The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 27, 2006 - Al17 asting Memories Preserve Your Bridai Bouquet for a Lifetime Wedding-day menmorie'. are pte',ersed in a photo) album and maybe a video Your wcd ding dress is pre-sers'ed in a box Don t lorget to add your bridai bouquet te the iist You spent a lot of tinie and money to ensure the floral arrangements were perfect Keep that memory alîve by havtng your bouquet profes- sionally preserved There are three bouquet-preservation methods. They are. 1. Silica gel: It's a quîck-drytng mode where flowers are immersed in a sand-lîke silicon substance 2. Pressing. Selected blooms are pressed and flattened wîth a fiuicer press and then framied 3. Freeze-dry: Flocers are sprayed ssîth a starcb and then baked in a freeze-dryer This s the oniv preservation method chere fioc_ etrs don t need a pretective coserîm' Plus it wiii give sou the mosýçt realî-,tic iooking -.hapes and colors of llowers- t s bt to miake bouquet-preservatîcîn îirranLgement', betore the weddîng, A- te ý,amples et the presers tionist, cerk se, %,ou cani get an idea of hec sour flossers wili look Inquire about prîtes Costs san' but it cill aiways be less expenisive te preserve a toc blooms. instead oif the tuil boiuquet The fresher and heaithier the tiocers, the prettter thes' will look preserved Consider leasing s'eut actual bouquet in a safe place du rîng the reception Hase the caterer store it in the refrîgerator or stick the stems of a hand-tîed bouquet in water. Then, at the cer- emony, tess another bouquet instead, These steps wîli ensure that the flowers wîiI be in ý-uyou dÇzajny o/ anz ouiJoor tm56ý(oz mt»w ,::Ozyowr dJkeain a teal2. Tents 1 Tent Packages 1 Tables 1 Chairs 1 D)ance Floors For more information coul or visit our website: 905.875.2585 I Just as you preserve a wedding gown, preserve a bridai bouquet. their most pristine state tomne preservation tui ne Abk if the preservaîitînist tc:n pîtk up t, e flowers the de, tf yeut cedding tir the sers neat das if you cani t do it ysîurseif gise the bsouquet te a trusted bridesmiid cho cari brîng it te, the preservatienist ftîr s'euor miail t te) one that s farther away Your bouquet tani become a lecoradise keepsake in your home Put it in a glass or acrylit deme and mount it on a cati Choose a tabietop frame style tnat tani adorn sour liv- ing room table Perbaps you tani bave your weddîng invitation, program or vows framed alongside the arrangement However you dis- play it preservation methods wîii let you enîoy your bridai fiowers for a lifetime WE DESIGN CUSTOM WEDDING AND SPECIAL OCCASION CAKES SEE OURWEBSMT OR CAIL FORFRO-ER INFORMATION PHONE: 905-875-9399 Email: infn@simplythebestcanada.cnm ORSPEAL DAY The oeoemnony of exchanging weddmng bands is the sytnbol of etemnal love. At Halton His Fine jewellerý you'l find a beautiful selection of matching and plain wedding bands mn 10 Kt, 14 Kt. and 18 Kt. We cao even engrave both your initiais and veur wedding date on the inside. S To make veut wedding day even more special, it is net uncommton fer grooms te give thei brides a strand of pearls or perhaps a gold locket, diansond earrings or pendant. ifur. the bride cari gise cuif links te the groom for that perfect finisbing detail. Tie bars and col]lar bars are other suggestions. ail of whicb have been chosen by '~' Halton Hilîs Fine Jewellersy with the same care as our rings. / 'Il. H Turning a moment in time 4eýJf0#1c into a timeless family treasuri Grant Rushton __m 905-693-9331 6 Zà PHOTOGRAPHY 1573 Jarvie Crescent Hawthorne Village Milton Packages from $499 o 4 e