Investment seminar hdïd as lundraiser Hie climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. Africa's and to the British Columbia Children's highest peak and the world's tallest vol- Hospital Foundation svill be collected. cano. t0 raise money for a children's hospi- Mr. Gilman conquered the sumnhit of talinf B.e. Mount Kilimanjaro -one of the greai Noxs, ftner Miltonjan David Gilman is seven peaks of the world -in Tanzania, inviting Miltonians to participate in a Africa on October 4 with two colleagues. a fundraiser he's holding to raîse money f'or teamn ot 119 climbers and the Summits of the SickKjds Foundation of Toronto 1s Hope group affiliated with the B.C. chul- Hospital for Sick Children. de' optl On Tuesday. Mr. Gilman - a certified des im ho pitandl. hemuti financial planner with Investors Group Thcim uiandonte onan Financjal Services in Vancouver - will took eight days and more than $160,000 deliver a talk on investment and tax strate- was raised t.hrough the feat for the British gies. plus share insight int his recent Columbia Children's Hospital Foundation. climb at the Grand Chalet Restaurant, 324 To register for the investment talk, cali 1 - Steeles Ave. 800-561-0659, ext. 352. For more informa- The event will start at 7 p.m. and is free, tion on Mr. Gilman's climb, visit but donations to the SickiCids Foundation -Town conducting survey on recreational skating Have a few thoughts on what the Town should do to change its recreational skating programs? Those who do can take part in a survey the Town's conducting from now until next Friday. which cornes in response to requesîs from the community for changes to recreational skating opportunities. Survey forms are available at www.rnil- as well as at the Milton Sports Centre. Milton Leisure Centre. Milton Senrior-s Acti vity Centre. Milton Memorial Arena. John Tonelli Sport-, Centre, Town Hall Victoria Park and Town Hall Annex 555. located ai 555 Industrial Dr. The results of thse survey will provide input into the types of programming heing offered for various age groups, deterine optimum times and days for scheduling skating opportunities and identify other potential changes to the current programs heing offereil. Changes to the recreational skating pro- gram idenîified through ibis survey will be hased on ice availability ai Town arenas. For more information, contact Janeî Davîdson ai (905) 878-7252. ext. 2755, or janet.davidson@ The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 3, 2006 - A15 ~)amnper your wt hs (Jebuary In-hous Ail Waxing Pedicure Faci~ 1off $ZR $5 J4-e eYColour, Cut & Styie Dry0 awshm orw >A FREEF YEAàRSU SUPPLY 0F I~1 Loads of reasons ~ to buv a Mavtaa - wasner ana aryer.- FIAICUGAVILBLMAYFAG »&dgd JENN-IR. IK Att FULLY WARRANTIED Jaayi1am9m 0-84 12 Mt on MaoJr31za . Ma- (James~. So PStay 401) wto &ntrx ballon anb ëpa is/ca.fce'to iptre<aS ournw Esthetéejanbna Herproe&tiona/skdsaon ït e 'fycars experc>ice are a5reat a.çet ta' M/e salmn. /yen are lpiyto hepamperea; aa're/axi în thte Nerw Year, jive aus a al 17 W" Mw e an&WdM M 'Iz05 693-0878