Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2005, p. 4

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A4 - The Canadman Champion, Thursday, December 29, 2005 Krantz plans to mun for mayor Town's New Year 's - from LOTS on page AI fIL leiie o ml ..iiiC lo& l15' ie already under construction. such as Thompson Road between Derry Road and Louis St. Laurent Avenue. which is being widened froru two lantes to four, and there's money set aside for others. While he said the Town may be a bit behind in its road work, he noted, "For the most part, we've donc reasotîably well. Will tinming be perfect on ail? No.** Thse mayor pointed out 'orne- thing that's elqually important ta upgrading infrastructure ta accommodate growth is to recon- su'uct and mnaintain the existing î roads, sidewalks, etc... i"Sometimecs municipalities for- tie 'I i)0,1>0O1 mi lotied Inm ilexi year's budgct for sidewalk repairýs. "If you don't keep up, boy can you gel into big prob- lemus." Town Hall expansion will go ahead: Krantz He said he also suspects that the Towvn Hall expansion project will be going ahead in 2006, wbich could mean puuting on a potential 50.000-square-foot addition ta thec existing structure. -There's no question in rny mind that it' needied." he said, quickly pointing out that be's declared a confliet of interest on the issue since he lives across the ->'~'~ ~" public prelers hiavilg a "anc estop sbop" for Town services, instead of baving staff positioned in vari- ous places around town. Thse coming year will also hald a municipal election, and Mr. Krantz said he intends ta run again for the mayor seat. And although Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline announced she wan't be seeking re-election corne November, Mr. Krantz said be most likely won'î be seeking the position. "But any politician will always keep their options open," be said. Melanie Hennesse v c'on be retoched ai nmhenne.ssev @nmrihaln- canadianchania)n.cni. 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BISSA OT www a z bo y o o n to. orm Friday Dec. 300h 10 arn - 9 Pm Saturday Dec. 31sf 9.30 arn- 4 prn Sunday Jan. ist Closed Sý DtadsM e To0% By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Withi Chîristmoas îscked ncatly bchind ns. rnany residenis are niîw eagerly lîsmking tiîrward iii ibis îveekend's fesivities - ouîî morei chanrce iii pai'my bel are hunikcring diîsn for tIme winter. TIse Townsvis s uîtlring a pair of' evenîs Samuiday anid Sunday li- residenis bîmîh iics and mîld Iom hclp ring fi the ness year lîtem.îlly - i style. Himits tIse Nesw Yeait 's t-se Bell Rîngîng and fice Mayoir .îsd ('iumimil Ne\%s Year'. lXîy I c sec hase beîî Miltuon traditioîns fmor iicarly 411 years. 'l'lie biell iigiig s Ill take place Saiurday ,mî abiîsi 1l:45 p.rn. svhen resîdenîs are imsvicd Ii gailser aruuid the historic bell in Victoria Park iii frnit mft Towvn Hall, 43 Brossii Si. The belli sajl sumd ai nsîdnigbî. The celebratmîn îuttîî draws up iii 400 people. said Mayoîr Goîrd Krantz. Each ycai. sorneîîne dittereni rings the bell. This ycar the honmur gocs ta isso local veicrans iii acknîwIledgement ofl 20105 bemng the Year ai ihe Veicran. "l'ie message is even îhmîugh 200115 svas itse Year oft tIse Veicran. Icî's noi torget (iherniî mn 21106 and evcry year after." Mr. Krantz said. Alier the ccreniony resîdents are invited ioi Hu gh Imîsier Hall besîde Taswnm Hall for relresmients. l'lic bell vas placm.d alî the old 'Fiisn Hall omm Maini Street - ' tîcre the Miltoin ('Ianiber mil Consnercc msiw resides - n 1805> l'ie traditmion mft riiiging mn the nes'. y cai s% as, siaricd tsy tfurmser Champiomn pub- lîsîter Jif l)îll mis 1967. amsd has coiniiiued ever sîmîce. Senmiors looming four a New Year's 1-ve party jusi foîr ilsemi mmght vani mIo check oui the elebratimîns ai the Milton Seniors' Acivity Censtre, 5(11 Childs Dr.. which wmll start ai 7 p.m. Tickets cost $81 amsd arc avail- able by calling 1905)1875-1681. Sunday. flise 19m amsmual Nesv Year's levee will mii lrmîm 1:30 tsi 3:31 p.m. ai Miltoîn Townî Hall Victoria Park. Mr. Kranîi samd the tradition is an sld Engliss omîe adiipmed by Mmlton armînnd the lime oisIe tirsi bell m'ngmng. "C iiemîs min News Ycar's Day aseci and greet mfiii jusi tse osayor hum members oI ciiuiicil." Mr. Krantz samd. esplaining i gises hins a chansce mm Iseai what's on resi- dents' nmnds. T'Me levc is bemng put mii jmîintly by the Town amd the Milton Hîstorical Sosciety, whmch will prîssîde a unique glimpse into the iussn's pasi Iisrmmugh is ihense 'Multon's Changing Ways'. "Milîmînsý Chamsgmng Ways looks ai the changes ihat have heen happening imm Milton mn a couple of areas," said Bruce Carlin of the sociemy. Thîsse areas muclude communicaion, transportatioun -frois the buggy ta Hsvy. 401 - constructiomn, the envirasmeni and industry. TherelI be a slide show' as s'ell as dis- plays. and musical entcriaiinmeni will be prmvided by the Miltoin Ymîuîh Symnphony. "lis an inîuurmal. entcntainmng and hope- tully educaimmnal svay mmi spend a News Year's aitierno)on." Mr. Carlin said. Siî'piii T/iie'seii mmmi be i'eiiihmd al mî/îmm'.îsm'îm@ îîîîlmîîîm imnadioiii'/hiînuimii.i'oii. 2 yea .arat on ai hern as prhsd Yvon e Oi eira Speec-agae PahlgsAuilgs n 1

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