Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 17

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - A17 Residents have their say on Brookville Park expansion By Robin Downiton-Poirier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION A playground aind lighted patbway as well as imiproved access and parking were the primary concernis of residents wsho aiiended the Brookvilie Park expansion meceting last Tuesdayw The open house ai the Nassagaweya Coimunîiy ('entre served as an opportuniîy for ihe Town of' Milton io ohiain public opinion about what shouid hc included i the park design. About 40 people aiîendedl John Brvant, ihe Towns manager tif parks ani open space. made it clear ai the beginning of ihe meeting ihai, other ibian bopefullv adding greeni space. theres no plan cit for the 2.12- hectare piece of properîv acquired w.hen the Churchill Estates subdivision was huili several years ago. 1 want to empbasize thai there is no plant for ibis picce of properiy"- saici Bryant. "This is strictly an information-gath- erîng session to field the publie as to whaî îî mnay be used for." The Town of Milton bas allotted a budget of $250.000 to expand the existing Brookville Park ibat bas two hall dia- mronds that cover mnosi of uts 3.6 hectares. The new pîcce wîll provide more green space - an area ibat can bie enjoyed b%' the communiiy - and will maintain som-e of tht cxisîîng featîîres of the properi), sncb as the hedgerows. saîd Bry'ant. -We wanî to put in someîbing ihai is goîng to be used by the community, complemeni the exisîîng features, and ulti- mately gel tht besi bang for tbe buck," bie saîd. The audience openly shared ideas of whai ihey would like to see incorporated into the park's design including an area Mascot design sought for Town 's anniversary its lime to sharpen ibose pencils, put on vour thînking cap and design a mascot and ibeme for the Town's I SOîb anntversary celebratons in 2007. Tht coniesi was recently launcbed by Multons f SOib anniversary committee. wvhicb is bard ai work organizing nexi year's festîiàties. Mascot designs and theme ideas can be submitted untîl Marcb 10. The contesi winner will get to ning in the new year wîîb Mayor Gord Krantz on December 31. Entries sbould be maîled tb: Town of Milton, 15Oîb anniversar:y celebration commîttet, Att Lorrie Ferrante, 43 Brown St., Milton, L9T 5H2, or submîîîed on tbe Town' Web site ai For copies of the entry form or for more information cali commitîee chair Michael Cluett ai (905) 878-1327. For Your Town Of Milton Community Service Guide Un Today's.... C UrCaxia* lo &tîîiî,gtî t hillic i lo pîlay, as Ilil ttk le'.ho plaîy- ,,round is ofien inaccessible. Other popular ideas were a lighîet ibard-surface paîhway that would lead io the schtîolyard, and upgraded access and parking as ihe current drîveway is a "mess,' saici ses cral res- iclents. One idea that receîved somne criiicism was an alternate acccss anti sîreci parking on Inglîs Drive as iî woufd inierfere with tht Churchill Lsîaîcs properiies. Bryant saîd tht Town wîll use in-bouse landscapîng archi- icîs io complete the design to devte the inoncy io the park andI noi itîctr any outside fees. Several meetings will be field over the next few mnonihs io prescnit tht collective ideas anti a park concept, and then îo fine-lune the design. [fle construction commret wîll tien go ibrough a tender- îîîg prtîcess andi be awarciec io the miosi appropriaîe comipa- ny Construction sbould bc completed by Septeember, saîd Biryant. "This is a faîrly conservative approacb as we don't want io rush tbings," said Bryant. "We appreciat everyones patience and want to work wiîh you te, deveiop a concept that you can support." Severai local ctunciiiors, inciuding Cindy Lunau and Barry Lee, aîîended the meeting anti encouraged the audi- ence to make ibeir ideas known, even if they're beyond the pianned budget. 'This is the time îo reaiiy ciream about wbaî you want for ibis space wîîhouî beîng înhîbited by the thoughî of a smali- er budget," saîd Lunau. 'If îî îurns oui that wbat is envi- sioned for thetîwo parks is noi f casîble for ibis budget, (the local councilîtîrs) wîll work to geî îî in a sîaged way, wîîh ibis beîng stage ont." UTo submit ideas for a park design, contact John Bryant ai (905) 878-7252, exi. 2160, or Lîsa Vandervliei ai (905) 878- 7252, exi. 2186. £~ene~ljeaS~+ +p asa+ 2icm;o &haù *<M&ndm+ W. ca%«qrry:. e Superstyle e Decor Rest e Trendline Magnussen Shermag many more great brands...

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