Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - A23 PORTs SPORTS EDITOR STEVE LeBLANC e-mail 'Hawks soaring past undisciplined Chargers Gmoundwork laid for convincing lst-mound sweep By Herb Garbutt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF If the Milton lctHawks wtre ever going to lose a game to tht Mississauga Chargers, Saiurday was the one. At first glance, the 52-point diffitre tial in the standings should make ibis serics a monumental inismnaich. However, the Cliargers satru one oîf only ibrce ttamis to beai Milton in the rtgular season and ket things respectahlt wiih the conftrtnct front- runners ail year - .Nith their widet margin of defeat only ihrce goals. So whtn they wtrt stl in tht gaine with the thîrd peniod loomîng Saturday night, uraîlîng only 1-0 in tht final minute of tht sttond, tht hosi Chargers had to fttl good about ibtîr thantts of tvtning tht bet-of-stvtn stntes ai a gaint apittt. "(Tht Chargtrs) wtrt wearing us down a litile in tht stc- ond and wt couldn' , £v j catch a brtak," saîd lctHawks dtftnttman Paul Dawson. "But a tam likethiis, tvetually you know tht goals art going 10 comt." Dawson would pro- vidt thai break, stoning wiîh jusi stvtn sttonds let in tht sttond ptniod, giving Milton tht spark it nttdtd to stturt a 6-0 victory and takt a 2-0 strits lead htading mbt lasi nigbi's game ibret ai Memonial Arena. "Thai was a big îumning point," said IttHawks inîerim bead coach moe Washkurak. "Dawson's goal was a killer for their chantes." Mississauga goahie Mike lafrat, who bad stopped 27 of 29 shots through îwo periods, didn'î belp bis own caust. As if giving up tht lat goal wasn't enougb of a momenium-turner, be iossed a waîer boule at a Milton player as he left tht ice and picked up an unsportsmnanlike conduci penalty. ht was ont of fiye powerplays tht undistîplintd Chargera would band tht lctHawks in tht final period, including 4, a five-minute major 10 Glen Harîwtll for jumping a Milton player. And tht IceHawks would take full advaniagt, outshooting Mississauga 32-5 in tht ihird and adding four mort goals to tht tally "'We'rt not worried about thai garbage," said Wteirn Conference Defenceman of tht Year Jeff Caister, who bas fivt assists tbrough tht firsi îwo games of tht stries. "This is jusi tht birai sîep for us. Wben a îeam realizes it tan't compete, our guys tan stick up for ihtmselves. " And Milton has sbown it tan stick it to their opponienis on tht scorehoard, too. Tht IceHawks had six différent GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION OH SQ CLOSE: IteHawk Jason Bergeron (above) rings one off the Mississauga post, while (inst left) team- mate Paul Dawson slugs it out with Charger Tom Jefferson in game one play Thursdlay goal stortrs Saturday, with Jtff Aonso, Mati Pritt, Jason Btrgtron, Ktvin Morrison and Chast Langtraap tatb stoning a goal. Tht higgesi îhret îo Zach Kîtiman's I 9-savt shutout was a shorîhandtd îwo-on-ont in thethiird that saw Andrew Willotk rip a shot off tht post. Langeraap and Mati Rtid pactd Tbursday's 9-2 win witb îwo goals and an assist each. Ryan Btrnardi, Aaron Lewicki, Justin Ttakle, Pritt and Momrson also stortd, whilt Caistr and Dan Faîho had tbree assists apieet. Tht lteHawks scortd four goals un eatb of tht firai îwo ptniods and led 9- 0 before Mississauga finally stortd. Milton outshot Mississauga 55-20, giv- ing it a 117-39 edge in tht stries as of last nighî. If victorious lasi nigbt, Milton will have a chante tc sweep tomorrow ai Malton Arena. Gamne trne is 8 p.m. Mudgets secure huge clutch win Talk about riaing to, tht occasion. Witb advancemenî pasi OMHA preliminary play on tht line ai Memorial Arena Sunday, Miltona AA midgtts rebounded from a 7-2 bumblingjusî ibret nigbis earlicr to nix tht Stoney Creek Warriors 5-0. Tht winntr-taks-all clash was bigh- lighîed hy flawless cage work hy Lucas Reid and a îwo-goal performance from Daniel Kearns. The Winterbawks alto sbowcd plen- îy of composure îhrough tht lat goinog, refusing t0 gel sucked in retaliation penalties and lose iheir momenîum. Two goals in tht final nine minuites of play staled tht deal for tht hosts. Jeif Lynch opened tht scoring on an unassistd blueline hlasi midway througb tht firat, while Jeremy Brown made il 3-0 on a nifîy individual rush and deke and Lut Hariwick îighîened tht noose witb a îhird-period power- play marker. Tht AA midgets will now take on Tecumseh, who knotked off Chatham in four sîraighî and ouiscortd tbema 29-8. Whilt tht achedule had not been finaliztd ai press lime, tht stries is expeted to atari ibis weekend. mur- Mlm

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