Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2006, p. 29

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Ttne Canua.ian Chap/pion, FriçIgy Janpo.~3 20pfi -92 ýkfrao ~ rm ning Caleraning ~MCreainig k= aem ining k= Drvr ~ ~ H I o iHep 199e For Ranger 199 ov/ge Os/ev/a cons//fer/vu ceai/go ttom your curres/ brokor o Sport. B/seý 100k/ng toi a nomw cubeer, pour vwe rto vourseli Ive e o VONTeMIoCa/fnhmpn /emusu/eiis. $1)000 o//en/f thîs semîmar. M'i,,tun or Cosrcin Ch Mlou anan epamin Ca/i 4/e 938-5362. Y'u WrI Fia/f Out/About Crqu Desatm -Who shoui/f coîsi/fer isal estats lard wh0 s/routa no/I Çaeela'en .. ; ; . FREE Informatin 5- VON HALTON M *Royal LePage traininv, persoral /fevelopomen and sup0port Ho 0/0 / get a quick s/art *How to mm nos our income lhwuia, ilfl 1111111Y 101h, 7:30 ON OHMT CIUIIIIIYIIIf COMT 10241 E»t ui <htwo Affl Rd & lut UdMad) omtm, hi t Ssotng os fimtedS ca/t n0w/mo resero'e a oea/i Mittion 905-878-8101 nwnmUme Georgetown 905-877-8262 ROYAL LEPAGE Mississauga 905-821-3200 fNnNHN8 Campbetfoltle 905-854-8101 Medees oi5 Brampton 905-8 444 Acton 519-8534487 1 urn your t/fea /ntco a profitable business veoncure with up co ome year of coaching, rnenr.oring and workshcaps deîivered by quai/led Business Ccoaches. * E/tgibility "UBe unemptoye/f. egtble for Employmesn Insune or receive/f Employment Insuranre in the lest 3 years or S yea-s lnxat'nityfpareta cave). Specral conss//fe/attons for Persans wr/fr Disabilties may app/p. " Hase comp/ecef a Retars ta Wore Actas Plan ac an Emptoyment Assessmenr Centre " Be lega//y cantie/f to eore in Cana/fa T/te Se/ Empissyment Benefirs Programn s de/osera/f bp job S/et//s 95- 3 67. 0 1-800-20-063 RESEARCHER Sme// pratessissal SE 0e/est//e tirm seeeisg part-mme researcher. S/rang camputer ski//a (PC), research, business writing. W0e/il rgasizef, in/fepes/fent worker. $13 per haur. Fax resusse 10: 905-845-4358 or ennall: The place to sell your vehicle! Part-timie Bus Driver Position Approo. hours: 7:30 - il :30am & 2:30pm -6:30pm (Mon/faya, Fridapa, Vaca/ion & Sice t/me Coverage) Duties: " Transports clients w//tsi the Ha//os Regron /0 an/ ftrom their homes bo the Seniors Day Prograra " Ara/a/s the Escart ci/h tranoterrrng c/rex/s o /0& tram the sehîcle & /beir daur. " Conduc/o a sa/c/y c/rote chck o/ the neh/ctc on a daly basia. * Assis//ng in sa/c/y loa/f/ng & snloadling w/tee/chairs an/f wa/kera on t/te bus. Requirements: eVa/i/f claus "F" driver's ltcensc. eMinimum 2/0o3 peurs cuperience /frrsrsg a bus. *Abi/i/y to read mapa as/f p/an rou/es. *Goo/f roterpersonal an/f verbal & wvr/Ses communication ski/la. Please appty ta: Humain Resources, VON Halton. Fax (905) 827-5476 E-mai. humanresources@vonhaîî On/y Phose candida tes sel ecte ocfor an interview wril ho con/oc/oct LOn )anua1fry 19 et 6:OOpm! 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 SUcs/s evo p e & T>ring Prosperityd 01NE FINANCIAL SERVICES OFFICER IPERSONAL BANKER Prmsperr/p Ose Cre/fil union is a fuît service /rsanciai services organ/za//on servîng the communîtres o/ Mil/on, George/ses, Acton an/f Bur/rng/on. Dur current assets un/fer administration are over $140 mit/ion 00e are dedîca/e/f /0 provîdîva mur members wr/h a ft range oi financral an/f value-adde/f pro/foc/s /foiverv/f rhrough qua/îry persona[ service. We curren/ty reqaire an en/repreneur/al, dynamic, goal arien/e/f individual ta asalat sur custamersi members ta achiese their /lnanciat goals. Your demmnsrrare/f /nowie/fge of the fînanoîia services marks/p/sos is combtsef wîth s cres/ive as/f resu//s oriente/f apprvuch to business /feopment. If 000 es/vy ex/bing as a part mi s team. are capable o/ mskrsg adfvanced refait crefr/ deorsîos, are mvrrvated by heling yvur members achreve /herr rînancrai gos/s, thîs vob ru afir//vo you. Quairie/f appt/ca/ros regurre 3 peasofu Purfo/to management esperrence, an/f s sm/r/f un/fers/anfin5 o/ retari c/e/fit As active Cana/fias Secunitres ticense cou/f 0e an asset. We thank a/il cand/dates; however, on/y those tai be interviewe/f w//t be contacte,f yvu're decîsîve an/f have a passion for the business, piease app/y in confidence to Sa/bars A. DuOron SHEM Cxnsuftrsg Assvcra/es /297 Greenîsus Rms/f, Osev/i/e. L6J 6Y3 emaît:, MonIie Auterootine Test sys/en, t,,. dnc v"ý 1- - ct t exs '5 '5 ' i .i a Contraise & Automnation Engineer Lînux Devoloper nea ot e t de tom ee i -s0,eOktt a ."in h e. 1t1ett5ted 0" -the 0/. Pl"" tffltee se u/.en C-n. Oppeetuniti.e te l _ets t1.t .t qes/teseeteet end eebmlaete- eetdreee vWWW.latq.oom ffi'te ý .ven eiteouo,,aten'o.,ieree, im-. e-- 0,5'y th-e HORIBA LQ G>K WE'RE Growing! -161-i AZ DRIVERS (US RUNS) 2006 Vo/vos $.43 cents/mile Suodce/Oait lime Pap, Steady Wmrk 5//0 Mites Radfius/ Mississauga PLEASE CALI: RON /905/ 458-101 10 oearching for an: Interactive Media Manager We are contînotng /0 deoe/op ou/ internet p/ope/tes and are tooking /0 make significat n/rotes in uiizing the medium as a mesnîngfol information and pro- mo/tonal plattorm. We are seeking a business leader to champion this initiative for oso Ha/ton and Ntagaro Regions. Through interaction wr/h out dtvtotonal management coamm youtIl hetp eotablioh lang-term internet-buniness goals in keeptng wî/h oui ooeralt business otra/egy You'Il par/net wr/h ot corporate interacive medta groupa /0 buil/f e business modela that facilita/e revenue growth /hrough meaningfol informa/ronai and pro- matianal p/a/forma. Ta be succeasfs/ in Ibis role. youlIl nee o c be action orierted and pesseas atrong businesa develapmient a/eu/a wr/h the marketing savy to ident//y andf îm plemrent wînning web-busineau soiu/ions. You'Il be a prof/c/est commumîcator that caot effectieely present business ideas ta management groupo. Yasr in- depth wor/ing-knscle/fge of web-baaef pro/fucta, pragrams. techolagies and emerging trendsu ci/I befp yas make qua/i/y decîsions in a deadîrne dren envi- rasment. Vos shoot/f haoe a wo/k/Og kxowledge of Microsoft WordExoel Adobe Phatoahap, HTML, and lîlstrator as Weil aa Web technologies, protocols an/f tam/a inc/sdling. rsuar Source Sa/e, MS Protect, Viaro, Dteamweaoeo and Flash. If you coul/f like /0 wodi for a leader an /he media în/fua/ry thîs opperunity may be rîght fo/ you. We o/fer an excellent compensation and benefid package as well aa sppertooi/ies far fs/te career gtswth. If intereated please torward your reaumne, and salary espectationa, by January 20, 2005 /5: Inctude 'Interactive Media Manager' in the aubject tise of yoso email. We appreciate the intereat mf ait applîcanta hmwever on/ly /hmue se/ecled for an interview wî/l be contactef Nm phmne ca//a or agencrea plese. rnployment ni page 3. GEoHoLIDAY A& 0 )W N EAS 6 FIGURE INCOME IELPERS Arc Yoas nt1husiasttc - Prof"sonai * Oeaoadable t0 aisaribute telephone directories to Brampton, Georgetown, Milton, Orangevile, Miusissauga & Oakville. Distributors wiII starf on January t6th, 2006. The Candidates must be available during the day. For more inf, please cali 1-866-881-0490 (Ref -7904) * QuaIhiod lads - no cold calliog * Full paid Traîln Attillve eeits PART-TIME STAFF Applîcants msli. *Be able /oi wark somne evenicas -Ware wel w//h minimal supervision -Have own oehicle an/f os/i/f dosver license -Be wr/tmng to/fa deliseries - Se a quick Leamer B e oery reliable an/f responaible -Be wil//m/ot wods clasely w//h sur ysath cernier force -Have a pro/essional phone masser - e com/sorabte wr/h compuitera & office equipmen/ P/case send Your resumne and aeoallabl/fy schedule to: ChOey Babineau e-mail: cbabIneau@mi/foncanadIanchampîoncom Fax: (905) 878-4057 NO PHONE CAILS PLEASE Halton HUIS Has an immediete opening for the position of: CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATIVE Permanent Par/-Time This position repmrts /0 the Cuatomer Care Super- vîsor anf ta a permanent part-t/me pan/tiun. The boums af wmrk are Thuradaya anf Fn/fays, /f:30am - 4.30pm Il/6 houra per ceeel The aucceaufu applîcant ahsulf hase excellent cusmmer service skila, a ptsven ahii/y ta mufti- tauk in a fst-pacef, /femas/fing environment, as wel as poaseas super/ar Communication ski/la. This porson wrll POSSeaS super/ar keybsarfrsg ski/ta an/f a gss/f cat/erng ksacfedge Of Excel as/f Word. Expenence catrng os the AS400 sys/erm wsuld be cosm/eref an asuet. Please submr/ ysur de/aile fremme, in conr- dence, /0ý Janice Tennant Esecu/ise Assis/ast janice/atsnr/h/r.s Closrng Date. 4:00 EST Pr/day Jasuary 20/b, 2006. Uni/sca Ltd. ta aeeerng a de/ar/-arrentef an/f cas- scientimua person who cas mul/itask in a fast past office esoirooment spporbing the sae groupas ef- os sn the commercia, în/fustra anf monic/pal ma/ret segmenta f sur busess. This psition s ruoaef in George/sws anf ru suit- ef /0 a take-charge persos chu cas care in a team enorrosment as/f cho cas use their atrosg people ski/la msking prspecting cul/a ta be/p us- cmver as/f secure sec apecfîcaf ion apportunitîca fsr Uni/sdi prs/fuc/a, /0 up/fa/mg anf fsllscisg up on current active apccibicaiana anf s/ber actioi/iea as nee/fe frsm the se/es grsup. Those Who hase es/h espenesnce tramt a costruc- tion relatef businss sr hase a cal/e ge dipîsma frsm an Architectural,' Lan/facapng, or Engiseevirg Technmlsgy programn are preferref A saI/ Os/a- ris drisera lîcense anf c/cas drisera record ru requref UniIode s/fera competit/se cage anf beneBits pack- age. ln/erestef qualibie cas/fi/fa/es cas submit their remume wr/b cage esipectaros sn cabfience /o: 287 Armstrong Avenue George/sesl, Os/anso L7G 4X6 Fax. 905-874-3034 Attes/ras: Humas Ressorces Os/y Orose rogues/ef for as interview ivrU Be contacef prograra and icmetive plas We are Iooking bo TRAIN motivated indisiduals who cnjoy cas/orner interaction as weI as servicing vehicles. Please apply in person aI: 490 Dundas St. W. (Dundas & Neyagawa), OakviIIe ýDRIVERS /broughou/ theUIS. & re/use/wihxewtrucko No cool /ami/p me/fical Frequent f/pcr miles MusI hase AZ lcesse w/R T ex t-1111n Heipj gil i GnrHeIlj SHIPPER 1 RECEIVER OSG Cuafada aun International ea/fer /0 the In- dos/nul Cusring Tuol /xdus/ry aervrcrng the oce/fa o/sour m/fus/nul dra/ribu/ora /hroughu Cana/fa. We reguire a dynammo team pluper wr/h u/roxg communication & ro/erperooul ski//s eho ex/opa wurkîng mssa fast paced ex/opable ervîrosmen/, The ideal cuxndidate ciI posseso: * Minimum Grade /2 E/focs/ion * Abrli//y/o han/f/e beaoy lifting -Gexeral computer knmcIe/ge- Exce/Wordf *Highly uccurate *A positive attitudfe eTeara ployer This ta an ex/rp level position un/f a sur/e/f for ho/b /se cth sr cithut eperrence. We are u/fering a compctrise bout/y ru/e as/f an extesive bue/r/is package. I/pyou are /os/erng /5 /0/fl as international companry ci/h as esci/îng exorroormenî p/case mail, e-mail or delîver pour remume lu: Blake Ph/Il/ps - Customer Service Manager 05G Canada Ltd. 538 King Forest Court Burlington, Ontario 17P 5C1 blako.phîî www.osgcanada.comn Thas/e pou/toe il i/rose wbo app/y Pleaso sole that os/y fiboeisg cosi/ferof cili ho costac/ed Check out new eî opportunties o LOGISITICS COORDINATOR Lekesi/fe Logismca as an in/fuatry /ea/fing Third Pur- ty Logistica Pros/fer us/f ta aecking as sggressve, tu/ec-charge in/fier/ual ta tain dos /cam as a Logis- tica Cssrfmna/ar. The aucceustul cen/fr/ate wrIl interact ci/b be/b Cusomers & Transpertato Car- riers sn a /faily basas & ci/I idca//p base relate/f ex- periesce ix the Transportation I Trudrrng in/fustry csuple/f ci/b excellent rnterperoas sakîlla as/f computer /rteracy. La/ear/e Logits o/fors premium compensatio, besefis and pays aBtes/n o Qa/il: oftLife' for our omplaoos. Please las resumoes to: 905-338-4044 or orna/I ta Lew@akesldeLogist/

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