Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2006, p. 7

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The Canadian Chamýpion, Friay, Janar 13?006-A7 Newly-elected reeve enters *O RREADERS WRITE 4Oth vear on Milton councîl s-lias îks 1n<1 pIa 1 les )./'a [lle' Chsînîpioî andîs ot/wr pub/ic atiouîs in order 1<1 pro-ui as windi into Miliîîns. ps. Expaautor commrent is sornieuines pro- îuc.esi 15 plase thes situatiomn i11 linos-n. January 1907 Tbrougb bus election as reeve of Trasfalgar on Monday. Dr. Buck entercd bis fortietb year in the counicil of that towvn- ship. C. J. at the goose, them. Lewvis gave each of bis employces brick works tbe usual Christmas whieh was mucb appreciated by John McDonald, of Oakville, wbose bip was broken hy a falt on an icy walk here, was taken to the C.P.R. station on Friday in a conveyance helonging to Messrs. R. & C. Burling, undertakers. He wasn't a "dead one" however, but was setting out for a Toronto hospital. He had been well taken care of at the Hotel Royal, and been made as comfortable as possible, but it was thougbt advisable to put bim into the bands of trained nurses. 'Me moving pîctures of the passion play at the town hall ycsterday cvenîng drcsv a large attendance and everyone svas deligbt- ed witb theru. 'Tbey will be exhbited agaîn tins evcning. The Milton agency (of the Farmers' Bank) is now open in tic Dewvar building with anl equipruent of the most modem safes, stationery etc. Milton*s agent is G.' Vankougbnet of Toronto. Assistants are Roy Field, accounitant, C.B. Bastedo, teller and Edwin Landsborough. An architect will be here today to provîde instructions for the necessary alterations and improve- ments in the Dewar building. The Farmers' Bank bas îssued a twenty- five dollar note, the first ever seen eîther in Canada or the United States. On ît are por- traits oif Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hon. J.P Whitney. Sample bills arc in circulation iu Milton among capitalists, if not among prînlers. At the annual meeting of Milton Public Library it was decided that no boys under MiltonWe need new ways of thînkîng when it Capsules5 cornes ta protectîng our environment 16 years of age shall be allowed in thc library aller night except on Tuesday and Saturday evcnings whcn they will be admiticd to change books, but flot to remain longer than is necessary for that purpose. Commerce- W.G. Armstrong, butcher, left Milton about three weeks ago and notbing bas been beard from him sînce. His wife ts said to have followed bim. He left a good miany debts unpaid and, it is said, induced friends to endorse notes for sums from $100 to $200 wbicb they will have to pay. Notbîng bas been heard of any action being taken on the application of Milton for admission into the intermediate series of the OUHA. TMe reason is supposed to be the illness of President Hewitt, who bas pneumonia. Local admirers oîf the game are disappointed. Tbe tearu is a good one and it is bclieved might have donc as well as that of last season. Exhibition matches witb strong teams will probably be arranged. 'Me Milton agency of the Farmers Bank bas been open aIl this week. Mr. Vankougbnet says bc is d<)ing a good busi- ness and ibat ltis growitîg daily. The pres- ent office tittings. thougb very good. are only temporary and will be replaced before long wîtb quarter-cut oak. Tbe cash 'safe of the batik is sometbing of a novelty. It is of the very latesi model and comnes from the Manganese Sale Co. sif New York. 'Me dloor fits so closely that a haîr Would pre- vent it from closing. It is absolutely burglar proof, as no nitro- glycerine can be worked into il. It is fitted wîtb tîme locks and four combinations, so tbat it can be- opened only for business bours and by four tnen. A large vaulti s being buîlt in the rear. Next sprmng the pres- Cnt front ssîll bc replaccd by somnetbîng mucb finer. This tnahu'îial î.s'ouhhl on bs-/a(f <il the M-ilton Hisforis'sl Soiest v bs, Jinî [hi/s. usMo <an bc- reai lied b_% c-i 1(aii Dear Editor: It seems clear that bsîw we bumans see the world results in the kind of world we create. If the mark of a caring, enlîgbtened soci- ety is fsîund în the type of world it creates for its cbildren, wbat kînd of wsîrld are we creating for ours wben... * there are more smog alerts tban ever before * there are more deatbs eacb sumrmer from respiratory disease cause by our polluted air - tbere are soaring astbma rates among our cbildren and adults " gridloek is cboking cities " bigbway expansion is eating up valuable farmland * wetlands and otber forms of habitat are disappcaring at ever- increasing rates because of our appetite for land * water tables are being contami- naîed - environmentally înduced ill- ness is on the rise We need new ways of thinking and rclatîng to our environmcnt. The environment doesn't exist to serve the economy, the economy must serve and protct the environ- ment. It's a given that people don't lîke change, especially wbcn it tbreat- enis our comfort and securiîy. The only time we're willing to change our ways is wben the healtb and well being of those we care about are tbreatencd. 'Mis is happening now and we must ehange, even if we're forced to leave our comfort zone in the proceas. Elected representatives must ensure that governiment policies put our hcalth and well-being fn-st, sîver the economie healtb and well- being of business and industty, and tbey must work to sec that business and indusu-y leaders are traincd in the interest of the collective bealtb and well being. Politicians sbould listen, wîtb an open mind, to the challenges and criticisms made by citizens wbo sec the world differently. Wben cît- izens challenge existing percep- tions, tbey are often discreditcd because tbey don't support the beliefs of the decision makers in power. Isn't it possible that tbese people migbt be right? It's ratber presump- tuous wben a politician indicates tbat her mind is made up on an issue and that's final, witbout ever offering to reach a mutually- acceptable compromise. TaIk about 'Mother Knows Best' being alive and well. We need ncw thinking and new behaviour when it comes to how wc relate to our environment. We only have one planet, so let's nurture, cherish and heal it. Pat and Frank Marchiori Decîsions show NEC has too much power Dear Editor: lu regards tsi H. Shaver's Jaiîuary 6 letter to Uic edi- tor cntitled 'Country Herîtage Park and its artifacts arc sîmply too important to let slip away' 1 think a bîgger questîson deserves tsi be asked. Wby is the Niagara Escarpruent Commissison (NEC) gîven the power tsi legally dîctate hîiw and wbat landsîwners are able tsi do witb their property? lu îny oîpinioîn, this is expropriatioin of property svithout csom- pensation and shouldn't be iuîlerated. White the powers gîven to the NEC are in principle good, the commission now secms to sec its rsîle as looking beyond its protccted arcas and has somehow csînvînccd gssvernment ibat it and flot landowners sho.uld be responsible for lands whîcb are vicwable from escarpment property. Chudlcigh's Fanin and Coiuntry Heritage Park are the latest examples of the powers of the commission, as it bas dictated to the landowncrs that tbey can't store cars on their properties. I guess the Milton people wbo arc fighting develop- ment of housing projeets sbould now contact the NEC, as it seems to have powers beyond its borders to dlic- tate wbat can and can't be dcveloped. Whit e not an expert on the provincial goverument's Greenbelt legislation, Iru willing 10 guess it didunt envîsion thc NEC legally expropriating people's prop- erty witbout compensation. The legal landsswners in aIl of Ontario nced to under- stand what's beîng donc by this legislation and this commission. D. Whitehead Mlton We ail need to have our voîces heard on Jan. 23 Dear Editor- rather than justifiable reasons. vote. If we don't. we have tiobody Lîke rnaîîy sithers. I tîsi base If's oui csîsntry and Uts up tio us to blanse but sîurselves. heard mhîst if îhc rca.ssiis shy we tsi doî shaî sve înust Io define sîur Let's ail doî our part and use smur hase such a lsîs lumîlut corne ssii future by electiîsg tbsîse whsîîs we ing uînie. fccl can best help us get there. vsîicc by vîing. If's our future. Hossever tu bc hîînesî, tbey aIl Fuir us tii bc heard. we mnust Bob Beyette appear lui be excuses oif' laziness speak up and tss do this, sve uueed tsi Campbellville 3 5 7Queen S tAC TON înfo @achî TY off 1i8fo2 L324 From Downtown Milton ... To A c h iIlle,,s Ma zda...I1t 's OnI1y 18.3 Kilometers 19.7 Minutes 90.9 Furlongs 11.4 Miles 20013.1 Yards 909.7 Chains 60039.4 Feet 18300 Meters Hwy 7 llwy 401 zý à% No matter how you measure il. Jet Achilles Mazda show you why it's "Woth the Drive". New Vehicles i Pre-Owned i Parts i Service

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