Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 12

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Al12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Residents oppose radio towers By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Local residents are rallying against the Regions proposai to instaîl three 73-foot-taîl radio communication tow- crs on the Niagara Fscarpmeqt in rural Milton. The structures, wbicb would bc part of an updated communication network used to monitor/control water plants, wells, reservoirs, pumping stations and towers froru a remote location, are pro- posed for current Region water produc- tionî sites on Walkers Line, No. 14 Sideroad and No. 12 Sideroad. Two other sites in Milton - the water tower on Steeles Avenue and the landfill on Regional Road 25 - are also proposed to be locations for towers, wbich may be shorter than the others. The potential towers on the escarp- ment have the Milton Rural Residents Association (MRRA) callîng for tbe wbole concept to he sîopped in is tracks and put througbi a comprehen- sîve public consultation process. "The MRRA bas voîced its conceru to the Region that its Guîdîng Prînciples for Public Consultation were The Rotary Club of Burlington Inc. 0 Presents Master of John Moore Ceremonies CFRB 1010 One of Canada's Top Comedians Simon Cotter TICKETS ONLY $95 PER PERSON' Proceeds in support of Multiple Scierosis Society, Halton Chapter & The Breast Cancer Support Services Fr1day March 31, »00 BrhonConv.tin Centrem 1120 Uurema Drive,BWIg. *Doors Open at 6:OOpm *Host Martini & Cocktail Bar *Hors d'oeuvres *Dinner at 7:OOpm *Sulent Auction - Live Auction Entertainment following dinner Oresa: Cocktail Attire Speciai corporate sponsorship packages available - eail for detaila. FOR TICKET RESERVA77ONS & FURTHER INFO CALL 905.521.5171 not followcd, and the Rcgion providcd no direct notice or opportunity for res- idents' involvement in this important issue," the cîtîzens' group stated in a press release. Many local residents recently became aware of the proposai after receivîng a notice from the Niagara Escarpruent Commission (NEC). Halton Dîrector of Engineering Services Tim Dennis explained the Region didn'î know the NEC was going to be contacîing property owners directly "Unfortunately, our communi- cation was preceded by communica- tion from the Niagara Escarpment Commission," hie said. "It was and it still is our intention to discuss these proposaIs witb local residents." He emphasized tbat the Region will also be consulting witb resîdents around the two proposed locations that aren't on the escarpment. While be saîd general public meet- ings on the issue aren't antîcipated, he noted there could be joint meetings set up wiîh the aflected residens. In addition to public consultation issues, the MRRA is worried that the towers would set an 'unwanted" prece- 715 M in St eetE itn 876-31 dlent, potcntîally opening the door îo a flood of communication towers on the escarpruent. Local resîdent Colin Catberwocd, whose property abuts the proposed No. 1 2 Sideroad location, sbared sîmîlar sentiments. "If you put up a tower there, wbats to say you're going to stop Bell or Telus from putting up a celI tower?" be speculated. "is the begin- ning of the end for that area." Catherwood noted he also tbinks that the 'bard %vire' pbone line system the Region currenîly uses to relay its water information is more reliable than a radio tower neîwork. "Tbere's got to be a better way of doing this," be said. "At the end of tbe day, I îbink its poor placement for a radio tower." No. 14 Sîderoad resident David Franklin, wbo bas launcbed a petîtion against the towers and gamnered about 80 signatures so far, said hes concemred the towers could impact the value of properties surroundîng tbem, sucb as bis. But tbe question weigbing on Franklin's mmnd îs wby tbe Region is proposing to fix a system tbat be does- n't believe is broken. Dennîs explained tbe upgrades are required to enable tbe Region te, effec- îively monitor and control tbe local water facîlities, and also to meet Ministry of tbe Environmenî require- ments regarding data acquisition. He noted tbat AWS Engineers 'and Planners, wbicb was bired by tbe Region to evaluate options for tbe net- work and undertake tbe design and construction of tbe project, recom- mended tbe towers based on reliable results seen in numerous other systems. A letier to tbe NEC from AWS explains Halton currently communi- cales wib ils water monitoring nct- wxork ibrouglb leased telephone fines. "Over nie, iliese phone fines bave becomne unî-clable wiîb on-going and expensîse cosîs îo tbe Region of lalton,- the letter says. .\\ 'tE ever încrcasîng stringeni v,ýaier qoalix demnands and icquireinenîs tEe radio network for ibis area is a necessit>. hi goes on îo explain that newer and faster phione fie servics v ere investi- gated for tbe neissork, but wsere found to be itoo costîs'- The Rcgîoî bias also îndîcaîed îbiat il .s ensurîng the iowers arc nol attrac- tive to tird-party users, lîkec cell pbone comparues. Dennîs described the pro- poscd iowcrs as niariots mctallic poles, almosi lîkc sîrcciligbts. w itE notbing aiiacbed io the top. TEe Niagaira Escarimcnî Commission (NUl.) 's ilI soon decide if il's going to alloss tbe loy rs to go abead, witlî staff ieniativclv indicaîngu it'll bc on tbe agenda ai ils Marcbi 1 6 meeting. NlC PMarner as id Jobosion told The fChampion lbai staff haso i' comce 10 a conclusion sel as le v licîber itîIl i ccommcnd tEe commission approve or dcny tEe lower proposaI. He saîd be bias Ecard from a numbci of rcsîdcnîs and tEe M RRA on the issue, noiing tbeir comimenis ssill bc iakcn inb consideration as tEe proccss gocs forvvard. Dennis saîd rcgardless of svbicb svs- teim tEe Region adopis -eitber iadio îowers or dedîcatcd pbone fines - tEe upgradles are expecîcd 10 bc complete ibis year. Mrlaîiîe Hennessey can be reached ai ~mkennessev@mdîoîîcanadianchîmpio.omî: IN

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