A4 -The Canadian ChampIon: lTue!;day,,Oecembe 2?0, 20ô35 -Large number of C arr 's ellection signs removed By STEPHANIE THIESSEN and MELANIE HENNESSEY 1in v hýei ii. liited I oîca ,,îî l (ie Pubîlic utîb I d iîîî i abt l l uiii l date Gary C'ar to Propose the idea ol doiîtg away witb them f'or Sioleni or mnissirîg signs is iothing new, M. ('arr said, noting id some disappeared in last yeal federal election as well. But. hie _. 114.The tearn ut Total 5kin & Body Spa T-(D- -A -L invite you to corne and relax! S in & B d y Y Il us pamper you In our frlendly atmosphere. Brinq our spouse or plan a group party. STORE HOURS ...........MON ... 10-6, TUES & WED ..9-7 , -Full Service Spa- THURS &FRI ... 9-9, SAT ...9-3 il"" Pampcr smeoke specia/ thiý Clirîsémas wdi a Spa £4t[ Certù'cate. F Many packages available to choose film Check out the specials on aur websîte www.totalskinandbodyspa.com manicure le pedicure e aromatherapy massage 0 facial tanning le hair * makeup - roups Welcome - wiMn' yYà [M i TE$SPÂe Brlng In this coupon for a chance to WIN a Spa Glft Certificate. U i No purchas. nec.ssary. Contest ends Dec 24, OS. Retal value $225.00.u Phone:_______ Email _______ W:d Mankure & Tberapeutlc Pedkure (incudes FREE paraffin wax trelabnetit to Imosturize and give relief ta arthritîs) , European Facil * alcypl Stu kmSession'e Armatheapy Balk Massage a. Shampo. & Flmlsd Style 16-- 'Lm-- .1 ý ý Mý 258h Mai St E.:w t itn e958891 w wtiskinadbdypaco li is icRi, i Decemnber about 75 per cent if' tbern were gîtue, Mr. Carr saiti, addîng they bli sîmply been bl<îwn or knocked over. Thywerc totly geine. he satd. Non'o the other candidates' vere gittie. Arcas ihat weren'i iveli lit seeni to hase GayCr sîîllcred the nîo-,i, lie said. He's asktn ay ar uIl public iii keep ait eye oui loi- attyone iak îng dowîi Iiberal sîgîts. Mabel fVlaoîît, caîtipaîgîtn forsgt i M. ('air. âdîc she saiti belteve fibis s lsappeing. -l'iis absolutely dt-.gusiiîte, lthai People NwOuld stooip so lotsý anti 'esor tO oSucl dîîly îacîicss, sIte satd. l)tttîg ais ay %vtth sigîts isoulti take aîvay the îipportuîîity foir ibeli - spare thie coitîniuntty an ey esîtie aisd, iii Hurlîngttin, înay utîttîtate sttîse extra ctists, Mi. Catrid. lIi Burlingîtit. a bylaiv ias passed priittîîg election stgns un public priipeiy witb tlie excepîti of Appleby aiîd Guelph fines andt l)undas Street, sitice tbeyr regitîtal antd proivinîcial îoads. Wlien people vitîlate the blaîx il takes tîme aîsd tbe public's ioiey iii bave iheni taken dits î. Mr. Carr saiti. Nîît puitiiig up signs is suimethîtng ail four candidates svould ineeti iii a,,ree tit, le added. But the incibeit irnay have a hard timte ctiîivîttctng Iieni tiIthe benel slltsproposai. Wlile ('tiîers aýtt-ce canididate (iarh Turner said ultiiately Mr. (arr., suggestiiî ul be a gtitid dea. lie stil ses tbe senit i li uplectuiii signs. I hink tîtey play a rîtle. palticularly sipis tit prîsate prîiperl lie satd, iitiig t 's a i lay tior iii iduals Ils sîtli i.o bthey suppot. Mr. luirner said a large îîîîîîsber tiI bis camnpaigit sigus liasve alsit Situe iiiisstng ti r beeri darnaged by the o eaîber -but istted itsý a l -atrly coiitu prîîbleîîî ii ex cry elecîtîtî. Mltîti ND ciianididate Aitît t Naqi t îîld [Fle Çbanspitts hc luest suppoirt Ille ctiticepî tIdtiti assay sit ithie sigus. 'Iitsil l %uc pet tut tu t ie people il sue limn put up signs*i he said. ttutinip sîtîce Mr. ('arr is the curret MP he bas exposure ibai file tîther parties dltt Meanwbîle, local Green Party candidate Dr. Kyle Grice said Ile lias mixed feelings about the idea. "ln une usay. t wtiuld be a sirike agaînit us. Somne people duint even kn otf utur existence," be sad. "It's iss goold foîr us in a sense that il pets our tuame oui ihere.' On the umîher baud. he said the sigus arc a "waste of mateil He poiuted utthat sînce a différent candidate ranl foir the Green Party in Halton last year tbey couilt even recycle the sîgus fibis lime around. Botb Dr. Grice and Mr. Naqvî said ibeir parties baven't noticed mauy of their signs missiug. Milton Onlin www m lion.ta Residents and guesîs are inviled la jain Mayar Krantz and represenlalîves frram the Rayai Canadian Legian Branch #136 araund the bislaric bel in Victaria Park, Dawnlawn Miian an December 31 aI 11:45 pm la greel in 2006. Enjay retresbmenls in Hugh Faster Hall adjacent la Tawn Hall, campliments af the Ramada Inn & Suites. Residenîs and guest are învited la jaîon Mayar Kranlz, Members af Caunil and the Miltan Hisoarîcal Saciety aI the New Years Day Levee an January 1, 2006 tram 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. aI the Tawn Hall, 43 Brawn Street. Tbe Ibeme far ibis year's Levee will bu "Miltan's Cbanging Ways". Enjay lîghl relresbments courtesy of the Miltan Hislarical Society. Holiday Hours Closed: December 23-30, inclusive Re-Opens: January 2, 2006 Closed: December 23-30 inclusive Closed: December 25 December 26 January 1 Closed: December 25 December 26 January 1 Re-Opens: Early Closing (1:30 pm): Early Closing (4:00 pm): January 2, 2006 Decemben 24 December 24 December 31 December 31 Milton Seniors' Activity Centre 500 Childs Dr. Closed: December 24-January 1 inclusive Re-Opens: Jasoary 2, 2006 Additional Fan any Tawn af Milton Far Fîre Service Please Cali Memarial Arena Please eall Information aperatianal service Emergencies 905-878-7946 905-878-4163 905-875-1681 ernergency during please cali 911 John Tonelli Sports Centre thîs tîme please cali 905-878-2671 905-878-7141 Mit Sparts Centre 905-875-5393 Mayor Krantz, Members of Council and the Staff would like ta take this opportunity ta, wish ail Milton resiet a holiday biessed wlth pale prospel heal and happiness and belt wlshes for the upcol year.