Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 2006, p. 12

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Al12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 31, 2006 I. 'I .LL~J RE'NO\ATION PROJECA' "407 Pine Street renovation to allow for relocation of Administration and Support Services staff * Design approved for new Children's Departmcnt (to bc relocated in the lower level of the library) " New Teen Area to bc established adjacent to newly designed browsing I reading area * Design apprnved for expanded collection space for fiction and non-fiction * Phase 1 of the proîect under direction of Genivar, and by PM Contracting early 2006 when Phase Il begins Didyou know? The Mil ton public Library bias a teain of experts who sait belp pvo (htd tbe aniswers 1î life's quiestio ns, (ront lo turtles bav e knecss' to 'Ca oit ou el, p t fiod tise [lest \av t i se tise Intiernet 10 5,1.1 ai jobi. t ail, inail, or Nisi t ai the I ibrars 90S '5-26615 tiiftîrnia titîts Qi tipitn.a ;and -15 Bruce Si-cet. I eslie Fitch 905-87'5-2665 e-st. 3252 ('bief I ibrarian ht:/vwtslst.a Milton Public Librar>' Milton, Ontario leslie.fitch(ï *Grand opening of renovated children's, teen and browsing areas *Launch of new e-audio book collection * L-aunch of new DVD music and anime l collection * Start of new Saturday morning cbildren's drop-in programs * Destiny Milton Il - Library Master Plan completion * Library Branch planning and development Usage Starisrkcs Books (ainS& on-lîne) Audio Cassettes Compact Dises Vîdeo Cassettes DVDs Questions asked and answered Publie Internet Uses 2004 2005 273,246 275,930 20,003 20,202 6,541 4,886 19,674 25,464 53,807 46,796 33,222 42,277 31,142 35,828 14,432 15,870 Ourfive most requested books in January A Million Little Pieces byJanses l-rey. Ibisis th<e boo k titît folild tiprab bs' readitîg like ais -itsi1osgriphîs I ibrarits ire debaîîiig .11100ît ssisetbe(r itshîuld b li ii on orlisiti Predator bv lia trîsia Coritwell. D)r. Kav scarpetta is ali "sîi.rkv pniîiessiiîis l reseeve aîîd persitial inses rity' i tiis ilessesi iiivisiti', noci by a mitAer ofî tbe genrie. S is for Silence bs' Site Gril tîîî. Yeî tîstther Kîîîseî Piîlllîocete nisrsilsîse. uîos of lis A Brrath of Snow and Ashes hi l)iana ý%ciothis setie, arc sre.tdiîg 'aZ'. G.baidiit Thiîs sîsti boo~k inil ic Osîtiatîdet Mars, Mlar bui Jomes ['atte rsiîî Thius Aies ('niissiivtî tîkes tbe IBI agecili tii I.A. ix ils esstigitu ltse iliider of a beautifiîo csee<rity -is ilisecan%- oi(ier kindsl serie" finds tCle a i lligti.îre Raiidaih atid fligiii.ider -laie Frisser ii Aitrisain tii sears ieadîng up tii the i1776 Res suitio tutils about tinte Chief Librarian 's Remarks. January 2006 Welsonte to tbe new Militon piublic Library moîîblv ttrws <sage Mans tbanks ts the Milton (anadian Cbampions (or comîing up wîtb the idea and making it sork! Wc very nîusb appresiate the su(pport uof tbe Cbampioin. We wiIl use tItis spase easb rnontb tu keep yoîî rip)-to-date witb wbaî s goitig on at the librar ' , provide revieses ofî new ntaterial, answer ants questioîns you mai bave, and more. In this issue, Von will find intfornmatiosn taken from our 2005 Annual Report, inslitding bigbltgbts about the renovation prosess sur- renrîs. underway. At the end point o> thr renosaîjon, voUt wîll find an expanded and relocated Childeen's Library (on the lowest lesel of tue library -sec the pieture of the ipace in progress), a Teen Area, an expanded browsing area, and mnre room for aIl types of library materials. lu the (ast stages of the renovat ion phases, ir will be ttecessary (or the library to bc closed to the public for otie week, and 1 apologîce in advance for the ineonvenience this will pose. Wr wjll confirni the week soon (but 1 can tel] 2005 Financial Revenue Wbere the money cornes front... Town of Milton $1.778,285 yoîî that we anticipate beîîsg slosed flor eîtber the [ast week of Februani or tbe firsi fl week of Marsh: ee-opening is tîme for Marcb Break). Ih woiild be renîîss nîst ix tbank you aIl for your întc-rest aîsd supporet in issr selebraiot s o.f Milton Putblic I ibrar'ys Sesc<oisententsial Year n 2005. It was a wuinder(ui wasy ro spend our 1 5Orb Bîctbday Year, and we treasure our reîntnders of rthe year, insluditig ite wonderful quiired stali [ianging. tbe sonînssoned watersvîlîîîr, tbe cbtîdrens bîîok-reIated (drt panels, and the 150 Reasons ix Love the Library poster. The parties and get togetîsers we sbared wîtb vou were terrilis punectuations to the Year lbeginning wîîb Rtingiitg in the New Year ar Victoria Park ro rthe specta *Sesqui' selebrarion). Being îîamned Library of the Montb for our terrifie Teen Page was icing on the cake. 1 look forward ro ralking witb You agaîn next month, Leslie Fitcb Chief Librarian Expenditures Wbere themoeges. Buying books, DVDs, compact discs, 304 ie and materiais for processin kpatrons Special Grants $4.432 e * registered Oer$635 Support Services * Building Costs i Staff, Benefirs, Training IseORwSmn to Cdebntte g: $192.549 $68,628 $175,397 $1.474,935 i ~ ,yULLJ. .LJur4ry Exactly what you're Iooking for! i J-. 905.876.7671 Specializing in: Engineered HARDWOOD FLOOR " Pre-Finish / Exotic Floors * Unflnished Flooring * Sanding & Refinishing of Floors / Stairs * Cstom Homes 25 year 18 ars Warkmans1 Contractors Welcome Side Selection of Flooring Visit0Our Showroom I, 8060 Lawson Rd. Unit 3. "Prvlously Enjoy.d Books"a 1 50A Mill St. Milton, ON Lorraine K.oeh Owner/MAinager "05-878-6024 525 Ontanio Street South %~Milton, ON Canada L9T 2N2 www.waterdepotinc.corm e ?rTel: (905> 693-8820 u [tYTtil Free 1-866-855-5431 ASOaTOtPager: (905) 572-M855 Fax: (905) 693-8166 waterdapotmlton@bellnet ce 905-875-Tait (8245) 438 Kingsleigh Crt. 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