Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2006, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Friday Janulary 13, 2006 - 31 Sao8kpa/l alnSaHep dled AS/dlled & Sae epSlsHI Sales HoUp &éhia Agent &ohia AgentsC el E ffc Hl & Agents EUPETPROilBUSINESS >*' ~ Recipient ofa EQIPM TPER SON RC I Bi-lingual i-n.~Business Achievement Award SHPPR ECIVRCustomer Service/ Order Desk iCflflL/ý W for Entrepreneurial Initiative Premiurm hsudly psy + up to 50%/ comm. & bojnusasDoioPitnSluos c.awhlywedngoOkvl! *Senionity baned annual pa incoeases NAC in a large heavy construction company Dmn rnigSltostca hlyondscmn avle " Unheaablle benefit Equîpment prsvidad This in a failtlime position ai the head office in subsidiary nf Domino Prinfing Sciences PLO AC ~ DCLT T5~ " Advance undatino - Anorenticen vilon Mornisfon (Hwy 6, Southi of Gueiphý .(UK), a leader in irduofria inkîsi ana laser print- SALES REPRES*IL.%JL.II*.VLE Managemenlt Opportunides For New Locahfons 905-220.013' 1-877.700I-002 Fax: 905-875-3897 The Sao Gru s n: a s. .,ikiý fu a IApplîc nice tnce conat o Juy i 1992-33 GRWIG Po-AfRQURE inas Cati ani 519. 5 -0 i1ý Clarkie Roller & Rufifir L-fdt. one of the largaxi manufactures of rufbaer toiler coveningo, bssed in Mîssisxauga. Ontsrio requîtes: Laine Operatora. Dufias Includa LATHE OPERATORS Set sp ot roulets on isas Fînîsfing product to cuntomner specifications Reading of dracing, measunnirg densces a must, R gwrernents High SchnooDipixma -prearred Abale orr wit/ litte sapervision Dapendable Team Playet Able tai wsrtt xvertima (ufien raqutrasif Day Shîif: 8:80 am - 4:38 pm Starting Rate. $13.Olltorss Interestad? Porcard our rexume by January 271/r, 2006 to: Ciar/re Roter & Ruaet Limited 6225 Kennedy Road Mississauga, Onfano LOT 2S8 Fas: 905-564-2192 Emaîl: gQe[W eaIMfarlertrcom Ciarke Rotier thaxha ai appxicanx, housser only those uelected forern interew uîn be contucted. No phxne catis piease. EXPRESSWAY FLEET MAINTENANCE 5425 DIXIE ROAD, M/SStSSAUGA NOW H/R/Nio: 2 - SHIFT FOREMAN 10- 310T TECHNIÇIANS 10 - TRAILER MECHANIOS 10 - 4TH OR 5TH VEAR APPRENTICE 2 - TRUCK PARTS PEOPLE 2 - PARTS DRIVERS t - AZ. SHUNT DRIVER P/nase jo/n aur Job Fnrîet: Stage Wes/ Hotet 5400 D/ie Rad, Mtss/snaugi, ON ta(St sert01 JANUARV 14 & 15, 2006 SATURDAY & SUNOAY 9AM-5PM Thi$ j partofheE rss y a0cm/pp "aoni $ Exprenneay Trucks Watloo (sVolvoi Expresnway Truckn Miissr Osos Taimniei *ExpresnayTruck Centre Winsorn -Exrennuay F:bres Winsor Jobs@ expresswayvo/ Fax 905-879-1719 Positions aise avaiiab/e at aur Milton, Water/oo and Wndsor locations due/ao expansion. Job Datai/s: Organize il maintaîn large construction equipment storage compound Shippîng i Receîvîng dues for eqsîpmenî & materiais in yard Must hase experience operating a Loader - Must fie able toi worh outdooms -Muni hase expenience with shipping/ receînîng paperuori -Gsod wagen with fuit henafitu P/case send your resume ta: RECRUITER Fax: 519-21-1111t E-mail: jobs@nacswor/ P/case nclude job tilien ornait subjert fine www.nacsworidcom aywar ou ana a, rlc., a a îng mansfalurer0f swmmîngpool accesaoy qap ment, has neyera seaoa openîngo for prndac- fin .asoambiers (ierm 6-8 montho). wages starfîng alit O9,,0ir.. Aiso, a permanent position for a ware- hosse dlent, competitîse wages depending on ex- erience. Please apply in persan or contact AIlen 905-829-2880 ext. 241 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakvitle (Winstan ChurchillIQEW) BECOME A LICENSED GAS FlUTER IN ONLV A FEW WEEKS Lîmiad Seutîng, Ramaîs In Our Gomres Begînnîog NesO Month. Learo f0 instail/serica furnacas, tîrapiscas andi sihar naturl gas and propana appliancas. Launofi s nec career crti the fiaip of Niagara and Hafflon Skitiad Trades Academiax 1-877-685-9393 Lucatios in OukolIa, St. Cathrines and Niagara ~.Front Endi Espanienc *TeamPilyyrl *.Dependabie *UnsrmsS ppiîedd DrgadDental GTA Wsges Please repiy to PO. Bos #2562 288 Guelpb Street, Unit #29 Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4Bl Conneot Conveor Belting Inc. Battîng production and service Company ix seekîng a: PRODUCTON/INSTALLATION TECH Muni ha matura, machanîcaiy înclined îndinîdsa, cîlfi a dlean driving record. Wittîng tx train Fuit lime cîth weekand corh. Faex resume /0: 905-87-0344 or ema//- NO PHONE CAILS mi15z Hel IMMEDIATE OPENINO Etan AI/en, tha adio9 manufscturer and rebtier of fine home furnix/ringx, ta xeeking a PARI-TIME RECEPTIONIST for t/reîr Buntingion location. Vos wîii meut and greef customero, bandie fate- phones and ssixti n s narîety ni cienical xupport tunictions. Yos must haveas profeoxsoal demeanor and appearanca, excellent communication, organ- izationia and "paople« ukilto. The abiiiy ix cork s flexible ochedula (încluding waakends and nig/rts) ix raquîrad. For immadiste consîderatxon, pleasa a-mail your rasuma înciudîng ssiary raquiramanto f0 awelsh tiag ans cssîng soltios ixcatea in Us/roula, ix seaîn an anargic fil-Lingual Cuxtomer Ser- sica lOder Dask Reprasentav. Covarsirg f ra- quanty cil/r cusismaro, yxu muast/rsoe an excal- lent command xf bot/r critten and oral Engliafi ansi Francr. The qualifiei indivîdusi ciii siso have excellent communicatixn skilis, posseox s posi- ive attitude, strxng cork et/uc ansi /raoeas basic krociadge of MS Word & Excel. Inside Salas & Cusîsmar Samvice axpariance asulsi fie a definîta assaI. Domino ss a qxal opporlxoity employer offering a compatitise uaiary besefit andi pension plan. VisR us at: submit resume in MS Word ta ctarea@domino-printingno/ OFFICE ADMINISTRATION FIT-P/T Office admîn esperience cil/r min. 2 yeas corkîng aoparîance, Dolias include H&S training/meating, minimal Sfitpping/Racaîviog, POos, Sxurcîng, Opar- alln supr Small fast pacasi Burlinglon office. lodivîdual sous fie sali molissasid, quick learner c/strxng computer o/nuls; Excel, Word, Pocerpoînt & MS Outissk, etc. Wfien sppling qsole #ADM-0 BOOKKEEPER P/T-CONTRACT Espetiencei cii/r Quickbsshîs in molli-user ansirnmont W/rer uppîyîng quota #BOK-06 Emait ressac ci/h caver ler & cage expec/a/ians la: mars/ PA I DIITRTO ASISAN A omal and groeiog agricuitural expot companiy iocated in Georgetown reqaîred an Administrative Assistance for approximatiey 20 houts pet week t0 fiandie generai office dues. The succesfui appli- cool ciii hase a positive attitude and possess a professiona. frîendy mannar cîffi excellent com- munication sis Profîciancy on Microsoft Office as requirei. Frenchl languaga akîtîs and a lioeniock backiground wssld be defîifait asoafs. Pleana fax reoume wt/ oatary aspactatisos so 905-877-3983 Application deafflîne: Janiuary 31 st WIKA Instruments Ltd fias un immedîste openîing for a fuil-fIme Accounts Receivable Clark. Duties include researcflîng and flandiing cusismner accouni inquiras, collection callo, cao/r receîpt psstng, setting up new accsunts and maîntaînîog files. Applicanto must hune excellant crîtten com- munication skriis and fie seif-msfieaied, Prevîsus collection esparience is raquired. P/ase ssbmit resumes toi Humain Reanurces P. Fax 905-337-2716 Oniy Eligible candidates erO hae contacted Wika offeto a compastiva oaiaty and bestefirpaciage ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLE W/ RECEPTION RELIEF Deaiership espenaenca preferred. Please fax or dra off reaume wt/ /randwnttan caver latter tfo Buriiogton Tsyota, 1249 Guelphl Lina, Buniington. Attention: L.Navnila, Fax: 905-35-3639 Ony oucceosfil candidates anti fie confactad for an interview. [EL ECRETAR' g Required it Georgetown Law Office. Rcn rea ae experinc necssary Repiy in confidence lx: CLINTON BANBURYI 21 ulhSreSuite #12 Georgetscn, ON L7G S5 RECEPTION/ST The nuccansful candidate muni ha pleanant and people sniented ifi excellent communication nkîitn and a underntanding of the importance ni great cuntomer service. Ponitîion nvsivan a va- naety of datien and mulitaoking in a buny prac- tice. Send reaume toi: Mainv/ew Animal Hospital 1-17 W//son Dr., M//ton, Ontario, L9T3J7 i-or Oakviiie and Area Youi fie suifing our revotutionary, nec service t/rat enery single business oueds. Esciting & c/rsftunging jo/r for higr uoergy people c/o require $40-$50,000 incomu. If yOU heve these attributes: -2 yesrs mýinimum bxsînuss-to-businuss esperiencu Strong closing s/rt/ta * Profussîona appuarance * Ambitios * Suif-motivatusi Please caîl: 905-631-1389 AUTOM TIVE ALES Ratait Salas HeIp raquirusi fot Comu naît General Mxlos fiant fina up of astabisrud vehîclea, Pontiac Buîcr Caduitac GMC, in onu ofI DcîcoOkii Onlarion, fanleal grocivg communtun, Milton. ononOkil itrseinmsking achange, w' ieti Appiy in persan aI: hat trom you. Aulomolîve asparienca ns an Scias Inter/ors L/d. anoul but ot unnenlîsi. Top compensation 217 Lakeshore Rd. E and banal il package Oakvilie Michiail Conrad Generai Manager Fax: 905-878-2459 Ema/il mconadewa//aceone c com Wo ai a Mton, starso L 3908&355 ss Hy Grade Precast Concrete a St.Caifiarînas bssed manufacturer of /rîgh quxlity pracast concrete producis, ix seaking an ambîtîous ACCOUNT MANAGER ix manage & grsw an axîsting cusiomer basa, whîia adding nec cusismers cîthîn the Golden Hose S/rse/GTAA. Applicants maxi possess stroog interpersonsi communication skiffs andi the abiîty to davaixplourtura ixng-tarm business rata- tîsrîsfips wit/r customers. Exparience in industnîi or construction salas ta a plus. $50K+ base, plus commixson Option 10 wsrk frxm home sffice. lnfarested candidates soutd tas thaîr raxumax Fax 416-48"-949 eail / FAST5IGN5 SIGN GýS» .k . MAKER Like erorking with your handa? The ida candidate cii ha a guosi commuxicaor, trainabieasnd bave a xtrsng dextre ti sccaad witr a grxcing cxmpany. Sigoi mskng esparianca ant assel. Jxîn our feam in t/re fs-psced sig0 indus- try. Must fia quaiity-csnscious and work quîckly under deadioax, Send resumne ta 4325 Hirvester Rad Burlingtan, On L7L 5M4 Fax 9054631-7471 <TE L U 5 t,- . ity- FlTie Now H/ring in Oakv/lle & Burl/ngtan M axprience an assai. Banefils & parka galora om d P/ase n-mutl resume Ici:elom Corne be part o0f a winning tearnl 4h 953283 Due t0 Increased Demand VON HALTON IdIecm Wie af/ar: *Psîd orientation[À 951802 * Competîtive cages *Transi raîmbursemeol " Osy, evening and weekensi shifts Pleaxeasppy ix: Human Rasourcao, VON Haillon.ecm Fax (905) 827-5476 Oniy fiiose candidates xelecied for an /L I/L interview wîl fie contacted. SiNtcE 1930 b jip~ lop tr È11 MÈroihÈo fflO(ot ? Mmavpq b19 *Fst3ýldshîoq 1 ?lease eau ius CNC AMADA PEGA 367 TURRET PUNCH PRESS and CNC LATHE PROGRAMMERS and OPERATORS for 240MB wîfh lise fsooing. You must be a programmer and operator, otltetwise do faf appfy. Fax resumne toi: 905-336-0272

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