Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 2006, p. 28

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28-TheCaddln ChaOtpIdn, Fhiiay Januay 13,'2006 at o* 9t asFrRn igsI Meora la Mmoriam COLRTN EDE GEORGETOWN EXECUTIVE home for GEORGETOWN' >FTL T i~ iLtt EDN ENA 122 Bronte Street South, Mihon We are nom acceptng applications for. -1 bdrm Fer more intormation andlur t0 make au appointment, Piee Cai: 906-878-5375 Buitding Managers LLeonard li Penny ACTON Apertments. 1 & 2-bedroomu eue/il able Janoary & Febro- ary lust. Fnidge & store, iaundry tacilîties. Nu degs 519-853-4374. Open 7 dayu/week. Same day appreval, www.reatutar.c COUNTRY close te tomo. Large 3-bedruomr apariment with huge eet-în kîtchen. $1250.00 per menth on- ciudhrng heel and appi ances. Cable and laun- dry evaîleble. Feb. lots eccupancy. Reterences requîred. 905-854-2294 WNALK lu drmntvmn, Milton, Large t-bed- ruom apartmeit. Main tieur $800/month in- ciudîng heat/hfdru, sturage space 1905- 858-8723 2-BDRM wîlh main flvor iaundry, prîvale entrance, parking, quiet compiex. tOOOsq. $050 pet mth -n hydro. Ceil Larry @ 905-943- 9372. 2-BEDROOM apart- ment, main level. 14092 Traflgar Road, North. S900/month in- clusive. Avaîlebie Feb- muary lut. Cai 416-888- 6857 or 905-702-1656 ACTON 2-bedroom apeilment, gruund lev- el, $675/month plus. t - bedrvum, S500/month P/us utîlîlies, Cati 519- 853-5080 or 519-853- 5352 ACTON t bedroum for renl. Upper Iluor of bouse. Large deck/gau liropiace, 5900/munth ut/hutes înctuded, Avait- able Febmeary lut, 519- 853-0921. ACTION bnght 2-bed- rom epertment, apper tioor, non-smoking home, newiy decorat- ed. No dogs. Immedi- ate Possession. Credit check/reterences. $800/month plus elec- tricty. Cati 905-873- 1902 AVAILABLE immedi-- eteif. 2-bedrooem epafl- ment o main 110cr of house. Laandry ruum, C/A, tridge/store. $t275/month inclsding utiliis, 905-878-7724. BALLINAFAD large 1 bedroom basement apautment mîth maik-out in quiet country sesting. Smoking and moul ho- haved pets meicume. Nut suitabie lue chil- dren. $600/month plus 1/4 hydro. Dayu 905- 405-2235 evenîngu 905-702-9590. DOWNTOWN, Immac- ulale 2-bedruum, 4-applîanceu. Clcse lu ail emenîtîeu. $1,000/menth plus ctli- îtîeu. Febmuary lut. 416- 553-2785 FARM house, north of Acton for rani, Please caii 519-53-0764 GEORGETOWN 1 - bedroom epertment. $535/month plus heert/hydro. No pets. Aveiebie Jencery 1 Sth. Cui 905-873-3355. mure. hailonhillsren- tals.cvm vhttp://www.hahonhills-> GEORGETOWN 1- bdrm/brIghtiiarge bomt. upt./separate en- trence/seperate park- i g /lau n d r y/ n pets/smoking/close ta mall/$700/mth/utiiîies inciuded. 416-428- 3079. GEORGETOWN i- bedroemn basement, separale entrante. No smoking prefer quet singe. $600/month in- clusîve. Cui 416-891- 8752. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment, clean and quiet. Preter single et couple. No smoking/pets. February lt. Reterences. 905- 877-1209. GEORGETOWN don- tuwn 2-bedroomn apail- ment. Nemif renvated, cloue le ail amenities. $t OSOîmonlh inclusive. Avaîlabie immediateif. Cal 410 570-8912. GEORGETOWN large renvaled, brîgol 2- bedrovm, separale on- trance. lacuozi, large lot. $850/menlh iniu- sîve. Cali 410 309- 7440ý MILTON cosy 1-bdrm (tull basemenî) apt_ parking and utilities in- ciuded S075/month. 905-878-9888. MILTON. 1-bedroom apartmenl, February Iti 5870,'month Cali Jas 416-723-4801 MILTON: Large 2- bdrm/prîvate Irîplex on Miil fond/private park- îng/iarge kîtchen!ivîog ro0o0m /b a c fard/decb/BBO/5950./- mth plus hydro avaîl- able March lst. GEORGETOWN: F n- vae/main tivor 3- painled/hardwood tloors/new win- duws/iaundrf/saîei- lite/TV/backyard wîth deck/A/C/$1 1 5./mth Plus utilities. Cenrad (905)876-5581 (905)693-0780. RENTALS 2 and 3-bedroonr suites in Acton, frivole fard. starting ai $050/month. Detached bouse tor rent in Georgetown, ta- eine lot, great neîgh- bourhood. $1.800/ mvnth. Coul Elizabeth Doeil, Johnon Asso- ciates Reaoor 905-877- 5165 3-BDRM house/Open house Sat. Jan. 14 12- 3pm/Sun. ian. 15 9- l2pm, 104B FRobert St. Milton 3-BEDROOM Gor- geous 1.700 Georgetown tuo- home. Designer decor, Mission Mapie kitchen, ceramîcu. main floor tamiiy room, tînished recreation rsem, 4-piece ensuite, 5-appliances, automatic garage door. $1 .475/month plus util- ities. Avoulable immedi- ateif. Woot lest! Cati 41 6-259-6279. i-P ý i p/pi. Noin umokeru/nu pels/roler- ences/$2300/mth + ail ui/itien. lstlest by cor- titied cheque/immediete possession. Joyce Hegevik Royal LePage Meadowtomne 905- 878-8101. FOR rent Feb lst, 3- bdrm bcngalow, StSSO/mth + utilities, 3- bdrm 2 uturef $1 350/mlh + utilîties. Both are mell main- teined homes, in good neîghbourhoudu. Cati 905-878-5442. GEORGETOWN 3 plu bedroom back unOl eaîalabie Febrcary lut. $1 ,600/munth plus utîl- diec. Firut/laul and tel- erenceu. Martha Sum- mers 905-877-5165 GEORGETOWN 3- bedtuum bungalow, main Iloovi 4-appi- ancos, cable înclcded. S1,200/montb plus ulîl- rt/es. Firs/ieutreter- ences. No smok- ing/pets. Cal 905-877- 1305 or 905-873-3931 abler 6OO0pm. GEORGETOWN eo vated 3-bedruoom. large country lot, lacuzzi, ce- ramîcu, new kîtchen, bath, pienly of parking 51 .250/munIS plus (basement rertedl. Cai 416-399-7440. LOGcuage wîth tire- place 2-bedrovm plus appliances on country pruperty belmeen Erîn acd Gue/ph. 51,100/munlh, Auaîit able lut part-lime grounds keeper/handf- man/gardener. Idoal lot active retîred persons, Repiy mîlh qualifica- irons Bon 940, Erîn, Ontario NOB 110 MILTON tuf fluor ut 3- bdrm bungalow recent- ly ronovated. very clean/includes appl.!2 parking spots/basic cabie/ avaîlabie imme- diately/S1 1 0/mth utîlîtiesica/I 905-691- 1341. MILTON. 3-bedroum, brend naw large seni- detached, Firapiace, herdwood ftoors, washar, dryar, 3-car parking. Sl3S9lmonih + utilifies, Availabie FaO 1.- 905-875-008 TIMBERLEA, deteched home, 3-bedroomn , 1.5 bath, boactitul dock,, 5 appt, dosble drivemoy, garage. No smoking, nu pets, $t450/month plus utilities. Colt 416- 728-0210 MILTON 3bdm an bouse $13 0mtri. ýtt& lest, plus utîlîlies. Auaî/abie Feb. lt. Cai Dave 905-878-5444. MILTON. 4th Line/Main, 3-bedroom, 2 1/2-baîbroumu. Ftee- hoid loanhouce. 1700 sq.ft., S appliances, ir- mediate. 51400/month +utî/ities. 905-785- 1575. 1999 Ford F25OXL mdth hydrccic latilliS 125,OOOkms and cor- tîlîod Auking $9.000 obo.> Adams Reol-AI Inc. Cati 905-877-0157, 334 Gue/ph Street: Georgetoan, Ontario. 50 SOMERVILLE Rued, Actun Nom 2,700 sq.h. 4-bedroom hume on 50 toot .lot, Emat: km ac m tlien coge- tut complote do- toits iboue wilh garage. 5-appitancos, centra air. Woling diutance to oeteything. No pets/smokng. Avaitebto $1 ,250/munth plus util- Mtes. Firut/last roquired, Colt 519-833-0086. GEORGETOWN nom 3-bedroom townheuse, Hardwuod tbrougbout, lînished basement. En- suite with jecuzzi, 2 ad- ditionai baibroomu. 1,900 uq.f., 4-appli- enceu încded, Avait- abie îmmodîatey. Nu $1 ,500/munth plus ulîl- i/s. Cail 410 722- 6112. MILTON. Cenrtal coxu- ry. 3-bedruvm tomo- bouse, S epptîanceu. Available Fob icI Nu $1375/month vutîlîtîec. 905-693-9074 MILTON. Nom, enecu- huve. 3-bodruumu, 2.5 baîtoomu, garage. Avaîlabie Februery 1. St395îmonth .nttilittos. 905-855-0779 MILTON. Fient lut- nîshed ruum. Prîvate balhroom, Prîvîloges 5525/month. 905-87k- 0353 Accmmdaion MILTON. Share 1/2 ut nom home frUate liv îngtuom & balhruum A/i amenîties. No smok- îngipets. CaI 647-209- 9362ý SHARED accommoda- lion, J bedrooto bouse in country, share facil lties. S55Oîmunth plus TV2 uti/itres. Ca/i 519- 833-0671 B&Fand LOST. Maie black lah Lest seen 5th Sîde- road/Dubin Lino. Vory fiendif. 905-875-3396 EeranaiZ Oear Jeff Justea lite note to lot you ksom hum i test. fou are the mout omazing mon I bave eoer knowr. You are the tîght uf my Ide. foc lobte my breoth afa. My heart belogu lu feu nom & eover unloe fou uo compltely. Ail My lonte Lesiey xoxo ARSENEAULT: Charles li Sharilea (tee Cee) of Milton are pleased te announce the birth uf their daughter Madison Aiexis weighing Blbs., l4ozs. ai Milton District Hospitl on December 24th, 2005. Welcnmed by Big brother Zachary, Grandparents Sharon & Lee Con and Gaston & Nicole Arseneaul. Special thanks Io Dr. Wilkin- non & the nurses et MDH, especialîf Beth & Nancy fer beîng se kind. Place ourlohby's Birth Announcemet in ta. Milton Cammon Champion, and f00 aill tecetee a voucher for (cl905-878-2341 te fiant fout onOnorictnt Coîr)E v nts s o mgEv nts *Bail Hockey Birthday Parties *Beach Voileybail Team parties *Bafting Cages *Schoo Classes *Dodge Bail * Leagues *Hourly Rentais *Sports Bar COU O NTIVY FANIG5UI le 2r, MAIN 5, E_ UNIT A. MILTON y 905 b64 6évAl "OPEN HOU5E" V W1NTEF 5ES51ON 0F CLA55E5 S Frolay, Jamuary 13ch y 1100 AM -9:00 M V 5aturciay, Jarluary 14th V 1100 AM -5:00OPM conekoobe tihe c/ase"q you EhUW ike to cin upfr fr th arnoty of ampien i diroay. We carry a govd nelectiro f Scraftiril& panrte uppioîrrcudrro V -Vendcor 5pacee & rlaed P~as s enalj Find or VaIentior before tek ýy 14th Pi.t pa otna.tad for ondy $ 0.00 fo0 Bondi Att ad& ill bi bed on Tut. ýu.ty 31t. Dradlior Mon. J.anay 30th tiream 87 Maini. E. Mitn, ON. L9T-3Z3 ulnnhdiOninncnaioc.npo NEEDED aller school ýDahS cae eflu 6 & 9 year ud girs, Wilcor/Wood- mard area'Robert Bald- min f5. 905-875-1794 - . -Training and on- geing support *A reguier pafcheck FPaymenî for nialutery hoiîdays and child sick days -Some equîpmenl *Resource meteriais, cratt supplies To join us, cati: 1-866-751-9332 A- y~ MARRIS, Lii Aller e short beOloe mth cancer, on Saturdaf Jansary 7, 2006 et Royal Victoria Hospita/ in Barrie, Beioved mile ut Randy. Luvîng mother cf Cardco and be r huuband Brad Fite, and Lawronce White. Nanny ut Broanna, Romen and Nathan. Fniends miii bo rocoîred et tho J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Street, Milton (905-878-2669) un Saturdey Jan- cary 14 huom 2:00 p.m. wîth a Memoria Service te tviiow et 4.00 p.m. In lieu of Ilumeru, dona- tions to the Canadien Canner Society would ho epfrod/aied by the tamîtly. NoemtbeO 10,92 -Januaty 8,2004 Wr tbuught of yoa osit loe tocday, But that ts nothing nw We thought about yuyetrday, And days beote that toov We think of yu inusilenc, Wr oftto optat yu n amt, Nuu- ail tne hav0e montumriet, And your picturc in a fratr. Yuur mtmvrytt rnkeepsake, Withuwhich o-ll onvr pat. Ced hts vui in hit kerping, Wr have >eu in ,ur hoert Mn and Dad, Rick and Sarah, Lin/n. Laurel and Family, Remo, ise and Famty Douglas Jack Benneitt February 23, 1953 - January 14, 1996 In oving mamory oi a dear husband, father and grandfather who passed away s0 suddenly 10 years ago tl s difficuit t0 beieve thal 10 years have faut si.nce that latelul day you mere taken from us. How 1 miss four impiuh grin, your love of tamilf and Ide, your uplting spirit and nense nf humor You wli alwapa be with me In my hear. Wa misal fou. Lovingly remembered bf wiie, Joyce, Mike & Tari, Kelly & James, grandchildren: Parker, Noah, Ethan, Meanar Gracie l)iiioegainai ut1 2005 inî,ncg ,îîîr. ti a n d ibis exprunoltym Ourairire graitudeg o raluntraiendc Tht bnaîîrîfuI flotal trîbuit, getivriis donsations, lvtl:,cards and lfood trant mort ai sort mcv apprecitîd. TU ai thior mhv îvvb part in tht feanera] service ai Knox and tht rocepîvon fol- lvsnîng, weoosîrni ver tîncoro titanks. Frankt mîilI bc naily arîsoed by aIl tht poîple tir lîfe han tvuchvd. Marilyn, Roes, Tdd &Craig Thtomeon Plc Notices VinÀPubie Notices of theHALTON AGRICULTURAL SOC9 wl faike place on TURSDAYJANUARY 2,200I At 8:00pm. a At the MILTON FAIRGROUNOS m arre HOME dafoare, uniy 2 spotu avaîlabe fli/paOt lime/bol Tutrrlious meais/srackc/aîts/craît u.meek/y thomesilarge incbour/ouldoor play ar- oas. No charge for utaitury holidays, cai Tracy 905-878-1642 IN my hume. l4utritious lunches and cracks provîded. Lom ratio Wilson/Woodward uT- 0e. Cai Jeannette 905- 876-0072 STAY-AT-MOME mon hou Fuit lime cpacec avaîtabie. Police check, Hawthorno Village Ai- ea. 905-878-8185 A dînîng ron cherry- mod doub/e podeutl tabl/e, 8 chairs, buffet, holch. dovetait con- struction. New st/Illi boues. CosI $11000. Sacritice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pîilvtp Mal- trocs Set. Nom in plas- tic. Cunt $1600. seli lur 5450. 905-567-9459. BEDROOM Cherry. moud, Bed, choul. drosser, 2 nrghtstands. Dovotal Construction. Nouer oponed Coul $8,000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM Chcr Dovelal Construction. Neyer upened Coul $8,000. Sacritîce $1.900. 905-567-4042 HITACHI 43' big ucreen television. Peid $2400 lest feer. First $700 tekes it. Cai Rick 905-875-0062 HOT Tubs, tirut ome tirut uerved. Demos- streturs, ail wîth mer- renty. Great condition. 905-315-700 LARGE black mail unit/excellent condition cout $1000. eukîng $900./3 pieco bear drop uhaped end tables biack/great condition aubîng $200. 905-875- 1951 or 647-272-4205. SNOW tires/rimu trum 97 Voikumagen 195/165 R14/uued t seauvn/$250. Kemper Snowboard/uued once mîth bîndînigu/$160. 005-070 9934. SOFA & loveseat $150./6 dîning chairs, butoir $250./micromave stand $45./movd humn- ing tîropiece $100./bike $20, 905-864-6745. FM iclsWaned Wantecl- Ail China, Sul- ver, Crysta. Tee Cupu, Refui Douiton, Smerov- ski, Gieso, Jemeiiery, oid tops, colieclîbies, estates. Cali John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 JACK Russell Terrier puppies. JF1TCC Regîs- tered kerne. Frîerdy fun iovîng. Champion parents, 2 monîhu nid 905-689-6917 TOY poodie, 2nd uhols, vet checked de- mvrmnd,microchppel, regîslered. Scotlîsh Terrier, lut shots, rot checked, de-mormed, mîcrochîpped. regîs- lered. Cai 905-875- 0475. rs fr Sale 1988 Civîc DX, hetch. 177,OOOkms. Meny new parts. Peut emisuionu. $1,650 obo. Cail 905- 702-1275 erenngu, 416-340-2544 daytîme. 1993 Chrysier Intrepid 3.5L/Ocy, green, 250k, euto, power wîndowu, power lochs, excellent condition $950./OBD 905-064-6745. 2000 Mercary Grand Marquis LS, iveded, leather. 47,OOOkms. Certitîed/e-îosted. $13.200. Cal 905-873- 1902. 2002 Non 65,OOOkms, fliy ioaded. New Iront end. Excellent cendition, 1- omner, 59,500ý Cati 905-873-0864 aSter 500pm 2002 Pontiac Grafld AM. 4-door, 4-cyl_ auto, APc, fumer lochs ana mach more! Dnly 43,OOOkms, Absoluteiy pertoct! Must see! Dnif $9,950 .Andmurr Hold- ings 905-077-3839. MOVING - Must sell 1991 Mustang 5L LX/5 sPeed/nameru mod- itîcaîirnu: body kîp/sas- pension/i 7 inch Cobra R Rîmu milh brerd nom tires, etc./tBO,000/km On car, leus thet 100,000/kmr un mutur, $5500 DBO/Cal An- drew 905-693-1560.

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