Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2006, p. 8

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i e~yJanuaýy 1, 2000 A Month Afier Christmas -- Jaituary is a good monîh to refieci tipon change! New Year*s Resoluions cause us to aspire iosvards better thîngs ta a New Year! Our dreamis keep our hopes ative! Yet, tt t> ottr comîîîîîtoent tii improvenient that wiit itiake the différence! Whateser your resoinîtrîns niay bie. 1 svoud encourage you to pack ibetît je hand. to pik iheni up tf tbey've [allen and t:: pannrer ssîîh sonieone to heip yoa and lu hoid yîîu accotrinae G:îod trîends ovil] ais>ay s iake uis better' A -,oodi trtend sent nie ibis pt:ienii 1 i.itghed as i titotig il Il ýou tic aiiiti lîke tie. s :t'il atpîreitie tlie spirit t5h îîbt> ith il isas stîated 1 Ent lits 'Tssasý the ttionih a.ter Chiristmas, aitd ail ibiotteh the toit-e Noitbiiig, %soiid ii tue, nt eseit al blouse. The cotîkies i'd ntbbted, the eggtiog l'i asîed prepared; The gravies and sauces and beef nîceiy rare, The wîine and the runt baIlls, the bread and the cheese And the svay I'd neyer said, "Ni hank you. please. "- As I dressed tîtysefifn my husband's oid shirt And prepared oince agaîn ti do batîle sviih diiit 1 said iii mysell. as 1 oily i-an "-Yîtî cati i spend a s> iter d iseitiseut as atia" S: os y o iti tlie ast ii the s::îîi catît dii:. Get tît ot Ille fruit cake. escr> itacket .tn1:t chit: I-s ery last tit of' foo:d that I like ani he baîîîstîed 'Tli ,til the .tddiiiitia irttces %e itii i ssnîî h.îse al cîtkie -îî:: csen a liîk. Happy New Year to ail and iii ail a good diet! Seize yuîur opportunities ai the beginning of ibis New Year! Make changes je your life ihat will change yon and ailîîw you to be the best ihat yrîn cn be! Dîscover hîîw a local church rould heip -visit one Ibis week! Service timen and locations are published in the Religious Directory below to help you! Subnîitted by Re. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New Life Chu rch. SMILTON t Il ,ilg F o iait itro nS MI Oittt>ttady ~ ~ ~ si watstaigai'nitt 5 *~ oni iue\% oin a long ceierv' stick.FE ILEsUtt When I got on the siales there arose sîich a uoOn't ha% e bot biscuits. ton cortn bread. or pie,.!ý . l- "jpA numiber' lIl mnunch on a canrot and qutetiv cry I kI I' plWhen 1 walked to tbe store 1 less a s> alk. more [*tii hungry. l'ni lonesomne, and flte rs a hore --î't a lum eri.But isn*t that w hat Januarv is for' 'd re nbe the Bars i ous rniai' 1 d L'nable to giggle. no longer a hiotIV Ii l SUNDAY'f JIl. 15 LoViqGoà. Lofiliq peope.' 10:00 a.m.Sundays at MBC, 9:30 arn & 11:00 arn, Worshîp Service Sertes:, Mo"h Sex & Power Chidren s Ministries Running Concurrent/y "The Dark Side of Money 10:30 arn Coffee & Conversations www.thesanctuary.caimilton (We serve Tim Hortons Coffee) S905.257.3987 Senior Pastor - Jîm DeMarSh -Youth Pastor - Mark StriCkland Milton Sports Centre Fllwhp Guc 65SnaMariaBi MR&Westof Ww 2 A eliwhpBaptist Chrh 905-876-3586 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Clerg-y: 317 Main St. E WELCOMES YOU MILTON GOSPEL HALL Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on thte Hill 170 Main St. E, Miltomn 9015-878-6(006 306 Ontario St. N. * 878-3873 Me.Cro 905-878-241 IntenimMideraîtor -Res. Harr Klassewn 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper Raes Cark Langliz Ditriîtir of Mnsic Ministries -Sîînja oin de Hue 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sho Sunday Services Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service 8:00 arn- HoIy Communion Youth SmaII Group ensa7:0.M 10:00 amn- Sung Eucharist, followed by (Grades 7-12) 9:15 amnWdedy :0pm cofTee hour. Service inclodes ChlrnsWrhpPrayer and Bible Study "Kis' pirt"(Age 3 - Grade 6) 10:30 arn Christ was once offered Io Cai the church affice Nursebrrye inofuiy or vinit www.gracechurchm -ringtehrin the grare of Christ -ea thees 9.28 ny Wheelchair Accena tii angh Parking Lai Whecaracs n homs prnstded sul that Hbe s92 ai na cme n wrhp cess off Mary Sureet gRACEWAY $AM4ST$ CHURCH yrit SAL 103 Martin Street THPuthsideRA cÉý 905-878-1 629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak Pastor Jack Ninaber TheMloDwnCrtaipas 1 0:00 a.m. - Sunday School Growing in Grace Bible StUdy 9:00 amn warmily invite you to a presentation: 11:00 a.rn. Morning Worship Connections Caf (in the foyer) 10:00 arn Sunday, January i 5th 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Sunday WorShip Service 10:30 2:00 pm (God Willing) Thursday Hh Foster Halle 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer ww .sutsine ito.r Hope"st al Captain's Crew for Children 4-12 ww .otsdmloog55 Brown Street, Milton "«You'II always tind a friend ai Graceway" 905-878-5664 (Next to Town Hall> Laeated on Oerry Rd. bette-een the Sgnrtn Centre and the Hospitul st. Georle 's (Anglicn Chrch is Lommuaits for 150 Years Join us Ibisayear in a celebraion of. The preacbing of cod's word in i"i cburcb on the escrmeoî since 1856. Corne and Ineet us, we wttl be ver>' pleased to moeet you. RECTOR R-v Canon Charles masts l4toienj 5tiL 2006, Servies 8:30 amn Momnie8 Prayer 10:30 amn tOI> Communion.- Traditiona Service 10:30 arn Morning Prayer ie tie Farnil' Roorn Nursery and junior Sunda>' Sehoo 7051 <ioeiPh Une ai Derry Road (Tel) 905-878-1363 Visit 00e web site uwut uigeogelaueville orpi~ .bsanntuworstiîp uter RéiV' Viauttt Cilntati Kruger 9 a.m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 a.m. - Ail Ages Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service LETTERS LEFT BEHIND New Year's Resolutions Worth Keeping Pý 6:30 p.m. - Concert of Cà ffiPrayer & Praise lîoe- STANDING W'IN THE GAP FOR A NEW VEAR! Wednesdlay at 7:00 p.rn A complote wellness program that heips you achieve your optimum level of personal healthi! For mare infoa Or CA11 tQflgt 27*.asmn janl. lb, 1U:30 a.m. SUNDAY WORSHIP Worship in Graham Hall SUPPorted by music from Our Worship Band Worship in the Sanctuary supported by music from thte St. Pauls Choir Pro worshîp Hymn Sung at 10: 15 Supervised Nusery Lare from 10:15 a.m. Church School 10:45 ar. Theme: 'The 4 Frienda' Gospel Unit for grade 6-8 Coffee & Conversation after lhe services Sat. January 21, 7:30 p.m. - Concert "VOICES OF SHOWTIME" Maie ensemble perfarming show tonna tram the 30's, 40's & 50's. Tickets uithe charch affice ar 905-878-6807, Sat. January 28, 7:45 p.m. CARD-A-RAMA NIGHT Bridge, Encire, Prîzen! Att Weicome! $10 (tax receipî nssued) Creww.spWmiton.Us!

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