Champion Country, Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - A17 Region offers tips for use of new GreenC arts "j the holiday season. The one-year test ruait is happening throughout Halton and involves hundreds of Camphellvillc-area homes. sshich are having their food scraps picked up aI the curb in a GreenCart -a container that's like a recycling box wiîh a lid and handle for curbside collection. A 'Kitchen Catcher*, which is a smnall container to scrape kitchen scraps in to. bas also been provided. The Region suggests rhaî residents: * Add newspapers, tlyers, tissues andi soiled papier towels to the GreenCart to decrease the moîsture iii the cao., sshich svill reduce the possibility of pests. * Put oteal and fish waste mbt a paper bag and freeze it uîîtil collection day to minimize odour, keep the container clean, reduce flues and keep pests away. * Use paper bag liners that are designed for collection of household organics, which are available from local relailers. Cali the Region or check ouI Halton's Web site ai wss , for a complete listing of retaîlers. « Wash the Kîtcheti Catcher. sshich is dishwvasher safe. and rînse the GreenCart îîsing a mild detergeuît or sshile s inegar/%vater solution lii help rninimize odour and keep the comntainer dlean, - Sprinkle a snhall antîunt oif p<îwdered gardien lime. hakiitg sodia oir poisdered laundry detergent (nii bleach i n the GreeiîCart. whîch s ill also help ii t Iii mize odours. By collecting orgaîîic inaterial iii On-line service matches carpoolers Local residents searching for someone tii carpool svith can now emuise the Internet tii find who they're looking for. 'Me Region bas joîned in on the Smart Commute initiative -an on-line ride matching service that connects Halton res- idents who want to carpool. Smart Commute's Weh site. works f ike a searchable data- hase of classified ads. Commuters create a login and fili out information about their commute, sucb as time, origin and desti na- tion. TMen, the system automatîcally searches the database to find the closesi possible match. Comntuters cas also add various preferences, to belp tbemn find a carpool that besi matches his or ber needs. Preferences could include wbetber they can drive tir not, will or won't travel witb smokers and if they would only tike to ride witb others tif the same gender. 'Halton Region is responsible for 312 kilometres of Regional roads,- said Halton Regional Chairmas Joyce Savtîlîne. "TMis new ride matcbing programn s smnly one part oîf the Smart Coîmmute initiative and bas the potential ttî reduce single occu- pant vebicle trips within the GTA by up tii 15 per cent." The Smart Cîommute travel demand management initiative is a ctimptinen tif' Hatmn Regiîn's Transpotatioîn Master Plan that Iticuses on prîîviding Haittîn resi - dents wiîh altemnative choîces to single ticcupancy automobile Iravel. il 11,11 55lii lielît Iot cseid (lic Ilîispii ui Halion's landfill. Il's expecied addîtional bouses will be îîîilt'îaiîî hy 2(110, I Wbile Halton currently bas a landfill diversion rate oif tîver 40 per cent, it's ittnihet the Minisîiy ofI tîte Lit iitîiment bas proposed to reacb province-wide by ~.- 2008. 4 ÀMTI-Ià TE FORD Value & Trust since 1967 2006PLU FUIO9% V -Wrchas 25,99 pio4aMoniC. P'2006 Fl 50 , jq 7-- 4X2 SUPER-ti ;,FR% CREW XLT 4 Ci( V8 awto 0 C, I)w V,ý sp tý aitifil tialWl Ioýý i)Kýl 6q k0- ('-il 1110ILiXe 111MOI I p bo\ exiender daik sImdoý% -2 ïk PLUS 1.".4%nh Purchase ýhs p to 48 Monhih777L Cet a $500 holiay cash cari Wth tMO PUrChasi or leu@s et meut Un-stck 2000 moiesi, or $1 000 on F-1 50 trucks.1 Frcoporate promotion, limited time otter, see Gallinger's for details. *Price plus freight + applic taxes, nio admin tee, limited lime ofler see Gallinger's for details. aàtwFORD FODLINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON a £~5-YJ~r t- ,1 contiol pick-