ai Fiamboroagh or yaur favoanite chariiy wauid be appreciaieti as expressions oi sympathp. Please sîgn the Book ai Coadoience ai mmm kitchîagsieepeand- LANDRY Rita (nue MacLllanEBO5 Rita patsed away peaceiallp in Si. Joseph's haspi- tai Hamilton, on Fndcay, February 10, 2006. Bam Janoary 20, 19851 the daugater ai the laie Charles MacLeilan and Cathanine (TompkinsD Rita was bora in Taronto mhere she antended ochool, gratis- aied and by age 20 was an charge ai reservahions for ail C.N. hatels in Canada. Her career mas aust biassoming when she mer Leanard. He mas a medical stadenit, ihey mxix mamiet he became a dacior, and they moved ta Miltoni. Rita and Doctor Len were blesseti euh ihrne chidren, Letton, Soliavan, and Zachary whom ihey adored atnd iheir lions taon eaoiaed aroand. Thit was flot the endi ai the stoiy for Rira. She had fo mach xnergy, love and generosity to be spent on others, niot lot her famîly who aimaya came f irai. One of Riras many talents mas her sîngîng voice. Alihoagh in grade schaol she was relected from music ciaso ror sînging off key, she knew het- ter! She was harmonizing. 06e îained the "Omeet Adeline's" and she taon choreographed, designed cotuames, and arranged the masic which mon her the North American Çhampîonshîp bet harmanized qoartet. She alto boned ta dance and mas an excellent tep dancer. Her Flare for Scontsh masic came naiaraly from the place she lovedti l spenti her sammers - Cape Brefoni. Anyone who was in Riras campany hari ta leara the basic step. (shaffle, hop a dot, dot[]She taught handreds tis routine. White raîsîng her chîldier ai home she alto doabled as the sec- reiaiylboolikeeper for her hasband, whose office mas on iheir home. Their patients became their friends. tl as Rira's warm and caning ntrre that fiiied theîr home with people. S6e hosted showers, wedulings, waket, sligh rides, engage- ment parties, axd cauntieta bîrthday celebraions. She became inoolver inj mai0r enoîronmenia protesis ta stop contamînaing the Niagara Escarpment. Soon she and Len where flyîng ta Washington ta meet Lois Gibbs (The love CanalD who alto became a frîend, Rita mas instrumentali n creatîng andi obtinîng fandîng for 'Waste Wise" a saccessiai recpcing station in Georgetown. Because of thîs accompishment aiang wiuh cooniiets other com- manity minded efforts, Rira mas awarded citizen ai the pear. For ail the roies she played and love that she shared, the mat important thîng in Rîte's ie mas her famîly. if her chiidrer mere happp, she mas happy. Cari blets pou Rita. Thank ou for sharîog poar love, kîndness and canrinuai support and teachîng us how ta '.pot on the Ritz' Rira is predeceased bp her beioaed hashanri Len anti heî parents Charles andi Catherine MacLellan. S6e is toroioed bp her titer Myna Maclean (RoridieO her brother Jack MacLeilan (çharieneD her brother Chacu MacLellar larendy0anti her three chîldrer Lennon, Soilavan anri Zachary. She wiii ho greaiip mîsseti bp ail her cousins, nephema, rinces andri menus. Cremarion has taken place and a memaniai service wiii ho heiri on Saiarday. February 18, 20036 ai St. 1 1 i la , i i iiu Î- r,1 ,ýý , , e - ; !i,ý My Motber, Etva Ezeard, bas cecently becomne a ceaident at Allendate Long Tertio Cure Facility on Ontario Stcert in Milton. She ja in roomn 208 in the Peti flouse and seema ta bave aetrled mcli. She does NOT bave a eclephone in bec coom, jr juat acema ta confuse bec more but abe mould tove ta sec you if you wautd care tai viait. Please bc prcpared tbar abe may not reccognize you înitiatly, but if you continue ta, talk ta, bec and cemnind bec of mIxa you are and bow you know bcr abe may ccmcembec and bc able ta carry on a bit oft a conversation witb you. She will flot remember you bave been in ta, tee bec, but please feel free ta cati us at borne to lt us know bow you cnjoyed your vatit. Mvoma b ip sucgery mas a aucceas, bowevcr bec cognitive skilta bave di- minisbcd grcaty aince tbe aurgery and bec sbort terni memory is very brief at beat. Memorica fromn the rase seem ta be mucb saeper. Recovery from tbe bip surgery for Mom bas been very slow and sbc cas onty malk mieb assistance nom, but scema eo, be quire content ta sit inl ber wbcctcbair and sbe cnjoys being taken around ta tbe various aces of Altendate tai opponualiea iti the hau&do e! na 1471900 itaaaehos ia Burlingiau, Comtpany PROFILE: Oairnille, Milteu and Flambrnag. (INCLUDING: Company Product/Servicat, Yeara in the Why ni rie us ynar cempaily Ir Cormunty, Coan Bene% etc. profile aient euth the addrexs, fax Votar Company Profile I-brel infonuation, phone aumber aid a liai sf GA O E job sppaefunilies yeu have te effet. si YoaeCtpaRno tour ad wîl hoe ptered ia aar spectral Opporities Heme! aectiou euth editrrriol content le atais COMPANdY ADDRESS peope wth ips nd rtiles n hw RPONE NUMMO pepl wihtia idaricesnuhe l E-MAIL - A gel ltejob liti b igitlfa titan' CONTACT NdE Bxarlingxon Pcm8 The Oakvîtte Beave Ifristi COST. Buelingtse andi Oakvittn $899 BONUS: Atit itan aid Ftamborraugh tac $299 g n Spet reine tram $50 anti Prccess enlnur txau $1506* Cali for dtils -@ B DEADLINE: February 17, 2006 PUBLISHING DATE: Fcbruary 22, 2»0 Co.w 905.632.4440 - Fao: 905.632.8165 -E-oauil Disric saesmanager (Oakville and surrounding aiea) dru ths couiti ha yoar appomruiti ne uoio the woanda leadn beauty n this leadership positian, We expect Mont wiIl be celebrating her yoa miii be challenged ta 9lst Birthday on the 26th of this bud, train and inspire a month ae Attendale. team of independent Sales Representatives to accelerate Thank you far ail your inquiries and growth in Voar district. concern. *Ability ta netwsrk, empamer, inspire and maximîze the potextial af a cammitted Sales team. - At leasi 2 Vears ai Sales asioar Network Sincerely, Marketing experience. Entrepreneurial spirit, dyramism and astatomy. Darryl Ereard - Excellent cammanicatian and prnsentatmon slrills. 905-878-9839 âà m ë lé 4w af umg.qr w pAi uaier e-mait aezeard9839( lit. Lande Paptinalcie, Avon Canada lac., 6M Airpeft Rund, Suite 3U~ Missaauga. Ontario LCV lN3. Fax: (90) 672-5190 * E-mail: Ef -a &ýA t oeIl Sals ______________________r Gar -. .. & iri Yardam tres YardlnS'ales BASEMENT SALE Fri. FBb 17 - 5 - 7pm Sait. Feb 18 - 9amn - Noon 128 Wilson Dr. We cen't take il with usi Treiguees for ale include oik deak, furniture, crift supplies, books, frimnes, Chrismes decoations andi much moref Georges Church Lomoilie. (Guelph Lino north of Derry Rd. foiiom Derrp Rd. mest rinm Mlto 8 j1' CarsfrSl Visitation from il-t2 andi service or 12:00. 2000 Cavalier, auto- matîc transmission,- MARRIS, Doris A/C, radio/CD piaper, On Wedneadap Fehraary lai, 2006 in 661 75ih croise control, 4-nom pear. Much loveri mile ai Jahn Harris. Lovîng math- minier tirot, 61 ai Jahn, Jetone Jaan, Daug anti AlbertI Lavng 167,OOOkms. $56695 gru dmaihet ai Deena, Camfe, Lari Aaron, Aman- Cai Go ry at 416-302- da, Jennifet, John, Angei, Dayvid anti Kapia. The 0090 iamiip wîii receive frins and iamily ai the MacK- innon Fanerai Home in A aon an Fiay taom 3-5 ÎÎ Trucks~ for Sale s V and 7-9 pm. Service ta failom aitihe Angican Churh Sturdy a 2:0pm.1999 Dotige Dakoa Sport. Blue. ArticlesArticles 100km. $10,000. a m Fo aeFrSl Cali 416-638-5362. CARPET i have sever- POOL Table, Proiessuona 1999 Dodge Dakota ai 1,000 yards. ai nom Serins, Salid Wood, Sport Blue. Mini candi- Siainmaster & 100% 1 Siato, Ail Accessaries. tion! CD ployer. nyloncarper. Wiii do liv- Nem, Stiu Boanti, Cost 160,OOOkms. $6,000. ingroam & hall far $6.200, Oeil $1.650. 905- Cail 416-638-6362. $386. Includes carpet, 304-6664 pari & installation (30 parrisD Steve, 905-633- SAUNA, 2/3 ponton, un- 8192 home, m/cri. ployer andi lighis. Nover atedi Cosr FREE B tmates Gar mob- $5500, Soul $2750. 905- hip chairs, tureri iookung 304-7775 _w moori finishes? FieldisW Cusrom Wood Refiishîng aod Funnitane Ropours. 9-9. ies1 RO aE0t ~. anreri- Art, Antiques, Ail vour cuireeir. jets, moterioli, azonatr Chinia, Siloor, Cryta, Tva iread our +neck lots. Ail oprions, Caps, Royal Douilon, nover used. SOnu un mrop- Smaovsk, Glosa, Jemel- cuiteeîr sei lo n per. Cosr $12.400, 00cr:- olp aiod rapt, coiiectubios, ~ ,9 5 8 177905-331-2477 n rc c i 0 - Bookour PRecraitmet adl today & receive 30 days on Workopolis for onlyJ 6J 12 5. 9Ïà A manufacturer ai indaotrial power troamission eqaipment. as iookiog for a malîvateti îotividual fr fili th fuit limo position of PROJECT COORDINATOR Ideai candidate ahali have a degree un Mechanîca Engineering ar a CET (Mechanîca) dîplama. The indiaidua shaulti be pralîcuent rn CAO & Micrasoft Office applications. Previout experience ir the power transmissian induatry maulti be an asaet. This poasition requirea a pertoable undîvîdua wîth eocellent orgonîzatiaaal akîllo & abii t l manage multiple taaka in a deatiline driver environnent. Pleate aend reoume un confidence ta: Samilama Drive Terhnolagies-HR Department 870 Eqastrian Court, Oakville ON 161 6L7 sAbo ut... ~m-mI Il irkor 78

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