AWordOf Thanc &Best Wishes ~ lb Our Customer & Fiends.' Government Approved Inspection Station. Licensed Mechanic on site! THIE ULTU~IITE (N RELA~XATION Reflexology will promote a deep relaxation within the body, lw releasing stress and stimulating the hody's own natural ability to heal and restore homeostasis. The treatrnent is performed on the feet, using techniques on certain reflex areas that correspond to the différent systemns of the body. Everyone can henefit from Reflexology since it is an art of treating the whole body rather than specific disease symptoms. Once you have achieved balance, regular treatments will aid in rnaintaining the body and provide a general feeling of well heing. For more informnationi or to make an appointinent please don 't hesitate to cati. 75 Main St., Ste. 10 Milton Medical Buildings 905-878-0800 1- Cii H u s Mo .Fi 8- e . 1 2 ls e -. nay mi Heatinu "We T *May Holiday Joy: Warm Your Heart / i * And Home. l *w Thank You SFor Your 4 Patronage. i and Cooling Ltd. ike Pride Ini Our Work" 103 Simli Ami. lhI#8 à7, mIU (905) 878-4821 Serving Milton & Area for over 40 years Visit Our Showroom M-F &30-500 Se l C1I 4 îà